Falling Dusk

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Falling Dusk

29th Ymiden
They had settled into a peaceful, quiet rhythm over the past few trials. The horses and hawk were cared for, they practised sword fighting, archery, and knife-throwing. Malcolm rested and read whilst she stitched along-side him, or following the light around the house or outside of it in the sunshine. The skin on her face and arms and lower legs had darkened and freckles dusted her nose and cheeks in a band. They cared for each other, made blissful love together and were prone to ridiculous bouts of mischief. In one way, Elyna could barely remember a time when this hadn’t been the case and couldn’t imagine a future where anything changed. But the world was always moving on, whether she wanted it to, or not.
Upon her return from the city, she’d been tired and the waves of dizziness had drained her of energy and appetite. How long would the sickness last? Her body was making a million minute adjustments for the coming seasons and it was unhappy to relinquish control and all her arcs of training and over-discipline. Of course, each woman was different, and Elyna hoped, almost desperately that the forthcoming weeks would be easier. They would have to be, there had to be a point when she could regain lost weight, surely? She’d heard a myth once that pregnant women could glow with the pique of their health. Whatever she was, the only part of her skin that was glowing, was the mark on her forehead.
Dusk was settling on her shoulders and she moved the brush over Ember. The Hawk was perched on the fence post watching them with a tilted head. The horse’s fur already shone, but she seemed to enjoy the attention, her head was bowed and she dozed as Elyna continued the smooth motions. The woman herself was relaxed, hand moving over the warm surface before the brush followed and sent up dust. She edged down from the crest of the horses back mane. She loved the smell of horses, the sweetness of the hay mingled with warmth and outside air.
Smoke rose from the chimney, food wouldn’t be far off. She’d gulped down a mug of ginger tea before coming outside, in the hope it would mean she could eat. She pressed kisses to the horses jaw before setting the brushes away and returning the Hawk to its little house. Locking him in for the night.
Tomorrow, they were going to be married. Malcolm would become her husband. Excitement twisted nerves in her chest and she risked a glance at him as she moved through the house to wash hands and face and return to the main room. The Skyrider lent against the door frame and simply watched him for a long moments before she approached and ran deft fingers down his arm.
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Falling Dusk

He had been outside all afternoon, cutting firewood, not that the season called for it, but rather Malcolm wanted to plan far enough ahead that just in case he wasn't home by Cylus, the coldest of the seasons, with all the firewood done at least a Elyna would have one less thing to worry about. Malcolm had stacked the wood with care, going back and forth between the pile and the overhang on the north side of the cottage near the front door, where the firewood was now piled to the height of the ceiling. His arms were tired and a little stiff, and he sat now inside, trying to pick a splinter from the pad of his index finger, biting down with his teeth.
Elyna's caress had pulled him from a daydream, and no longer far away, he turned and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in against his form, his shirt infused with the smell of sunshine and pine. Malcolm kissed the top of his lover's head and combed his fingers through her hair gently, part of him knew that she wouldn't be following him to Ne'haer, but he had been waiting for her to say it. The silence between them was not uncomfortable, in fact the knight had grown rather fond of it, it said a lot about them, that they were comfortable enough in each other's presence not to feel the need to fill every quiet moment with noise.
"Can you get your needle," he smiled and leaned back to look down at her, "I think I have a splinter," he showed her the finger in question and moved to sit down at the table after Elyna went in search of her sewing kit. When the noble woman returned, Malcolm lay his hand flat on the table and watched her pick at the splinter, breaking the skin carefully. "Ready for tomorrow?" He asked her and smirked endearingly, "what are you going to wear? What should I wear?" He feigned concern, not having told her about the outfit he had picked out the last time he was in town.
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 359
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Falling Dusk

“Go naked,” she grinned “it’ll cause a sensation…”
Elyna returned to his lap and moved his hand carefully, twisting her body to shield his fingers from his sight. She lifted the hand up and licked the pad carefully, trying to warm the skin and loosen the hold of the splinter, before pressing kisses down his palm and wrist. It was only then that when the stubborn slither wouldn’t budge, that she scratched a tiny opening at the head and tried to ease it free from his skin. Brows furrowed with concentration.

Believing that she’d been successful, she looked back over her shoulder at the man before reluctantly releasing his hand back to him. Settled in the curve of his arms she ran a fingertip along the line of his neck, gaze fixed on the window behind his head.
“Mal—” she swallowed and lifted her chin, forcing her gaze on the man. This was going to happen, she may as well witness it instead of dreaming. A painful moment that she had hoped would never need to come, but had snuck up on her anyway.
Another trial had slipped by in contented happiness. She wanted to cling onto the passing breaks and stop the world from moving on. This was their time, it was precious and it was fleeting. His hair was filled with shadows, and green eyes beckoned, enticing.
“I …I don’t, I can’t — ” she squared her shoulders and nodded to herself. This was the right thing, it was the harder path in many ways, but it was the right one.
“I can’t come with you,” her dark eyes dropped to his shoulder, “we can... I know you said I could change my mind, but it’s only fair. I’ve broken my word to you. No matter—what you decide, I’ll be here. I’ll be waiting if its two seasons or twenty arcs…I’ll wait for you to come home.”
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Falling Dusk

The Mortalborn had been expecting this, and even though he knew it was the right decision, perhaps even the choice he preferred, it pained him to think of the struggle ahead of them, the thought of leaving Elyna behind, and that even if he only went to Ne'haer for a single day, it would be one hundred and twenty six days before he saw her again, but realistically, Malcolm knew it was going to be more.
He laughed, because his rules, his terms for the marriage had been ridiculous, he didn't want Elyna to wait for him, not twenty years at least. Malcolm took the woman's hand and raised it to his lips to dot with feathered kisses. "I don't want you to wait for me," he told her, "if I'm not home by Cylus," he paused and squeezed her hand, "don't wait for me," he would make her promise him if he had to. "If the letters stop, you will move on," he told her because he knew the only reason he would stop sending her letters would be if he were dead.
Malcolm put his arms around the woman again and held her close. "Tomorrow we get married, and on the fortieth I sail, I'll be home before Cylus and everything will be as it should. Our baby will be happy and healthy," he moved his right hand over her belly and kissed her neck, "I'll work hard and extend the cottage and we can build a life here, the three of us," he smiled against her soft, warm skin."
Malcolm didn't want Elyna to worry about the future which was why he had gone to the city without her knowing and had his will redone, leaving everything in his possession to her if anything were to go wrong, the houses, his money in the bank, his horse, and all of his belongings, which would leave her with just over two thousand in gold. The will had been left in town to be posted at a later date and arrive at the homestead the day after he had left for Ne'haer, making it impossible for her to protest his decision in taking everything from his current children to offer to her.
"Leave your hair down tomorrow," he smiled, "I like it down." And just like that it appeared he had forgiven her decision to stay and moved on.
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 410
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Falling Dusk

Anger flashed across her expression before she turned her face against his shoulder and closed her eyes. Maybe it was a sign of her youth, not that she’d been able to work out how old Malcolm was yet, but she wouldn’t give up on him so easily. Not back by Cylus and she should move on? Back teeth pressed together and she held her tongue. The best part of three arcs, she had mourned Yoreth. Give up on Malcolm after Cylus; over her dead body. There was little point arguing against him though, he wouldn’t be here to stop her or see or…and that would really be the point, wouldn’t it. There would be no Malcolm. The thought of his loss was enough to steal the air from her lungs and she wrapped an arm over her face.
She nodded as the conversation moved on, to a future beyond his journey abroad. Hope. Hope for their future and their family. She would hold onto hope, it was more powerful than fear though often hidden behind it. The Skyrider laced her fingers through his as they rested on her flat stomach. You always work hard, she thought quietly, but he was right. Longer term the cottage would need more space. The three of them, maybe more? The woman gulped, where had that thought come from? She hadn’t intended to fall pregnant, but it had happened. Having never considered herself maternal, it was strange to contemplate a completely different future. But…Elyna shook her head. Far too early, far too bizarre a thought to consider a future with a larger family.
There was something morose in the air. Clinging to her skin and she hid her face for a few moments longer until convinced that she wouldn’t cry. It had been a hard decision to make, the worst of her life, and she had no doubt that when he set sail it would take everything she had not to run after him. She could cry then, she assured herself, no tears till then. She wouldn’t send Malcolm away with any worry about her.
Finally she inhaled and straightened up, nudging his neck with her nose, “I’m going to ask the Skyriders, if I can teach for them, the squires and the airmen over the summer. I think, it’ll be better than missions, patrols or flying. Safer really.”
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Falling Dusk

Elyna mentioned her desire to teach, instantly putting the man’s woes in leaving her behind at ease. The thought of her running around on dangerous missions while pregnant with their child had worried him, but it seemed there was nothing to fear. His fingers traced the top of her ear, leisurely brushing stray strands of hair away to be tucked behind it as he watched her expression while she spoke about her intentions.
“I think that is a wonderful idea,” he smiled slowly, touching his thumb to her chin, his hand closed under it. “Take on a squire or two, oversee some training,” Malcolm grinned, “I don’t want you riding a horse for too much longer, especially that wild pair out there.”
Malcolm stopped, he didn’t want to treat Elyna like a child when it was clear she was more than capable of looking after herself and making the right decisions, but he liked to fuss, especially when it concerned her. It was almost frightening, how much he had come to love her in such a short span of time. Tomorrow they would be married, and though a little apprehensive about the idea of a second marriage, Malcolm was quite sure that he was making the right decision in marrying Elyna, one that made him very happy.
“Come on,” he tapped her thigh, encouraging her to get up, “let’s eat something and get an early night.”
Last edited by Malcolm on Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 240
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Falling Dusk


Sewing +1
Surgery +1
Endurance +1
Animal Husbandry +2
Seduction +2
Rhetoric +1

Basic Knowledge
Surgery: Skin is thick.
Animal Husbandry: Grooming a Horse.
Animal Husbandry: Settling Animals to Sleep.

Specialised Knowledge
Malcolm: If he stops sending you letters, he’s probably dead.
Malcolm: Doesn’t want you to wait for him to return.
Malcolm: Likes it when your hair is down.

+1 General Good Deed (Helping Mal with his Splinter)


Comment: Cute little thread, it was pleasant to see the closeness of their relationship and how calm the characters are when they are around each other. Elyna getting huffy was adorable, fun to read! If you have any questions feel free to PM me.


+1 Carpentry
+1 Endurance
+2 Seduction
+2 Rhetoric
+1 Persausion

Basic Knowledge
Woodcutting: Wear gloves to avoid splinters.

Specialised Knowledge
Elyna: Is not coming with you.
Elyna: Is willing to wait for you to return.
Elyna: Wants to teach.

+1 General Good Deed (Readying wood for Elyna so she could live the winter)


Comment: I loved how emotive Malcolm is about caring for Elyna here, it's always nice when a character can get along with another without having to say anything. A very nice, very gentle thread. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
word count: 227
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