Dreaming Dark Desires

In which Faith dreams of Malcolm

50th of Ymiden 716

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Dreaming Dark Desires

50th Ymiden, 716
On the floor of the undertakers, covered by a ragged blanket, Faith let out a low groan in her sleep. The groan that she gave was low and deep and gutteral and, as the dream unfolded, her body arched as she wrapped her arms around herself. She trembled in her sleep, the physical manifestation of what she was experiencing. Of what she was feeling and, in a very real sense, she was feeling it for the very first time in her young life.

Desire. Pure and simple desire.

And in her dream, Faith opened her eyes and looked around, knowing exactly what she would see. She was standing in the park, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. But it wasn't what she saw that was important in this dream. No, in this dream it was who she saw. And that, the young woman had no doubt about - Malcolm. The man that she had met some trials before, in the park. There he was, standing next to her in the same outfit that he had worn the trial that she had met him. Standing next to Malcolm, Faith looked up at him and spoke in her soft, hushed tone. "Do you mean it? Really?" she asked him. He looked down at her and smiled, kindly. Nodding, he dipped his head so that only she could hear him. "I meant it. Every word" he said in that quiet and whispered voice, like it was a great secret that they shared and Faith could not help but smile a wide and delighted smile. He was offering her exactly what she desired and in the waking world her trembling increased.

But there, in the dream, she slipped her hand into his, and together they walked forward. There, in to the University that she so very longed to go to. Malcolm stepped forward and he led her into the building. It was beautiful. The halls were vast and the roof was as high as the sky. She saw that this was a massive room and it was full of people, of books; oh so many books. Of course, it looked nothing like the actual entrance hallway in the university, for Faith had never been there.

But in her dream, it was wonderous.

And in the undertaker's shop, Faith's moan of pleasure deepened and she mumbled. "Oh! The University... Oh, please. Thank you...please" she looked around in the dream and she smiled in the waking world.
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Dreaming Dark Desires

Faith: Dreaming
The university reception area in her dream was amazing. She let go of Malcolm's hand and he faded away, no longer significant to the dream it seemed. Although she would always be grateful to him of what he had shown her, it was the University that she had sought out in this dream. And here it was. Beautiful, just beautiful. Faith raised her arms and spun around, giddy with excitement. To think that she was actually in the University building itself. The bookshelves soared up to the impossibly high ceiling, filled with things that she wanted to learn; it was just wonderful. When she had seen the university off in the distance on the trial that she met Malcolm, Faith had desperately wanted to go there. Later, she had been sent there by Jamal and she had met Tristan, who had been more than happy to talk about what he did there and how the classes were.

She knew that she should not, but Faith wanted to be in this place more than she had ever wanted anything. It was not her place and it was not service, but equally it was. She could learn so much about Famula here, she could learn about undertaking and the herbs and such that she used in her oils and salves and incenses. She could learn to be a better slave here, she was quite sure; and yet she knew that she should not even consider it for it was not her place.

What a conundrum to the young girl who stood there, delighted at where she stood.

But, she didn't have time to worry about it, because her class was due to start! Looking down at the books that she had in her hands, unmindful of the fact that they hadn't been there just an eyeblink before, she checked that she had all the right books. Because it was time for class with Mrs Witherspoon, the doll who was going to teach her about Famula. Faith looked around and saw that all of the people were going into the door over on her left and she made her way over there.

Into a room that was amazing. The lecture hall, she assumed. Now, Faith had never seen a lecture hall, so her unconscious mind made of it what she could. Therefore, the room that she walked into was a gladitorial arena. Sand on the floor and seats all around. It didn't seem odd that the room in the university was open to the air and Faith moved and took a seat, waiting for the lecture on (according to the sign in the middle of the arena pit) "Everything You Have Ever Wanted To Know About Famula But Were Too Afraid To Ask"
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Dreaming Dark Desires

She sat up in the long grass, steadying her breathing, the sun was warm but not overly bright with a gentile breeze keeping a comfortable temperature. Taking in her surroundings and cautiously standing up, a large building was visible just on the horizon. Running her hands through the flowers Rita slowly moved towards the strange place, sound of birds and bugs all around. Approaching slowly it looked at first like a large manor house, with decorative features and expensive marble and gold trimmings and pillars. A word was above the door in fancy lettering. University

Curious Rita made her way up the steps. Something on the back of her mind there but not quite. Slowly she eased open the door, a loud creak as it swung inwards. The reception area was very impressive, yet not quite correct for a University. It looked more like a manor house then a university, however it wasn't any less impressive and anyway it wasn't unreasonable for a manor house to become a university so she ignored it. Slowly she made her way down the empty halls, the floor was warm under her scales. Door after door, room after room, something nagging at the back of her mind. She opened one at random, a large medical teaching room. Books lined one of the walls, supplies on the other and numerous benches in uniform arrangement in the center. Slowly she left saving this room for later.

Something was missing and it was bugging her. Door after door but none of them had what she wanted. Then laughter, a feeling of joy resonating around the halls. She opened a door into the next room. A room like a small arena. Sand on the floor and seats all around. A sign in the pit"Everything You Have Ever Wanted To Know About Famula But Were Too Afraid To Ask" and a girl sitting on one of the seats. Rita's vision went fuzzy. she looked to her left and a woman ran for her spear coming for her. She screamed and fell rolling down the stands to land at the side of the other girl.
word count: 359
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Dreaming Dark Desires

Faith: Dreaming
Oh, but there was free stationery. Faith genuinely thought that she had never in all her short life been quite so happy. There was a pack which had an artists drawing of Famula on the front of it, with parchment inside which had "Everything You Have Ever Wanted To Know About Famula But Were Too Afraid To Ask" watermarked subtly down the left hand side. This was going to be the best class ever, she didn't doubt it for a moment and she settled down quiet happily. She put her textbook in front of her and pulled out her notebook. She didn't want to mess up the watermarked parchment, after all, that was a real find here and she was planning on keeping it.

Faith had to stop herself from bouncing in her seat, she was so excited about this. She was pleased that she'd gotten here early and made sure that she had the seat that she wanted. She vaguely and briefly considered whether she should go and collect all the other parchments, but that was quickly dismissed as neither fair, appropriate or achievable.

And then, of all things, a woman came tumbling down the stairs. Screeching in surprise or shock or something and Faith turned to look at her. As the woman landed next to her, Faith bent forward, her face appearing above Rita's in the dream and she looked at her with an utterly perplexed expression.

"Shush!" she said, sternly "The class is about to start" and indeed, suddenly, the room was filled with people. Whoever the woman with the spear had been, she was hidden in the crowd and, maybe, had just been one of the students rushing to get a seat. Faith certainly didn't spot anything up there, there were just so many people milling around and rushing to get to their seat.

Who was this woman and why was she making such a scene? Faith looked most disapproving. "The teacher won't like it if you're overly dramatic. This isn't drama class, did you think it was? Look, there's a seat here, if you want" she said, although she wasn't sure that having the screaming drama-student sitting next to her was a good plan, but the whole amphitheatre was filling up.

And then she nudged Rita with a bony elbow "Look! The Teacher!!" she said, nearly bouncing off her seat in exctiment.
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Dreaming Dark Desires

Still dazed from her fall her vision was still spinning, not knowing where she was or why.
"Shush! The class is about to start" Rita cheeks turned red and she was lost for words looking up at this girl.
"The teacher won't like it if you're overly dramatic. This isn't drama class, did you think it was? Look, there's a seat here, if you want" d.. drama? thoughts still slowed, well it did look like a stage. People started filling up the stands, strangely blank faced and void of defining features. A bony elbow brought her round.
"Look! The Teacher!!"
"Eep! sorry so sorry" Rita pulled herself upright next to this woman, the only one that she could see. "a uh... enemy of mine, I thought I was rid of them a while ago. Big bully pushed me down the stairs." Settle down on the, surprisingly comfortable and warm, stone seats.

"My uh... My name is Rita, sorry about the dramatic entrance" A bright smile, "so... Famula hu. Honestly no idea what they are, don't have my class till tomorrow. Might as well sit in on this one though." Watching the other girl and looking her over. Not that Rita would tell her but she found her quite attractive, her long black hair, pale skin and deep inquiring silver blue eyes. Dressed all in black complimenting her body's shape. Then a look of worry crossed Rita's features. The girl was skinny, looking a little malnourished yet not dangerously so. Silence filled the room, a featureless man walked to the center of the room.
word count: 270
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Dreaming Dark Desires

Faith: Dreaming
The woman next to her sat down, at least, after squeaking an apology, but Faith noticed that she didn't even look at the free stationery. How could she not care? How?! Faith was astonished and, frankly, more than a little horrified. It has a watermark, for Famula's sake. But still, there was no accounting for taste. Nonetheless, the young girl sitting there, all agog with excitement at what was about to happen was astonished at the woman next to her. Why wasn't she sitting upright and ready to answer The Teacher? It was very strange behaviour.

Very strange indeed.

But then, The Teacher spoke. The Teacher was completely faceless at this point, He was thin to the point of completely emaciated, his voice raspy and quite eerie sounding in truth. He started to speak and Faith urgently started to write.

"Famula is an Immortal. Famula is the youngest of Cierel's children. Famula is considered to be a serious and grim. Famula is wise. Famula believes that servitude in life leads to peace in death. Famula's three aspects are servitude, souls and resurrection......"
and he continued on... and on. Faith lowered her head and wrote it all down, determined to catch every single detail. But after a moment, she couldn't help but nudge Rita again "You should write it down. There's free stationery" she whispered, and then returned to her avid attention on the droning figure.

"Famula walks over graveyards and as she does she experiences the last moments of the dead. Famula then knows how they died. Famula knows if they were at peace. If they were not, they become a Wisp. Famula creates Wisps. Famla weight souls. Famula weighs every soul. Famula judges each. Famula is impartial. Famula travelled the world alone after the Great Shattering. Famula resurrected some to serve her. "

And on... and on he went. And Faith kept on writing.
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Dreaming Dark Desires

‘Emea was a strange place. Consciousness no matter how separated coming together into a shared make believe realm, there were no rules or laws, anything could happen within the confines of the brain. Faces only exist where someone knows them, a face is either someone you, or others, have passed in glance or another waking conscious.’ Rita heard it as if from another body, not part of this reality. She read about it in a book when looking into what her reflective state was. Dreamwalking was mentioned and a mark, but not what she could do. She noticed the other girl looking at her strange, she was joyous and excited to be her, questioning everything about Rita. In truth her posture was comfortable, although yes the paper was fancy and the free stationary was good it… It clicked.

She had nothing. This girl next to her had never had the gift of going to school or having nice things. More than likely from a poor family where they had to keep her home to work or simply couldn’t send her to school.
”Famula is an Immortal. Famula is the youngest of Cierel’s children. Famula is considered to be serious and grim” Each sentene sending a shiver down her spine, Rita feeling very uncomfortable as the room grew slightly colder. The snow started softly at first but then grew harder and harder. The other girl couldn’t see it. How could she it wasn’t her guilt.
Famula’s three aspects are servitude, souls and Resurrection..” Last word hanging in the air. She was suddenly very alone, freezing cold. The sand changed to blood covered snow.
The teacher changing into the cultist, looking around every student was the girl she had murdered all those trials ago. It was weird the girl next to her was having the best dream she could, learning, happy and given things so alien to her. Whilst Rita was slipping into a nightmare. The symbol that was on the Cultist body projected around the room.
”Famula weighs every soul. Famula resurrected some to serve her.” Every lifeless body looked on her, blood running down their naked chests closing in on Rita. Coming for her judging her actions.
A nudge from the girl brought her back. The empty faced teacher continuing on, room back to how it was brightly lit and comfortable. She smiled at the other girl
“You know what even though this isn’t my class I might as well enjoy it.” Settling down she started writing on the paper in Ithecal. She was no scribe but her handwriting was good. Writing down everything fresh from memory with little issue. Occasionally glancing at the other girls notes, hers were much rougher but legible in common. Those words were easier just to write in common rather than translate. She knew how to converse and read common but writing between languages was slightly harder. Familiar smell of woodsmoke and spiced meat drifted into the room. The other girl getting the smell as well judging by her reaction to the new and exciting smell. She would think on this later, she thought she had vanquished her guilt but something was still there, hiding, lingering away in the darkness of her mind. That was for another day. First she would show as much joy as the other girl, make her happy.
word count: 563
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Dreaming Dark Desires

Faith: Dreaming
If Faith had known that Rita was thinking that she was poor, that she had nothing, she would have told her a lot differently. She had so much that she did not know what to do with it all. She had much, much more than many and only a complete fool would think different. At least as far as she was concerned. But Faith didn't know who this girl next to her was, didn't have enough information to understand anything about her other than the fact that she had appeared, screaming, and now she seemed to have to be persuaded to write. Maybe she was in the wrong place, she considered, or maybe there was some other agenda.

Either way, nothing could get in the way of the lecture.

Faith continued to write in her small, neat handwriting. She moved her paper so that the girl who wanted drama classes (she thought) was able to see better and then she looked up. Why was it snowing? What was that all about? Faith looked concerned as a snowflake landed on her notes and she shook her head, trying to protect the paperwork. Her notes! She looked up and she realised that the girl next to her had snow falling all around her and some of it was on Faith's paper. She was not one bit impressed, and she hissed a whisper to her "Are you making it snow? It's snowing!" she said, and then the room started to slip away and for a brief moment, Faith saw a different scene, of bodies and blood and she nudged the girl next to her.

It was the lecture, yes, and it went on and on but Faith realised, suddenly, that it was just the two of them sitting there (all the other students were not there any more) except for them and The Teacher and he was moving so slowly that it was like he was in treacle. What was happening here, she wondered, and as the two versions of the dream collided, she frowned and mumbled in the waking world where she slept. "What's you name?" she asked the girl, sitting on the grass (when did it become grass, Faith wondered) next to her and handing her an apple. "Are you here to learn about Famula? What's your class really about?" she wondered. It was all confusing and she looked around and then asked, most confused "Is it your snow or mine?" like that made any sense at all.
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Dreaming Dark Desires

Birdsong, rustling leaves and the smell of Ashan. That brought back memories, so long ago why did she have to..
"What's you name?" Slowly she opened her eyes, properly taking in her companion for the first time, she was holding out an apple. Thankful she slowly took it from her, settling into the grass. When did it become grass. Taking a bite, juices running down her chin from the best apple she had ever tasted.
"Are you here to learn about Famula? What's your class really about?" Famula, she recognised the name in passing but no more than that. Why was she here, what was this dream all about. Who was this woman and what did she have to do with things. She looked around and then asked, sounding confused "Is it your snow or mine?" Snow… So much to process. She felt bad about spoiling this girls dream she was having so much fun.

“My name is Rita.” Soft voice and a worried smile. She looked at the white flecks dancing around in the wind.
“This is my snow… not that I want it but seems that it’s here. My kind does badly in snow and I don’t like it anymore” One question left. This is the one she had to think about most. Why was she here. She liked this girl, not wanting to hurt her
“I don’t rightly know why I am here. I don’t know who you are and I don’t go to university.” She paused watching the girls reaction, “the reason I screamed and the reason there is snow and the reason I messed things up for you is…” She paused, tears running down her face, finding it hard to breath chest tightening up. What was she doing? It was so so wrong how could she ever…
“It’s a manifestation at my guilt because I…” Don’t tell her everything.. You don’t know who she is who she’ll tell.
“Well I killed someone,” was it getting cloder. “She was a cultist… or more precisely a necromancer. Trying to kill me to server her immortal… I don’t know who but I think Famula from what I just heard. “

She looked at her, crying, trying to control her breathing so not to sob. At this point she had more questions then answers. However, here the two of them were in a field alone. Field… A quick look past the girl. A wheat field just below the hill. A red barn house just vissable in the distance.
“Moving out to the country” sung slightly in ithecal, small smile. She was here again. Not for the final time, not for a long time. Looking at her companion.
“Why don’t you tell me about who you are?” I know nothing about you and feel I may have made some rash assumptions about who you are and I would very much like to correct that pretty.” Smiling despite the tears
word count: 501
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Dreaming Dark Desires

Faith: Dreaming
It made no sense to Faith at all that this strange person was here and talking about things like she'd done something. She messed things up? How, Faith wondered, could she have. Faith had no awareness that she was dreaming and so she had no notion that anything had changed from the perfectly normal.

And it was all suddenly getting very strange. She was just here for a lesson, and then all of a sudden there'd been screaming, and drama and then snow. And now this woman (who really hadn't seemed bothered by the stationery, either!) was crying? Faith found it all very strange, truth be told. "Well, you shouldn't make assumptions based on no knowledge. That's a silly thing to do. How do you even know she was a cultist not just a crazy lady?" she asked, and then looked at the woman with her silver-grey eyes "I think you might be one of those crazy ladies, you know. And I really think you wanted to have the drama class" everything seemed to be quite dramatic to Faith, anyhow.

She lay down on the grass, wriggling her body until she was comfortable. A dozen sparrows fluttered around over her head and she watched as the clouds flew across the sky in the shape of dragons and drakes, birds and... was that an ostrich? She shot Rita a grin, her face chipper and perfectly content. "What assumptions have you made?" she asked of the strangely dramatic snake-girl. She looked down at her body and checked that she had her bag with her, which had the notes on Famula that she had made and she saw that she did still have it.

As her dream ended and new dreams began, Faith experienced a sort of whiling vortex-like sensation, of one dream blending into another. Her lecture theatre was gone and this person wasn't really at the university. It had all been something Jamal did, perhaps, or something that her owners in Athart had dreamt up to test her. It was possible. Maybe she was getting a new owner and this was his or her way of testing her now, she couldn't tell. But she had to cook the tea, she thought to herself. Sitting up in the grass, she was standing at a cooking range, chopping vegetables carefully. "The dolls are coming for a teaparty!" she said, urgently.

It was most certainly clear that Faith had no idea that she was dreaming and everything flowed from one into another - moments of sense were punctuated by very much non-sense and she worried "I hope that Mrs Witherspiddle doesn't lose her eye in the soup again!"
word count: 457
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