Ivorian City Inhabitants List
We are very excited that you've taken an interest in developing your character here, as we have many fascinating events happening within this beautiful city. To keep track of all the plots and drama happening within these stone walls, I ask that you please post your character to the roster so that we know who is playing here. Moderator planned events will happen often and since this is a starting city, I want to make sure I have everyone's character information so we can plan accordingly. I expect everyone who is coming into Sirothelle, whether they are visiting or living here, to post in this roster. Another reason being is that it helps players find others to develop their plots. With that said, please post using the code below to this form. You may include any information you'd like regarding your character.
We are very excited that you've taken an interest in developing your character here, as we have many fascinating events happening within this beautiful city. To keep track of all the plots and drama happening within these stone walls, I ask that you please post your character to the roster so that we know who is playing here. Moderator planned events will happen often and since this is a starting city, I want to make sure I have everyone's character information so we can plan accordingly. I expect everyone who is coming into Sirothelle, whether they are visiting or living here, to post in this roster. Another reason being is that it helps players find others to develop their plots. With that said, please post using the code below to this form. You may include any information you'd like regarding your character.
The Rebirth Cycles 2016 Census
Age, Race & Gender:
Purpose of Being in Sirothelle:
Likes to Thread About:
Dislikes to Thread About:
Additional Comments:
Code: Select all
[center][font size=150][b][u]The Rebirth Cycles 716 Census[/u][/b][/font][/center]
[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Age, Race & Gender:[/b]
[b]Purpose of Being in Sirothelle:[/b]
[b]Likes to Thread About:[/b]
[b]Dislikes to Thread About:[/b]
[b]Additional Comments:[/b]