Faith looked at Niv as her facial expression and she moved over to her, putting a hand gently on Niv's arm "It is alright. It simply is what it is, and I learnt quickly from it. All children are taught, are they not? It is fine and I am very grateful for my life, it has taught me many many things" she assured the little person (she didn't know the name of her race) in front of her. Faith hated the idea that her life might upset Niv, she didn't understand at all why it would but she felt very responsible for it.
The rest of the conversation, Faith surmised, was going to continue with a small squirrel on her head. That was fine as far as she was concerned and she sat down opposite Niv and nodded. "I learnt the other trial that the Moseke Mist is poisonous in large doses. Which is a worry, as it's used as a contraceptive by people. But also, that lavender can fight off infection" she said and then Niv asked her if she'd ever considered running away as a slave. Faith looked at Niv and smiled, immediately, to show her that it was fine that she'd asked. "It wasn't rude, it was inquisitive and caring. But no, I have never tried to escape. Have you ever tried to escape your life?" she asked, thoughtfully. Famula walked over and spoke again "Faith knows no other life, and she is content in her life. So, she does not seek to escape."[/i] the Immortal said and Faith looked up at Famula with a grateful smile. "If I am not a slave, then I do not know what I am. I am nothing else" she said, trying to make Niv understand. "Is there anything that defines you completely and has since birth?" she wondered.
The rest of the conversation, Faith surmised, was going to continue with a small squirrel on her head. That was fine as far as she was concerned and she sat down opposite Niv and nodded. "I learnt the other trial that the Moseke Mist is poisonous in large doses. Which is a worry, as it's used as a contraceptive by people. But also, that lavender can fight off infection" she said and then Niv asked her if she'd ever considered running away as a slave. Faith looked at Niv and smiled, immediately, to show her that it was fine that she'd asked. "It wasn't rude, it was inquisitive and caring. But no, I have never tried to escape. Have you ever tried to escape your life?" she asked, thoughtfully. Famula walked over and spoke again "Faith knows no other life, and she is content in her life. So, she does not seek to escape."[/i] the Immortal said and Faith looked up at Famula with a grateful smile. "If I am not a slave, then I do not know what I am. I am nothing else" she said, trying to make Niv understand. "Is there anything that defines you completely and has since birth?" she wondered.