Hello! For all those that don't know, I'm Christopher, and this is Paladin and herein I will be recording his goals, plot notes and anything else I feel may be pertinent to his overall story, characterization and direction of growth (or lack there of

Character Synopsis
Growing up in the Eternal Empire had shaped Kazmir into a dedicated and loving slave to the will of Raskalarn and her Empire. In his mind he wished to be the living embodiment of the perfect Imperial citizen. But in his heart he knew this was wrong. What happens when the chains of the society that created you pull too tight? What happens when freedom demands acknowledgment at the cost of all else? What happens when the question perched upon you lips has no good answer?
When reason and emotion collide, something has to break.
When reason and emotion collide, something has to break.
Character Personality
Though he is disturbed on a great level, in general interaction Paladin would not appear insane. In fact quite the opposite. He has a way about him, a methodical, soft, and passionate way of being that most might even find soothing. At worst he comes off as on the side of distracted or lost in thought, often staring off into the void or mumbling to himself.
A strange dispassionate empathy guides his relations to others. Where as on one hand his actions tell that he is a deeply caring person, there is a distance of emotion in his manner and speech. A benign aloof detachment to all persons. At the same time he seems to readily enjoy the company of others, even if he rarely seeks it out. Taciturn is his modus operandi.
Both deeply philosophical and also an idealist, he can often come across as almost zealous in his opinions about the world, particularly on right and wrong and the nature of morality. That can lead to great conflicts with he and others, as he refuses to bend to the will of those who exercise authority. Though he is willing to nudge for mortal beings, he is ironclade in his views about the Immortals (and indeed any being which demands worship), thinking them all to be Tyrants
A strange dispassionate empathy guides his relations to others. Where as on one hand his actions tell that he is a deeply caring person, there is a distance of emotion in his manner and speech. A benign aloof detachment to all persons. At the same time he seems to readily enjoy the company of others, even if he rarely seeks it out. Taciturn is his modus operandi.
Both deeply philosophical and also an idealist, he can often come across as almost zealous in his opinions about the world, particularly on right and wrong and the nature of morality. That can lead to great conflicts with he and others, as he refuses to bend to the will of those who exercise authority. Though he is willing to nudge for mortal beings, he is ironclade in his views about the Immortals (and indeed any being which demands worship), thinking them all to be Tyrants
Miscellaneous Notes
Player Note: Pala more active in Saun. Plan ahead for synthesis. Plan ahead for schism. The pieces fit, but their not all there.
Player Note: Cult. Avoid haste. Show evolution of subculture. Ideas are the bombs in your mind. Don't jump gun. When manifestation begins, bring it to Kingdom. Early is fine, later is too big. Too many variables. (Revolution? Persecution? Evolution? Corruption? Self Destruction?) Faith again... clip wings? Paladin offer firm, Pala submit. Drive wedge?
Player Note: How is the attacking Andaris going to effect him? Psychotic break? Flight? Synth!
Player Note: Heads or tails? Evens or odds? Black or white? Too many variations. Narrow and compress...
Player Note: Show a paladin in Paladin. Got the vectors, need the cure.
Player Note: Timelines mutherfucker, do you speak them?
Player Note: Finish "Will of the State" and "On the Mortal Heart"... Focus on Will...
Player Note: Watch for Faith. Too much power. Too much pressure... Axiom pressure break... Deal with this. Self reflection. Too early for schism. Too early for synch.
Player Note: Yana recruit? Fifth Lesson. Check out her timeline then bring it up.
Player Note: Refocus mages. Look around.
Player Note:4k a day keeps the men in white coats away.
Player Note: Juggernaut. Cassiopeia never let go. Different love? Control through submission? How does that reflect schism? Should have thought of this... good job dip shit...
Player Note:D/s ref. Domination through submission? Light it up, hide? See above: Needed evil? House of Roses? Schism.
Player Note: Ryn afterlife/Pala reincarn/Ali immortal. Ripples in the mind. Smooth it out.