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An investigation begins. [Vincent D'Ordyn]

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Sabine’s own eyes widened as she recognized the anguish that flashed in Gray’s. He must have come to care for the family he’d been hired to protect, because looking at his face was like looking into a mirror. It showed the pain of loss, of suffering, of being too late to save someone despite the best of intentions.

This was a feeling that Sabine knew all too well. She’d felt it on the night her father was taken away, and every night since.

Her sympathy flared, and she squeezed her fingers into fists to keep herself from doing something stupid, like reaching for Gray’s hand. He didn’t seem to the type to appreciate sentiment or pity, however well-meaning it was, and she certainly wasn’t the type to forgive and forget so quickly. Still, she couldn’t quite keep the horror from her face as Gray shared the story of the D’Ordyn family murders.

“Monsters…” she whispered. An entire family, wiped out in trills. How awful. And Gray… was he the only one who knew? The only one with tasked with finding proof and avenging their deaths?

Sabine dropped her gaze to the table as understanding flickered and she considered her companion. His seriousness, his caution, his paranoia; it all made far more sense in the context of the D’Ordyn family. Justice was a heavy burden to carry, especially alone.

But I suppose he's no longer alone.

She nodded in agreement to Gray’s instructions. “Gather information and observe. Don’t go in. Got it.” She surprised even herself when a roll of her eyes was the only response she gave to his comment about throwing herself into compromising situations. His tale of the D’Ordyns must have tempered her mood; if he had told any other story, she was certain she would have buried him with words of outrage and denial.

“And I’ll take your second favour,” she said slowly, “but know that I don’t take these promises lightly. I hope I can trust you to keep them."

Her head began to throb with more urgency. She winced and took a steadying breath. “Is there anything more you can tell me about the thief? Midtown’s a large place, so whatever might narrow it down for me would be helpful. Do you know if they hit shops or homes?”

Sabine waited a moment for his response and then dropped her hands to her sides. “If there’s nothing else…” Her chair squeaked against the wooden floor as she pushed it back and stood. She stuffed the original balled up note into her pocket and shoved her hands in after it. “I’ll let you know when I have something. Can I reach you through the Inn, or is there somewhere else that would be better?”
word count: 478
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Vincent D'Ordyn
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Gray nodded as Sabine agreed to help and to do nothing more than he asked. "My word is good." Gray said to her as she spoke of him keeping his promises. "I'll pay my two favours when called upon."

A quick flash of pain crossed Sabine's face as she moved on to asking about the thief. "Sadly the thief doesn't seem to have any particular targets. As far as I know he's hit a market stall and two houses. Though from what little I've heard, they only make off with smaller valuables. Stuff that is easier to carry."

With that the conversation was over, and Sabine rose to leave. Gray rose to, "Wait for just a moment." Gray said as he walked towards the counter and spoke to the man behind it for a brief trill, before the man moved off into a back room and returned with a bundle. Picking it up Gray thanked the man and walked to the front door waving Sabine to follow him.

When she reached him he opened the door and allowed her to exit ahead of him, before following her out himself. When they were finally outside Gray pulled on of his throwing knives from the bundle, flipped it quickly in his hand and handed, grip first, to Sabine. "Take it. It's nothing major, but it's something." At the dubious look on Sabine face Gray continued, "If I'm asking this of you, I feel that this is the least I can do for now. I promised I'd do what I can to keep you safe. This is the first step." With that Gray gently took Sabine's hand and place the blade in it. "If you find anything you can find me at the Inn, or just leave a letter with them requesting a meeting if I'm not here." With a small smile, and a nod Gray finished the conversation with two words. "Thank you." With that he turned away from Sabine and began wrapping his swordbelt around his waist, before eventually disappearing down of the of adjacent streets.
word count: 356
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A market stall and two houses.

Sabine nodded and filed away the information. Her logical first step, then, would be to pay a visit to the Marketplace. There, she might be able to find the owner of the stall and, hopefully, news or gossip about the houses that had been robbed.

She followed Gray to the door without further comment, and passed one last, lingering glance at the elderly couple as she left the Inn. Perhaps her good deeds would be rewarded with a similar happiness… She immediately shook her head at the thought and held back a bitter laugh.


She and Gray knew better than anyone that that wasn’t how life worked.

The pair stopped just outside the Inn. Sabine watched quietly as Gray opened his bundle of weapons (so many weapons) and offered her a knife and an explanation. She frowned, but didn’t resist as he placed the knife carefully in her hand. It felt strange to be given the gift of protection by someone she’d been so sure she needed to protect herself from.

Strange, but not unwelcome.

As Gray turned away, the setting sun cast light on his features and softened the hardness of his profile. She was surprised to see how it made him look younger, kinder, and far more hopeful than the man she’d first met in those dark Lowtown alleys.

An illusion, perhaps, or maybe the breaking of one.

She shrugged and tucked the knife into her belt. Better to focus on mysteries she could solve than to speculate about those she couldn't.

“I’ll be seeing you.”
word count: 271
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Peer Reviewed: Rewards!


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Gray: Secretive
Gray: Presumptious
Gray: Irritatingly calm
Gray: Knows Bram
Gray: Thinks you're brash
Gray: Very neat handwriting
Gray: Maybe not who you first thought?
Location: Ye Olde Inn
Location: House in midtown used to pay the smugglers.
Psychology: Clothing is important in how we present ourselves to the world
Psychology: First impressions are important
Intelligence: Rynmere: Midtown: There have been a string of burglaries
Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggled the same thing in and out
Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggling Aukari
Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggling Aukari assassins
Intelligence: D'Ordyn family were the target
D'Ordyn family estate was burnt down
Psychology: First impressions can be hard to break, but can be wrong.
Gray: Owes you two favours.

Gains: dagger

+1 general good deed

Vincent "Gray" D'Ordyn


Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/ 5
Structure: 5/ 5

Location: Ye Olde Inn
Barman at Ye Olde Inn: prepared to give a friendly warning
Barman at Ye Olde Inn: a good contact.
Sabine: Thunderhead
Sabine: Doesn't like showing weakness
Sabine: Not prepared to be taken for granted
Sabine: Wants to know the details before taking on a job
Sabine: Proud of her job
Psychology: How you portray something can make it more or less appealing.
Intelligence: Rynmere: Midtown: There have been a string of burglaries
Sabine: Wrinkles her nose when mischievous
Sabine: Prone to being a bit reckless
Sabine: Gathering information for you.
Sabine: You owe her two favours
Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggled the same thing in and out
Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggling Aukari
Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggling Aukari assassins

Losses: 1 dagger

+2 (giving a gift)
+1 (general good deed - hiring Sabine to investigate)[/columns]
General comments. Thank you both for an interesting and really thought-provoking read! I loved the relationship developing between the two pc's and how they both share so much, yet neither knows that of the other. It was a genuine pleasure to read - to the point that I forgot I was grading it quite a few times and had to go back and do that!
Story - a detailed and clear story which marks the beginning, I hope, of some great adventures. And eventual justice for the D'Ordyn family!
Structure - all good - you both have a clear writing style and your characters interact seamlessly both with each other and their environment.

Please remember to mark this thread as "Reviewed" in the request for review thread.
Please record these in the "Skill Point Ledger" you have in your CS.
PM me if you've got any questions at all![/googlefont]
word count: 447
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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