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Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:58 pm
Race: Naerikk
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4


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Name: Cierne
Alias: Constance L’heardt, Little Rabbit (always bouncing back)
Race: Naerikk
Date of Birth: 14th of Ashan, 697
Age: 23
Current Location: Quacia
Profession: Bartender
Religions: Aelig, Mastes, Audrae
Languages: Common / Fluent, Grovokian / Basic, Vahanic / Fluent (Competent Linguistics Option 3), Common Sign / Basic
Marks: Kasyni - Favored

FC: Madeline Rae Mason

Starter Quest
In the aftermath of Quacia's devastation, some might see nothing but ruin or hopelessness. But others will see an opportunity, and bounce back.

The Vice Lords of the Lair (the inner city village had been laid to waste and largely overrun by the Creep in late Ymiden 720) are always looking for new talent, now more than ever, and go about rebuilding and expanding their territory. Much of that rebuilding involves finding compromising information of landlords in the outlying area of what had been the Lair. In order to buy up territory at a cut-rate, and expand the potential area of operations for the lair.

One of these Vice Lords (who if you use them for more than a couple threads should be submitted for approval either as a city npc or personal) has taken a shine to Cierne, and makes overtures to recruiting the Naerikk for her peculiar talents. Will she go along with it, or try to strike it out on her own?

Last edited by Cierne on Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:06 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 234
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Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:58 pm
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Bartender
Renown: 40
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4


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Appearance & Personality


Height: 5’8
Weight: 130 lbs

Cierne is a woman of many colors, and this is most often represented by the various colors she chooses to dye her hair. She favors having red hair, but has dyed it bright blue, vivid green and vibrant pink! Her natural hair color though is black with hues of purple if the sun hits it just right. She likes to keep her hair long (it’s too soft and shiny to be shorn). Her skin is fair with undertones of green.

She has a small nose that is always embellished with a sparkly nose ring. Her eyebrows are thin and shaped to give her more of an intimidating appearance which is beneficial when it comes to her occupation. Cierne is almost never caught without a thick line of dark kohl around her eyes; this contrasts greatly with her eye color- a marvelous blue that twinkles with a lust for mischief.

She’s of average height, and lingers on the lighter side in terms of weight. Though that’s not to say she doesn’t have muscle. She has a small frame, one that has gotten her through the smallest of crevices (which makes reaching for lost items under the stairs so much easier).

She has several tattoos not including the one she received in Augiery as her Naerikk birth rite (which covers the entirety of her left arm). Some other tattoos worth mentioning are a bird skull on her right thigh (which can be seen in detail in the spoiler) and several runic symbols on her left side (she doesn’t know what any of them mean except for one). She has several piercings that adorn all parts of her body and only a smattering of scars are found here and there.

She does not age past 25 arcs because she is technically made up of illusions. In short, she’s a very attractive female with a love for modifying herself to her liking.

Shadow Form: The shadow forms, if seen, appear blank of features except eyes that refract light and nails that are menacingly sharp. They are long and curved while their arms appear wispy, unnaturally long, and thin. Their shadow forms can appear as anything they want really, from horrific to comfortably human, but they’re still shadows. When light eventually hits them, the illusions held up by the ether in the tattoos they are marked with take hold and the Naer appears just as any other human.

Due to what they are, the Naer have no problem seeing in the dark, whether in their shadow form or illusion form.

Tattoos/Piercings: Augiery Tattoos - The tattoos a Naerikk wears are symbols of the Ancient Language cut into their skin by ether soaked ink made within Augiery. The Naerikk don’t know of the language itself, but each tattoo is personalized to the Naer.
Tattoo Images

Merits: Determined, Brave, Inquisitive
Flaws: Stubborn, Unstable, Hypocritical
Likes: Alcohol, adventure, sex, magic, that feeling you get when you feel like you’ve been there and done that before
Dislikes: Being alone, condescension, unreasonable authority, rats (and birds)
Vices: Alcohol, playing with fire, torture and the feeling of having control via manipulation

A woman of inner conflict but determination, Cierne struggles in defining who she is as a person. Because of her ancestry, and her race, she deals with a darker side. She has a strong sense of independence, but succumbs (or so she thinks) to the necessity of seeking help from others (such as her guardian). She is loyal only to those she knows well, and it takes years to develop a strong relationship with her. The only people she is loyal to are her guardian and the children he cares for.

She can be hypocritical in the sense of loyalty- any disrespect or sense of betrayal against her or those she cares deeply about will manifest a spark of revenge. She’s also hypocritical when it comes to lying. While she finds that she can lie (and it's totally fine if she does it), she loathes when others do it.

Cierne can be arrogant, as she holds an air of superiority about her. As per her heritage, from an early age, she was brought up to fight her own battles and fend for herself. She is very adaptive to survive and because of the need for quick thinking she often lies to ensure her safety. She rarely divulges any personal information to anyone for fear it may be used against her. She can be very mischievous, a trait that runs in her blood.

Thought of as rude, stubborn, and blunt, she also has a soft side though it pales in comparison to her darker side. She has an addictive personality, but she is passionate about what she takes interest in; this not only includes hobbies but people too. If there’s a problem (and if she cares enough about it), she will try endlessly to solve it. While arrogant, if she is shown (with appropriate reasoning) her error, she will strive to perfect herself (but not without a little attitude first).

At the end of the day, Cierne is a little lost in her contradictions and contemplations about who she really is as a person. The blood that runs through her Naer veins screams one thing at her while the kind-hearted human who raised her in her later years tells her another (like her Naerikk nature of saying one thing but meaning another). Sometimes it is just best to go with what she knows, and so thus far she does.
Last edited by Cierne on Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:58 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 939
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Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:58 pm
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Bartender
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Wealth Tier: Tier 4


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Cierne was born and raised like any other Naer child in Augiery. She didn’t know if she was raised exactly like every other Naer child, though. Her father was rarely around (perhaps it was because he wasn’t a Naer and wasn’t entirely welcome in the city) and her mother was extremely strict. Do this and do that, but don’t do as I do because I can do whatever I want- that sort of thing. As Cierne grew under these pretenses, she became more and more frustrated and rebellious. That’s not to say her childhood was terrible. There were moments that sparked great joy in the girl, but more often than not she wavered on the line between barely content and overwhelmed with the desire for something better.

She trained hard, she followed ridiculous rules and she pretty much acted like her mother’s personal assistant half the time. But at the end of the day she always chalked every situation up to the bettering of herself, for better days would come. Her mother on the other hand didn’t seem to be bettering herself. She was a misandrist who viewed men as egotistical creatures with nothing more than base sexual instinct. And so her mother treated them as such.
Like a black widow, she was notorious for sleeping with men only to take from them after using them. However, like with anyone who gets too caught up in their own ego, arrogance swept in like a late spring frost. Her mother found herself in a difficult position. She had to answer to an unusual group with an unusual ultimatum. Long story short, she ended up selling her only child into slavery so that she could survive. Perhaps it was the way of the Naer- survival being the only thing that matters, self preservation trumping all other rational thought.

What was unfair was that Cierne was seventeen at the time. One more year and she would have been an adult, free to make her own decisions and live her own way. Instead, she had the proverbial rug pulled out from underneath her and she was sent to Athart to partake in grueling tasks, none of which she was particularly good at.

Her time spent as a slave evoked a spark of malicious intent in her, one that had been already brewing but required the right trigger to erupt. What little softness that remained in her heart turned hard, and the trifling warmth in her soul grew cold. But there was some residual hope. She believed that some day she would be free and with her freedom she would seek revenge on those who wronged her (including her own mother who to this day Cierne still resents). Fortunately, after many years, a young man came from out of nowhere and “bought” her. She was twenty at the time, and just as quickly as she had up and been transported into slavery, she was travelling to Quacia to live with yet another stranger.

The stranger went by the name of Everton and he was a young mage who strove to find children who had lost their way. His intentions were to help them find their true selves. He had made himself a sort of “wayward home for the troubled youth”, an unofficial homage for orphans and young deviants alike. Already, he had three younglings under his wing, and with the addition of Cierne, that made four. Although, the Naer didn’t accept this easily.

While Everton swore she was no longer a slave, and that he technically didn’t own her, he strongly encouraged she stay with him in the home. Being the conflicted and confused young woman she was, she didn’t know what to do. She was free after all; she could have just slipped away and done with her life as she pleased. But what good would that have done? She had nothing but her name and the clothes on her back and she knew nothing Quacia. She decided to stay, but only until she got her bearings (and had perhaps purloined the necessary equipment she needed to be on her own).

Time went by and some of the softness that had once been lost had returned to her heart, the warmth to her soul. Everton was a unique individual who offered some mystery that Cierne felt intrgued to learn more about. Their relationship grew as she did as an independent. Everton gave her the nickname Little Rabbit because she had ‘bounced back’, or so it seemed, from a terrible history.

After a couple years, both Cierne and Everton felt it was a good time for her to be more independent. While still stubborn and mischievous (and still a bit dark), Cierne was sent to live on her own. She was always welcome to come back if she needed to; Everton would always be there to welcome her in his arms.

Presently, Cierne is living in a small tent in the city of Quacia, visiting the “wayward home for troubled youths”, working as a bartender (and going by the alias Constance L’heardt so as to keep some part of her true life private) with a dark spark inhabiting her healing soul. She still has a long way to come, but the progress she has made over the course of several years is no small feat.
Last edited by Cierne on Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:31 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 902
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Approved Character
Posts: 118
Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:58 pm
Race: Naerikk
Profession: Bartender
Renown: 40
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 4


RP Medals


Skills & Knowledges


Skill Points Level
Acrobatics 10/250 Novice
Deception 35/250 Competent
Defiance 40/250 Competent
Discipline 20/250 Novice
Dreamwalking 13/100 Walking
Empathy 25/250 Novice
Intelligence 26/250 Competent
Linguistics 26/250 Competent
Meditation 12/250 Novice
Mixology 36/250 Competent
Psychology 10/250 Novice
Stealth 20/250 Novice
Torture (FT) 26/100 Competent
Immortal Mark Immortal Ability Knowledge Level
Kasyni Addiction 2 -
Kasyni Shadow of Vice 2 -
Racial Abilities
Night Vision: Due to what they are, the Naer have no problem seeing in the dark, whether in their shadow form or illusion form

Shadow Form: Previously mentioned

Gift of Shadows: The Naer's shadow form is projected from them for an instance of time and cast upon an individual or several to incapacitate them for a quick escape. The gift of shadows is only effective as an escape ability as the closer the Naer gets to the targeted person or people, the faster their shadow essence will return to them. It envelops the Naer's target(s) in shadow that removes all sense from them: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Scent, Touch, and 6th sense communication.


  • Acrobatics: Performing a Somersault
    Acrobatics: Dodging an Oncoming Assault
    Deception: Changing the Subject to Avoid Being Put on the Spot (SP)
    Deception: Pretending an Inner Problem Doesn’t Exist (SP)
    Deception: "Things To Take Care Of" Can Mean Anything
    Deception: Deflecting a Comment with a Comment of Your Own
    Deception x2
    Deception: Deceiving Yourself of Your Inner Most Desires
    Deception: Rectifying a Mistake with a Lie (Mixology - Boyfriend Troubles)
    Deception: Averting Attention From Yourself
    Defiance: Using a Fingertip as a Candle Wick (SP)
    Defiance: The Calling of a Kin Element
    Defiance: Coaxing a Flame From a Pre-existing Source
    Defiance: Deference Allows Close Proximity to a Fire
    Defiance x1
    Defiance: Coaxing Earth to Dance
    Defiance: The Calling of Earth
    Defiance: Earth Has Shape Preferences (Hypothesis)
    Defiance: Introduction to a New Element (And The Ground Rumbles)
    Defiance x1
    Defiance: Restructuring Earth into the Form of a Pillar
    Defiance: Coaxing the Earth to Merge with More Earth
    Defiance: Making Amends with Earth via More Practice
    Defiance x2
    Design: Creating a Scary Jack O’Lantern with Fangs
    Design: Adding Arched Eyebrows to a Scary Jack O’Lantern
    Detection x1
    Detection: Dishevelment Can Be a Sign of Sorrow
    Detection: Discerning a Building's Abandonment
    Discipline: Not Turning Away From a Gruesome Sight
    Discipline: Dealing with the Aftermath of Overstepping (Defiance)
    Discipline x2
    Discipline: Fighting the Instinct to Flee
    Discipline: Standing Your Ground Against an Intimidating Creature
    Discipline: Dealing with Internal Turmoil
    Discipline: Hurting Someone as Encouraged (Obey Pt. 2)
    Dreamwalking: Swamp Gas Rises Like Smoke (Hypothesis)
    Dreamwalking: Scary Swamp Branch
    Dreamwalking: A Salt Ring Deters Particular Monsters
    Dreamwalking: Dark Ocean Front Branch
    Dreamwalking: Telepathic Ravens Speak of Strange Notions
    Dreamwalking: Where You Can Communicate with Animals
    Dreamwalking: Dark and Eerie Beach Forest Branch
    Dreamwalking: Most Lucid Dreams are Nightmarish (Obey Pt. 2)
    Empathy (Tapestry): Strings of Anxiety Can Suggest Deceit (SP)
    Empathy: Tapestry- Enables the Ability to Discern an Emotion's Origin
    Empathy: Strum- Bringing Passion/Lust to the Top of the Tangle (An Enigmatic Spirit)
    Empathy: Discerning a Ghost's Turn Ons via Emotions (An Enigmatic Spirit)
    Empathy x1
    Empathy: Using Tapestry to Figure Out Why Someone is Angry (The Broken Toy)
    Empathy x4
    Endurance: Tending the Bar During a Busy Night
    Field Craft: Using Some Rope and an Arrow to Fix a Tear in a Tent
    Field Craft: Disemboweling a Pumpkin
    Field Craft: Utilizing a Carving Knife to Cut Through Tough Vegetation (Pumpkin)


  • Intelligence: Using Indirect Ways to Get to the Main Problem
    Intelligence x2 (PB)
    Intelligence x1
    Intelligence: Prying Into a Friend’s Family Life
    Intelligence: Asking Questions for Personal Intrigue (The Language of Minding Your Own Business)
    Intelligence x3
    Intelligence: Inquiring About the Reason to Ones’ Injuries
    Intelligence x1
    Intimidation: Scaring Others with a Spooky Story
    Intimidation x2
    Intimidation x1
    Intimidation: Looking Crazy Can Scare Some Kids Into Keeping Quiet
    Linguistics (Vahanic): Bar Slang
    Linguistics (Vahanic) x2
    Linguistics (Vahanic): A Phrase of Asking if Someone is Alright
    Linguistics (Vahanic): How to Compliment a Pretty Face
    Linguistics: Equivocal Words of the Common Language (Teach Me Some Common Common)
    Linguistics: Past, Present, and Future Tenses
    Linguistics: Suffixes Attach to a Root Word
    Linguistics: Singular and Plural Words Don’t Necessarily Change Tenses
    Linguistics (Vahanic): Preceding Words Must Change to Properly Alter the Tense of a Word
    Linguistics (Vahanic): Expressing Your Gratitude
    Medicine: Cleaning a Wound
    Medicine: Locating the Source of Bleeding
    Meditation: Pretending to Be Somewhere Pleasant in Order to Calm Your Mind
    Meditation: Covering Your Ears to Block Out Noise
    Meditation: Taking Deep Breaths to Calm a Racing Heartbeat
    Meditation: Expand Your Belly, Not Your Chest for Optimal Oxygen Intake
    Meditation: Counting to Refocus Your Attention
    Mixology: 1.5 Ounces of Alcohol is Optimal for a Mixed Drink
    Mixology: Cinnamon Whisky is an Acquired Taste
    Mixology: Experimenting with Fruit Concentrate
    Mixology x1
    Mixology: How to Make a Vodka Tonic
    Mixology: Tonic Water is a Common Ingredient for Cocktails
    Mixology: How to Make a Ginger Mule
    Mixology: Garnishes are Nonessential During a Busy Night
    Mixology x1
    Mixology: Using a Cocktail Shaker to Mix a Drink
    Mixology: How to Make a Whisky Sour
    Mixology: Attempting to Get the Rest of a Simple Syrup out of a Jigger by Flushing it with Lemon Juice
    Mixology: Adding Lemon Juice Makes a Whisky Sour Sour
    Mixology x1


  • Persuasion x1
    Psychology: Fear and Trauma Can Cause an Avoidance Toward Friendships
    Psychology: The Depressive Side Effects of Overstepping (Defiance)
    Psychology: The Call of the Void
    Psychology: Understanding the Reasoning Behind Desiring Thrill and Danger
    Psychology: Personifying Nature by Implying it Has Emotions
    Resistance: Keeping Moving to Stay Warm
    Resistance x1
    Rhetoric: Getting Back on Your High Horse
    Seduction: Attempting a Dominant Position During a Romantic Situation
    Stealth: Hiding Behind Trash Heaps
    Stealth x1
    Stealth: Hiding From Possible Occult Members (Cloaked Figures)
    Stealth: Concealing Oneself Amidst Some Bushes
    Stealth: Hiding From a Dream Monster
    Stealth x2
    Storytelling: Telling a Decent Scary Story
    Storytelling x1
    Teaching: Teaching Linguistics By Attempting to Cross the Language Barrier


  • Torture x4 (PB)
    Torture: Removing a Bird's Beak
    Torture: Holding a Bird in Place By Stabbing it's Wing
    Torture x2
    Torture: Brass Knuckles to the Face
    Torture: Mental Torment via Self-Destructive Thoughts
    Torture x2


  • Location: Quacia
    Location: Augiery
    Immortal: Mastes
    Immortal: Audrae
    Immortal: Aelig
    Race: Naerikk
    Race: Naerikk: Says One Thing and Means Another
    Language: Vahanic: Subtle Accents Can Make for Vastly Different Meanings
    Language: Grovokian: The Language of the Naer
    Personal: A History of Being a Slave
    Personal: Having Intimate Relationships with a Ghost
    Personal: Helping a Patron Muster Some Liquid Courage
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- A Friend to the End
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- Has Brotherly Issues
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- First Language is Vahanic
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- A Terrible Teacher of Linguistics
    Personal: Sometimes It’s Best Just to Mind Your Own Business
    Personal: Advice Isn’t Always Wanted
    Personal: Pizza Heals All Wounds
    Personal: Unorthodox "Mercy Killing"
    Personal: Coming Across an Occult
    Personal: Meinz (NPC)- Despises Magic Use (At Least on Her)
    Personal: Meinz (NPC)- Un-supportive in Terms of Romantic Suggestion
    Personal: One’s Gender Does Not Determine Their Level of Significance
    Personal: Trash Barrels Have Dubious Motives
    Personal: Quinn (NPC)- Who Is He Really?
    Personal: The Struggles of Pyromania (Vice)
    Personal: Drunken Ambition to Play with Fire
    Personal: Experiencing an Earthquake
    Personal: Surviving an Earthquake
    Personal: Saving a Man Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Place
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- A Comforting Soul
    Personal: Experiencing the Effects of Overstepping
    Personal: Delilah (NPC)- A Stressed Bartender with a Sweet Face
    Personal: Experiencing a Busy Work Night as a Bartender
    Personal: Having Friends Who Hate Each Other
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- Easy to Tell When He’s Lying Because He’s a Best Friend (A War Between Friends)
    Personal: Meinz (NPC)- A Snide Party Crasher
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- Father’s First Language Isn’t Common Either
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- Can Hold His Liquor (Teach Me Some Common Common)
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- An Eager Learner of Linguistics
    Personal: Dealing with the Internal Conflict of Who You Are
    Personal: Having a Strong Disliking Towards Avian Creatures (Obey Pt. 2)
    Personal: Understanding What it is You Truly Hate (Obey Pt. 2)
    Personal: Despising the Prospect of Being Weak (Obey Pt. 2)
    Personal: Bartending: Giving Advice to a Patron
    Personal: Bartending: Mistakes Are Bound to Happen!
    Personal: Bartending: Doesn’t Necessary Make Great Tips
    Personal: Envying Another Woman for Their Looks
    Personal: Witnessing a Sinkhole in Shanty
    Personal: Being Emotional Traumatized by the Results of an Earthquake
    Personal: Struggling to Mend the Damages to Your Home
    Changelings: Deceptive, Emotionless Creatures
    Changelings: Vile Entities From the Creep
    Creep: Dangerous, Sentient Vegetation
    Dreamwalking: Quacia Rendition Branch
    Dreamwalking: Dreams Can Seem Uncannily Similar to Reality
    Personal: Having Your Dreams Play on Your Deepest, Darkest Fears
    Personal: Realizing How Little You Know About Your Hometown’s History
    Quacia: At War With the Creep
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- His Mother Makes the Best Pumpkin Pie
    Personal: Diaval (NPC)- Basically Family

Immortal Mark

  • Kasyni: Addiction (Vice of Pride)- Instilling in Someone a Boost of Confidence (No Blood of Mine)
    Kasyni: Addiction- Not All Vices Are Tailored to Be Bad (No Blood of Mine)
    Kasyni: The Shadow of Vice- Merging Allows Moderate Control Over Pyromania (To Quell a Burning Desire)
    Kasyni: The Shadow of Vice- The Aftermath of Merging is Severe Exhaustion (To Quell a Burning Desire)

Empathy Initiation
Cierne’s first introduction to the arcane was her initiation into empathy. With a struggle to control her own emotions and a curiosity of nature versus nurture, a desire to understand emotions and where they come from was born. It was perhaps this necessity that Cierne gave off that prompted Everton to initiate her. After all, he had just known the girl for a couple seasons before her initiation. He saw some of himself in Cierne; the need to fit it, the relate, to find himself in a world where people feel very little or too much. It was also Cierne’s determination and thirst for knowledge that encouraged him to perform the initiation. There were many reasons behind his doing, but the overarching reason was that she reminded him of himself and what better way to share his spark, his knowledge, than with someone like himself?

So Cierne was sat down one night and told that in order for ignorance to shrink, her world and her awareness of it had to expand. At first, she didn’t understand what was going on. She knew what her mentor was doing, what she was about to undergo, but she wasn’t sure how it would happen. So she just went with it, following the orders she was given as she was given them.

As she sat and stared at her guardian past the candlelight, she found minute details about him she would have otherwise not have found. For instance, age marks around his eyes made her wonder how old Everton really was; he had more smile lines than frown lines but not by much (which was strange because Cierne rarely saw him frown); there were several grey hairs sprouting from his hairline; and his irises held gold flecks that glinted as the candle’s flame danced beside them. The silence among them was not awkward. Both parties felt comfortable even though they still had much to learn about one another. But it was this process that would grant them more understanding into one another’s feelings for one another.

Halfway through watching Everton in complete silence, Cierne felt some pressure building at the base of her neck, and then her forehead and finally her temples. But she made no attempt at massaging her aching head. She remained eye contact with her mentor and he rarely blinked. Finally after what felt like hours, Everton let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes back into his head, collapsing into his chair like dead weight. Concerned for her guardian, Cierne rushed to his side, planting her hands on his shoulder by means of comfort. What she felt after touching and making eye contact with him was pure exhaustion. Frightened by the abrupt experience, she recoiled. Collecting himself, Everton sat upright and began to explain to his new apprentice what had happened. Cierne knew the process she had just participated in, but she didn’t know it would have taken effect so quickly or if it would have taken effect at all. Everton had successfully weaved his own spark deep into Cierne’s Tangle, granting her the ability to emerge from the experience an Empath.
Defiance Initiation
Cierne’s second introduction to the arcane was her initiation into defiance. It had been a year since coming into the arms of Everton. She had been initiated into empathy by him not more than a year prior, which had given her the ability to connect with her mentor in a new way. They had bonded after such an initiation. While at the time of her being brought in by him from a place of slavery, she had been reluctant, eager to flee and rejoice in her newfound freedom and independence, but he had persuaded her to stay. So she did. And she was thankful she had. He raised her more than her own parents had and she was grateful for that. He was not unlike her which made their relationship all the more stronger. And it was this strength that made her initiation into elements that much easier.

Everton made sure that only when she was absolutely ready would he perform the initiation. Once she had reassured him for the hundredth time, he took her out of the city a little ways where he had constructed a makeshift pyre. He had told her that she needed to embrace the fire that stood before her. Naturally, this made her nervous. She knew exactly what he meant after he had told her his initiation story. However, the nervousness she felt was soon trumped by her stubborn and determined nature. She was a Naerikk after all. She had been raised to fight, to survive, and to not take no for an answer. She was also very curious and his curiosity only strengthened her confidence. If he had done it, then so could she, couldn’t she?

She knew that certain animals could smell fear, it had been something her mother preached to her in order for her to stop being so timid. Cierne wondered, albeit humorously, if the fire could smell fear as well. She didn’t want to take the chance and tried with all her might not to let her nerves consume her as she stuck her hands in the flames. She could feel the warmth, could see the flames lick at her arms, but she wasn’t being burned. She stuck more of her body into the inferno and welcomed the element, allowing it to become one with herself. She told Everton later that she could almost feel as though the fire had a heartbeat.

After she emerged from the flames unharmed, her mentor explained to her what he had done and what had inevitably resulted from the process. He had fed his spark to the element, and she had opened up to it, accepted it, and let it take her. He told her he was proud of her, and while their relationship was a close one, that had probably been the first time he had ever said such a thing to her. She had smiled a genuine smile. And her heart felt a little warmer than it had before.
Defiance Witchmarks/Mutations
Witchmark: "An ordinary Brand for Defiance mage is the stubborn clinging of dirt or water to their skin, an accompaniment of breeze even in a dead still day, and a somewhat worrying habit of their items catching flame if put too close to the fire. The elements follow and shadow them, marking them as their own." Fire, specifically, is bewitched by Cierne's presence.

A Touch Of Fiery Passion: Cierne’s defiance spark is one of manipulation and control. It is known that defiance is a magic that seeks intimate relations with their mage and Cierne’s spark is no different. Her spark demands control, as it despises being manipulated like all other elements. Specifically, it desires to be the one to control. It does not like being ignored, and much like a child, seeks attention, specially from Cierne. It speaks to her pyromaniac vice by willing her to use her magic to bring fire into the otherwise bleak reality of the world. Fire is notorious for being a passionate, yet dangerous element, and while it is Cierne’s kin element, it rules over all other elements she is and will be able to utilize. It is because of this passion that her spark has made her more passionate about the things she does and more eager to excite in both positive and negative ways. She is easily made ecstatic by situations that seem adventuresome and is easily made angry by unfortunate circumstances or difficult situations. Since Cierne’s defiance spark has a persona that relishes a domineering position, it has encroached upon her empathy spark.

Cierne’s defiance mutation is reflected in her touch. If she touches something when she’s angry, the object or subject she touches may be singed slightly though no harm will come to the individual she touches (similar to when you shock someone after accruing so much static electricity). If she touches someone when elated, they may feel something close to a wisp of wind as though they hadn’t been touched at all. If Cierne is determined or headstrong, her touch will seem solid or rough like a rock. When fearful or sad, her touch will feel icy cold. She cannot control this as it is something her spark controls.

Another physical representation of her defiance spark is made by the temperature of her body. Her body runs warmer than normal, giving her an aversion to the cold and an enhanced ability to withstand hotter temperatures.
Empathy Witchmarks/Mutations
Witchmark: Noted by small faintly hued scars on the pads of her fingers, the hue tends to be the color of the most dominant or understood emotion to Cierne which is crimson for anger/frustration.

A Taste of Feeling: Cierne’s empathy spark is one of curiosity. It strives to understand the emotions that ebb and flow throughout the world, including her own. It desires to make connections with others while growing in its awareness of how a sentient being acts and reacts to various stimuli. While this spark can be conniving in that it wishes to tweak emotions to its liking, its original manipulative behavior has been subdued by Cierne’s defiance spark. However, it’s intentions are to continue to discover new ways to comprehend feelings and is devoted to understanding how people behave in certain situations.

If Cierne is focused, upon gazing into the eyes of an individual, she can taste certain things in association to what that person is feeling. For instance, if someone is feeling wrathful, Cierne will experience the taste of a spicy pepper on her tongue. If someone is feeling envious, Cierne will taste bitterness. This ability is enhanced if the individual is visibly showing their emotion such as if they are frowning or crying. If Cierne focuses hard enough and utilizes meditation, she can attempt to block out the taste that comes with observing someone’s emotions. On the other hand, if the emotions are strong enough, the representation of said emotion may invade other senses like sight. She may see colored auras that are associated with the colors of the empathy color wheel.

The physical representation of this mutation is reflected by the color of her tongue. Using the empathy color wheel, her tongue will appear blue if she is observing someone who is sad or red if someone is angry. It is a discoloration that can only be observed if someone is competent or above in detection; this illustrates how submissive her empathy spark has become since Cierne’s acquisition of a defiance spark.
Lucid Dreaming: (1-9 DW points)

Upon being initiated into Dreamwalking, a Dreamwalker first gains the very basic understanding of the reality of dreams and becomes more likely to gain self-awareness in their dreams, increasing probability that they can retain information in the waking world. Not all dreams will be lucid even for a Dreamwalker, but their initiation into the ability gives them the liberty of choosing to explore their dreams in more depth, which is a prerequisite of all other implied ventures by the Dreamwalker.

An extension of this ability is that a lucid Dreamwalker can make others lucid as well, with simply a touch. This isn't guaranteed to work every time, but the likelihood increases with the level of dreamwalking.

Walking: (10-19 DW points)

The namesake ability of a Dreamwalker is to Walk. It's to exit their own Dreamscape and step into the Veil. Their body in Idalos remains there, but their mind ventures further into Emea in order to access the parts of the Veil within range of their body. Walking allows the Dreamwalker to access the Veil itself, gaining awareness of Dreamscapes in their vicinity and gaining familiarity with the mechanics of the Veil.

With this ability granting access to the Veil, the Dreamwalker finds themselves able to access the entrances to other people's Dreamscapes. These entrances are not always so obvious as to finding a doorway in the Veil, and opening them is different for each person. Only dreamwalkers may find them, as well as open them. For all others, these entrances simply do not exist. The dreamwalker typically does not require permission of the dreamscape's owner to enter their dreamscape, unless there are specific protections put into place.

Walking does not allow for the Dreamer to seek out specific dreams, or dreamers, but gives them the ability to begin to explore.
Dreamwalking Initiation
Cierne was self initiated into dream walking. Her current “boyfriend”, who is slightly versed in the art, gave her subtle hints here and there while in the waking world. It was up to her to become aware in Emea.

She woke up in the middle of the night one night to find a scratch on her left cheek. She had been dreaming of finding an attic in her guardian’s home (which in reality does not exist). She came across a door in the attic that seemed peculiar (it was peculiar in that there was a glowing light illuminating out from under the door). Curiosity propelled her to open the door which led to none other than a golden bat with ruby eyes flying out at her. It’s claws scratched the side of her face, just under her eye, before fluttering off into the unknown of the attic.

Just after the incident, she awoke to find herself lying on her bedroll in her tent (the one she owned and occupied when she wasn’t staying the night at her guardian's place of residence). She had all but a few seconds to wonder before the memories of the dream disappeared, leaving her more confused than astonished. She couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. It wasn’t until the following night where she fell asleep and found herself back in that same attic. Memories of the previous night, asleep and dreaming, wafted through her head. She decided to explore some more and found that she could control her actions. When faced with the same door that had emitted the strange glow, she prepared herself. Upon opening the door she was met with the same bat, but this time she was ready. She ducked, avoiding the claws of the bat that flew out at her.

It was that night where she became aware that she could be cognizant in her dream state, though only sometimes (as she would come to know in following nights she wasn’t always lucid during her dreams).
Last edited by Cierne on Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:12 pm, edited 21 times in total. word count: 4035
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Skill Point Ledger & Renown

Skill Point Ledger

Thread/Skill Points Adjustment Total
Starting XP +25 RB + 50 75
Deception -25 50
Defiance -10 40
Dreamwalking -5 35
Empathy -10 25
Intelligence -5 20
Linguistics -5 15
Mixology -10 5
Torture -5 0
Kasyni Blessing +3 Torture 0
Character Approval (PB) +7 Torture, +4 Intelligence, +4 Mixology 0
Liquid Courage +10 10
An Enigmatic Spirit +10 (Empathy) 20
Spooky Stories +10 30
What Comes Out At Night +10 40
The Language of Minding Your Own Business +10 50
Cloaked Figures +10 60
No Blood of Mine +10 70
To Quell a Burning Desire +10 (Defiance) 80
And the Ground Rumbles +10 (Defiance) 90
Empathy -10 80
Defiance -10 70
Mixology -10 60
Stealth -10 50
Torture -10 40
Intelligence -10 30
Linguistics -10 20
Deception -10 10
The Broken Toy +10 (Empathy) 20
Break It Up! Pt. 1 +10 30
Just Hold Me +10 40
Empathy -5 35
Linguistics -10 25
Defiance -5 15
Torture -1 14
Mixology -2 12
Meditation -2 10
Linguistics -1 9
A War Between Friends +10 19
Teach Me Some Common Common +10 29
Intelligence -7 22
Obey Pt. 1 +10 32
Obey Pt. 2 +10 42
Discipline -10 32
Boyfriend Troubles +10 42
Overcoming Rocky Obstacles Pt. 1 +10 52
And the Sky Runs Red +10 62
Something Orange and Sweet +10 72
Discipline -10 62
Acrobatics -10 52
Meditation -10 42
Stealth -10 32
Overcoming Rocky Obstacles Pt. 2 +10 (Defiance) 42
Defiance -15 27
Mixology -10 17
Psychology -10 7

Dreamwalking Ledger

Thread/Skill Points Adjustment Total
Starting XP +5 5
What Comes Out At Night +2 7
Obey Pt. 1 +2 9
Obey Pt. 2 +2 11
And the Sky Runs Red +2 13

Renown Ledger

Reason Renown Gained Running Total
Starting Renown +10 (PB) 10
Liquid Courage +5 for helping a man with his romantic troubles 15
No Blood of Mine +5 for breaking up a fight 20
And the Ground Rumbles +5 for helping a victim of the earthquake 25
The Broken Toy +5 for breaking up a fight 30
Boyfriend Troubles +5 for assisting a patron with their relationship and giving advice 35
Overcoming Rocky Obstacles Pt. 2 +5 helping a friends' parents repair damages to their home 40
Last edited by Cierne on Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:08 pm, edited 16 times in total. word count: 376
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Blessings & Curses

Blessings & Curses


Kasyni - Favored


The Shadow of Vice: Gained upon receiving the mark, the Spirit of Vice is a literal spirit representing the Favored’s own personal vice. Decided upon gaining the mark, this spirit manifest as the Favored’s shadow, and can move and appear separately than the Favored, though it does not have any physical capabilities. This gives the Kasyni basic control over the purview of the chosen vice. Acting more like a Sev'ryn familiar than an actual spirit, the Shadow draws the Kasyni toward his or her particular vice, and is fed on indulgence in that vice. However, once per day, the Favored can merge with the spirit, allowing him moderate control over his vice. For example, a gambler would become better at gambling, an alcoholic may find his drink never-ending for the night… But at the crash from the merging leaves the Kasyni feeling weak and lethargic for a trial, and the Spirit of Vice no better.

Addiction: The Favored of Kasyni can, with a touch, instill in a target the desire to engage in a vice that the Kasyni has experienced. Each vice may be different, and the Kasyni can tailor the impulse to fit the vice.

Compelling Skills I: Granted an additional +3 XP to torture.

The Shared Needle: A basic ability that allows a Kasyni to 'taste' a target's vice on them. Kasyni delight in the tastes of desires and vices, collecting new ones with each person they meet. Requiring eye contact, the Kasyni will 'taste' the primary vice of the target they are observing. Innately, the Kasyni knows what each taste means. Each “taste” is different to a Kasyni, and no two Kasyni “taste” the vices the same, depending on their experiences and current vices.

Spotless Mind: Allows the marked to benefit from a unique mental protection. While not technically insane, their emotions and logic process at different speeds and angles than people are used to. This provides them a solid defense against telepaths, empaths, and any power that would effect their mind. If the power used against them is lower than their progress in the mark, they have a chance to shrug it off quicker or even instantly as their mind circuitously reroutes the power through a matrix of madness. Marks and powers at the same level would have some effect and those higher would have most of their effect or full effect. This effect also includes mental magics, such as Empathy, and may scale with the Kasyni's rank. At Favored, the marked is able to resist Novice/Favored mental magics. Each tier up allows for greater protection, and it is said that a Champion of Mastes has been able to shrug off the effects of a Revealed mental mage.

Tolerance: One of the more basic abilities of Mastes’ favor, but important nonetheless, a Kasyni will never experience the negative side effects of a drug. In addition, no addictive substance will hold sway over the Kasyni as long as they have this ability.




  • Elemental Aversion (Earth): For about twenty of the next twenty trials, Cierne will find it difficult to stand in the presence of elemental earth, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame when in its presence. She will skip over patches of dirt, avoiding them while standing on the cobbles. She will want to avoid claustrophobic spaces, surrounded by earth and stone. Occurs here and is relieved by the 20th of Vhalar.

Corruption Mutations

  • Writ-in-Stone: Whenever Cierne shapes or coaxes or otherwise manipulates earth, she will often find her innermost secrets or things she'd prefer to keep private written on that portion of earth in a language she knows fluently.

    Empathy corruption TBD

Last edited by Cierne on Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:01 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 630
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Possessions & Housing


  • Horse
  • Pack animal with saddle bag and required equipment
  • Campsite equipment
    • Pots, pans, cooking essentials, basic lantern, candles, oil, soap, camp knife, etc.
  • Bedroll and bedding
  • Hunting Bow
    • 10 broad head arrows
  • Storage chest
  • 2 basic quality outfits, 1 average quality outfit
  • 1 set of average-quality Tier 4 armor
  • 1 average-quality Tier 4 shield
  • 1 basic+ quality brass knuckles (set of 4)
  • 1 average quality map of Quacia
  • Access to 1 course of study up to Letter
  • 1 Carved Pumpkin

    Heirloom: Obsidian encrusted ring given to her by Everton as a "coming of magical age" gift after her initiation into Defiance (obsidian is crafted from the hottest of fire, which is her initiation element)

  • Treated canvas walled tent
Last edited by Cierne on Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:52 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 122
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Wealth Ledger

Wealth Ledger
Thread Income Expense Total
Starting (Tier 4) 46 - 46 WP
Saun Income +2 - 48 WP
Vhalar Income +3 - 51 WP
Last edited by Cierne on Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:27 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 22
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Name: Meinz Osiumn (pronounced May-Nz Oh-see-um)
Race: Ghost (Previously Naerikk) Echo
Date of Birth: 29th of Cylus, 692
Date of Death: 12th of Ymiden, 718
Age: 26

Skills: Hex 10/100
Materialization 30/100
Possession 10/100

Acrobatics 20/100
Deception 30/100
Musical Instrument: Flute 20/100
Seduction 30/100

Appearance: Refer to picture (height: 5'9, weight: 140 lbs)

Personality: Meinz is very much like Cierne but multiplied by ten. She’s stubborn, roguish, and has an affinity for dark pleasures. She’s persuasive, passionate and loyal to those she finds worthy. It can be said that she’s addicted to sexual gratification, seeing as how when she manifests herself into a physical state, her craving for touch is for something worthwhile (she isn’t experienced enough to materialize into a tangible form very often and for very long). Meinz is clever and has a sharp tongue which can get her in trouble sometimes. She can be blunt and careless of others’ opinions and emotions, but she’s supportive and realistic which are important traits to have in a friend.

History of Death: From what Cierne knows, Meinz died by the sun. Quite literally, the tattoos that protected her when she was in her shadow form had become damaged and once the light hit her she began to dissipate until she died leaving the only reminder that she had ever existed being her blackened bones.

Anchor: Cierne didn’t know Meinz when she was alive. She came to know her by being haunted by her. Cierne is the anchor that allows Meinz to exist as a ghost from the Beneath. It was after Cierne had been initiated into empathy that she showed up. Her appearance had something to do with Cierne’s newly acquired awareness of her emotions and the emotions of others. Because they are of the same race, come from the same place and share a similar outlook on life, it isn’t entirely strange that they came to meet. Cierne had been lying to herself for a long time, telling herself that her upbringing was normal, that her troubles couldn’t be changed so there was no use trying to fix them. Perhaps Meinz recognized herself in Cierne and grew attached to the girl. Perhaps they were linked in other ways that were unbeknownst to either of them. All Cierne knows is that Meinz appeared one night when she was crying over the realization of just how abnormal she was. Meinz told her to buck up, ‘I’m haunting you now so we might as well be friends’ and they’ve been inseparable ever since.

Relationship to PC: Friend

Name: Diaval Nogh
Race: Biqaj
Date of Birth: 2nd of Zi'da, 698
Age: 22

Skills: Glassblowing 30/100
Discipline 10/100
Linguistics 10/100
Storytelling 30/100
Navigation 20/100

Appearance: Refer to picture (height: 5'9, weight: 160 lbs; pointed ears, eyes that change colour which shall be fleshed out IC as Cierne progresses her relationship with him)

Personality: Diaval is a free spirit at heart, though he likes to pretend he's tough to the core. He comes from a loving family who are also free-spirited, given the nature of their race. The way he was raised has made Diaval out to be a crafty, curious and passionate individual with an ache for self-exploration. He feels he always needs to be better than he is. Perhaps this need is why he finds attraction in Cierne. She's always steadfast in her beliefs and portrays a confidence visage about herself and she's always giving Diaval the tough love he feels he deserves in order to strive for self betterment. He is very adaptive and can easily find the silver light in the darkest of situations (something Cierne both loves and is annoyed by at times). Diaval likes to think of himself as a flirt, but he is not seducing anyone anytime soon, often falling prey to awkwardness. He is very creative and has taken up the trade of glassblowing, something his father had introduced to him as a child. He is also very imaginative and can weave intricate stories about fantastic beasts and otherworldly maidens.

Relationship to PC: Friend

Name: Everton Cylus
City Location: Quacia
Date of Birth: 77th of Ashan, 685
Age: 35
Race: Human

Skills: Empathy 76/100
Graft 51/100
Defiance 26/100
Caregiving 51/100
Teaching 26/100
Meditation 20/100

Biography: Everton is a human man who came out of the rubble with nothing more than an inkling of inspiration and a whole lot of faith. His father taught him magic when he was on the brim of adulthood (he was often more nature than those his age and took the calling with utmost seriousness), claiming that the relationship he had with the arcane would assuage the struggles they had with everything else. He and his family were poor, but held dearly to magic as a means of survival. The spark within Everton gave him the positive outlook he needed in order to leave his family not long after he had come of age and seek work in other places. He traveled frequently, picking up odd jobs here and there until finding himself a mentor who showed him the ropes of self-sufficiency and self-exploration (along with the discipline of graft). It was through this mentor that Everton found his calling: he had a passion for people that was unrivaled by anyone else his mentor had yet to know. Unfortunately, his mentor died shortly after Everton's initiation into graft. After his death, Everton had been left with his mentor's money and possessions and took it upon himself to create a "wayward home for troubled youths". (Not an official location by any means, but a source of hope if you talk to the right people or have been taken under his wing. It would be his most cherished offspring, an outlet for his passion. After he had established this home, he began to find young individuals who were in need of guidance. This included, but was not limited to, food, shelter, education, and an overall state of well being. One thing that was missing, however, was that perfect individual to which he was seeking to share his magical wisdom. That was until he found Cierne.

Appearance: Refer to picture (height: 6'1, weight: 220 lbs)

Relationship to PC: While travelling in search of new younglings to bring into his home, Everton came across Cierne who was a slave at the time in Athart. He saw himself in her- a troubled individual who had lost their way but still had a residual spark of hope left within their aching body. He took it upon himself to free Cierne from her shackles and transported her back to his home, a place where he raised troubled youths. What he saw in her was a challenge. She was so quick to judge, had lost so much, and hated authority of any kind. But it was the wild spirit beneath all her negative traits that cried out to him. He gave her the tough love she needed and she gave him the challenge he needed in order to feel like his purpose on the planet was not in vain. They grew on each other, reminded each other of things they had long since forgotten. While Everton had raised others, Cierne seemed more like his own child than anyone else. Their bond was unique and it only grew as time progressed. He came to realise one afternoon just how much she had changed since his first meeting her. But also, he had come to realise just how much he had changed as well. It was this realization that prompted him to introduce her into magic. Her curiosity, her desire to learn and her perpetual loneliness gave him the opportunity to initiate her into empathy. His hopes were to open her world up to more possibilities including that of self-exploration, and self forgiveness. He knew she didn't have her head on entirely straight, but he knew that this newfound responsibility would give her the push she needed in order to continue to find her own way.

Name: Laina Juniper
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 12th of Ymiden, 714
Age: 6
Skills: Dancing 10/100
Painting 20/100
Appearance: Refer to picture
Personality: Playful, gleeful, imaginative, creative, determined, naive
Relationship to PC: Sister by association

Name: Sezyn Homish
Race: Lothorro
Date of Birth: 34th of Vhalar, 712
Date of Death: 18th of Zi'da, 720
Age: 8
Skills: Climbing 10/100
Field Craft 20/100
Appearance: Refer to picture
Personality: Athletic, hard-headed, wistful, loyal, passionate, caring, curious
Relationship to PC: Brother by association

Name: Wyn Abernathy
Race: Aukari
Date of Birth: 114th of Vhalar, 703
Age: 17
Skills: Cooking 20/100
Singing 10/100
Appearance: Refer to picture
Personality: maternal, gifted, supportive, quick-tempered, playful, fearful, reserved
Relationship to PC: Sister by association

Name: Quinn P. Wickery
Race: Qi'ora / Eidisi
Date of Birth: 54th of Cylus, 704
Age: 16
Skills: Gardening 10/100
Research 20/100
Appearance: Refer to picture
Personality: Intelligent, curious, enigmatic, talented, future-oriented, crafty, troubled
Relationship to PC: Brother by association
Last edited by Cierne on Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:13 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1552
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Thread List
Title Description Date
Fight Like a [Wo]Man A memory thread where Cierne’s mother takes her out to teach her some basic techniques in unarmed combat. 36th of Ashan, Arc 707
Spooky Stories After befriending a friend group at a bar, everyone has the idea to meet up and share some scary stories, Cierne included. 14th of Saun, Arc 719
Saun, Arc 720
No Blood of Mine After following one of the wayward house children, Cierne finds out that they have started a fight with someone of questionable sexuality. She intervenes which puts strain on their relationship. 1st of Saun, Arc 720
Liquid Courage Job thread where Cierne learns about a troubled man who’s finding the courage to ask his best friend out on a date. 4th of Saun, Arc 720
To Quell a Burning Desire After a few drinks (or more!) Cierne hears the calling of her kin element and must satiate the need to play with it. 6th of Saun, Arc 720
An Enigmatic Spirit Cierne learns that sometimes it's best not to use magic when trying to figure someone out... 12th of Saun, Arc 720
The Language of Minding Your Own Business Learning the language of the locals can be tiresome, so Cierne takes a break and starts asking Diaval some pretty personal questions. 18th of Saun, Arc 720
What Comes Out at Night Something scary lurks in a branch of Emea... 18th of Saun, Arc 720
Cloaked Figures A sober mind, a dying bird, and chanting strangers in dark garb? 21st of Saun, Arc 720
Break It Up! Pt. 1 It's a busy day at the pub and Cierne is scrambling around trying to keep up with the many drink requests being thrown her way. 24th of Saun, Arc 720
Break It Up! Pt. 2 In addition to already being stressed by the large crowd of bar-goers, Cierne notices a skirmish is on the rise in the tavern, and feels it's somehow her responsibility to intervene before it starts! 24th of Saun, Arc 720
The Broken Toy While getting some fresh air to help with (yet another) hangover, Cierne comes across two fighting boys. Curious, she aims to know the cause of the fight by using empathy. 26th of Saun, Arc 720
A War Between Friends Cierne attempts to discover why her friends hate each other so much (with the help of wine of course!) 27th of Saun, Arc 720
Teach Me Some Common Common After Meinz crashes the party, Diaval asks if Cierne can teach him some Common since it’s not his first language, but because everyone is a little too drunk to be focused, tangents are made. 27th of Saun, Arc 720
And The Ground Rumbles On the 30th, Quacia experiences a devastating earthquake. 30th of Saun, Arc 720
Just Hold Me Cierne deals with the aftermath of pushing herself too far while using her defiance magic, but thankfully she doesn't have to deal alone for very long. 31st of Saun, Arc 720
Exploring New Hardships After the earthquake that struck Quacia on the 30th, Cierne and Diaval go out and explore the damage. 32th of Saun, Arc 720
Obey Pt. 1 After finding herself aimlessly walking along a beach in Emea, Cierne is chased by a raven with psychological queries regarding something titled the Call of the Void. 38th of Saun, Arc 720
Obey Pt. 2 After having met a frightening and strange being in a desolate branch of Emea, Cierne tentatively follows it to a bound man in the middle of a forest. What the being requests of her next is something Cierne finds difficult in accepting... 38th of Saun, Arc 720
May You Be Listening? Cierne takes the time to contemplate and evaluate her relationship with Mastes. 40th of Saun, Arc 720
Vhalar, Arc 720
Overcoming Rocky Obstacles Pt. 1 A second, more powerful earthquake hits Quacia on the 1st. Cierne already had intentions on helping out her friend with the damage that occurred at his parents’ place after the first earthquake, but before she can do that, she must help herself. 1st of Vhalar, Arc 720
Overcoming Rocky Obstacles Pt. 2 After having dealt with the damage that occurred in Shanty, Cierne devotes some time to helping her friend. 1st of Vhalar, Arc 720
A Corrupted Soul Cierne finds a dark and hollow place in her mind that leads to the unexplored caverns of her soul- all prompted by the aftermath of trying to control the earth. 3rd of Vhalar, Arc 720
When One Stares, Something Stares Back During a lucid dream, Cierne encounters a mirror that displays her reflection (as all mirrors do). Although, as Cierne unearths more truths to her vanity, the reflection begins to distort, resulting in something taken from one's worst nightmare. 5th of Vhalar, Arc 720
And the Sky Runs Red During an unofficial event called the “Nightmares of Gardens”, Cierne experiences a nightmare like most of Quacia’s population. The creep, changelings, falling soldiers and a bleeding red sky are all entities that haunt her. 8th of Vhalar, Arc 720
Boyfriend Troubles A job thread where Cierne advises a young woman to find someone better while making her a whisky sour. 23rd of Vhalar, Arc 720
Truth or Dare? To relinquish the hold that boredom has on both Cierne and Meinz, the Naer suggests they play truth or dare. However, things get a little deeper and darker as Cierne asks her spiritual companion about her past... 24th of Vhalar, Arc 720
Burn It Down During the what has been called the Rising Tide, Cierne returns to a familiar abandoned building to satiate her pyromania, but things go awry. 38th of Vhalar, Arc 720
Exposed Combating depression can be difficult when it follows you into your dreams. But thankfully, Cierne has a feathered companion who offers her devious advice in the form of a... rat? 41st of Vhalar, Arc 720
Catching Up (and On Fire?!) Everton takes some time to teach Cierne some more defiance techniques while catching up on how she’s doing. Cierne learns about Caress and how to help calm her mind. 44th of Vhalar, Arc 720
Catching Up (By Reading Someone's Mind?!) After practicing some defiance with her mentor (and getting burned in the process), Cierne changes tactics and learns more about empathy as per Everton’s request. Things get a little deep near the end and it isn’t what Cierne expected to happen at all. 44th of Vhalar, Arc 720
To Share a Bottle of Rum After spending the afternoon with Diaval, Cierne comes home to a drunken ghost stealing from her new bottle of rum. Cierne joins in on the party and, fueled with alcohol, begins to wonder how she can better grasp the art of meditation. 47th of Vhalar, Arc 720
Something Orange and Sweet Cierne spends the day with Diaval slicing and dicing some pumpkins (with the addition of some heavenly pie). 64th of Vhalar, Arc 720
Zi'da, Arc 720
A Spiritual Encounter While getting some helpful advice on how to be more seductive from Meinz, the two come across a strange happening involving red apparitions that speak of incomprehensible things. 1st of Zi'da, Arc 720
The Music Speaks to Me In dealing with her depression, Cierne experiences unusual sounds and tastes while under the effects of alcohol. 4th of Zi'da, Arc 720
The Gossip of a Glass of Spiked Cider Job thread where Cierne has to cater to a large party of young adults with some serious gossip about a kid who hung himself because his parents treated him terribly. Cierne yearns to know more so she inadvertently interjects herself into the conversation. 6th of Zi'da, Arc 720
Tips and Tricks of Tavern Work Pt. 1 A night on the job proves to be a great learning experience as Delilah shows Cierne some tips and tricks on how to be a more proficient bartender. 9th of Zi'da, Arc 720
Tips and Tricks of Tavern Work Pt. 2 Cierne continues to learn tips and tricks of bartending from the lovely Delilah, making work go by very quickly! 9th of Zi'da, Arc 720
It's Just a Little Cough Cierne catches wind of a sickness at Everton's. She rushes there only to find that her attempts at helping are futile. The only thing she can do is wait for the doctor's opinion, but the news she hears later that night is nothing short of horrific. 18th of Zi'da, Arc 720
What's On Your Mind? Everton decides to schedule a therapy session for Cierne after the death of Sezyn and Laina's disheartening diagnosis. Cierne goes and spends the afternoon playing cat and mouse with the therapist and their questions. 20th of Zi'da, Arc 720
word count: 1481
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