Age: 27 Arcs
Race: Yludih
Status: Deceased
Date of Birth:25 Ymiden 693
Date of Death:38 Saun 720
Marks: None
Occupation: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand (Saeri), Merc (Rayna)
Factions Joined: The Iron Hand Knights (Saeri)
Languages Spoken: Common (Fluent), Ulehi (Fluent), Common Sign (Fluent), Rakahi (Conversational), Ith'ession (Broken)
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Her form is blemished by a couple scars however, all of which she received during her time in the military. Most are on her arms and torso, but there's also one on her face, running over her right eye. As the eye was damaged, she wears an eyepatch to hide it along with the scar.
The markings take the shape of rudimentary lightning bolts and are symmetrically divided across her body. When fully clothed, only those running across her neck can be seen. They are two that curl around her neck, from where they then run down her back. Along the way they are joined by various other lines, which all start on the front of Yana's body, and end on the back. Her hands, feet and face are the only places devoid of markings.
At the core, Yana is a selfish person, focused on two things: staying alive, and her research. Perhaps the latter is a result of her upbringing as an Eídisi, but as far as she can remember she has always liked and enjoyed learning. It should come as no surprise that she values knowledge. Many a time she can be seen scribbling in a notebook, all notes relating to a subject of her research. One could call it a diary of sorts, where all sorts of observations and conclusions are written down, but only of things that picked her interest.
Yana is meticulous and organized, always making sure her stuff is organized so she doesn't have to search for anything. Everything has its place, and chaos or messiness she frowns upon. As a selfish person, she has little interest in others, though she is prone to write entries in her log about interesting people she encounters. Though she can and, from time to time, will (or at least tries to) act like it isn't the case, she has a strong dislike for idle chatter, and usually prefers to be blunt and get straight to the point.
For the sake of her research, Yana will go to certain lengths, varying from saying something insensitive to draw out a reaction to plain old espionage. Though all come attached with a certain risk factor, she usually does not deem it high enough to abandon her observations on the subject, be it an individual or an organization.
On a day to day basis, Yanahalqah is a rather cold person with no real morals or ethics whatsoever. She doesn't give a damn about people in general, not caring if she just knocked over a child while walking, or whether there's someone being stabbed right next to her (though she'd probably take notes). Most of her choices are based of logic and she does listen to reason. If it is in her best interest to go along with something, she will. This does not mean however that she doesn't feel anger or joy or the likes. Though logic and reasoning are the primary angles with which she solves problems, sometimes negative emotions (mostly anger, irritation and/or frustration) get in the way.
Both forms have their own voice, their own way of speaking. Saeri has a rather flat, almost monotone tone of voice, devoid of most emotion. She uses just enough infliction for people to know the difference between a question and a statement, but other than that there is very little variation in it. Most of what she says tends to sound rather matter-of-fact. Rayna, on the other hand, is far more human in the use of her voice. The default tone she uses is "irritated", "annoyed", "not interested", or "cranky", though from time to time she switches to other emotions, depending on the amount of effort she pours in her acting.
No matter which form she's in though, there always slips a slight Ith'ession accent into her Common, though it's more easily noticeable in her human guises.
Yana was born in Etzos to an Eídisi couple... Or so it seemed. Truth is, they were no Eídisi at all. Well, the man she called father was, but her mother wasn't, and neither was her biological father. Both were imposters, Yludih. That is not to say that they were mean-spirited, not at all. Yana's mother, Phaela (or so she called herself), was married to her husband, Yana's non-biological father, for no ulterior motives. She loved him, and he loved her. That is to say, he loved the Eídisi he believed she was. However, Phaela could not birth children with him, only with her own kind. Thus, one day she started to pretend she was pregnant, altering her illusion over the course of her supposed pregnancy to look the part as well as act the part. Clever as she was, she contacted available Yludih males and selected one to aid her in conceiving the child. She also located and got in touch with a Yludih physician to aid her in the birthing process.
After nine months, the plan came to fruition, and she birthed an Eídisi-looking child without her husband ever suspecting a thing. They named her Saeri, though her mother had given her a name already, one she kept to herself for over a decade; Yanahalqah.
Yana received the standard education all Eídisi should enjoy, her childhood filled with her learning and studying. She enjoyed it, her personality molded by those of her parents. In every aspect, she was Eídisi, except on a biological level. True, she looked and behaved the part, but she was Yludih, not the race she pretended to be. Her mother told her this and her real name when she turned fourteen, an age Phaela deemed perfect, as Yana should begin to become more mature from that point onwards.
While Yanahalqah did not freak out, and considered her true heritage in a rational way, she did start to question herself and who she was. Who she had believed she was. Was the personality she'd displayed her true personality, or was it merely an act? And if the latter was indeed the case, then who was she? Who was she really?
Wrestling with something of an identity crisis, Yana managed to struggle through puberty, often finding comfort in the Uleuda, where she learned the language of the Yludih, and eventually was taught how to take on the form of another race beside her Eídisi form. She took the likeness of Humans, as they were everywhere and would help her blend in almost everywhere, no matter where she found herself.
But that was just one half of her path to adulthood, the other being observations and research. To push her uncertainties about herself away, she dove headfirst into the things she loved; books. She started reading as much as she could about the fields and subjects that piqued her interest. Later on she began her own investigations, scribbling down observations and findings in a notebook she had with her more often than not. During this time, she found that, strangely enough, she wasn't interested at all in the pains and joys of others. Perhaps it were her insecurities at work, placing a barrier between herself and the world so she could sort them out, but she grew only more and more disinterested in others, becoming cold and distant, especially so in Eídisi form. As a human she did often make an effort to pretend to get along with people -albeit for her own objectives- though she never once cared for the person themselves. Sometimes she just wanted to know how they'd react if she did this or said that, only to walk away when she'd obtained her answers and her interest faded. Due to a lack of a bond with just about anyone, her research became the only thing she really cared about, it became her life, her primary thing to do.
When she reached the end of her teens, Yana decided to leave home, taking on human form for the majority of the time. She joined the Etzos military on something of a whim, driven by the desire to complete the research she'd done on them from an outsider's perspective by switching to an insider's. Though she wasn't all that into weaponry and physical training, she felt oddly content during her service. She did what was expected of her, training in both ranged an melee combat, as well as riding a horse. Her free time she devoted to her research, taking advantage of her good memory to write down any and all relevant observations she'd made.
However, during her service, some did witness her taking notes and the more time went by, the more some people grew convinced she was an enemy spy. Yana was not a fool though, and recognized the threat of being exposed. While she was not a spy, she knew well enough the military wouldn't be exactly pleased with a Yludih having infiltrated their midst. So while those out to unmask her collected evidence against her, Yana made plans to leave without permission.
She got the chance soon enough, when the block to which she was assigned was ambushed by outlaws during a patrol. In the skirmish that followed, Yana lost her right eye while just barely avoiding the more dire consequences of taking a blade to the face. Recognizing her chance, she played dead, quite sure that her foe wouldn't have the time to make sure of her passing in the heat of battle. Now no longer being paid any attention, she crawled steadily towards the edge of the battlefield, hiding among corpses and looting off them while she was at it. There were no protests when she was more than once stepped on or tripped over. At the edge of the battlefield she found a couple horses whose riders had fallen in battle already. She didn't need to think twice before she mounted one and rode off to the east.
On the way to Foster Bay she tried to sell the leather barding, though to no avail. Certain that having it would improve the chances of being recognized as either a horse thief or a deserter (note that she put her armor in her pack and was wearing ordinary clothes), she got rid of it before it was too late. At the Bay, she searched for and paid a sailor to take her to Rynmere, far away from the reach of Etzos. A place she wouldn't be a bounty hunter's prize. However, that reason was but secondary, for she had, trough rumors, heard of a certain military group vested in the city of Andaris. A group that did happen to pique her interest.
Andaris; Barracks in lowtown
Marks Section