2nd Ymiden
Fort Krome, finally here. The village center was an interest. The guards watched the strange creature make her way up the road towards the town, Ithecal were not that common around these parts so Rita made an interesting sight. Weary after so long traveling she was just happy to be somewhere safe and secure, even if the guards were a little on edge. As she had done so many times before she raised her arms in greeting, showing her weapon, exposing her body and meaning no harm.Dark skin amber eyes and long tail. Bandolier around her torso and a long traveling cloak.
“My name is Rita Fenyo, I come for food and shelter.” They guards satisfied that this woman meant no harm carried on about their business.
The houses were strange, either hilltop abodes made of flat stones piled up to make dome like structures with no windows. Up in the were large wooden tree houses. The sound of activity, children, the smell of fresh food being prepared. A large building caught her attention, two stories high and with plenty of guards. A sign reading tax office hung outside.
“Traveler” She looked to the source of the voice, an older gentleman cutting up wood for next winter.
“If you’re looking for some place warm with good drink then the Gerrard's Hall is that way.” She smiled and noded her thanks, going the way he had pointed Soon enough she found it, the architecture was different to most of the houses resembling more of a longhouse than the domes of the houses. It was quite for the time of day, a warm welcoming structure, Rita realising how hungry she was. Opening the door, buffeted by the warmth, sweet smells a mix of food, drink and a roaring hearth.
“Ah an Ithecal, haven’t seen one of your kind in ohh… quite a while now.” The man behind the bar was well built with a beaming smile and kind eyes. A voice of power yet gentle and welcoming. An interesting accent.
“Come, come now don’t be shy. Have a seat right close to the fire there lass.” She liked this place already, a welcoming difference to her experiencing in Andaris.
As instructed she went over and sat by the hearth, setting herself on a large sofa.
“Ah, no need to be formal here lass, put your tail up, there’s a good girl. Something warm, sweet, or strong”
“ Something refreshing please, no alcohol though.”
“Ach no problem, make you something to fight the chill and fill ya with energy. In fact lunch is almost ready, I can get you some if you’d like” She could smell that, her stomach rumbled, smiling at the kindly innkeeper.
“Please, been walking since morning and ran out of trail snacks.” He went off to fetch her drink
“Is the young lass traveling on her own” she settled in getting comfortable.
“Yes been traveling from the hotlands. For the past arc I suppose”
“Hotlands?! My my mighty far distance for a young lass like yourself to travel alone. Hope you didn’t encounter too many nasties.” He brought over her drink and got another smile for his kindness.
“Mostly animals, but I know how to act around them. Uhh one bandit but I got away from her” - cold snow stained in red- she cleared her throat shaking those thoughts. “I managed to get away from her, with a scar to tell the tale.” He paused for a moment and set close.
“And the other lady? If you don’t mind me asking” There was a short pause, she had plenty of time to think over what had happened. To fight the guilt of what had happened.
“Well I managed to grab a dagger and she… well she tried to pounce on me but I managed to get the dagger in the way, right into her right breast. She bleed out on top of me.” His face clouded with worry and concern, voice quieter.
“Well, well, at least you managed to get through with but a scratch. Some people have no concern of others. “ a short pause. The energy came back.
“Anyway, I’ll get you some stew” He patted her tail and got up.
“Do you have any rooms free.”
“Of course, always room at the inn and only two copper per night.” Calling back over his shoulder.
“My name is Rita Fenyo, I come for food and shelter.” They guards satisfied that this woman meant no harm carried on about their business.
The houses were strange, either hilltop abodes made of flat stones piled up to make dome like structures with no windows. Up in the were large wooden tree houses. The sound of activity, children, the smell of fresh food being prepared. A large building caught her attention, two stories high and with plenty of guards. A sign reading tax office hung outside.
“Traveler” She looked to the source of the voice, an older gentleman cutting up wood for next winter.
“If you’re looking for some place warm with good drink then the Gerrard's Hall is that way.” She smiled and noded her thanks, going the way he had pointed Soon enough she found it, the architecture was different to most of the houses resembling more of a longhouse than the domes of the houses. It was quite for the time of day, a warm welcoming structure, Rita realising how hungry she was. Opening the door, buffeted by the warmth, sweet smells a mix of food, drink and a roaring hearth.
“Ah an Ithecal, haven’t seen one of your kind in ohh… quite a while now.” The man behind the bar was well built with a beaming smile and kind eyes. A voice of power yet gentle and welcoming. An interesting accent.
“Come, come now don’t be shy. Have a seat right close to the fire there lass.” She liked this place already, a welcoming difference to her experiencing in Andaris.
As instructed she went over and sat by the hearth, setting herself on a large sofa.
“Ah, no need to be formal here lass, put your tail up, there’s a good girl. Something warm, sweet, or strong”
“ Something refreshing please, no alcohol though.”
“Ach no problem, make you something to fight the chill and fill ya with energy. In fact lunch is almost ready, I can get you some if you’d like” She could smell that, her stomach rumbled, smiling at the kindly innkeeper.
“Please, been walking since morning and ran out of trail snacks.” He went off to fetch her drink
“Is the young lass traveling on her own” she settled in getting comfortable.
“Yes been traveling from the hotlands. For the past arc I suppose”
“Hotlands?! My my mighty far distance for a young lass like yourself to travel alone. Hope you didn’t encounter too many nasties.” He brought over her drink and got another smile for his kindness.
“Mostly animals, but I know how to act around them. Uhh one bandit but I got away from her” - cold snow stained in red- she cleared her throat shaking those thoughts. “I managed to get away from her, with a scar to tell the tale.” He paused for a moment and set close.
“And the other lady? If you don’t mind me asking” There was a short pause, she had plenty of time to think over what had happened. To fight the guilt of what had happened.
“Well I managed to grab a dagger and she… well she tried to pounce on me but I managed to get the dagger in the way, right into her right breast. She bleed out on top of me.” His face clouded with worry and concern, voice quieter.
“Well, well, at least you managed to get through with but a scratch. Some people have no concern of others. “ a short pause. The energy came back.
“Anyway, I’ll get you some stew” He patted her tail and got up.
“Do you have any rooms free.”
“Of course, always room at the inn and only two copper per night.” Calling back over his shoulder.