Tristan listened as Vierka explained the situation to Rican. The news of the necromancer was unexpected, and he hoped they wouldn't run into that one again. Men, coming back to life...
He suppressed a shudder and looked back at Vierka. She was leaning back, staring at the ceiling as a Beta rested its head on her lap. She was rather attractive, but he had heard rumors of how she dealt with inappropriate advances, and he was sure a slave asking for that would be considered inappropriate.
Rican finished reading the file she had given him and went to pass it to Tristan. His master blushed as Tristan shook his head slightly, realizing that Tristan couldn't read. His face aflame, he returned the pages to Vierka wordlessly.
At her offer, Rican was already shaking his before she had finished.
"We should be good for supplies, though you have my thanks for the hospitality you've shown us thus far. May we discuss the tasks tomorrow, perhaps? It's been a long journey, and my body aches for sleepeople. "
He stood, gesturing to Tristan to do the same.
It was then that Tristan noticed the wolf. Its eyes were locked on him, holding him in place with the strength of its gaze.
Rican nudged him with his shoulder, breaking whatever daze he had been in. Together, the two of them left the room, heading back towards their beds for a long-awaited rest.