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Autopsy of a Dead Woman

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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The Dead

"I see those often on the bodies we care for, and I have wondered why some of them have marks only on their stomach but every now and then we get one who has those marks on their thighs, too. I think the thighs might mean they lost a lot of weight?" she said and she studied the marks."They are different colours, some more faded than others. Is that because they were from different pregnancies?"

Levinia nodded and smiled wide at the girl’s intelligence. “For the most part, but her organs can tell you more.” She concluded, and would normally scratch her head for a moment if her hands weren’t covered in corpse gunk. “I’ll show you the record book when it's time for me to enter my findings. All of us have to do that, for the central record. It's quite organized.”

She rested as the girl explained her situation in a very educated and mature way. Most would just shrug their shoulders and mouth some motto of what will be will be. Levinia was coming to the understanding that the girl was not most people. She could understand what she was saying and how her world look. Although it was depressing it made sense and she suddenly realized how dire the situation was.

“It sounds like you’ve made your peace with your situation.” Levinia concluded after hearing the explanation. “And I hope that it never changes for the worst.” The young doctor would wish the girl to be free but the other woman had already confessed that she would be lost with her freedom. It was one thing to be born free, true, another to have it thrust upon you. She pointed to the instruments that she would need to start pulling back the flesh in order to expose the rib cage and organs. “Hand those to me, please.”

As the girl followed her instruction, Levinia believed she should continue the lesson. Although, she herself was a novice, but she knew more than the other girl and enough to show her something. The little doctor had heard enough of slavery, enough to know that she did not like it, but had no more questions, “What we will do next, is something you may have seen.” Levinia began. “We’ll be removing the flesh, carefully, pulling it back so that we don’t ruin it. I’m sure you’ve seen the stitches on some of the bodies.” She looked at the girl to confirm, then started working on the cold flesh.

“Every once in awhile I’ll ask you to pour that potion over there…” She motioned to the pottery jar that was sat on the table, where her last assistant had left it. “...it’ll prevent my hands from getting too gooey and also to cold. So if you could please pick it up, and I’ll work on this. You can watch, I tend to concentrate better when I do this in silence. But I’ll explain once I’m done. Any questions before I begin?”
word count: 517
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Faith Augustin Champion
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The Dead

Faith nodded her head and smiled at Levinia when she said that she would show her the book "Thank you, doctor. I would like to see that. My owner keeps very careful records, too, he says that to do anything else is to not afford the dead the respect they deserve" Respect for the dead was very important to Jamal and he made sure that the two of them did everything they could to ensure that the corpses who came to them were treated properly. Faith was pleased, more pleased than she could say, that Levinia listened to her and took on board her words. She smiled and shrugged slightly "I suppose that, if I am to be the best slave I can be, I should not care what my situation is whether it improves or not. But I must concur and admit to hoping the same" she said, with a smile.

But then, it was on to the fine detail, nitty gritty of the task and Faith handed her the implements she asked for quickly and efficiently. "Yes, doctor, I have seen that many times. They are of varying quality and sometimes we have unpicked them and redone them so that the corpse is treated appropriately" she explained. After all, some doctors seemed to be absolutely slapdash about it. But then the doctor explained what was going to happen and what she needed Faith to do. The human girl nodded her head and got the potion ready. Then, when the doctor asked if there were any questions, she shook her head "No doctor, I am ready to assist you" she said and indeed, she fell silent until she was spoken to again. She watched with fascination at Levinia's actions, trying desperately to recall every minute detail and, when prompted, she poured the potion. She did not move other than to do that, did not speak unless asked a direct question and did her best to breathe as quietly as possible. It wasn't difficult because she was utterly fascinated and, therefore, she would watch carefully and with eyes wide open and taking in everything.

When it was done and all had gone how, apparently, it should do, Faith helped to clean up and finish off then she bade the doctor good trial and left to return to her owner, who would by now be expecting her to return.
word count: 401
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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The Dead


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Story: 5
Structure: 5
Collaboration: 5


Leviana: The Doctor/Coroner.
Leviana: Very interested in teaching anyone.
Leviana: Has little experience with slaves.
Leviana: Accepts slavery as a part of life, at least in a free person's life.
Etiquette: Politely refusing payment.
Etiquette: Maintaining an appropriate distance.
Surgery: Making an incision.
Surgery: Performing a thoracotomy.
Surgery: The colours/weights of organs can determine the patients state of health.
Surgery: Stretched abdominal skin means pregnancy.
Surgery: Stretched thigh skin means previous weight loss.
Surgery: Experience of past conditions is the best means of diagnosis in current patients.
One man's vomit is another slave's opportunity?
Autopsies were once thought of as sacreligious.

Additional Notes:
A real shame this finished so early, it was working out as a really nice thread! Lots of teaching and learning on both sides, plenty of development. Either way, hope you enjoy your grades, and as always, if there are any concerns or questions with this grade, please, please sent me a PM and I'll be more than happy to talk it out. Happy writing!

Credit goes to Kydrel!
word count: 201
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