Good Greetings to one and all! I've recently joined your site, though I've known of it for quite some time. Originally, I admittedly thought that it was going to crash and burn because I couldn't see people actually taking the time to read through all of the spectacular lore you'd presented, but upon finding that an old acquaintance of mine had begun participating, I decided to review my choice.
The decision was made to participate, and so here I am. So, onto the standardized questions that everyone enjoys answering!
● Have you roleplayed before? If so, where? If you have, how long have you been roleplaying for?
Yes, I have indeed participated in roleplay for several years now. My first foray into the subject likely occurred in a children's game known as Roblox. They had a particular server there devoted to a post apocalyptic nuclear winter filled with a plethora of fascinating creatures and monstrosities that I grew to love. Eventually, after many years of playing that particular server, I branched out. I believe it was about this time that I began to enjoy a Minecraft server by the name of Lord of the Craft. It was a fantasy experience based mostly upon the works of Tolkien, and the creative minds of all those that had gathered together to participate. Whilst it was fun, I found myself having trouble creating stories that had any sort of meaning, and I also found that the mechanics for the server left much to be desired. I began to look into assorted tabletop roleplaying games, and even participated at a local club, but soon that establishment found itself without it's beloved gamemaster, and the games there shut down quickly afterwards. I searched online and joined into a Star Wars game on a site known as Roll20. It was my first true attempt at playing a tabletop game, but the group that I had joined was somewhat odd, and the conclusion of their campaign; or at least my participation, involved drawing random cards based on randomized numbers, and achieving assorted results until eventually my character drew one too many cards and was disintegrated by a dust storm or something like that. My most recent endeavors brought me to a Star Wars roleplaying site which I still participate in, and I enjoy it a fair amount. The particular group I've aligned with on that site has given me several duties, and so my time may occasionally be diverted somewhat, but I find that this place is rather mellow, and so I doubt that will prove to be an issue.
● If it strikes your fancy, you may refer to me as Exodus. It's a favorite name of mine as it's meaning is 'Escape' which is exactly what I intend to do with my roleplaying; escape the monotony of average life.
● I have two favorites that stick in my mind. The first is one I still actively play on the aforementioned Star Wars site. He is known as Abelain, and is essentially a large, heavily armored space tick. The second comes from my first entry into roleplay and that character's name was Axel. He was a particularly large, sentient mutant bat which wandered the wastelands attempting to escape from his creators who intended to use him to combat enemy aerial units such as jets.
● I absolutely adore the amount of effort that's been put into the lore, and I look forward to understanding it all, and storing it into the biological computer I call my brain. I do still have the occasional questions about things such as the economic system, but my friend has been helping me to better understand such systems, and I hope to master my understanding of them shortly.
● I'm at least somewhat decent about reading people, and deception, though I myself don't partake in that particular action unless it's for the sake of a game. One of my favorite hobbies is a nice game of chess; I enjoy knowing I'm going to win several moves before my opponent.
● I attract crazy people. My guess is it's something about how I actually act which makes them read me as one of their own. I'd like to think I'm not completely off the wall like most of them are, though admittedly I'm a bit odd. Mind you, I'm still filled with enough normality to understand social standings and the like, and really, what is strange?
● Friend. I know that she plays a character named Rend, and my detective skills seem to indicate she might also be known as Tidal. Could be wrong though.
The decision was made to participate, and so here I am. So, onto the standardized questions that everyone enjoys answering!
● Have you roleplayed before? If so, where? If you have, how long have you been roleplaying for?
Yes, I have indeed participated in roleplay for several years now. My first foray into the subject likely occurred in a children's game known as Roblox. They had a particular server there devoted to a post apocalyptic nuclear winter filled with a plethora of fascinating creatures and monstrosities that I grew to love. Eventually, after many years of playing that particular server, I branched out. I believe it was about this time that I began to enjoy a Minecraft server by the name of Lord of the Craft. It was a fantasy experience based mostly upon the works of Tolkien, and the creative minds of all those that had gathered together to participate. Whilst it was fun, I found myself having trouble creating stories that had any sort of meaning, and I also found that the mechanics for the server left much to be desired. I began to look into assorted tabletop roleplaying games, and even participated at a local club, but soon that establishment found itself without it's beloved gamemaster, and the games there shut down quickly afterwards. I searched online and joined into a Star Wars game on a site known as Roll20. It was my first true attempt at playing a tabletop game, but the group that I had joined was somewhat odd, and the conclusion of their campaign; or at least my participation, involved drawing random cards based on randomized numbers, and achieving assorted results until eventually my character drew one too many cards and was disintegrated by a dust storm or something like that. My most recent endeavors brought me to a Star Wars roleplaying site which I still participate in, and I enjoy it a fair amount. The particular group I've aligned with on that site has given me several duties, and so my time may occasionally be diverted somewhat, but I find that this place is rather mellow, and so I doubt that will prove to be an issue.
● If it strikes your fancy, you may refer to me as Exodus. It's a favorite name of mine as it's meaning is 'Escape' which is exactly what I intend to do with my roleplaying; escape the monotony of average life.
● I have two favorites that stick in my mind. The first is one I still actively play on the aforementioned Star Wars site. He is known as Abelain, and is essentially a large, heavily armored space tick. The second comes from my first entry into roleplay and that character's name was Axel. He was a particularly large, sentient mutant bat which wandered the wastelands attempting to escape from his creators who intended to use him to combat enemy aerial units such as jets.
● I absolutely adore the amount of effort that's been put into the lore, and I look forward to understanding it all, and storing it into the biological computer I call my brain. I do still have the occasional questions about things such as the economic system, but my friend has been helping me to better understand such systems, and I hope to master my understanding of them shortly.
● I'm at least somewhat decent about reading people, and deception, though I myself don't partake in that particular action unless it's for the sake of a game. One of my favorite hobbies is a nice game of chess; I enjoy knowing I'm going to win several moves before my opponent.
● I attract crazy people. My guess is it's something about how I actually act which makes them read me as one of their own. I'd like to think I'm not completely off the wall like most of them are, though admittedly I'm a bit odd. Mind you, I'm still filled with enough normality to understand social standings and the like, and really, what is strange?
● Friend. I know that she plays a character named Rend, and my detective skills seem to indicate she might also be known as Tidal. Could be wrong though.