• Out of Character • [Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Fauna Naekarr the Rotten
Naekarr the Rotten
Developed by Tio Silver
Details: All manner of strange and dangerous creature can be found in Sweetwine Woods, yet all of them flee in terror at the arrival of the oldest, strangest, and undeniable most malevolent monster to haunt those woods; Naekarr the Rotten. A vile undead monster created by ancient necromancy, Naekarr is an amalgamation of the bones of many humans fused and twisted together into a shape designed solely for combat, and although time has stolen any last remnants of flesh or muscle and dulled the once sharp edges of its old bones its strength, speed, durability and alarmingly powerful regeneration ability have made it more than a match for any of the heroes that have tried to destroy the creature over the years.

To use proper necromantic terminology Naekarr is a giant class stitchborn (and something of a work of art to any necromancers that behold it, though nobody else can see this supposed beauty) embedded with a rare Obstimyte well deep within its armored chest which has sustained it over the years and grants it its impressive physical power and regenerative ability. As it has no master, and no necromancer to date has been able to assume control over it, Naekarr is commanded solely by its own unending hunger for life, and so unendingly hunts down and attacks any living creature that it comes across, man or beast.

Lifespan and Development: Naekarr was created somewhere around Arc 500, back before the Pirate Lords arrived and the island was home to only a few small residents. Due to how remote it was and how much life was around to use for materials an unnamed necromancer, fleeing persecution from his home country, chose Scalvoris as the place to set up his new laboratory and built a home for himself in the area now known as Sweetwine woods. Here he secluded himself from the rest of the world and focused on his experiments, hunting down local animals and kidnapping the unsuspecting locals in order to research the techniques for creating stitchborns. When the locals discovered what he was doing they rallied together to hunt him down, and in order to defend himself the necromancer created Naekarr to guard his territory.

However when the necromancer had come into possession of the Obstimyte he hadn't known what it was, and severely underestimated the power it would bestow onto his newest creation. Upon its awakening Naekarr overpowered and devoured the necromancer, destroyed his home and the rest of his creations, and has been terrorizing Sweetwine Woods ever since.

Diet: Naekarr devours any living thing it can catch, however does not physically need to eat.

Temperament: Extremely hostile.

Abilities: Naekarr is twice the size of an average human man, though has the strength, speed and durability of a rhino. Most frightening though is its immensely powerful regeneration abilities, which allow it to recover from practically any damage with remarkable speed.

Weaknesses: Fortunately for the people of Scalvoris the creature has a protocol embedded within it that prevents it from taking even a single step outside of the cover of the trees, and so as long as you remain outside of the woods it cannot hurt you. Nor is the creature very intelligent, possessing nothing more than wild fighting instincts and a ravenous hunger, and has no senses other than a very poor sense of sight, so distracting, hiding from or otherwise tricking the creature is fairly easy. Additionally removing the Obstimyte at its core will destroy it, though none have yet managed to pull off this feat.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
word count: 606
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Up to Date!
All completed submissions have been approved! Those of you who have had development pieces approved, don't forget to claim your point bank points if you take part in that system! Truly, all of you, thank you so much for putting in the time to help flesh out our lovely, quirky island. It is really very, very appreciated!

Thanks again!
word count: 63
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Tio Silver
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Food Pineapple Chicken Bowl
Food Pineapple Chicken Bowl

Developed by Tio Silver
Main Ingredient(s): Pineapple, diced chicken, rice, assorted spices, a special sauce made from sugar, pineapple juice and wine.
Appearance: The chicken, pinapple and sauce are mixed together and served beside rice, usually in a hollowed out pineapple shell.
Taste: Quite sweet and spicy.
Price: 2sn
Availability: In Almund and Scalvoris Town, normally from stall by the beaches.
Any other details: Has a reputation as a food to be enjoyed by the beachside, and popular among couples.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
word count: 93
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Location The Cabin Boy
The Cabin Boy
There can be no denying that Scalvoris is an interesting place; there are pirates in every alley, monsters roaming free in the wilderness, and even an island where the Immortal's themselves are said to talk to visitors. It's really no surprise that a lot of interesting things happen, but most of the islands residents only hear about these events after they've been diluted by so much hearsay and bias that it's impossible to tell what parts of them are real and what aren't.

Officially The Cabin Boy is supposed to be the answer to that problem; a newspaper that serves as a bastion of truth and reliability in these dark times, and can be trusted to seek out the biggest events going on across the island and conduct the most thorough of investigations into them before making a report. It is by the people, for the people, and only has the public's best interests in mind.

Unofficially it is anything but that. Each story is crafted purely with the intention of selling more copies of the newspaper in mind, and as such it is filled to the brim with gossip and rumours designed to catch people's attention or provoke a reaction. Factual evidence is only used if it supports the editors opinion on the matter, and the paper will accept information from shady sources based on the flimsiest evidence so long as it is information that people will talk about. Put all together this makes your average copy of The Cabin Boy dubious at best, but despite that no one can deny that it is a compelling read.

If you have an interesting story to tell or have something to share with the residents of Scalvoris why not come inside and have a chat with the editor? He's always looking for new reporters, freelance or otherwise, and will publish anything he deems important for the public to hear. Just don't expect your story to come out exactly the way you intended it to...

NPC Name

Name: Anton Callipo
Race: Human
Age: 2nd Cylus, 686
Title: Newspaper Editor
Skills: Rhetoric: 80, Business Management: 55, Intelligence: 55, Forgery: 45, Intimidation: 30, Drawing: 20, Persuasion: 20, Storytelling: 10.

Other Information: Not all the people who enter Viden Academy are smart enough to be there. Anton arrived in Scalvoris in Ashan 717 believing he could make something of himself as a researcher for the newly opened Scalvoris Campus by studying the strange new flora and fauna that had appeared across the island, however it soon became apparent that he had no talent for the job. He was too eager to take things at face value or bias his studies with his own prejudices, and was kicked out of the academy after he was caught fabricating the data in a report because he'd gotten too hungover to do the real work.

His pride wounded, Anton swore he'd make the academy rue the day they insulted him! He set up The Cabin Boy and began spreading Scalvoris' first newspapers all across the island, not so that the people could learn the honest truths of what was going on in their home island but so that he could make sure that his opinions became the opinions of the public, and naturally took every opportunity to blame the academy for the bad things happening across the island. He is willing to call rumours from the sketchiest sources solid information in his newspaper as long as it aligns with his opinions, and firmly believes in telling the public what they want to hear rather than the truth. Unfortunately opinionated as he is, the man does have a knack for getting people riled up...

Price List / Goods Available

Item: Price:
Newspaper 1sn

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[md="Pegasus"]Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Tio Silver
Submitted for Development: 22/07/17
Developed by: Tio Silver
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development, it's really exciting! I'm going to pop it into Scalvoris Town, I think. Let me know if you want it in Almund, I just thought that since it's so anti-Academy, they'd set up office where they can keep an eye!
word count: 722
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Tio Silver
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission Superstition Star Signs
Scalvoris Star Signs

Developed by Tio Silver
Details: There is a legend in Scalvoris that throughout history the Immortal Xiur has honored six of his champions who have sacrificed their lives for noble causes by painting their images into the night sky in the form of clusters of stars. Those champions are believed to look down on the world from afterlife through those constellations, and warn the people of Idalos of the danger they can see coming so that they might guard themselves against it. Supposedly each champion can see danger that will befall a person based on which season they were born in, and so predictions of a persons near future based upon their birth season, called horoscopes, have become a popular part of culture. It is also said that thanks to these champion's influence certain character traits are more prevalent in people born in a certain season.

Those born in Cylus are watched over by "Loros the Shield Bearer", whose constellation forms a shield, and are said to be generous, loyal and protective. They are honest and decent people, but tend to struggle with pride problems.

Those born in Ashan are watched over by "Chiren the Messenger", whose constellation forms a scroll, and are said to be witty, curious and sociable. They are full of energy and life, but are quick to become impatient.

Those born in Ymiden are watched over by "Ibis the Painter", whose constellation forms a paintbrush, and are said to be level-headed, beautiful and charitable. They are great appreciators of art and beauty, but possess hidden streaks of vanity.

Those born in Saun are watched over by "Victar the Soldier", whose constellation forms a bow and arrow, and are said to be tough, passionate and dedicated. They are better at enduring hardships, but struggle with hotter tempers.

Those born in Vhalar are watched over by "Erena the Judge", whose constellation forms a set of scales, and are said to be wise, clever and ambitious. They have a drive to achieve success, but must be wary not to get greedy.

Those born in Zi'da are watched over by "Nero the Hound", whose constellation forms a dog, and are said to be dependable, practical and empathetic. They are great conversationalists, but can be very stubborn when they want to be.

These horoscopes are of course pure superstition, as scientific studies have shown that a person's birth season has no correlation at all to any strong personality traits they develop, but even so a number of people take note of their horoscope prediction just on the off chance that there is some truth to them after all.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development, I love it! I have added a picture to it in the traditions / superstitions etc repository. Thanks again!
word count: 483
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Up to Date!
All completed submissions have been approved! Those of you who have had development pieces approved, don't forget to claim your point bank points if you take part in that system! I'm so looking forward to the newspaper!

Thanks again!
word count: 44
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Original Submission NPC Alison Jeeve
Name: Alison Jeeve
Created by: Victor Amielle
Race: Human
Birthday: 25th of Ashan, Arc 692
Title: Associate Professor
Skills: Research (80), Defiance (65), Investigation (60), Teaching (50), Writing (50)
Details: Alison’s parents were fishermen whose boat sank when she was just a baby. She was raised by an elderly uncle. Theophilus Jeeve was a Defier, a history professor and and a lifelong bachelor who did not know much about children which is why Alison’s upbring was unorthodox to say the least. He initiated her into his magic when she was a teenager. When he died a couple of arcs later she vowed to follow in his footsteps. She worked and studied in Viden at first, but when the Scalvoris Campus opened, she transferred there.

Alison is a very eccentric young woman. She is demanding and determined and extremely stubborn, and when one of her favourite topics comes up, she often rants for breaks, and it is almost impossible to get her to stop. She has a penchant for gross animals such as spiders, rats and toads, her clothes don’t always match, and she really likes alcohol. Sometimes she joins her students for a beer after class which is something that some of the more senior professors do not approve of. She is also an excellent teacher though which is why she has not been dismissed yet in spite of her slightly inappropriate behaviour.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development! I've added her to the University first post! If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 289


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Pegasus Pug!!!
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Up to Date!
All completed submissions have been approved! If you want to help Scalvoris out, consider writing up some development pieces. We're always looking out for new and interesting locations / npcs / flora / fauna etc.

Thanks again!
word count: 38
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Tio Silver
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Treid's Lily Original Submission Flora
Treid's Lily
Developed by Tio Silver
Found: Scalvoris Mountains and the surrounding grassland.
Toxicity/Hazard: None
Appearance: Akin in shape and size to a regular Lily, but with metalic silver coloured petals.
Properties: The most noticable feature about these strange lilies is that they will not bloom during the day. As their name suggests Treid's Lilies can only absorb moonlight, and close up again when not in its presence in a matter of minutes. Their silver colouring reflects moonlight in a way that makes them glimmer beautifully, and because this glimmering effect grows stronger the fuller the moon is then standing in a field of these flowers on a cloudless full-moon night is said to be one of Scalvoris' most romantic sights.

Other Information: When these flowers are plucked their silver colouring quickly turns into a sad grey, and no matter how well cared for they appear weak and wilting. Because of this there is a superstition that plucking one of these flowers will bring a person bad luck for the next week, however this had not stopped alchemists across the world from harvesting them for their rare property to make effects trigger when exposed to moonlight.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development! What a beautiful flower and I love the moonlight angle - great stuff and very Scalvoris! If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 244
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Tio Silver
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[Scalvoris] Development and Requests Thread

Thwarthog Original Submission Fauna
Developed by Tio Silver
Habitat: All of Scalvoris
Lifespan and Development: Reaches maturity at 4, and can live for around 15 years.
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Generally passive and friendly when not provoked, but becomes very aggressive when threatened. Also noted to be strangely stubborn, and will rarely choose to flee from a fight instead of fight.
Abilities: A thwarthog has no unique abilities to distinguish it from a regular warthog save one: its heightened intelligence. Thwarthogs are smart enough to spot normal hunting traps and understand human body language to a degree, and so are not only very good at evading hunters but sometimes taunt them or trick them into falling into their own traps. Many a man has been made a fool of after pissing off these pigs, although usually suffers no more than a few bruises and a badly damaged ego from the pig's pranks unless they actually managed to harm them.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you so much for this development! I love this creature - and so well named! Thank you thank you! If you use the Point Bank system, please don't forget to claim your points!
word count: 195
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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