Faith had continued her work, taking out some sort of oil, staring to smear it on specific places of the corpse. At the same time, the slave had started to mutter in whispers again, presumably some sort of prayer to one of the Immortals. To the one governing death, most likely. While Yana could not hear them, she could some sort of serenity, a reverence in her body language, which told her a great deal. It wasn't too strange a thing for an undertaker to revere the Immortal of death, and this slave definitely was an undertaker's apprentice or aide, if not a full-fletched undertaker herself. It wasn't that that surprised Yana, nor was it the fact that someone worshiped an Immortal in Rynmere -not every person in the country was a Rynlist- but the silent passion she seemed to radiate as she focused on her job.
Questioning wasn't the best course of action for gathering information, Yana knew that, but it did prove effective from time to time, given that one asked the right questions. But it was limited in that one could only ask about things that were specific. A question needed a subject, but simple observation did not. Observation was by far the superior method, the Yludih found, and once again it had been proven right. Just by letting a humanoid, animal or monster do their thing without the researcher interfering in any way, one could gather a wealth of knowledge about the subject. What were their habits? Were they organized? How did they go about solving a particular problem? How did they interact with various things? All were questions that could be answered without the need to ask them. Subtle, simple and yet effective. And as such, the deserter had gathered a new piece of information about the slave, one she would write down later, as Faith had begun answering the multiple queries Yana had fired her way.
Unfortunately, as she should perhaps have expected, it ended up being a disappointment. Faith knew nothing of the Iron Hand, revealing she hadn't been allowed outside before the first of the season. Yana frowned slightly, tapping her pencil against her chin. Bah. She'd been a little too excited and hasty in trying to get info on the organization that had drawn her to Rynmere. Her own passion always made her a little too eager for knowledge about it. Though it didn't always manifest in hastiness and hurried questions. Usually she was able to control herself very well. Perhaps it was because she'd had to wait on a boat for thirty-two days, and now she was finally here, where she'd get her answers. Either way, if Faith had paid attention during the rapidfire of questions, she might have seen the glint return to Yana's eye. The same hungry and fierce spark from before. Intense compared to the rest of the Yludih's demeanor. Though it shone only briefly, dying out once again when Faith couldn't answer her inquiries.
But, as the slave girl added she'd met a man, a captain, Yana was provided with a morsel of something like intelligence at last. It wasn't much, but it would do. It was a lead, the first brick with which she'd build her research. She scribbled the chain of command in her notes, adding some question marks to indicate she wasn't certain of it. Was it the organization of which she'd spoken? Was it the Iron Hand? Perhaps. It was likely. “Possibly,” she replied, not entirely sure herself. It seemed that was all Faith knew, and Yana had little choice but to accept it. She did, and went back to the section she'd made on the girl, adding the bits of information the girl had revealed herself, both in her answers and actions.
In the meantime, said slave had already began working on dressing the body, using a pair of scissors to make it easier to get the corpse inside its clothes. Yana wasn't familiar with all the steps that came with preparing a corpse for a funeral, but she did believe that clothing it was the final stretch. Or at least among the final steps. “Does this mean you're almost done?” she wanted to know, gesturing at the clothes. She did hope it did, there wasn't much interesting to be seen or done in a morgue.