Developed by Tio Silver
Details: It was around Zi'da 712 that reports first came in of strange happenings around the Scalvoris Mountains. The remains of prey started to pop up with wounds suggesting that they'd been attacked by a Videnese Aurora Glider, however unlike normal the size of the wounds suggested that the Glider that'd attacked them had been way larger than normal. More shockingly though was that a lot of these remains were usually only half eaten, suggesting that these kills had not been made for survival but for the sheer sport of it. Though trackers were sent out to find this creature none were successful, and so the Elements were grudgingly forced to ignore the problem.
It was only an arc later that they finally found out what was really happening. After the Land Troop launched a successful raid on an illegal animal smuggling operation in Almund they found records that in 712 an unnamed poisoner had contacted them in order to purchase animals for testing an experimental poison with mutagenic properties, and among the list of animal subjects was an illegally captured Aurora Glider smuggled to Almund. The smaller animals that'd been experimented on before it had all died in the tests, however the Aurora Glider apparently survived the experiments and escaped soon after. It was around then that trackers finally spotted an enormous black winged creature flying around the mountains at night that from a distance resembled a monstrous bird.
Sadly one of these trackers was also a keen painter, and when he returned to Scalvoris Town he created a painting of a nightmarish creature called the Ishkahl based on what he'd seen. When news of the creature went public the painting fueled people's imaginations into believing that the real creature, now also named the Ishkahl, was exactly the same as the painting portrayed it, and since then the many rumors surrounding it have made it impossible to tell what the Ishkahl is truly capable of. In all the rumors though one thing remains the same; that the Ishkahl is evil incarnate, and will kill everything it sees.
Lifespan and Development: Due to being illegally captured there are no records on how old the Aurora Glider that was experiment on was, and therefor no way to know the age of the Ishkahl. Was is known from the wounds of its prey however is that since the experiment the Ishkahl has grown to triple its natural size, and has yet to show any signs of stopping. It has an estimated 50 foot wingspan, and witnesses have reported it to be a blackish-grey colour, however none have ever gotten close enough to give details on what it actually looks like.
Diet: It seems that the Ishkahl eats anything made of meat; wolves, horses, and even Scal Sohr Kahl. So far there have been two reported human deaths that it is thought to be responsible for, however they seem to have been killed for sport rather than food and so whether or not it actually eats humans is unknown.
Temperament: The Ishkahl is incredibly aggressive, as evidenced by the large number of creatures it has attacked, and is generally believed to attack whatever it sees. Despite this however it seems incredibly intelligent, is able to hunt down its prey with ruthless cunning and recognise and avoid human traps. Scholars at Viden Academy speculate that the transformation has put the poor creature in a constant state of pain, which in turn may have driven it mad and would explain its aggressive behavior.
Abilities: The Ishkahl is larger, stronger and faster than a regular Aurora Glider, which already makes it deserving of its fearsome reputation and extremely high danger level. So far it has only ever been spotted at night, which means that the mutagenic must have made it nocturnal and given it a method to hunt in the dark, but what that method is exactly is still unknown.
Weaknesses:Presumably damage to its wings or tail will hinder the Ishkahl's ability to properly fly, however whether this is true or not is still unclear.