Wander and Wonder

Lour finds himself in a bit of a labyritnh

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Wander and Wonder

23 Ymiden, 716
Lour came to the realization that he’d been wandering corridors of ice for what seemed like breaks, and yet the hallways seemed to continue on forever. The thought came, unbidden ’This must be what eternity tastes like,’ but it was gone, fleeting, before Lour could think about it too hard. For some reason, he wasn’t worried by this fact. It just seemed to make sense that he’d be walking around these unfamiliar halls without another person in sight. His footsteps echoed before him and behind him, bouncing off the ice, which was polished and smooth and fitted together as if it had been built that way. Frowning at the noise he was making in the otherwise pristine place, feeling that he was disturbing the slumber of some long asleep beast, Lour tried to will it away. Shockingly, it did, and at that strange occurrence Lour stopped, surprised.

Looking at his surroundings more closely, Lour noticed that the walls seemed to be glowing with an inner light, atypical especially seeing as ice didn’t usually shine that way without an obvious light source on the other side. Idly, Lour wondered if he could manipulate the walls in some way, given the talents of all his people at controlling ice. Concentrating intently, he tried to urge the walls to open up so he could see what was beyond them, but for whatever reason, they remained stubbornly closed. Indeed, at his efforts, the light dimmed somewhat, and Lour desisted, not wanting to be left in darkness.

Pulling at the reserves within him, Lour called ice into the world, carefully and cautiously forming it into the shape he wanted. Finally, a spear appeared, one of pure ice that had swirls and eddies up and down the length. Testing the weight and balance, Lour decided that it was good enough for now, when no danger threated. It was probably brittle in places, but he could always shore those up late.

Prodding at the walls with his spear proved to be ineffective as well. No matter how hard he jabbed or how fast he slashed, the ice remained untouched, unscratched, and unblemished. Not wanting to damage his own weapon, Lour gave up. The spear could double as a walking stick, which seemed appropriate for the setting and the scenario. At least all this ice would allow him to recharge his inner chill. Placing his palm on the ice, Lour drew its cold into himself, feeling replenished as he did so. However, in the middle of the process, the surface of the ice grew inexplicably hot, and Lour snatched his hand away.

Shaking his hand out, Lour watched as the ice flashed with light, brighter than even before, than dimmed back down. Shrugging with uncertainly, Lour started walking again, for lack of anything better to do. As he did, he tried to clear his mind and his head of distractions. Breathing deeply through his nose and exhaling through his mouth, Lour tried to bring peace and calm back to his mind. But he kept returning to that hot flash, and worrying about what it might represent. Lour was so busy trying not to think of that moment and just keep his mind free that he completely lost track of his surrounding or where he was going.

That is, until he smacked headfirst into a wall.

The impact was strong enough to know Lour off his feet. They flew up beneath him and he ended up slamming into the ground, hitting his head again on the way. He dropped his spear, and it fell, clattering and rolling away from him. Actual stars, or perhaps they were birds, or perhaps both, starting orbiting his head and he followed him with eyes that seemed strangely slow. Oddly, he didn’t feel much pain, the ice instead feeling good on his suddenly heavy limbs. The moment seemed to call for something, though, so Lour let out a belated ”Ow.”
word count: 664
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Rita Fenyo
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Wander and Wonder

Silence. Deafening wall of silence, her tail making little noise on the ice. Clouds drifting overhead blocking out the streaks of light which were the stars and universe above. The ice was warm, comfortably so, conveniently for the young Ithecal. Hating the cold with a passion. This was different though, the ice was glowing and with a warming welcoming appeal to it, beckoning the young woman in deeper. Following without question, deeper and deeper into the icy labyrinth. A glow of yellow caught her eye, stopping and looking. A reflection, high white feathered collar, long flowing amber coloured dress in a V up her chest and back leaving dark ebony skin exposed. Like plaited hair around her upper tail and open at the front long at the back covering her whole body. It was very fancy by anyone's standards and far too showy for an Ithecal. She smiled, liking it.

Turning and slithering onwards, where too she did not know but she was up for an explore. What bugged her most was the silence, small hum of nothing and the gentle swish of her tail. Music. Cool and clear echoing around the ice. She new the tone so well.
“I hear you buzzing, a fly on the wall“ She started gently swaying her torso to the beat of the music. The glow of the ice growing stronger as she continued down the path she was lead.
”In through the window, and up through the hall” Voice echoing around song getting stronger as she continued in her mother tongue.
“Flying in circles just trying to land. I see you hurting, I do what I can” A smile of joy eyes brightening up moving faster and with an aura of joy.

She didn’t hear the footsteps over her song.
”But I won’t save you” Neither the head hitting ice followed by a clatter of a spear and a cry of pain.
”I won’t save you” Voice growing louder bright light illuminating her, the labyrinth responding to her song. Glowing brighter and following her with light and warmth, almost as if it hadn’t heard a song in so long.
”Maybe you’re looking for someone to blame’ Ever so slightly it lead her around in a circle towards the location of the other traveler, letting her voice carry along the perfect walls.
”Fighting for air while you circle the drain” around the corner it left her upon a young man prone in the ice.
”Never be sorry for your little time” lost in the melody it took her a moment to see him, stopping in curiosity dropping her voice but not missing a beat.
“It’s not when you get there, it’s always the climb”[/i] Even in the prone state she could tell he was tall, would probably be taller than her at full height though not to the end of her tail. His skin was a curious charcoal gray, hair silver and white like snow.

So close to the end. He could wait.
“But I won’t save you. I won't save you” the last few verses were longer, holding the tone despite her lack of skill.
”I won't save you. I won't save you” working down softly as the song ended, taking care to get the last few notes correct. She looked down at him, noticed him awake. A smile, bright eyes shining in the light as the labyrinth pulsated as if in applause. Tilting her head both ways taking in this young strange humanoid. He had very little clothing and it looked like snow was clinging to his skin.
“Hello” Her voice smooth and soft, delivered with a kind and patient demeanor.
“My name is Rita” She moved cautiously closer and offered her hand to help him up, breath steady showing no fear as she looked upon him. Recognizing warrior blood the moment she saw him even if he wanted to appear unassuming. Something was telling her she was safe. Not seeing the spear of pure ice within reach of the warrior's hand.
word count: 684
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Wander and Wonder

Thoughts jumbled from his fall, Lour tried to make sense of what was going on through the fog in his mind. A voice drifted to him, a song, with words that he didn’t necessarily understand but with a mean that was clear nevertheless. Focusing on that as it grew closer and closer, Lour closed his eyes, letting the song take him on a journey where it would. Finally, the song came to a close, and Lour opened his eyes, staring straight up.

Turns out he was staring straight into the face of an unknown woman. And her skin tone proved that she wasn’t an Ellune. She had dark skin, unlike anything Lour had ever seen before in his short life. She had short, dark hair to match her skin, with a soft face, rounded jaw and barely visible cheekbones. Her mouth was a medium size. Other than the skin, her eyes were her most remarkable feature, being a golden color with slitted pupils, which confused Lour to no end.

At least, until he noticed her lower half, and then his confusion grew deeper. Her body, where she should have legs, instead turned into a tail. A substance that Lour had never seen before, an alternating pattern of green and brown covered the tail. She wasn’t that tall upright, but her tail trailed behind her for quite a distance. Lour stifled his own instinctive fear response, because although she’d appeared unexpectedly and had a completely alien appearance, she hadn’t attacked. Indeed, she was offering him a hand up.

Lour focused his sudden rush of adrenalin into projecting a calm and soothing presence to the strange woman. Sometimes, when he tried really hard, he could calm people down, as long as they weren’t too angry. Hopefully that talent would be able to keep Lour safe if she turned out to be a threat. She was garbed in a beautiful amber gown with a frill of white feathers around the collar that matched both her skin and her tail perfectly, and brought out the gold in her eyes. Lour spared a moment to wonder how it was tailored, but he had more pressing matters to attend to. At least the gown indicated that she probably wasn’t a warrior.

Hesitantly, Lour took her hand, and allowed him to be pulled upright by the surprisingly strong woman. “I thank you, Rita,” he said in halting Common. “And, hello,” he continued in the same language, picking his words carefully in the tongue he was relatively inexperienced in. “My name is Lour Ak’shai qalar-Treid.” His name was in Leni, cool and flowing like the wind over snow. He bent down to retrieve his spear, making sure to keep Rita in his vision and to move slowly so as not to startle her.

Once he had it in his hands, he felt much more secure. His head still ached slightly, but it was fading with time, and he didn’t seem to have that much trouble keeping his balance, even if he swayed on his feet slightly. He remembered her voice, raised in song, echoing to him through the icy corridors. The song itself had been unfamiliar, but the sentiments had resonated in him. “Your song, yes? Very nice.” Thinking hard, Lour dredged up the memories of the songs of his childhood. “I have a song of my own” He started to sing, softly, choosing a lullaby in his native tongue. She might not understand it, but it seemed appropriate for the setting. His voice was deep, sometimes more of a vibration than a tone on the lowest notes.
Cold winds rock the cradle
Sunlight slips away
Evening draws upon us
Tis now end of day

Child, child cry no more
The cold will hold you tight
Child, child off to bed
Time to say good night

Dark’s chill breeze is nearing
Daylight is no more
I will hold you close to me
It’s you who I adore

Child, child cry no more
I will hold you tight
Child, child off to bed
Time to say good night

Peace of eve has settled in
Today comes to close
Time to blow the candle out
Shut your eyes and try to doze

Child, child cry no more
Sleep will hold you tight
Child, child off to bed
Time to say good night
He trailed off, unsure of what she would think of the song. A flash drew his eyes away from her, and instinctively he stepped away from her, his spear coming up in a defensive position, right foot forward, left food back, the shaft held parallel to the ground. The walls were brightening and dimming erratically, the air heating up and cooling in waves as well, almost as if whatever possessed it wasn’t sure what to make of the duo. “I don’t like this,” he muttered, just loud enough for Rita to hear him. He didn’t know how he could fight ice itself, if it chose to betray him.
word count: 845
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Rita Fenyo
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Wander and Wonder

She smiled happily as the man took her hand, lifting him off of the floor. A feeling of calm rushing over her, not that she had reason to be anything but. He introduced himself, common tongue broken and uncomfortable to him yet understandable.
“Lour, nice name” He bent down, keeping her in sight as he reached for his spear. It seemed as if it was made from pure ice. Rita wasn’t worried, he meant her no harm and was somewhat aware that it didn’t matter if he did slay her.
”Your song, yes? Very nice” Blood rushing to her cheeks, smiling brightly and thanking him. He started to sing, bright eyed she slowly swayed to his song, more of a hum to her understanding but it was delivered with emotion and feeling of any song.It was a soft melody, perhaps a luliby if she had to guess.

The end trailed off slightly, evidently he was a little shy about her reaction.
“That was amazing thank you” There was a flash of movement to Lour’s flank. Rita finding her stave where she expected it to be. Both taking a defensive stance against the unknown, the labyrinth seemed to be excited at this new development. Walls brightening and dimming erratically with waves of warmth and cool respectively.
”I don’t like this” Just loud enough for her to hear. Silence, voice echoing around the labyrinth, lights dimming to a low glow. Visibility hindered to a few meters. Cold blanketing them both, Rita pulling her dress close, breath visible in the chill. Echoing down the hall came the scuttling of something against the ice. Then it was behind them, Rita turning keeping her pose. Noise growing louder and louder Echoing all around them making it impossible to pick the direction.
“It wants to be entertained. We should get moving, try not to let whatever it is corner us.

Something big emerged from the shadows, she shoved Lour to the floor. Falling flat as something darts overhead. A scream of pain, shirt cut open and a line of blood below her breast. She swore and picked herself up, grabbing Lour and pulling him .
“Run, run!” It stung like cuss, almost as if it was constantly being burned by ice. The cold entrapping the pair slowing Rita down. There for Lour to see was a lumbering crab like creature. Shell the colour of ice and snow, large deadly blade pincers and a strange looking arm. From this arm it fired darts at the pair narrowly missing. The labyrinth clapped excited at this development.
word count: 432
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Wander and Wonder

The weird woman smiled and lifted him up and Lour immediately felt some of the tension he’d been carrying ease. She had a pretty smile, although Lour blushed at the thought. It was an improper one for Lour to be having about any female, especially one who wasn’t even the same species as him. In fact, that bothered him quite a bit. He’d never been outside Treidhart and while he loved stories of the outside world, he’d never actually seen it. “What are you?” Lour didn’t know where he was, what she was, or what they were doing, but learning more never hurt anyone.

She didn’t seem bothered by his weapon, which was odd. Lour, when he finally straightened up, towered over her, which was also odd. While her species might have some defensive mechanism Lour didn’t know about, unless she was significantly stronger than she looked, he could probably hurt her badly. Not that he ever would. Just the thought of harming someone who meant no harm to him or those under his protection filled him with nausea.

At her compliment Lour shrugged. “It’s just my name.” However, that seemed ungrateful, and Lour carefully responded, “Rita is also pretty. Nice name, I mean.” Then, at his compliment, she blushed, though Lour was careful not to note it. Seems that both he and Rita were easily embarrassed.

Rita seemed to enjoy his lullaby, which Lour appreciated, but it seemed only appropriate to give her a song in return for her melody. At least, that was the Ellune way: to give back and to make sure that what went around, came around. His people firmly believed in helping others before themselves and while it could get tiresome occasionally, it did foster strong bonds among his people. Despite that, Lour was slowly beginning to realize that under the idyllic surface, tensions boiled among the Ellune, especially when it came to the military.

He couldn’t follow that thought for long because it seemed that the icy corridors were growing angry. Even though both Rita and Lour had contributed a song to these empty halls, whatever being inhabited them clearly demanded more entertainment. While the cold wind didn’t bother Lour – in fact, it invigorated him—he agreed with Rita. “Me neither. Keep watch. Stay alert.” He wished he knew what they were facing. Lour also wished that he knew more Common so that he could more clearly communicate with Rita.

Scuttling sounds echoed towards them but since the sound was bouncing off of all the walls, Lour had a hard time pinpointing exactly where it originated. He started to move to put his back to Rita’s, in order to cover both ends of the hall. However, in the middle of the maneuver, Rita shoved him to the ground. Despite her efforts, a line of pain sliced down his leg. However, far more concerning to Lour was Rita’s scream of pain.

Anger filled him, chilling his blood. He bounced off the floor and rolled to his feet, the movement ungraceful but accomplishing the goal of putting some distance between Lour and the creature and getting him upright. When he finally turned to face the attacker, he had to fight his instinctive response to flee. The darkness and the cold had spat out a monstrosity. The monster had large claws, and one of its arms terminated in something that appeared to be spitting out darts.

Rita urged him to run, but Lour dug in his heels. Time had slowed down, as it often did during a battle. Lour heard himself pointing out, “If we run it will just take us down from afar,” but his mind was elsewhere, trying to calculate the possibilities. “You go. I’ll hold it off.” After all, this is what he was trained to do. It was what he’d been trying to do his whole life

He brought his spear up in a defensive stance, right foot in front, left leg behind, the shaft and point extended straight out in front of him to get the maximum distance. Let the creature charge him, if it dared. Using the sharp end of the spear to focus his energies, Lour called up ice from within and threw it at the crab-like enemy.

He had been aiming for the eyes, trying to blind it, but it threw up one of its claws to defend itself, moving towards him cautiously all the while. Lour shifted targets, to the arm that had produced the darts. His goal was to plug it, in order to make it close with him. If he concentrated just right, he thought he could accomplish it. Indeed, this time his attack was on point, and while Lour didn’t know if it would stop the darts, the arm was now coated in as thick a layer of ice as he could produce.

Next, Lour directed his Nilas downwards. He knew that something that large had to be precariously balanced, and he wanted to make the approach as treacherous as possible. However, he’d forgotten about the variable temperatures. Without any warning, the walls flared, and heat like a hammer hit him. He staggered back and suddenly found that he was unable to call up any more ice. However, his spear still worked and he planted his feet as firmly as he could, awaiting the charge.
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Wander and Wonder

”What are you?” She smiled at his curiosity.
“I am an Ithecal” it was a very mysterious place. A thought crossed her mind that this person could easily easily hurt her if he wanted to, very badly. However he acted in kind and seamed to want to protect her. Then he began his lullaby soothing her. She was curious to ask him some questions in return, however she didn’t have time to ask before the creature attacked.

Well he’s not following so guess we stand our ground Rita turned seeing Lour stand defiant against the massive creature, telling her to flee whilst she ran off. It was brave, stupid but brave. There was no doubt that he was a warrior, standing there with only a spear in a defensive posture waiting for the creature to charge. A charge of power seemed to flow through his spear as he projected a dart of ice back at the creature. An attempt to blind the creature, blocked by its massive claws. The stave was probably not the best weapon against such a large creature dropping the stave into the ether, hands closing around something more secure.

Another blast of the strange energy from his spear, forming ice around the creatures shooter. Using his energy to block it. The labyrinth was excited by this development. The strong warrior summoning ice to his advantage, weighting the creature off balance. It ‘clapped’ at his efforts thoroughly entertained, but it existed with a greed. The temperature rose sharply, buffeting both of them. It threw Lour off balance, weakening his powers. Melting the ice around the creature. It rose with anger.
And what you’re just going to stand their with a burst of speed she overcame her pain. Sliding in front of the man shield up, three darts sinking into the wood. Mace ready in her main hand, weapons she hadn't used in years yet somewhere in the back of her mind were ingrained the hours she had put into the weapon. Something natural about the shield to the Ithecal, a strong defense.

The two planted themselves against the massive creature, Lour with his spear, Rita with her shield and mace. It screamed at them, a high pitched shriek that ran through the body like scraping rocks but worse. The ground shaking, desperately trying to hold their ground. The massive creature charged.
Use your whole arm and shoulder, Rita, or you’ll break your arm or worse your wrist. she shifted her shield up into the proper position. The giant claw slamming into her with full force, unable to do much against it as it slammed her off her tail and into Lour. Dazed and confused she only just managed to jam her shield in its claw as the creature went to cut her in half.

Her dress was ruined. With a burst of rage she started bludgeoning the creature's claw.
“You stupid, overgrown, lobster, I really, liked, this, dress!’ Hitting it over and over until she heard the satisfying shatter of its shell. With another screech of anger and pain it flicked her off to the side, it only got her in the air a little and she slid the rest of the way till she gently stopped against the wall. She smiled, whilst doing little to harm the beast she had left it open for Lour to attack. Raising her shield as it fired all of it’s darts into her. A scream as it pinned her arm into the wall. The creature growled almost as it realised the snake girl was still alive. She laughed at the creature, or in pain she wasn’t sure.
“Lour all yours” The creatures eyes widened as it looked for the other intruder. Rita working on getting her arm free whilst the two fought.
word count: 640
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Wander and Wonder

His attacks had met with mixed success. Instead of completely disabling the creature, it seemed that Lour had merely annoyed or perhaps enraged it. It was worrisome that not only was the monster resisting his strongest ability, but also the very environment seemed to be turning against him. As the heat pounded at him, Lour gritted his teeth. “I will not allow some idiotic wind defeat me,” he groaned out in Leni.

While the wind left him, seeming pleased somehow, Lour still had a few trick up his sleeve. The assault had weakened him but it had stupidly left his spear untouched. While Nilas was all well and good, it hadn’t seemed to faze the creature anyway, and Lour could and would function without it. Regaining his footing, Lour saw Rita slide in front of him. Her quarterstaff had disappeared to be replaced with a shield and a mace.

“Stupid, idiot woman…” he muttered in Common. While he wasn’t afraid to lay down his life in defense of another, he was unwilling to let a civilian sacrifice herself in the same way. Still, the shield was a better defense than the spear he was carrying. Taking up position on her main hand, the one, which held the mace, Lour readied his spear. They tried to practice this very maneuver with his Tri, where one person would be in front with the shield, then someone behind them with a spear, and finally a ranger in the very back. The idea was that the ranger would take what shots they could, and the spearman would also try and fill in any holes in the defenses. The person in front could fall back and the spearman would take up the front man position. Of course, that required practice and experience, none of which Lour currently possessed.

Still, he figured it was better than nothing. As Rita lifted her arm up to catch the falling claw, Lour tried not to wince in sympathy. It should be him in front, taking these strikes. However, he was stuck where he was now. Instead of worrying about it, he tried to enter into that state which pushed his emotions aside and allowed him to calculate the best outcome. It was nearly impossible, however. Maybe if it had been him at risk it would be different but he couldn’t help being anxious about Rita.

Still, that didn’t stop him from darting forward and trying to skewer the joint where the claw was attached to the main body. However, his spear point skidded off what was apparently armored skin. The monster bellowed and chittered in rage instead of agony. The creature’s blow, unfortunately, knocked Rita backwards into Lour and he stumbled and fell. Rita managed to keep her shield in place, and Lour instinctively rolled away to avoid either getting hit by the enemy or getting in her way.

Springing to his feet, he saw Rita scream at the beast and smash it enough times to crack its main claw. In response, it swatted her away, and he watched in horror as it shot darts at her, his ice plug apparently having melted from the exertion at some point. Or maybe the wind had heated it up as it had heated up Lour. Regardless, it was still clearly dangerous even with one of its claws out of commission. Rita defended herself as best she could but Lour couldn’t do anything for her right now.

He’d noticed something, though. The monster had raised itself up to its full height as it turned to fire at Rita. Unlike the rest of its body, underneath it was unarmored. The skin there looked soft and entirely unprotected. Lour swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. He had a crazy idea, one that would probably end up with him dead. Still, drastic times called for drastic measures.

Summoning the last bit of ice from within himself, he coated the area below the monster with as slippery an ice as he could muster. Then, without thinking to hard about what he was about to do, he threw himself into a sprint, as fast as he could manage. When he was close enough, he threw himself in a twisting motion so that he landed on his back on the ice. It hurt, a lot, and he was sure his shoulder was bruised, but he didn’t let that distract him. He placed his spear straight up and slid, noting with some satisfaction that this time his blade sliced through the skin with only a bit of resistance.

The monster screamed, long and hard, and although Lour was traveling with some speed, it fell faster than he could get out from under it. As it slammed onto his lower legs, he felt something crack followed by a wave of pain. The creature’s thrashing didn’t help, and Lour couldn’t seem to focus through the waves of agony traveling from his leg.
word count: 830
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Rita Fenyo
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Wander and Wonder

There was a lot of blood, too much blood. With a cry of pain she got the pin free. Almost passing out from the pain as it bombarded her. Pounding in her ears, the sound of fighting seemed so distant. Through reddened vision she looked up to see Lour slide under the beast, splitting its weak underbelly. However he was too slow and with a sickening thud it collapsed on him. There was no movement from either the beast or her friend. Dragging herself along, leaving a trail of her blood. A slight rustling noise not unlike wind through leaves. The Crab creature turning to dust and floating away into the wind. Lour unmoving on the ground, his legs badly broken. Painfully, slowly she crawled towards him. Running out of energy and collapsing on his chest. This was the end for both of them.

The labyrinth was satisfied happy, the pair had done well. Vibrating around the walls echoing off the cavernous ceiling above came a low humming sound distant at first but slow and relaxing as it grew in energy. Rita rolled off looking upwards as the ceiling became illuminated in a soft blue glow, highlighted with secs of gold. The smell of cherry blossoms and spring air. Petals floating down from above to blanket the pair. The pain easing off, looking at her arm as the bone rejoined, muscle and vein stitching back together and finally the skin sealing it all away without a mark. Colour coming back to her, feeling less and less dizzy. Dress being fixed as the fell upon her. Looking over to Lour, his legs being mended by the strange force, Colour returning to his face.
“Lour? “ He stirred ever so slightly, looking over she noticed the walls throbbing with light, indicating to follow.
“ I think it want’s us to keep moving” Slowly she lifted herself up offering her hand to the man. Focused on where the labyrinth was taking them.

Slithering onwards, down winding corridors following the gentle hum of the light in the walls the air getting warmer and slowly the ice changed into soft grass, more comfortable on the young IIthecals tail the walls being replaced with impassable foliage.
“Where are we now?” Looking around, scanning up and to the sides. “You take my shield. You’d be better with it than me. Hopefully we can be free of this place soon” Continuing deeper and deeper wherever it was leading them.
“I don’t actually know what you? Why not tell me about yourself then Lour?” Soon the labyrinth stopped leading them. In front of them was an impending wall of hedges up past the clouds. The choice of three entrances curving off quickly to hide the dangers that lay in wait for the travelers. Rita stood quietly watching, taking it in.
word count: 472
"Ithecal" Thoughts
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