The Academy Registry
The Academy Registry is located to the right of the main entrance of the building as you enter. None can miss it; it is undoubtedly one of the most frequented rooms in the entire building, visited by students, pupils, parents and staff alike for a whole host of reasons. It is here that students have to come to register for classes, request a change of Institute or main area of study, obtain copies of their certificates, or make payments at the beginning of each cycle. Parents may come here to enquire after their young children's progress, or enrol them in the next level of education. And staff come here to apply for a vacancy among the team, as well as collect any wages they are due.
Additionally, the room through a small, unassuming door behind the Registrar's desk is designated to storing the records of the thousands of students who have come through the University's doors during its long history. These records are normally not accessible to the public, although officials of the university or of the government are free to browse them as they see fit.
Much like the rest of Videnese building, the Registry shines with a cold, blue light - a reflection of the blue sky against the pure white snow that lies constantly on the grounds of Viden. The room itself is a large one, narrow but very long, with chairs lining each wall for those who are waiting to see the Registrar. At the end of the room sits a large, wooden desk. Its owner is an aging human man with a thick head of hair gone completely white. His colourless, grey eyes appear cold as he gazes down at all who approach his desk, and it is obvious that he brooked no nonsense. Any half-way intelligent individual approaching should be able to tell immediately upon seeing him that patience is probably not one of his strong points. The engraved copper plaque on his desk proclaims him to be J. Gilson, Registrar.
"What task may I assist you with today?" he asks as the next person waiting stands from their chair and approaches the desk. Hands clasped before him, he peers over his half-moon spectacles at those who stand in front of him much like a teacher might gaze at a wayward child who knows themselves to be in trouble.
Prophet's Note: Please post in this location with your character as you would in any normal thread. If necessary, please add the following template to your post to receive approval and have notes added to your Player Notes Thread.
Additionally, the room through a small, unassuming door behind the Registrar's desk is designated to storing the records of the thousands of students who have come through the University's doors during its long history. These records are normally not accessible to the public, although officials of the university or of the government are free to browse them as they see fit.
Much like the rest of Videnese building, the Registry shines with a cold, blue light - a reflection of the blue sky against the pure white snow that lies constantly on the grounds of Viden. The room itself is a large one, narrow but very long, with chairs lining each wall for those who are waiting to see the Registrar. At the end of the room sits a large, wooden desk. Its owner is an aging human man with a thick head of hair gone completely white. His colourless, grey eyes appear cold as he gazes down at all who approach his desk, and it is obvious that he brooked no nonsense. Any half-way intelligent individual approaching should be able to tell immediately upon seeing him that patience is probably not one of his strong points. The engraved copper plaque on his desk proclaims him to be J. Gilson, Registrar.
"What task may I assist you with today?" he asks as the next person waiting stands from their chair and approaches the desk. Hands clasped before him, he peers over his half-moon spectacles at those who stand in front of him much like a teacher might gaze at a wayward child who knows themselves to be in trouble.
Prophet's Note: Please post in this location with your character as you would in any normal thread. If necessary, please add the following template to your post to receive approval and have notes added to your Player Notes Thread.
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[center][font size=150][b][u]The Academy Student Registry[/u][/b][/font][/center]
[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Age, Race & Gender:[/b]
[b]Institute:[/b] [i](e.g. Science)[/i]
[b]Subject:[/b] [i](e.g. Medicine)[/i]
[b]Level:[/b] [i](e.g. Certificate)[/i]
[b]Part Time Work:[/b] [i](if applicable)[/i]
[b]Additional Comments:[/b]