Faith's Plotting

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Faith's Plotting

Faith's Plot Notes

"The best laid plans of mice and men..."


Soup Kitchen
Petition the Dean - donations.
Petition the Council - donations
Put forward the argument for a happy, healthy, productive workforce.
Provide basic levels of care, basic standards of food.
? Second Business ?


5th NPC: Business: Trudi
18th: Rose


1st: NPC: Business: Jo'get
17th: NPC: Tina


20th: Met first free person / went outside etc (716)
23rd: NPC: Cyrus
34th: NPC: Business: Paul


Faith: 1st (20)
Pad: 30th (23)
NPC: Business: Taylor 31st


3rd: Met (716)
21st: Treid's Armpit (716)
62nd: Get married. (717)
121st: Got made free.(716)


NPC: Katie: 17th
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:50 pm, edited 60 times in total. word count: 119
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Faith's Plotting

Cally's Original
An exclusive restaurant nestled in the middle of Scalvoris Town, Cally's is considered to be the best in food that the entire island has to offer. The cuisine is sourced from the farmholding outside the town which is part of the business. Only the finest fresh, home grown produce are selected and they are used in dishes which are created and prepared by someone at the very pinnacle of their skills.

The atmosphere in Cally's is one of quiet comfort. Whilst the food is beyond exquisite, the decor is unpretentious and the seating comfortable. Crisp white linens and crockery are offset by the shining cutlery and glassware. The serving staff are quick and unobtrusive, seeking to make sure that the customers' needs are met before they know they have them.

It is well known in Scalvoris that Cally's is part of a wider business run by Faith, the chef and owner, which provides education and funds a number of charitable endeavors. The produce are grown as part of this business, helping to teach people how to grow their own food and the kitchen is a place which teaches how to cook. A large margin of the profits from the business go to charities and, as Cally's expands, it aims to provide a continued service to the island of Scalvoris.


Jo'get: Sous Chef
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Paul: Waiter
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Taylor: Kitchen Help
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Trudi: Waitress
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Soft Drink, Ale, Spirits Etc
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White Wine:
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Red Wine:
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Please note: We have three menus to choose from, Ruby, Onyx & Diamond. All dishes appear on all menus, with increasing complexity. Speak to your server if you are unsure.
Ruby Menu:
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Onyx Menu:
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Diamond Menu:
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Player Notes


Credits to:Faith
Submitted for Development: Date
Developed by: Faith
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:32 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 2508
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Faith's Plotting



Business Plan
Location link: Here!
Date opened: Ashan 717


DateLink/ Event
Ashan 717 Opened. All employees given a 100gn bonusAccommodation for trainees added
Ymiden 717 Invested 3K back into business. Bought more land (3 acres) and livestock
Saun 717Invested X back into business Bought 5 more acres and set up a vineyard
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:36 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 57
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Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:19 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 1080
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Faith's Plotting

Skills Write Ups

Skills Done / Doing

Skill Write Ups Claimed:
PsychologyTextile Production NeedlecraftSeductionCooking
Design DisciplineIntelligenceBaking Logistics
Woodworking ResistanceCaregivingCosmetologyEtiquette
Musical Instrument
A meeting (Scalvoris Campus)
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Fri May 13, 2022 6:31 pm, edited 96 times in total. word count: 27
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Faith's Plotting

Order of the Adunih Stuff

As of 2nd Jan 2017: 43 Medicine Knowledge, 15 Surgery = 58 total

Every season staying there: (The room itself is quite spacious, 300 square feet, with a window. There are no bathrooms connected to the rooms, however, there are gender separated bathing chambers in the facility.)
No charge for room but must do two threads:
One thread must be collecting money/goods for the faction through donations or odd jobs (working with/for the people of the city)
Other thread must involve teaching one of the members/getting involved within the faction itself (working with/for someone or a group of people inside the faction building).
Both of these threads must be submitted to this topic by the end of each cycle or your character will be force to find their own place!
Cloak Hood Trim Requirements Achieved?
Green No No NA Yes
Green Yes No novice/competent medicine + surgery skill, 10 knowledge between the two. 3 SPECIFIC pieces of knowledge dealing with growing medicinal herbs. Gardening: Planting Winter Savory, Medicine: Where Lavender Grows, Medicine: Growing Mint Yes
Green Yes Yes 15 knowledge between the two, 4 knowledge about the Order of the Adunih,tended to wounds/sickness of 1 person. Yes
Blue No No 18 knowledge between the two, donated profits of 2 jobs, tended to the wounds/sickness of 3 people. They must also acquire mentorship from a Grey or White Cloak member. Yes
Blue Yes No 21 knowledge between the two, grown 3 medicinal herbs and used them, has studied with their mentor, has acquired novice level meditation along with 2 knowledge in the skill. No
Blue Yes Yes 28 knowledge between the two, 5 knowledge of their mentor, 3 more knowledge of the Order of the Adunih, has taught something related to medicine to 1 order member, and has tended to the wounds/sickness of 3 people. No
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Fri May 13, 2022 6:31 pm, edited 14 times in total. word count: 317
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Faith's Plotting

writing prompts 716
Thread Challenge Submission

PC Name:
1. Write a thread that includes a door, a candle, and a bird: Hummingbird, candle for Padraig, door in her pregnant stomach as an exit! (it's a dream...)
2. Give a gift to another PC in-thread: A bottle of wine for Tristan!
3. Have your PC tell a story from their childhood to a PC or NPC: not a happy tale!
4. Get into a fight (verbal or physical) with another PC: A scrap with Pad in a dream
5. Write a thread that includes a necklace, a dagger, and a tree: a bonsai tree, a dagger letter opener and a necklace she didn't buy!
6. Have your PC fail at a flirtation: spectacular fail, in fact!
7. Start a post with the line, “The smell reminds me of home.”: here
8. Write a thread that references an Immortal: Vri, Famula, Aelig
9. End a post with the line, “And that’s how I lost my pants.”: here you are
10. Write a thread that includes snow (or rain), a mouse, and a bard:it's snowing, the mouse is dog sized and the bard is singing a tale of this failed flirtation

Character Challenge Submission

PC Name: Faith
1. Increase a skill from 0 to 15: Meditation. Points from this thread recorded in the CS
2. Earn 5 knowledge in a single skill: In carpentry here
3. Identify your PC’s goal (seasonal or overarching) and share it in the plot development forum, the personal journal forum, or in your city’s OOC Social Thread: post 1
4. Update your thread list on your CS to include all current and past threads: CS Here
5. Create a vlog or write a personal journal entry talking about your PC:here tis!
Development Challenge Submission

PC Name: Faith
1. Submit a slang term or phrase to a city’s development thread: here
2. Submit a folktale to a city’s development thread: here
3. Submit a holiday, ritual, or tradition to a city’s development thread: here
4. Write a thoughtful review in the player feedback forum: I hope it's thoughtful
5. Welcome a new player on the “Welcoming Floor!” forum: here
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Fri May 13, 2022 6:31 pm, edited 36 times in total. word count: 373
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Faith's Plotting

Devotion Claim
Ymiden: 716
Link to ThreadDescription
Matter of Faith Faith teaches Kazmir about Famula and her teachings, defending Famula even though he's a stranger and she's a slave. She expects him to backhand her, at the least, but he doesn't. post
Faith refuses to be helped by monks, as she has to tend to the body of one theirs, in Famula's service post
Faith dedicates the body of the monk to Famula, praying the "Prayer of Famula" over him and anointing him post
Reality is Perception Faith dedicates her steps to her goddess post
The Humble Work Faith tends to a corpse, as ordered by her owner, dedicating the body to Famula.
Never Mind The Smell Faith is ordered, by her owner, to obey Yanah and does so without question, serving her as instructed and submitting to her torture, in Famula's name (page 1)
She tends to the body, dedicating to Famula post
Number of threads Faith prays in 9
Saun: 716
Link to ThreadDescription
Mark of Ownership Faith is branded with the sigil of House Venora. She dedicates this to Famula, goes and submits to it as an act of faith and devotion.
In Saun, Everyone Suffers Faith and Elyna fight undead ~ the very antithesis of Famula. Faith devotes her actions to Famula.
Dawn of the Shadow Beasts Shadow beasts attack and Faith prays frantaically for Tristan's safety
She also flings herself in harms way so that Tristan is not hurt, as is her role in servitude
The Art of the Slave Faith discovers that her previous owner has gone missing and tries to help him. Yana tries to stop her, but Faith is determined that it is her role to serve him, still.
Number of threads Faith prays in 17
Vhalar: 716
Link to ThreadDescription
Two in the Crows Nest Faith climbs up to the crows nest despite being terrified of heights for the good of her owner.
The Price of Hubris Faith is in Ne'haer on a holy mission for Famula (global event) and she dedicates her spare time to the medical tent, in Famula's name
during this she also visits the dead and dying, in the medical tent, to give them Famula's blessing (this is just mentioned, really)
Preparation is Key Job thread with Tristan where she prays and devotes her service to Famula. She considers the dreadful things she has seen and thanks Famula for them, as they have allowed her to serve better.
If I Had Met You On Some Journey Tristan offers Faith freedom and she bases her decision (the answer yes) on her ability to now serve Famula better, to meet Famula's ideals.
Beautiful With Nir'wei, Faith decides to set up a charity in order to serve Famula's name, the people of Rynmere and the city of Andaris. She does this to be a better worshipper.
Number of threads Faith prays in 22
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Fri May 13, 2022 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 491
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Faith's Plotting

“He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

“If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”

Always remember there’s nothing worth sharing like the love that let’s us share our name
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:42 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 66
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Faith's Plotting

Business Plan
Name of Charity
Business Plan
  • Character Name: Faith
  • Current Wage: 17gn a day (Ashan 717) ~ from Ymiden 717 she should get: 17gn+3gn(job thread)+3gn(business management bonus= 23gn x day.
  • Profession's Main Skill: Cooking - 103 (Legendary)
  • Business Management Skill: 53 (Expert)
  • Business Name: XX
  • Business Location: Scalvoris (got approval from Basilisk, since I'm Pegasus and I think it's a great plan)
  • Type of Business: Social Enterprise* / Restaurant (farm->restaurant->teaching)
  • Business Description: A high end restaurant in Scalvoris Town, specialising in fine dining and local cuisine. This has the "field to fork" ethos and sources local produce. Vegetables and fruit are grown in the extensive gardens which form part of the property.
  • Loan Amount: 4,400gn
    ItemsPrice Description
    Land 2400gn3 acres outside Scalvoris Town. This is used to grow the produce.
    Restaurant Building 1500gn 800sq foot building with one 200sq foot kitchen and one 600sq foot front of house; walls stone quality, stone for floors, high ceiling
    Farming Equipment 500gn General farming equipment for the growing of fresh fruits and vegetables.
    Restaurant Furnishings 1000gn Furnishings and tableware, equipment for kitchen
  • Number of Employees: 4 NPCs, 1 PC (Faith)


    Name: Jo'get
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: 1st Ashan 690
    Job: Sous Chef / Farm Hand
    Skills: Cooking (30), Baking (30), Detection (10), Gardening (30)
    Appearance: 5ft 7, slim build. No scars. Jo'get has brown hair and brown eyes.
    Personality: Friendly, quiet and eager to learn with something of a tendency to be over critical of herself.
    Details: A native to Scalvoris, Jo'get has wanted to be a chef all of her life. She has worked in a number of small businesses, but this is her first step into higher end fine dining. She is a quiet and determined woman who loves to learn. She doesn't know a lot about farming, but she is doing her best to learn as she wants to ensure that she understands every aspect of the business.

    Jo'get lives alone and has a secret ambition to attend the university and study cookery but knows that this is a long way off as the Institute in question has not yet opened. She is quite shy and timid, not yet developing the skills needed in order to lead a kitchen, but is a solid and dependable member of the team


    Name: Paul Lemont
    Race: Human
    Birthday/Age: 34th Ymiden 695
    Job: Waiter / Farm Hand
    Skills: Socialization (30), Logistics (30), Agriculture (30), Persuasion (10)
    Appearance: 5ft 10, slim build. No scars. Paul has brown hair and blue eyes.
    Personality: An outgoing and friendly fellow who really likes people. Paul is happy to work indoors or out, he enjoys the sun and company. He can be a little forgetful if he has too many things to do at once.
    Details: Paul Lemont is one of those rare people who is just quite content with his life. He doesn't want fancy promotions, doesn't want more responsibility. He enjoys his life, enjoys his job and thanks very much, he's sorted.


    Name: Taylor Merk
    Race: Mixed Blood
    Birthday/Age: 31st Saun 698
    Job: Farmer / Kitchen Help
    Skills: Agriculture (30), Gardening (30), Construction (30), Carpentry (10)
    Appearance: 5ft 10, muscular build. Scars up left arm. Taylor has black hair and pale green eyes.
    Personality: Much happier when working the fields or being solitary in his work, Taylor is not one for talking much, but prefers an honest trial's work for an honest trial's pay. He is loyal and dedicated, but not really friendly.
    Details: Taylor is a farmer by history and preference. He comes from a family of farmers and wishes to make sure that he always does the very best that he can in order to grow the absolute best produce.


    Name: Trudi Tousand
    Race:Biqaj/ Sev'ryn/ Human
    Birthday/Age: 5th Cylus 694
    Job: Waitress / Farm Hand
    Skills: Socialization (30), Cosmetology (30), Singing (10), Seduction (30)
    Appearance: 5ft 8, slim build. No scars. Trudi has red hair and bright blue eyes.
    Personality: An outgoing, flirty woman who spends her time making sure that every customer feels well cared for. She is an outrageous flirt, but a fine and very useful member of the team.
    Details: Trudi flirts with anyone. The more unobtainable they are? The more Trudi flirts with them.
  • Menu:


    Clean Water 2cn a mug 1sn a flagon Clean drinking water. Useful for quenching thirst, survival, or sobering up.
    Ale 1sn a mug 6sn a flagon A cheap drink brewed from barley or oats, or any number of different grains.
    Beer3sn a mug2gn a flagonRich, hoppy flavours scented with allspice, juniper, resin, apples, bread-crumbs, sage, lavender, gentian, cinnamon, or laurel. These are usually high-flavoured beverages with a strong, natural taste.
    Cider5sn a mug3gn a flagonA bitter-sweet flavour achieved by pouring water onto apples and steeping them to perfection. Fresh, crisp, and strong-flavoured, cider can be served cold, at room temperature, or heated.
    Mead1gn a mug6gn a flagonA sweet alcoholic drink enjoyed by people from all classes, mead is and brewed using honey.
    Rum1gn a shot10gn a bottleMade from sugarcane juice and molasses and distilled into a clear liquid before it is aged in oak barrels, producing the dark, amber colour rum is famous for. It has a smoky, sweet taste and is very popular among sailors.
    Vodka2gn a shot15gn a bottleCrisp and distilled for volume rather than flavour, vodka has no distinctive taste, and can best be described as cold and clean, going down smoothly. This spirit is clear having no colour and is typically drunk straight, with a subtle after taste and strong bite.
    Brandy2gn a shot20gn a bottleAn after dinner drink of the best quality and highest proofing, this brandy will leave a warm feeling in the mouth and stomach upon consumption.
    Whiskey 2gn a shot30gn a bottleMade from fermented grain-mash including barley, corn, rye, and wheat. Whiskey is aged over time in wooden crates generally made of charred white oak important from different regions across Idalos.

    White Wine:
    Ashan’s Twilight6sn per Glass4gn per BottleA wine low in alcohol that is cheap and popular. It has a pleasant taste and is grown, harvested, and vinted in the hottest parts of Idalos. Though it is mass produced most of the year, Ashan’s Twilight is a very widely respected wine.
    Saun’s Heat8sn per Glass6gn per BottleA spicy concoction made by the Biqaj and often kept by the barrel loads upon their ships. This is an aged, dry wine with a strong hint of flavour that goes great with seafood dishes.
    Shimmering Koriel10sn per Glass8gn per BottleThe added flavours of pomelos and kumquats give this straw coloured, sweet, full-bodied wine its unique and delicious taste. Imported from areas of eastern Idalos, this wine is crafted and bottled every four arcs, making it hard to come by outside of the east.
    Sparkling White2gn per Glass13gn per BottleVibrant and bubbly in aroma and flavour, this sparkling wine is herbaceous, flavoursome, and will ensnare the senses with its hints of citrus and passionfruit.
    Kuwasa3gn per Glass15gn per BottleA dessert wine from the shores of Desnind with special aromas of mandarin and apricot with a hint of lemon zest.
    Appiden4gn per Glass17gn per BottleRich and savoury flavours loaded with the aromas of intense, ripe pears and Ymiden apples.
    Smof8gn per Glass26gn per BottleA crowd favourite with ripe peach and aromatic flavours, make this one of the best mid-range wines in all of Idalos. Its subtle spices make this the perfect white wine for a cold day.
    Moseke’s Harvest13gn per Glass35gn per BottleInspired by the tastes of nature, crafters of this wine import green grapes from the far reaches of Idalos to bring together the ‘tastes of the world’. A crisp, refreshing vintage that will inspire anyone's taste-buds.
    Queen25gn per Glass50gn per BottleA strong wine with a sharp taste blended with hints of kiwi fruit, mangosteen, and lychee. This is known as the queen of wines, best served with a meal fit for a king.
    White Diamond40gn per Glass100gn per BottleA sweet wine best served cold, high in alcohol and far too easy to drink, this white wine tastes just like a high quality grape juice and has been describe as ‘the taste of Saun in a bottle’. Partnered well with fish.

    Red Wine:
    Stone Creek6sn per Glass4gn per BottleAn inexpensive red wine from the city of Rharne with enticing aromas and flavours of wild blackcurrant with overtones of black pepper and spices best served with red meat, wild game, and stews.
    Venora Rose8sn per Glass6gn per BottleImported all around the world from the sunny shores of Rynmere, Venora Rose is grown on the slopes of ‘Nora’s Rest’ where the vines get just the right mix of cool air and warm sunshine. This light, red rose is best served with Saun fruits and light meals.
    Low Hanging Zemoni10sn per Glass8gn per BottleCrafted from the shores of Ne'haer, this wine is excellent as a before-or-after-dinner drink. This deeply coloured wine of purples and reds is sweet and delectable. Its elegant smoothness is due to a low acid content, delivering a flavour that will leave most yearning for more.
    Acripae2gn per Glass13gn per BottleA wine that evokes legend and fascination with its brilliant tastes of purple grapes from the mysterious lands of Desnind. It shines with noticeable hints of garnet-red and flashes of amber. Acripae can be a bitter tasting wine due to its acidity. However, it is a wine that exudes glory, nobility and power.
    Nanutha3gn per Glass15gn per BottleNanutha is a drink best served chilled. It is a drink with a high alcohol content that is bound to get even the most tolerant tipsy after a few glasses. This wine is meant as a dessert drink, with its intense notes of red fruits and herbal undertones. Some say this wine is a true serum.
    Vithella4gn per Glass17gn per BottleImportant from the Avriel City, Athart, Vithella holds notes of spicy and herbaceous undertones that go great with a beef entree. It sparkles with brilliant reds and has low alcohol content for maximum enjoyment.
    Red Aìda8gn per Glass26gn per BottleNamed after the Sev'ryn's meaning for 'Love', Red Aida is a wine imported from the lands of Desnind and crafted by the people themselves. This drink is high in alcohol content and contains a chemical that is known to bring about “feel good” emotions and cause mild hallucinations. The wine itself is balanced between tartness and sweet and is great as an after dinner drink.
    Ruby Shav13gn per Glass35gn per BottleThis wine is both delectable in taste and appearance, giving off a very transparent shade of ruby red. Given at most celebrations, Ruby Shav has undertones of acai berry mixed with hints of orange and starfruit and is mostly produced and exported from Hiladrith.
    Sesser’s Blend25gn per Glass50gn per BottleNamed after Syroa's mark, this wine has a chemical in it that causes strong hallucinations combined with herbal ingredients that causes the body to become both hypersensitive and sluggish, verging on paralytic. The wine does not have a high alcohol content and is more often used for fast acting drunkenness than enjoyment. The taste is quite bitter, though most seem to enjoy it.
    Gyara40gn per Glass100gn per BottleGyara is a high class wine made by the citizen of Rharne. Its quality of smoothness coupled with its luxurious colour and blend make it a drink preferred by the noble class. The process to make the wine takes an extensive amount of time, making it one of the most expensive wines in the world.


    Menu ItemsPrice Description
    Cheeseboard 1sn Simple cheeseboard with home made bread served with basic home made pickles and chutneys.
    Cheeseboard 4sn Executive cheeseboard with a selection of home made breads served with home made pickles and chutneys.
    Cheeseboard 8sn Elite cheeseboard with a selection of home made breads served with a variety of home made pickles and chutneys.
    Simple Vegetable Dish 5 sn A simple vegetable dish, different each trial.
    Executive Vegetable Dish 1gn A more complex vegetable dish, changes each trial. Usually served with a home made bread and choice of two accompaniments.
    Elite Vegetable Dish 3 gn An exquisite vegetable dish made with the best fresh seasonal products from our gardens and the finest accompaniments the house has to offer.
    Simple Fish Dish 1gn A simple fish dish, different each trial, served with vegetables
    Executive Fish Dish 3 gn A more complex fish dish, changes each trial. Usually served with an accompanying crust or sauce and two vegetables.
    Elite Fish Dish 6gn An exquisite fish dish made with fresh seasonal produce and the best accompaniments the house has to offer.
    Simple Meat Dish 2gn A simple meat dish, different each trial, served with vegetables
    Executive Meat Dish 6 gn A more complex meat dish, changes each trial. Usually served with an accompanying crust or sauce and two vegetables.
    Elite Meat Dish 10 gn An exquisite meat dish made with fresh seasonal produce and the best accompaniments the house has to offer.
    Tasting Menu 10 gn A variety of our finest dishes, each served in a small portion to provide maximum variety
    Elite Dining Experience 20gn This must be booked at least 1 trial in advance, chef's choice.
    Simple Dessert 5 sn A simple but refreshing and tasty dessert
    Executive Dessert 2gn A selection from three desserts. Patrons choose from the mousse, cake or ice cream of the trial.
    Elite Dessert 5gn A selection from a range of elite desserts, prepared on a trial by trial basis by the chef.
    House Speciality 10 gn Sunfruit Spheres: Three textures of sunburst fruit, balanced to perfection
  • Aim: The purpose of <name> is to provide a community service to Scalvoris. Once the restaurant is established and no longer in debt, the aim is that first the land will be expanded and then barracks-style accommodation will be put at the back of the restaurant. This will be a hostel for a small number of those who are willing to work in order to learn a trade. They are given a place to live and the opportunity to learn farming, running a business and / or cooking, in return for which they provide extra, free, hands. Once they have undergone the training, they are replaced by another, and so it continues. I'm thinking there will be five trainees at any one time.
  • Profit Faith will take a maximum of 50% of her wage from this venture with the aim of investing back into the business and then, once it is functioning to it's maximum (including the farming land being livestock as well as crop), she will use it to fund community projects such as providing free education etc.
  • Social Enterprise? A social enterprise is the middle ground between business and charity. Whilst still making a profit some or all of that profit is put back into the community, often providing education, skills and other services to those who are most needy. That is the aim of this business and, as the profits (hopefully!) continue to come in, they will be invested in more and more community projects which Faith will either start herself or will donate money to
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Fri May 13, 2022 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 2562
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