Gray just smirked as Sabine followed him through the door after having yelled at him for giving her orders. Some day's he just lost all hope of ever understanding the woman. Taking the offered candle from her, Gray nodded. "I know the smugglers took the assassins to Rharne from here. We're looking for anything that might show who they were working for in Rharne." Gray answered as he moved off into the living room his eyes scanning the dusty furniture. "If you find anything collect it and we'll take a look at it together after we've searched the whole house."
After that, the two went their separate ways. Gray headed into the kitchen area while Sabine made her way upstairs. Beginning there Gray started looking through the cabinets and cupboards that lined the room, each was empty. Nothing sat atop the counters or the dining room table save the dust that had accumulated during the houses time of neglect.
Giving up on the kitchen Gray made his way back to the sitting room they had left only minutes before. With a quick glance around the room he could easily tell there was nothing to be found here either. A few cushioned couches, a fire place, and a few side tables were all that filled this room. With a sigh Gray placed his candle on the fireplace's mantle before going to take a seat on one of the couches.
While he waited for Sabine to join him again Gray's mind began to wander. What was he going to do now that she knew who he was. Could he trust her to keep his secret. Could he continue to ask her to aide him on this path. He didn't know what waited for him the closer he got to the truth, could he expect her to follow him blindly when he himself was blind.
In the mild of his musings a small glint of light caught his eye from beneath on of the floorboards. His focus coming back to the room, Gray took a close look. There was something there, a coin of some sort it seemed. Pulling out one of his throwing knives Gray pried the board up and pulled the object into the light. Just as he was about to study it he heard Sabine's feet coming down the stairs.
After that, the two went their separate ways. Gray headed into the kitchen area while Sabine made her way upstairs. Beginning there Gray started looking through the cabinets and cupboards that lined the room, each was empty. Nothing sat atop the counters or the dining room table save the dust that had accumulated during the houses time of neglect.
Giving up on the kitchen Gray made his way back to the sitting room they had left only minutes before. With a quick glance around the room he could easily tell there was nothing to be found here either. A few cushioned couches, a fire place, and a few side tables were all that filled this room. With a sigh Gray placed his candle on the fireplace's mantle before going to take a seat on one of the couches.
While he waited for Sabine to join him again Gray's mind began to wander. What was he going to do now that she knew who he was. Could he trust her to keep his secret. Could he continue to ask her to aide him on this path. He didn't know what waited for him the closer he got to the truth, could he expect her to follow him blindly when he himself was blind.
In the mild of his musings a small glint of light caught his eye from beneath on of the floorboards. His focus coming back to the room, Gray took a close look. There was something there, a coin of some sort it seemed. Pulling out one of his throwing knives Gray pried the board up and pulled the object into the light. Just as he was about to study it he heard Sabine's feet coming down the stairs.