Name: Noth
Age: 22
Race: Mixed (Avriel/Human)
Date of Birth: 97 Ashan, 695
Marks: None
Factions Joined: Al'Angyryl
Languages Spoken: Fluent Common, Broken Lorien, Conversational Ith'Ession.
Partners: Nightshade Eld (Romantic), Neronin (Faction/Most Trusted Ally)
Noth stands at a height of 5'8. He is covered in a multitude of feathers which gently lay upon his skin, and conceal it from sight. If one were to peel away the feathers they would find a light bluish tint to his flesh. His eyes are the color of burning embers, and they glare with the same fiery expression, as if though seeking to engulf everything he sees in flame. The eyes couple well with his general expression of distaste. The hybrid walks with a confident air about him as if though he cannot be touched by anything nearby, and he generally refrains from making contact with his surroundings if at all possible. It is difficult to discern exactly what his body type is through the feathers, but if one watches for long enough they will note that he is of a fit and athletic build. One of the most discernible features of Noth is the complete absence of a left wing where it would otherwise be present in a full-blooded Avriel. His right wing seems to function perfectly, providing a strange counterbalance to the missing left.
One abdominal scar wound crossing horizontally. The feathers in this area do not grow as well, and thus the scarring is somewhat easier to detect. There is another light scar on the opposite side reminiscent of the raking claws of a beast,
though it is far lighter.
Saun 40: Large stab to the thigh - If treated by a competent surgeon or doctor, will heal fully in 90 trials. At Expert, 60 trials. At Master, 45 trials. If treated by a novice, 150 trials and a high risk of infection. However, Meraki managed to Shadowbound with Noth, and stuffed his shadow in the wound, stopping the bleeding to allow him to get to a doctor within 1 trial of receiving the wound.
Noth is a visibly hateful person. There is little that does not receive at least a semblance of his anger, and it is found to be most heavily directed towards the Immortals whom he curses for stealing away both his blood right to a complete set of wings, and for allowing a series of unfortunate events to occur in his life. He is also prideful to an extent common in Avriel, and clearly sees himself above the rabble; including the winged species themselves. He is ambitious, and seeks longingly for power with which he might establish new order, and prevent the same things that happened to him from occurring to others. In that at least, he is faintly generous. He is however young, and fairly inexperienced except with suffering. He is lost in what he needs to do in order to accomplish his goals, and has trouble even determining what they are from one moment to the next. Despite that apparent inability to choose, he is meticulous in his planning, and accounts for any detail that might derail his intentions. He is distrustful, and himself deceptive, willing to lie and deceive simply to make things simpler for himself. His hybrid blood enables him to think for extended periods of time; a trait uncommon in pure Avriel. In short, he is intelligent, but vile.
Noth's story is one of an agony so intense that it shapes the remainder of his life. It begins with the desires of a young female Avriel who he never has the chance to meet. She was youthful, and vibrant, filled with energy, and had only just return from the adolescent purging that all of her species partake in to rid themselves of their basest qualities. To an extent, that journey had been successful for the young female, but as it turned out, it had not been a complete purge.
One day, as she was spying upon the slaves that worked harshly around Athart, she took notice of a particular slave. He was strong, and mighty, and she soon became infatuated with him as she watched. Using the available funds of her family who had provided for her until she could support herself, she purchased the slave from his master. Her family were aggravated with her for her rash behavior, but were unable to refund the slave, and therefore decided to put him to work. The young Avriel enjoyed watching him closely, but she kept her feelings hidden away from the rest of her family, well aware that they would not approve.
She would watch the slave for another year before finally making her move. She stalked into his slave quarters in the darkness, and awaited his arrival. When he finally arrived, she confessed her desire for him, and the slave reluctantly consented, unsure of what other choices he had in the matter. If he refused then she would no doubt call upon the family, and report that he had disobeyed a nondescript order, and he would surely be punished.
The union between them soon sprouted into an active arrangement, and she would creep into his quarters many times to engage in the same amoral activity. The result of their nightly escapades soon revealed itself in a forbidden pregnancy with the inferior. It came as a shock to the young Avriel, and she scrambled to conceal the fruits of her labor, succeeding in hiding any changes to her body as the young offspring grew within her womb. The slave was informed of the arrangement, and was vowed to secrecy on the threat of forcibly ripping the tongue from his mouth.
Several months passed, and eventually the inevitable birth occurred, hidden away in secret and shadow. The new mother gazed upon the infernal child that she had brought into the world, and noticed that it had only a single wing upon it's back. She felt it's soft feathers, and clutched it close to herself, and soon grew to genuinely care for the deformed life as many mothers do. The realization came that she could not keep the young one within Athart, and she scrambled to depart from the city in the middle of the night.
Her flight out of the slave hub was noted by a pair of Shadow Wings, and they pursued the frightened mother into the jungle. They made their presence known, and harassed her to land. She consented, still holding the worried child, but covering up it's imperfection with a thin sheet of cloth. The nocturnal guards questioned why she was leaving in such a hurry, and why she appeared so worried, though the questions were moot as they already had their suspicions. Her attempts to deceive them were without practice, and she attempted to dismiss them from her presence.
One lunged forth, grappling the child away from it's mother, and gazing upon it's form. They accused her of having fostered a mixed breed child, and expressed their disgust. The two saw that they were alone with the pair, and decided to enact justice in their own way. They both drew weapons, and the first placed the child onto the ground, preparing to cleave it in twine for the crime of having been born. The mother hurled herself protectively over the creature, and was promptly stricken with the blades, and a moment later she expired.
The child screamed, and cried it's awful noise, and the first of the Wings prepared to dispense with their 'justice'. There was a loud thud, a harsh whistle, and another dull thud as a crossbow bolt pierced the heart of the Avriel. His ally recoiled in shock, and shot upwards into the air where he thought he was hidden from the unseen assailant. His blade glinted in the moonlight, and in another moment a secondary thud sent him spiraling to the ground. An aged man stepped forth from the shadows, searching around for any sign of other Avriel. His ears perked up at the sound of crying, and he approached the orphaned child, scooping it into his arms, and casting a final glance at it's deceased mother before departing from the bloodied place.
The older man's name was Nicholas, and he brought the child with him to his farmhouse near Etzos. He lived alone in his home, and raised a small herd of sheep. Nicholas had once sired a family, but they had since moved away to pursue their own interests, and follow the death of his wife, he found himself alone. His adoption of the newborn brought him out of his loneliness, and he soon grew to adore the young baby. It was given the name Noth, and he raised it as he had his previous children, teaching him how to walk, and raising him in basic understandings of language, and mathematics.
Noth was adventurous, and highly inquisitive, and the pair would spend long periods of time outside gazing upon the stars sprinkled throughout the skies, and caring for the gentle sheep that resided near the farmhouse. As he grew, the hybrid's feathers became thicker, and grew a darker shade. Noth knew that he was different from Nicholas, and he asked questions about the various races on a daily basis, attempting to understand why he was different from the person he considered to be his father. Eventually, Nicholas relented, and discussed his discovery of the young Noth, answering many of the curious child's questions.
He could see it in his eyes when they watched the stars that the boy longed to soar through the air, but his inherited disability meant that he was unable, and Nicholas tried his best to distract the youth from his fantasies. They lived together for many Arcs, and in that time the elderly man grew aware of the various aspects of the Avriel. He read many stories, and other bound volumes about them, and how they were raised, and discovered in his research that they would become irresponsibly violent, and animalistic once they reached adolescence.
He knew that if he was going to keep Noth safe throughout that developmental period, he would need a plan. He used the wealth that he had accumulated throughout his lifetime, and constructed a second story to his farmhouse consisting of a single large room, and a smaller room attached to it's side to serve as a restroom. Nicholas furnished the new construction with tables, and chairs, and a comfortable bed, and put viewing ports alongside the walls to allow for an unobstructed view of the outdoors, and Etzos.
Noth began to display the signs of his adolescence, and became increasingly primal in his interactions. Nicholas was disheartened by the task ahead, but he realized that it was the only way he could personally preserve the Avriel's life. He slaughtered one of his lambs, and cooked it's meat to create a delicious odor. Noth was drawn to the promise of dinner, and returned to the farmhouse from his outside explorations, finding the meal placed upon the bed of the upstairs room. He feasted hungrily upon the meal, and soon found himself growing tired. With a gentle bed located nearby, he decided immediately to sleep, and soon slipped into unconsciousness. Nicholas waited for many bits until he had determined that his adopted son had fallen into a deep rest, and crept up the stairs. He attached a long chain to the foot of the unconscious hybrid, and placed the other end against a hook located in the wall.
Noth awoke the next morning to find himself entrapped within the structure, and he shrieked for his father to assist him. Nicholas explained reluctantly that he was aware of the mental changes that would occur, and gave an indepth explanation for his actions. Noth felt betrayed, but decided to trust in the direction of Nicholas, believing that it was unlikely he would lose his faculties.
Seasons passed, and gradually the black feathered humanoid slipped into a state of primal emotions, and became like the beasts that roamed the lands. Nicholas awoke every morning, and fed his captive child with the best meals that he could find, taken from the best of his livestock. He also read to Noth each trial, ranging in subjects from educational, to works of fiction, and even told stories of his youth, and the tales of adventurous figures. This continued for many Arcs, and Nicholas began to long for the days when he would roam the fields with Noth, and gaze upon the stars. When the trial eventually came that Noth began to regain his sensibilities, he rejoiced, and immediately found himself happier.
The hybrid began to respond to the questions with coherent thoughts, and it seemed that all of his awful behavior had been purged from his system. Nicholas was not a fool, and so he waited several more trials, but he desperately missed the being he considered his child, and soon he found himself stepping up the steps once more, and releasing the Avriel from his captivity. Everything seemed as if though it would return to normal once more, and Nicholas moved to embrace Noth.
Noth responded with a shriek of aggravated rage, having pent it up for Arc upon Arc, and finally his opportunity had come to release it upon the being that had made him an object. He flung himself at the elderly man, and the blow struck him with such force that it sent him tumbling down the stairs. The anger disappeared as quickly as it had come, though the negative emotions had not fully vanished from his heart.
He rushed down the steps to assist Nicholas, but as he reached the bottom he discovered that the worst had occurred. In his rage, he had thrown the elderly man down the steps, and his brittle bones had snapped from the impact. He lay still, and his heart stopped only a bit later. Noth couldn't comprehend the events that had just occurred, and spent a long while simply nudging the corpse of his 'father', attempting to rouse him from his eternal sleep. He apologized for what he had done, and even shouted out to the Immortals above to help him in his time of need, but none heeded his call.
He was filled once more with rage, and confusion, and ravaged the farmhouse, allowing his emotions to carry him. Windows were shattered, and tables were broken in twain. When he had grown tired, he returned to his 'father' and moved him into his bed, resting in a chair nearby in the event that he suddenly awoke, but when dawn came, there was no sign of change. There was little that could be done, and grief swamped his soul, and anger at the Immortals for allowing him to commit such a brazen act, and then for not rectifying it once it had been committed.
There was no way that he could pass off the corpse as having died of old age, and so that left only one option. He needed to flee before any in Etzos would know of his vile deeds, and so he packed away everything that he had owned, and drew it all together into a small hand pulled cart. It was filled with survival necessities, and the occasional luxury, and the hybrid grabbed a book that Nicholas had once read to him as a child; a book of stories, and legends. He found a strong sheep in the pasture, and properly slaughtered, and butchered it, intending to take the meat with him on his journey. With that act done, he simply released the remainder of the sheep so that they might run free, and be found by a traveler before they starved.
The Avriel found refuge inside of a cave outside of Etzos, and began to live there as an outcast, all the while fueling the fans of anger within himself.
A goose discovered by the Avriel whilst he was on his journey to his new cave home. It has become essentially his only companion, and is trained to alert him to the presence of intruders. It also provides a steady supply of eggs for his consumption, and in return receives an amount of the forage he discovers.
A trained large black wolf possessing blue eyes and a ferocity which stood out among its kin. Noth uses it both as a faithful protector whenever he decides to travel alone, and to serve as a hunting aid and tool of intimidation and terror whenever he requires its services. Noth was given the beast as a gift from Ryder.
The Beast - Noth's Diri
(Per a PM from Malt. Here are the powers of the Diri)
Yeah there is the first domination where it simply exaggerates or diminishes the importance of a line of thought.
This includes the aspect of attaching some past event or impression to the cause of this altered level of importance.
Then there is the use of "Future" where it takes a hope or a fear related to the target's belief in what the future holds, and attaches the thought of what the person is doing right now, to make them believe that their current action will cause that future to come about.
Book of Legends:
A sentimental item taken during Noth's escape from his home. It holds an extensive list of legends throughout the ages, and also tells many stories. Some of the legends are very clearly untrue, but others hold a potential to be real. It is difficult most times to discern which is which.
Noth lives within a particularly large cave near the city of Etzos. It has a great open maw which allows for many smaller flying creatures such as bats to make residence in the area that he considers home. A large log acts as the only true barrier to the outside, and the hybrid tends to keep a fire burning near the entrance in the night to ward of hungering predators, there are also a set of makeshift spikes to keep away any particularly savage beasts, and to slow the approach of sentient beings. It is unknown how deep the cave leads, but Noth generally stays near-ish the entrance, using his possessions to form a makeshift camp there. Light bleeds in from the sun, and moonlight outside, and therefore makes it generally unnecessary to use artificially created light sources. Vern sleeps across from Noth in a slight crevice filled with dead grass and hay taken to form a basic nest. She acts as an alarm to any potential intruders.