• Closed • [Graveyard]Due Respects (Faith)

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Oscar Pyth
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[Graveyard]Due Respects (Faith)

Ymiden, 20, 716

Oscar stared down at the stone markers. Not even named. He’d had to carve their names into the markers a long time ago himself. Murderers and their confederates didn’t get good graves after all. That was reserved to good law abiding folk. The really classy graves were for the ones who happened to have been born from the right woman. The young man’s eyes narrowed as he stared down at the pair of graves before him on this relatively bright and sunny day. What a lovely day to spend at the graveyard. He wondered, once he left Andaris, would anyone care enough to visit them?

His Uncle had elected not to come. He never did. As Oscar understood, he and Oscar’s father never got along. His father had spurned magic and thus his brother. How ironic that his son ended up here, a Seeker. Life was funny like that he guessed. The young man made a habit of coming by here once a week. It wasn’t that he liked it; just that he felt he had to. After all, who else visited the graves of criminals? The thought made him wish his gravitation could tear asunder the whole of the Court and the whole lot of the nobility with it.

He didn’t have any flowers. Honestly, he wasn’t sure what he’d have put down there anyway. Maybe just him being here was enough if there was indeed an afterlife. Oscar didn’t know if there was but if there was he hoped it was nice. He also hoped that his parents were at some measure of peace. In his heart he knew they weren’t murderers or criminals. He didn’t have a poor memory about them. Quite the opposite he had many happy memories. The young man crouched down and brushed some of the moss that had started to grow on his father’s grave.

“Probably never would have figured I’d take my life in this direction eh? Guess it runs in the family, father. To be fair, back in the day I wouldn’t have pegged myself for it either.” The Seeker mused.

He moved to his mother’s grave and frowned. It was his mother that had been accused of the murder. His father had simply been held as co-conspirator. He hadn’t been to their execution, his uncle had forbidden it. The Acolyte hoped it had been peaceful at the very least, or as painless as possible. His mother deserved that much. Perhaps one day he could afford better grave stones. He hoped so, these ones looked horribly garish.

“You, on the other hand mother, probably expected it. You knew I was always into the strangest things. I wonder if you’d be happy for me.” Oscar wondered aloud.

As with all his visits he talked mostly about nothing. The sorcerer wondered whether that brought his sanity into question. Honestly though he found that he didn’t really care to know the answer to that. Maybe he was crazy. Magic would do that to a person after all. It would always do that eventually according to Varus. What a perfectly fatalistic thing to say. Oscar smirked as he stood up to prepare to leave the graveyard.
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[Graveyard]Due Respects (Faith)

There was someone else at the graveyard when she got there. That was not unusual in and of itself, there often were those who were coming to mourn, to gloat, to look on with fascination; whatever it was that brought them here was of no matter to the scrawny young woman who approached Oscar's father's grave. She was wearing a pair of old, poorly fitting ripped black trousers and a strapless black top, her long black hair was tied back, revealing two slave brands, an old one on her shoulder and a much more recent one, maybe even just months old, on her neck. Aware that there was someone at the next grave, Faith tried her best to move as quietly as she could. The pale skinned young woman knelt, at Oscar's father's grave and she spoke in a soft voice, barely above a whisper."Hello again. I'm just going to tidy things up a little, alright?" she brought out from her satchel a pair of scissors and started snipping at the grass. It was a very slow way to tend to the grass but she slowly, carefully and patiently worked to trim the grass.

She looked up and saw the man at the next grave looking at her and she smiled and bowed her head slightly "Apologies master, I did not mean to disturb you" she spoke quietly and looked at him as she did so. "I will endeavour to be quiet" what were the chances, she thought, of there being someone at the grave next door, after all. Still, it was a chance to interact, albeit briefly, with another being and for that she was grateful
word count: 283
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Oscar Pyth
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[Graveyard]Due Respects (Faith)

Oscar watched Faith clean his father’s grave for a time before speaking up. It was an odd sight for someone like him to be perfectly honest. Then again he supposed someone made sure the graveyard was well tended to at all times. At her greeting the Acolyte laughed a bit, laughter that died down after spying the brands on her body. The young man frowned at the sight and felt ill at ease. Of the many odd things about him, Oscar considered himself a Seeker before a Ryn. As such the sight of slavery made him fairly uncomfortable and it showed in how he shuffled slightly in place.

“Please, it’s just Oscar. And don’t apologize; I’m assuming you’re doing your job. Or you have very odd collection habits regarding grass.” The man returned to humor quickly enough.

The tall man tucked his hands in the pockets of his robes so he’d have somewhere to put them and looked at his Father’s grave. After a few moments he found himself talking. “He didn’t commit a crime. At least he wasn’t the one that was accused. That was my mother, though I’ve my doubts she did it as well. Guilty by association as it were.” Oscar stated.

“If it wasn’t for him sending me to my Uncle I might be here as well or maybe in your situation. I’d call him a hero but that seems inadequate to convey how much I owe him. He’s not remembered by anyone aside from my Uncle or me most likely. Neither is my mother. If they do remember then it’s probably as murderers. Isn’t that funny? Hilarious. Like a sort of joke played by the Immortals if they are indeed out there.” He went on, unable to stop now that he was speaking.

“Would I be better off with them alive and my life not having taken the course it did? I don’t know. I wouldn’t have discovered my talents and flourished with them most likely. In fact I’d likely be working a mundane job and wasting them away. I do know that I think about it at least.” The young man finished with a sigh.

He wasn’t quite sure where this was coming from. Maybe it was because Varus never wanted to talk about it, not once. He never visited. Maybe it was too painful for him. Perhaps Oscar spoke because he just needed to let someone know how he felt, even this stranger. Who was she going to tell after all? The young man let out a little mirthless laugh and turned his eyes back to Faith, a little smirk on his face.

“Look at me, talking about this without even asking your name. Stupid me right? Not how I normally serenade ladies let me assure you.” He said.
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[Graveyard]Due Respects (Faith)

When he joked about her behaviour around grass, Faith blinked for a moment and then her face broke into a smile "I am doing this because my owner has instructed me to" she explained "I am the property of an undertaker and when we are quiet he sends me to work in ways which further our business" She did not seem put out by this, not at all. Far from it, in fact. But it was the last she spoke for a while, because the man whose father this grave belonged to spoke then, and his words poured out from him. She sat back, sitting on her heels and watching him, her silver grey eyes not leaving his face as she watched him.

When he was finished, she was quiet for a moment and then she spoke again. Her voice was hushed, just above a whisper and much more suited to a library or a funeral than to sitting and talking. "I'm sorry for your loss. We say it such a lot in our line of business. It's like good morning or have a good trial. I'm sorry for your loss" she said, and she looked at Oliver with the barest of smiles on her face. "But I don't understand the words. I don't. I've never owned anyone to lose them, never loved anyone to have to let them go. I can not imagine what it is that you feel" she gestured around the area, taking in the whole of the graveyard and somehow when she said 'you', it was obvious that she was talking about the word in the plural ~ all those free folks who could love and hate and like at their will.

No such thing for her.

"I do not know what you feel, I can not. But I know that I feel grateful that I can not. To miss someone every trial, to feel their loss and to recognise their transitory nature whilst maintaining the illusion of immortality that we all have must be... harrowing. Worse than any punishment that can meted out to a mere slave" she smiled at him slightly and repeated her first words. "I am sorry for your loss, truly. But how others see them is not important. I am sorry that you lost your parents and you were not ready to" But her serious expression turned to one of amusement when he said that he normally serenaded ladies and Faith let out a small laugh. "I am a slave, not a lady. You would be as well to serenade these scissors. But it is a pleasure to meet you this trial" she added with a smile.

Looking down at the grave, she considered whether she dared to ask the question that was in her mind and then, without warning, it was out and there between them "Why do you visit here?" she wondered. As the words exited her mouth she blushed and lowered her head "I am sorry, I should not ask such." and yet she couldn't help but hope that he answered.
word count: 519
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Oscar Pyth
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[Graveyard]Due Respects (Faith)

Oscar frowned. He looked upon Faith and found oddity in her. How could one be content with living like that? It seemed to run counter to everything he was brought up to believe and yet there it was. The young man sighed. He’d said far too much. Still at the question he shrugged simply as he looked up at the sky, as though searching for an answer wrote upon the clouds drifting above. Naturally they told him nothing. Nothing other than to satisfy the niggling at his brain, that addiction that whispered in his mind. The Harvester was there, over his shoulder though invisible to anyone else but him. He pushed it aside. Not the time or place.

“I visit because… I dunno really. It feels right? If I didn’t no one else would.” Oscar pointed out reasonably.

He squatted down next to Faith and started helping her clear away the weeds and grass growing upon the headstones, careful not to directly touch Faith as he did. He really hated this thing following him around. His Uncle was quite the cruel man. The young mage wasn’t particularly suited to the work but that didn’t matter really. He needed to do something to make him feel like he wasn’t just standing and watching her.

“If you’re looking for some deeper reasoning you’ve barked up the wrong tree I’m afraid. I do things because I want to. So clearly I’m here because I want to be. Besides its quiet.” He said.

With that said Oscar returned his attention to helping Faith out before wiping his hands on his robes and grinning at the much more well-tended to graves. Certainly looked nicer compared to the slightly overgrown bits of grass there had been. He stood up and shoved his hands back into his pockets. After a moment he considered his next question before shrugging. She’d asked him some personal questions after all. Might as well return the favor he supposed.

“Tell me, what is your name? And also, why do you seem fine with… you know.” He gestured to her brands.
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