[Emea] Creator's Insights

A place for Prophets of Emea to store their insights and ramblings about the realm.

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[Emea] Creator's Insights

Creator's Insights
This thread is a place for current and future Prophets to record their thoughts on the Realm of Dreams and its development, perhaps simply for the sake of brainstorming or for answering specific inquiries and providing additional insights into the realm to promote more in-depth understanding of the behind-the-scenes engineering and intentions that don't translate well into the official pieces of lore. All such insights will be announced and referenced when appropriate for the perusal and enjoyment of the community.
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[Emea] Creator's Insights

I figured that it'd be prudent to discuss a bit more exactly how I envision Emea, in vague terms. It's a very tricky realm to put into words because of what I intend for it to be, as it's supposed to fill in a lot of empty spaces and, by design, be the answer to a lot of questions that have and will come up in the future around the game. It's important to remember while going through these ideas that Emea, as I've designed it, is meant to be a complement to the game of Standing Trials rather than a standalone instance. Idalos will always be at the center of the setting despite Emea's impossibly vast and complicated nature.

So, in short...

Emea is the "cradle" from which all other realities are born. Using one of the analogies presented during its development, Emea can be thought of as a nebula (I thank Plague for initially helping me with this analogy, taking my scrambled thoughts and giving them a visual comparison). A gaseous, morphic cloud from which realities are born, enough material coming together and gaining mass and weight to the point that it "pops" out of Emea. In Emea, rather than a combination of gasses and chemical reactions, realities are born from thoughts and ideas---the magical energies surging through the realm of dreams shaped by the force of will alone. It's a slow and complicated process where enough ideas eventually come together in a large enough mass that it forms a separate reality, a "completed" product with its own set of rules that sets it apart from Emea.

These realities will always be connected to Emea, like the bond a child will always share with its parents, swimming around its infinitely large bowels alongside other half-baked or completed realities, occasionally touching against eachother with adverse effects and consequences.

Emea pulls inspiration from a number of different places in other games and settings, including the Warp (Warhammer 40K), the Twisting Nether and the Void (Warcraft), the Feywilds, the Far Realms (D&D), so on so forth. From the very beginning, it was designed to be more than just a mindscape through which mortals on Idalos could dream, making it into so much more than an isolated instance. Considering its nature, it'd be natural to ask yourselves why mortals dream at all, in the first place, and why these dreams take place in Emea.

... I might cover that in another post in the future.

Not sure how much sense any of this made. I hope it's coherent enough to be food for thought, though.

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