Original Submission Fauna Naekarr the Rotten
Naekarr the Rotten

Developed by Tio Silver
Details: All manner of strange and dangerous creature can be found in Sweetwine Woods, yet all of them flee in terror at the arrival of the oldest, strangest, and undeniable most malevolent monster to haunt those woods; Naekarr the Rotten. A vile undead monster created by ancient necromancy, Naekarr is an amalgamation of the bones of many humans fused and twisted together into a shape designed solely for combat, and although time has stolen any last remnants of flesh or muscle and dulled the once sharp edges of its old bones its strength, speed, durability and alarmingly powerful regeneration ability have made it more than a match for any of the heroes that have tried to destroy the creature over the years.To use proper necromantic terminology Naekarr is a giant class stitchborn (and something of a work of art to any necromancers that behold it, though nobody else can see this supposed beauty) embedded with a rare Obstimyte well deep within its armored chest which has sustained it over the years and grants it its impressive physical power and regenerative ability. As it has no master, and no necromancer to date has been able to assume control over it, Naekarr is commanded solely by its own unending hunger for life, and so unendingly hunts down and attacks any living creature that it comes across, man or beast.
Lifespan and Development: Naekarr was created somewhere around Arc 500, back before the Pirate Lords arrived and the island was home to only a few small residents. Due to how remote it was and how much life was around to use for materials an unnamed necromancer, fleeing persecution from his home country, chose Scalvoris as the place to set up his new laboratory and built a home for himself in the area now known as Sweetwine woods. Here he secluded himself from the rest of the world and focused on his experiments, hunting down local animals and kidnapping the unsuspecting locals in order to research the techniques for creating stitchborns. When the locals discovered what he was doing they rallied together to hunt him down, and in order to defend himself the necromancer created Naekarr to guard his territory.
However when the necromancer had come into possession of the Obstimyte he hadn't known what it was, and severely underestimated the power it would bestow onto his newest creation. Upon its awakening Naekarr overpowered and devoured the necromancer, destroyed his home and the rest of his creations, and has been terrorizing Sweetwine Woods ever since.
Diet: Naekarr devours any living thing it can catch, however does not physically need to eat.
Temperament: Extremely hostile.
Abilities: Naekarr is twice the size of an average human man, though has the strength, speed and durability of a rhino. Most frightening though is its immensely powerful regeneration abilities, which allow it to recover from practically any damage with remarkable speed.
Weaknesses: Fortunately for the people of Scalvoris the creature has a protocol embedded within it that prevents it from taking even a single step outside of the cover of the trees, and so as long as you remain outside of the woods it cannot hurt you. Nor is the creature very intelligent, possessing nothing more than wild fighting instincts and a ravenous hunger, and has no senses other than a very poor sense of sight, so distracting, hiding from or otherwise tricking the creature is fairly easy. Additionally removing the Obstimyte at its core will destroy it, though none have yet managed to pull off this feat.