Ymiden 45 Arc 716
The sun already hung high in the sky when Yana finally made it to the city of Andaris, setting foot within its walls. In her human seeming she slowly walked the streets, her horse following close behind, led by the reins. It was fairly obedient for a stolen mount, which was quite convenient, but even so it did have its moments of resistance. From time to time, the brown mare kept its forelegs stiff and refused to walk another step, once again remembering that even though she had spent more than thirty trials with this woman, it was not her mistress. When it happened Yana simply tugged the reins, fairly gentle at first, but increasingly more forceful the longer it took to get the mount to obey. “Come on, Horse! Get moving!”
Perhaps part of the reason the mare took a while to obey was related to the fact that Yana didn’t know the horse’s name, and hadn’t bothered to give it a new one either. She simply didn’t care enough for the animal to name it. ‘Horse’ was good enough, and with time, the mount would get used to it and start believing it to be its new name. There really wasn’t a reason for the Yludith to give her stolen mount a beautiful name that would show the world her affection for her. Yana only saw her mount as just that: a means of transportation. One that required food, water, and a place to rest no less. Frankly, it was more of an inconvenience and a drain of her funds than anything else. If not for the fact that one could cover distances more quickly by mount than on foot, Yana would have sold the damn creature already.
“Honestly, Horse, you’re a pain in my butt, you know that?” she spoke annoyed, tugging hard at the reins, only resulting in the mare tugging back. Yana scowled at the mount through her one eye, then looked through the cobbled street, noticing that the end of her misery was soon to be reached. The stables were only a house or ten away. Ten houses further she’d be able to leave her stubborn mount behind and traverse the midtown of Andaris without the nuisance that held her back. Yana gave in, deciding to try a different strategy. Anything to get the horse to stop being this stubborn. It had never been that bad before… Well, aboard the ship she’d just left the mount by her lonesome, only checking every now and then to see whether it was still alive. Feeding the animal was left to the crew, one of the hands had taken a liking to the horse and had been taking good care of it, which had been more than convenient for Yana. It meant she had had more time to play dice with the crew.
“Alright, you listen here, you white-spotted, brown waste of coin,” the one-eyed woman hissed, “You stop being stubborn, I take you there-” she pointed at the stables “- where they’ll give you food and water, and will care for you, and you don’t have to put up with me for a while. Or we could just be playing tug of war here until one of us drops dead.” A glare finished it off, Yana’s eye studying Horse’s. The mount blinked a couple times, snorted, and finally stopped resisting. “Good choice,” she agreed, and started leading the mare towards the place she could dump her. Maybe I should be this nice more often, the Yludith pondered, perhaps that way she’ll stop being stubborn. It’ll be a pain, but it might benefit me most in the long run. She sighed.
Perhaps part of the reason the mare took a while to obey was related to the fact that Yana didn’t know the horse’s name, and hadn’t bothered to give it a new one either. She simply didn’t care enough for the animal to name it. ‘Horse’ was good enough, and with time, the mount would get used to it and start believing it to be its new name. There really wasn’t a reason for the Yludith to give her stolen mount a beautiful name that would show the world her affection for her. Yana only saw her mount as just that: a means of transportation. One that required food, water, and a place to rest no less. Frankly, it was more of an inconvenience and a drain of her funds than anything else. If not for the fact that one could cover distances more quickly by mount than on foot, Yana would have sold the damn creature already.
“Honestly, Horse, you’re a pain in my butt, you know that?” she spoke annoyed, tugging hard at the reins, only resulting in the mare tugging back. Yana scowled at the mount through her one eye, then looked through the cobbled street, noticing that the end of her misery was soon to be reached. The stables were only a house or ten away. Ten houses further she’d be able to leave her stubborn mount behind and traverse the midtown of Andaris without the nuisance that held her back. Yana gave in, deciding to try a different strategy. Anything to get the horse to stop being this stubborn. It had never been that bad before… Well, aboard the ship she’d just left the mount by her lonesome, only checking every now and then to see whether it was still alive. Feeding the animal was left to the crew, one of the hands had taken a liking to the horse and had been taking good care of it, which had been more than convenient for Yana. It meant she had had more time to play dice with the crew.
“Alright, you listen here, you white-spotted, brown waste of coin,” the one-eyed woman hissed, “You stop being stubborn, I take you there-” she pointed at the stables “- where they’ll give you food and water, and will care for you, and you don’t have to put up with me for a while. Or we could just be playing tug of war here until one of us drops dead.” A glare finished it off, Yana’s eye studying Horse’s. The mount blinked a couple times, snorted, and finally stopped resisting. “Good choice,” she agreed, and started leading the mare towards the place she could dump her. Maybe I should be this nice more often, the Yludith pondered, perhaps that way she’ll stop being stubborn. It’ll be a pain, but it might benefit me most in the long run. She sighed.