32nd Ymiden 716
Elyna wasn’t entirely sure when each trial ended anymore and the next one began. The Skyrider felt as though she was floating, endlessly in a cloudless sky. Lifted with happiness she and Malcolm continued their lives as they had before the wedding itself, and were content. At least, it was how she felt. Deep down bliss and sweetness. Perhaps it was driven by the desperate desire to spend their time together wisely, but it was a desire she refused to acknowledge. Simply, she was in love and the world was brighter for it. There was something soft and safe in the sensation of being wrapped up in the Mortalborns arms. His fingers spread over the taught skin of her belly. As though nothing would stop him from seeing it swell in the coming trials and seasons, as though nothing in the whole of Idalos could prevent him from knowing their child. A new family, the dream was almost tangible. Elyna could taste it, as she lay, curled up against his chest. The steady beat of his heart at her back and breath easing over her neck. Let him sleep, a small voice whispered, but time was precious.
Morning moved on and Elyna slipped from the bed they shared, bathed and dressed. She hummed quietly to herself as she filled the vase with fresh flowers, stoked the fire for tea and pulled water for the horses. The grass was soft and lush beneath her bare feet and she’d pulled on the light cotton dress, because the season was advancing, no matter how much she wanted to slow it down, and it was warm.
Hopeful that Malcolm would wake in his own time, the woman smiled at the postmaster as he approached.
“Good day, My Lady,” he nodded politely and handed her a small collection of letters.
“Good morning,” her smile was still shy towards strangers and she accepted the bundle, curious “thank you.”
He left, with a backwards look at the barefoot beauty stood at the edge of the land Mal had found for their home.
The woman cast an eye over the long grass, in a day or two she’d tether one or two of the horses to the outside railing and let them munch the best part of the meadow down. It was that or get a goat, or a sheep to keep the grasses trimmed. Half-lost in plans she flicked through the first letter, a list of instructions from her commander. She was needed for a flight on the 35th, rest leave or no. Elyna hesitated in her steps and looked up at the clear sky. Malcolm had suggested she didn’t ride for much longer, what about flying?
Nose wrinkled she tucked the missive at the back of the pile and opened the second note that was addressed to her. Her frown increased as she noticed that it was dated on the back, for the 42nd. Tracing her thumb over the wax seal, her heart flickered. It looked official, whatever it was. Twice more she checked that it is definitely her name on the front of the letter before she broke the seal and unfolded the parchment.
Eyes skipped to the bottom of the page and narrowed on Malcolm’s signature. Dread building in her belly she forced herself to return to the top. Struggling with the words it took a concentrated effort to discern what she was reading, Malcolms’ will. Despite her limited grasp of written legal language, even she could make out what he’d done and her face drained of colour. Motionless she forced herself to count to ten, and then ten again. Pink spots of pink rose in her cheeks and she tried counting to ten again, failed and stamped back into the house, door swinging shut to slam behind her.
Before she could return to the bedroom she turned as though to go back out again, hesitated and turned around once more, spinning in circles. She hadn’t felt like this in so many trials now, it was strange to feel the sensation of utter disbelief threatening to rise up and overwhelm all sense. The young woman scanned the letter again, and it didn’t improve. She folded it up and set it down on the table. What on Idalos was she going to say? How could she convince him that this was insanity?
The pot bubbled on the stove and she cursed, crossing to it. With the cloth in hand she picked up the cauldron and spun, in time for the metal to swing out and tip, boiling water flooding over the wooden floor.
"Immortals damn it!" Elyna did what any sane, sensible person would do and jumped up, onto the chair, cauldron in one hand, balacing with the other as the scalding water hissed over the floor where she'd been standing. A small spot landed on the bridge of her foot and she grimaced, biting down hard on her lip to stop from crying out.
"D-damn, damn damn it!" She pressed her other foot over the burn and tried not to move, afraid that any wrong action could send her tumbling back off the chair and to stand in the hot water once more.
"Don't come out!" she called, the water was unlikely to reach the bedroom door, but she didn't exactly want Malcolm to rush out and into scalding water either. With a sigh she set the put down on the table, only to snatch it up again when the wood started to hiss. Had that circle always been there? She stared at the mark and groaned. Surely the day had to get better?