• Out of Character • [Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Popfruit Food
Developed by Tio Silver
Found: Sweetvine Woods
Toxicity/Hazard: Ever so slightly acidic.
Appearance: Identical to a normal apple, save for a couple of tiny black dots scattered around its skin.
Properties: Popfruit look like large, juicy apples to the untrained eye, but this is only because Popfruits come from a mutation in a standard apple tree that causes carbon dioxide to be pumped into the fruits like a balloon until they're on the verge of bursting. When exposed to the slightest trauma, such as being bitten into, the explode with a loud popping noise.
Other Information: They also taste really bad.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development! LOL - this is a great, fun addition, thanks so much! If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 141
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Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Norther Sea Wolf Fauna
Northern Sea Wolf
Developed by Pash Vy’Ryn
Price: Not for sale.

Habitat: Deep, frigid waters are their hunting grounds, though once every two arcs, they migrate to areas with pebbled shores and ice flows in order to breed.

Lifespan and Development: Northern sea wolves live between 40-80 arcs, though these are approximate ages. While they are born small, pale-furred pups, they begin to mature around the age of 10 arcs, though most do not begin to reproduce until between 15-20 arcs of age. Males tend to be larger than females, and their sizes range from 6 to 8 meters (20 to 26 ft) long and weigh in excess of 6 tonnes (6.6 short tons) for males and 5 to 7 meters (16 to 23 ft) and weighing about 3 to 4 tonnes (4.4 short tons) for females. The sea wolf more or less possesses a physiology similar to a seal, with weight-bearing forelimbs that are flippers and a powerful tail for swimming, but their head and jaws are even more canine-like with bony ridges sweeping over the eyes and over minimal earflaps to almost look like horns. These ridges are longer and more prominent in males, who use them when sparring for alpha position. Their mouths are noticeably larger than a seal’s and their teeth regrow on a regular basis much like a shark’s. Sea wolves travel in packs of 10-12 individuals with a definite but as-yet unstudied hierarchy, with an alpha male and female usually being the only breeding pair.

Diet: Strict carnivores, sea wolves eat any and all marine life they can catch, including whales and fishermen if they can capsize and destroy their boat through their hunting strategies.

Temperament: Calculating, intelligent, aggressive, hierarchical.

Abilities: They are known for being agile swimmers and terrifying hunters that can take on much larger prey than a single animal. Attempts have been made to tame pups, but they are always far too aggressive once they reach maturity. They have excellent vision and hearing, make a variety of vocalizations to communicate with each other and defend their territory from barks, clicks, and deep howls that can travel for fathoms in the cold, dark waters of the north. They can come on land as well as swim, requiring a rocky beach or packed ice during their every other arc breeding cycle. They have been known to ambush seals and other creatures on land, bursting out of the water and dragging prey short distances back in to the sea. They enjoy playing with their food and often maim and wound and toss their prey around before consuming it.

They are edible, but the younger the sea wolf, the better. Both pup pelts and adult pelts have unique properties and are very valuable. Sea wolf pup pelts are some of the softest pelts in all Idalos, ranging in color from pure white to cream to a light grey with occasional spots—the less blemished, the more valuable. These pelts are more soft than they are warm, luxurious and valued by nobles everywhere. Adult pelts are much more coarse but smooth, and the hide is thick enough to be amazingly warm.

Scalvoris folklore, especially around Halvardr, says that wearing the skin of a sea wolf or possessing pieces of its body is believed to grant the owner supernatural fishing abilities.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development! Scary beasts!! If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Up to Date!
All completed submissions have been approved! If you want to help Scalvoris out, consider writing up some development pieces. We're always looking out for new and interesting locations / npcs / flora / fauna etc.

Thanks again!
word count: 38
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Location The Almund Bazaar
The Almund Bazaar
"There is only one law you need concern yourself with here my friend: me. Do as I say and you can sell whatever you wish, however you wish. Refuse me and you'll find another man selling your stock tomorrow, and yourself the next item on the slave market." - Jacien Raque, Master of the Bazaar.

The Almund Bazaar is one of the biggest locations in the city, as well as perhaps its most important community hub. It is comprised of hundreds of tents and stalls selling goods from all corners of the world that form a network of streets and alleys around one central building, the bazaar administrative office and guard post. Practically anything can be found somewhere in the bazaar; exotic goods from distant cities, the stolen plunder of locals pirates, carvings and trinkets from local woodworkers, but as the merchants are always vying for a space at the more popular areas of the bazaar the locations of each stall changes wildly, and in such a big place there's no guarantee that you'll ever see a stall that caught your attention yesterday again.

There is a popular saying around Almund that anything lost or stolen can be found in the bazaar; a surprisingly accurate statement since the black market is arguably more prominent than the legal one. A lot of the merchants have illegal products to offer on the side of their usual wares, and in the less busy streets you can even come across stalls that brazenly display clearly illegal goods without a hint of fear. The Elements have a very strong presence in the bazaar and crack down immediately on violence or thievery, but not one of them will bat an eyelid at the contents of a dubious stall or listen to a complaint that the items a merchant sells were stolen from someone else. It doesn't take a genius to notice that the guards working at the bazaar wear nicer clothes and live in bigger houses than the other Element soldiers do, but since nobody says anything then nothing is done about it.

Jacien Raque

Name: Jacien Raque
Race: Human
Age: 3rd Saun, Arc 687
Title: Master of the Bazaar
Skills: Business Management: 90, Discipline: 70, Linguistics: 70, Intelligence: 65, Negotiation: 55, Intimidation: 50, Writing: 30.
Other Information: The undisputed master of the Almund Bazaar, Jacien is a cunning and ruthless man who rules the sea of stalls with an iron fist. He lives in the administrative office at the centre of the bazaar and issues sales permits to anyone who wishes to set up a stall, though makes a point of meeting each of them in person to make sure they know that he's the boss, and auctions off the most popular stall spaces on a near daily basis. The Element soldiers patrolling the bazaar are firmly in his pocket, and any merchants who wont pay his permit fees or customers caught disrupting the peace are only given one warning before being harshly dealt with.

Jacien came to Scalvoris as a young boy with his father, a merchant from Nashaki, though was left stranded after his dad was killed by pirates over a price dispute in the bazaar, which at the time was ruled by one of the Pirate Lords and was a far more violent and disorderly place. With no one to turn to and no possessions except for a handful of his fathers merchandise Jacien was forced to fend for himself, and became a small street peddler in one of the dingy back alleys. He was constantly robbed and scammed in his early years, looked down upon because he was a kid, but through those hardships Jacien learnt to be shrewd, ruthless and clever, and slowly but surely built his way up from a simple peddler to the biggest stall owner in the bazaar. When the Pirate Lords disappeared Jacien saw his chance and teamed up with an officer in the newly established Elements, seizing control of the bazaar with military might and establishing order within it for the first time since the founding of Almund. Not once has he ever forgotten what it was like to be at the bottom, and because of that he works tirelessly to ensure that the order he has brought to the bazaar is never broken.

Borik Ikalgo

Name: Borik Ikalgo
Race: Human
Age: 19th Ashan, Arc 685
Title: Bizaar Guard Captain
Skills: Tactics; 50, Polearms (Halbard); 40, Mount; 30, Deception; 30.
Other Information: Borik is one of the Land Assistants in the Land Troops, overseer of the guards in the Almund Bazaar and perhaps the most corrupt officer in The Elements. Firmly in the pocket of Jacien Raque, Borik hand-picks the members of the land troop who seemed to sign up only for the money to serve as the guards at the bazaar, and keeps them all on a steady bribery payroll to overlook the black market and work hard to keep the place free of thieves and violence. Though not especially bright Borik is undoubtedly good at following orders, and so has been able to keep all evidence of him and his underlings corruption away from the eyes of his superiors by doing exactly what Jacien tell him too.

Price List / Goods Available

There are hundreds of stalls at the bazaar and as such thousands of products available. Please consult the price list in the knowledge base for general items, and consult the local moderators if you're looking for something special.

Player Notes

[mo="Pegasus"]Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Tio Silver
Submitted for Development: 31/08/17
Developed by: Tio Silver
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development!
I love that what you did was the two locations I had on my to-do list. Thank you!
If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 1001
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Location Port Diablo
Port Diablo
"Port Diablo? It's a mixed bag. The shipwrights there made me the best damn vessel I've ever sailed, but they punched half my teeth out when I complained about their manners." - Captain Ackaster, from an interview with The Cabin Boy.

There was a time when Port Diablo was the heart and soul of Scalvoris. Its harbors were once filled to the brim with pirate ships of all shapes and sizes, and the lucrative trade in plundered goods filled it with an abundance of wealth to garnish the Pirate Lord's coffers. Day and night the docks were packed with pirates from a multitude of different crews drinking and brawling out in the open, and the woodworkers of Almund plied their trade with such skill and efficiency as to create some of the most beautiful and powerful ships ever known.

But those days are gone now, and though there are still a large number of pirate crews that call Port Diablo their home the place never seems to be more than half full even at its busiest. Most of the docks in the far corners are dirty and rotten, abandoned completely by the dock-master since their upkeep would cost too much, and only used by the shady smugglers and other unsavory individuals who want to keep their vessels out of sight. The central docks are kept clean and maintained, but even they feel oversized for the meager amount of ships moored in them. Legal merchant vessels, fishermen and other honest sailors avoid Port Diablo like a plague because of its reputation as a pirate port, preferring the safety and growing opulence of Scalvoris Town, and as such the only people who seem to use Port Diablo these days are those with nefarious business or those who have no other choice.

Despite its declining state however Port Diablo still boasts some of the greatest shipwrights in the world, and can expertly craft or repair any ship in the world for the right price. A sailor can still find anything he could possibly need; a ship, supplies, crew members, just so long as he doesn't ask about where they came from.

Price List / Goods Available

Consult the seafaring section of the knowledge bases' price list here for a list of the ships and equipment available.

Player Notes

[mo="Pegasus"]Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Tio SIlver
Submitted for Development: 31/08/17
Developed by: Tio Silver
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development!
I have a hundred plot ideas for this place!
If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 453
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Tio Silver
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Fauna Skullgull
Developed by Tio Silver
Habitat: Only found around Port Diablo
Lifespan and Development: Reaches maturity at around age 2, and live for approximately 10 to 15 years.
Diet: Carnivorous. Mainly feed of fish, rodents and whatever food they can scavenge.
Temperament: Hostile but cowardly. They usually squawk threateningly if approached, but flee instantly if that doesn't work.
Abilities: Other than their deathly appearance these freakish birds are not so different from regular seagulls, except that they tend to be far more efficient carriers for diseases. At around the age of thirteen their bodies begin to decay in places despite not being dead, and so a large number of them can be seen missing limbs, eyes and other body parts. Despite how disgusting they are (or maybe perhaps because of it) these birds are the unofficial mascots of Port Diablo, as it is the only environment they seem capable of surviving in.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development!I love these scary little critters!
If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 186
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Sea Fox
Developed by Nightshade
Price: 650 gn

Habitat: Local mostly to the Scalvoris beaches and the areas around them

Lifespan and Development: Sea Foxes start off their lives hatching from a clutch of eggs laid by the mother. This clutch as they begin to hatch becomes very very close and while they are young form a group known as a skulk. During the first couple arcs of their lives (approximately 2-3) the fox only knows its mother and its skulk, together they hunt for larger prey they wouldn't be able to get otherwise and the mother teaches the young Sea Foxes how to survive. Around their first arc of arc the mother might bring the young foxes up to land for the first time. This process can often be long and for some of the foxes even painful as they must adjust to switching between their gils and to their point their unused lungs. Some foxes that are more observant might have watched their mother go about the surface of the water before and seen her breathing, they might have even tried it themselves. For this small group of foxes the transition period will be much easier. Usually, the foxes who figure this out are far more likely to survive into adult hood. While they are still pups many larger fish might try to prey on the Sea Foxes, leaving it to the mother alone to try and protect her young brood. The only advantage give to the pups comes with their speed.

Once the Sea Fox reaches 2-3 arcs of age it will leave its skulk and try to find its own way. Some may find their tastes more suited to land, while others might find themselves drawn to the sea. Either way, only about 40% of all young Sea Foxes will survive their first year out in the ocean. Those that do survive however quickly adapt to whatever problems life may throw at them. They will wander as they see fit for the next two arcs, usually acting friendly towards any other of their kind and occasionally forming skulks. Due to the low population Sea Foxes often find it more productive to offer aid to one another instead of rivalry. It's very rare you'll see two Sea Foxes fighting, and when something like that does happen it's usually a pair of siblings fighting over a mate. Once a Sea Fox has reached its fourth arc of survival they will officially be old enough to breed. Sea Foxes are able to tell family from strange based off of scent, mannerism, patterns, and various other factors that the intelligent races of Idalos have yet to gain the technology in determining.

A Sea Fox in the wild usually lives anywhere between 20-30 arcs. As they grow older some have even been said to grow faster and more lithe. This speed is what allows them to live the full length of their existence. A Sea Fox may live anywhere between 15 and 20 arcs if they're kept in captivity, cutting a whole 10 arcs off of their life span.

Diet: Sea Foxes usually live off a diet of any fish smaller than they are. Occasionally they'll eat edible plant matter, but they are mostly carnivorous creatures. They aren't above scavenging off of large kills.

Temperament: By nature the Sea Foxes live up to their title as a species of fox. They are tricky and ultimately finicky creatures that enjoy messing with others. They'll often attempt to trick sailors they come across, but their most enticing prey are the mer. Due to their nature when they find a mer that's susceptible to their specific brand of tricks they'll harass them to the ends of the ocean, often leading to mer despising Sea Foxes. They wouldn't be the only ones who hate these mysterious and trickster like creatures. Their speed and serpentine like bodies ultimately allows them to dodge most ranged attacks, on top of that good luck trying to catch one.

Abilities: Possessing both gils and lungs Sea Foxes, in spite of their names, are amphibious. A sea fox is extremely fast in the water, leaving them nearly impossible to catch let alone hurt or hunt. Even on land their slithering snake like bodies retain a great amount of speed. They have two sets of eye lids which allow them to better see under water or on dry land, the second pair of eye lids being completely translucent.
 ! Message from: Peg
PM query sent. Love these!
word count: 767
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

This nice man will play an important part in my starter quest. I thought I'd make him a City NPC so that other players can use him as well. Feel free to blame everything bad that is happening in Scalvoris on him!
Original Submission NPC Walt Holgate
Name: Walter "Walt" Holgate
Created by: Victor Amielle
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 71st of Ymiden, Arc 650
Title: The Mad Mage
Skills: Empathy 65, Animal Husbandry 60, Alchemy 55, Transmutation 40, Fieldcraft 40, Hunting 30, Trap Making 30, Polearm (Quarterstaff) 25
Details:Once upon a time Walt was a reputable alchemist, Trasmuter and Empath and also a student of zoology at the prestigious Academy of Viden. Due to a bad case of Overstepping he lost his mind and ran away. For the past four decades he has been travelling around Idalos, making animals as well as people go crazy and conducting experiments of a very questionable nature.

Walt suffers from paranoia as well as wild mood swings. Sometimes he appears to be a a nice old man that wants to share his wisdom with the world around him, and sometimes he tries to kill you. He also frequently talks to himself which is either another sign of his madness or perhaps simply due to him being lonely.

He usually sleeps in a house entrance, a tent, a cave or a hut in the forest that he has built from twigs and branches. He has not had a proper job in ages due to his fragile mental state, but he sometimes sells the things that he finds in the wilderness. Sometimes people also give him money because they think that he is a just poor, mad beggar.

Walt has white hair, a thick beard and questionable bodily hygiene, he smells, and his once fancy robes have been mended so often that they are nearly unrecognizable. His favourite animals are fish that he often eats raw. Sometimes he also eats mice or roasts a squirrel over a campfire because meat is meat, right?
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development - sincere apologies for the delays in approving! I didn't realise this was here since we'd gone onto a new page!
If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 400


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Shelleton
Name: Shelleton
(Soz, I'm bad at these)
Quick Facts: Skeletal, Underwater, Covered in Shells
Height, Width, Length, and Weight: Average Mortal Sizes
Native to: Scalvoris Coastal Waters
Locations: Entirely in the Scalvoris Coastal Waters

Shelletons are essentially skeletal mortals, usually completely lacking in flesh, though occasionally a newer Shelleton may still possess some minor scraps and pieces. What gives Shelletons apart and sets their name is the presence of large colonies of mollusk-like creatures around their bodies, with odd vine-like tentacles wrapping around their limbs and acting almost as joints. These tiny mollusks seldom move, and will almost completely cover the body of a Shelleton, bursting from bones like growths, or simply latching on where they can.

Shelletons being quite reminiscent of undead marrows require absolutely no rest, nor protection from the elements, and therefore do not particularly bother with creating habitats or homes for themselves. That said, they are known to gather in large clusters on the ocean floor, where they will stare directly upwards, and wait for a passing ship to awaken them from their slumber.

Lifespan and Development:
When a Mommy Sailor and a Daddy Shelleton like each other very much, the Daddy Shelleton pulls the Mommy Sailor off of her boat, and then drowns her under the ocean. The mollusks on the bodies of the Shelletons promptly feed on their flesh, wiping them almost completely clean in a matter of a trial or two, and proceed to lay new eggs in the empty skeleton. The skeleton then acts as a ‘shell’ and a home for the newborn mollusks, who promptly spread over its body and begin the cycle anew.

These mollusks are entirely the reason why the skeleton is capable of movement. They recognize boats and ships as methods of reproduction, and are entirely bestial in their desire to drown sailors, consume them, and then reproduce in their skeleton. The mollusks accomplish locomotion through a distinct and complex network of tendrils which snake throughout the body, typically forming a mass at the center of the Shelleton where a ‘heart’ might have been present. Mollusks zap gentle electrical signals through these tendrils and into the heart wherein it is transferred to other mollusks. Fascinating enough, these mollusks typically follow a somewhat ‘democratic’ structure wherein the requests of the majority are followed through by the remainder of mollusks. It is for this reason that the mollusks are rather slow in their movements, because it takes a couple of moments to properly determine movement.

Diet: Technically, a Shelleton being ‘Undead’ doesn’t require anything to eat. That said, the mollusks upon their bodies are scavengers, and will only consume dead matter, though they do not mind if it is recently dead, or long-dead. If these mollusks do not eat for several trials, they will begin to cannibalize themselves, and will effectively render the Shelleton unable to properly move large portions of its body.

Shelletons could probably be defined as aggressively territorial. It is a rare instance where a Shelleton hive decides to actually leave from its fellows, and most prefer simply to wait for another passing boat to jar them into motion. Once a boat is spotted, however, they stir into action, swimming up towards the surface of the boat wherein they will attempt to yank down unsuspecting sailors into the sea so that they may drown them. Shelletons are not very talented at actual combat, and will almost always prefer simply to shove and push and pull on a person to get them in the water where they have the advantage.

1. Ability to live underwater without air.
2. Ability to sense the passing of ships without use of eyes, likely some form of electromagnetic sensation from the mollusks.
3. Ability to be surprisingly resilient as the only way to properly ‘kill’ a Shelleton is to remove the mollusks covering its body, and the mollusks are legion. Removing an area of mollusks will disable it from use, however.
4. Ability to swim surprisingly well for being essentially a shell covered in strange parasites.

Credit: Noth
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development - sincere apologies for the delays in approving! I didn't realise this was here since we'd gone onto a new page!
If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 741

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission NPC Ozbourne Kerrik
Name: Ozbourne Kerrik
Created by: Tio Silver
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 3rd Cylus, 630
Title: Warlock of the Scalvoris Seekers Cell
Skills: Defiance; 80. Dustforge; 45. Abrogation; 30. Martial Arts; 30. Teaching; 25. Brewing; 20. Intelligence; 15. Leadership; 15.
Details: Ozbourne, simply called Oz by most, has been a member of the Seekers ever since he was a young man. Brought into the group by his uncle and trained by him in defiance, Oz was always a firm believer that magic was a tool that should be shared with all of humanity and used to defend it from injustice. He spent his youth fighting instead of researching, using the power of the elements to defeat bandits, monsters and many other evils.

However youth does not last, and Ozbourne slowly found himself more and more tired after each battle, and more affected by the backlash of pushing his magic too far. This culminated after he overstepped himself fighting another mage and found that the earth, his kin element, had grown offended of being used as a weapon and abandoned him, no longer heeding his calls. To this day his kin element has yet to completely forgive him, and without its help the once powerful mage became too weak to face evil head on as he once had.

In recognition for his years of service but still wary of his now weakened power and lack of research skills Ozbourne was awarded Warlock status of Scalvoris, an island with one of the weakest Seeker presences. Since his appointment Ozbourne has stubbornly kept the Seekers presence on Scalvoris from fading, but has not been able to encourage growth under his leadership either.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development - sincere apologies for the delays in approving! I didn't realise this was here since we'd gone onto a new page!
If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 348
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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