• Solo • Breathe Ettyne

4th of Ymiden 720

A beautiful city at the edge of Murk Pass. Though not large in size the people are far more welcoming than most would expect. Specialising in teaching anyone willing to learn how to traverse the wilderness beyond. Everyone is welcome who is ready to work for their share.

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Breathe Ettyne

4th of Ymiden 720

The city of Viden was cold, cruel, unforgiving and uncompromising. When he was at last released from prison, and given escort to the gates, he was glad to leave it behind him. On the road to the south he was left most of the time alone. If there were any criminals or murderers patrolling the paths and byways, they left him alone, presuming he had nothing worth taking. And they were right. He bore only one thing that was precious, and that was the special egg within his mind.

"Are we so very precious, Father?" It asked him at turns on the way to the south. "Why does no one wish to share our blessings. Cough, spit, and smear your secretions on them, Father! Share our blessings."

Zemos shook his head with a smile. The days in solitary confinement would have taken their toll on him if not for the egg's company, and his own tolerance for the cold and deprivation. He had not eaten much while in jail. Some water and black bread, but it was enough to sustain him, while the egg kept his mind alive.

Surely he would've ended his own life in that cold, lonely cell had it not been for the egg's company. But now, with the road widening to the south, and foot traffick coming within a meter's breadth of his own path, he felt more alive. He sensed life all around him, the buzzing on the wind. The sound of his egg's kin. He noticed every bit of road kill, ever mouse or rat or possum or rabbit that lie dead and half-eaten by maggots. Some of the more decomposed he gathered up in his robes, giving them a resting place that was comfortable. The flies buzzed around him, giving him company.

In his more quiet moments on the walk south, he felt the presence of the entity that had eluded him so long. A fly, with the face of a monkey, but the composite eyes of an insect. It screeched at him in his subconscious, gleefully alerting him to his proximity.

Zemos reached out with his mind's eye, trying to seek out the elusive beacon it sent out. But again, every time he moved his mental hand to seek out the spirit, it eluded him. Like a darting gnat, it flew out of reach with every attempt he made. It would not allow him to catch it. Not yet. Perhaps it wished to see if he was worthy?

In any event, he was coming to the village of Anther's Ettyne. The letter in the folds of his robes gave him right to parole, and work on a small textile farm near the village. A place that grew and processed flax. It was a process to which he could only claim marginal awareness. But he did know that it involved plant-based fibers, that were tossed in a pile and then stamped on or some such. He supposed he'd find out when he got there.

A mean-faced rancher stood by the fence leading into the patch of flax plant, a field that went on for many acres. There, on the rise below the hill, he could see several piles of rotting matter. The egg urged him to go forth, and dive into the cloying fibers of decomposing matter. "Green turns yellow, like the fur of a bee. Let us taste its honey."

But Zemos shook his head, denying the egg's request, for now. He lifted his hand to his brow, by way of greeting the man at the fence.
word count: 611


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: Breathe Ettyne

"Listen, are ye listenin'?" The crotchety farmer nagged Zemos like a gnat buzzing around his ears. It was quite pleasant to have someone over your shoulder and buzzing. It made Zemos feel very at home and comfortable. Perhaps that made him strange. But Zemos enjoyed having supervision, how else would he learn?

"Ye take the flax, ripple out the seeds, and then toss them in the water vats."

Zemos nodded, as he gathered the bundles of flax that the other farmhands had reaped. Someone else had taken the step of rippling out the seeds already, so all that was left for Zemos to do, was gather up the bundles and toss them in those vats. As he lifted the bundle, he stared across the distance at the piles of the rotting matter he'd spotted earlier. He pointed toward them, looking at the farmer. "What are that? Is that rot thing?"

He turned from the farmer to look more intently at those mounds of decaying plants. The farmer shrugged, and said, "Lesser quality flax, put out to rot. It won't be long before the mold separates the fibers. That's how we separate the fibers, see? Something in the mold (and the water) saps the strength of the woody parts, and separates the bits we want, which are the fibers."

Zemos nodded, very intrigued by this idea that rot could be a tool in the right circumstances. But of course, it could! Something clicked in the back of his mind, but he didn't know what it was.

Blessings of the field, a golden harvest, for invisible insects.

Zemos smiled through the egg's observation and went back to the work.

When the day was done, he'd gathered up as many bundles as he could and stuffed them into those watery vats. When he had a spare moment, he approached one of the mounds of rotting plant matter. He leaned close to it, trying to see if any of the recent swarm of bugs had taken residence there. He searched through the muck, sifting through it with his fingers. But there was little or nothing there. Just a few silverfish, along with the unmistakable scent of mold.

He took a chunk of the rotting matter and placed it in his sackcloth satchel. This, he tied to a bindle stick, and threw over his shoulder, walking off into the fields to see what else he could find after the day's work.
word count: 413


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: Breathe Ettyne

At the end of the day, and all of Zemos' hard work in the fields, the farmer offered him nels, but Zemos refused. "I take flax hay, all mattered and pounded with the... the stick." Zemos demonstrated the process by which flax was rendered into a fiber, with a chopping motion against his open hand.

The farmer, shrugging, went to fetch the flax for the Sev'ryn. Before long, he came back with a sizeable bundle, large enough to make a small pillow out of. Zemos accepted the bundle as payment and bowed in thanks. "Thank grandfather. I come back to work tomorrow if it pleases?"

Zemos eyed the farmer for a few moments, to which the farmer replied with a shrug. "Yer a hard worker, and cheap. Can't rightly pass that up. Come on back, and we'll see what else you can do."

The Sevir bowed deeply and backed away for a few steps. Then he turned around and practically skipped on off to wherever it was he'd be laying his head that night. On the way, by chance, he spotted some dead mice in the field. These, he gathered up into the sack in which he'd placed the moldy flax. Flies scattered as he took them by the tail, and bringing them close to his face, licked them. They tasted sweet, with the cloying honey of decay. Yet Zemos had no fear of disease. He'd never been sick as far as he knew. These mice he stuffed all into his sack of decaying matter. He wished to see the effect the moldy flax would have on their corpses.

He made his way into the wilderness, in the meantime.

Zemos settled down some two dozen leagues from the edge of the flax farm. There he began gathering what he'd need for a rudimentary structure that would keep him reasonably safe from the elements. He picked up branches, leaves, and even some rocks to keep the basic structure in place. The sticks he first used to stake the spot near a tree where he'd be setting camp. Then another that would present another support for the leafy roof that he'd make. Then the long process of gathering enough twigs that would serve as a lattice to keep the roof of the lean-to waterproof, in case the weather proved unfriendly.

When at last his house of elements was built, he stood back and admired his handiwork. Not bad, all told. Not great, nowhere near as comfortable as his cell had been, but at least here he had fresh air, and the sounds of nature, the buzzing of insects to keep him from loneliness.

As he crept underneath the lean-to, and laid his head down on a pillow of the flax he'd been awarded for his work, he began thinking of bugs. And as he drifted off to sleep, he could hear a faint voice. "Find me... Nzi. Find the gnat with the monkey's face..."

Zemos was oddly comforted by this voice, yet even knowing it was not the egg speaking set him off guard. So he had another voice in his head? Well it was getting to be a real party in there, wasn't it?
word count: 547


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: Breathe Ettyne


[*]Fieldcraft: Constructing a lean-to
[*]Fieldcraft: Finding a safe place to rest.
[*]Fieldcraft: Settling down for the night.
[*]Textile Production: Flax production involves rotting the fibers from the woody bits.
[*]Yithnai: Immunity: Zemos has nothing to fear from disease.
[*]Yithnai: Immunity: Zemos has nothing to fear from infection.

Loot: A bundle of unspun flax.
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 5, for getting a job.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.

Points: 10
- - -
Comments: When I read the warning about licking dead mice, I just had to review that thread.

I love the egg. You’ve managed to give it such an interesting and unique personality!

I also appreciate that you had Zemos travel to Anther’s Ettyne. I think this is the first time that someone actually used my village IC, so thank you!

Zemos’ reaction to the farmer was not what I … actually it was exactly what I expected, having already read a few of his threads. I was amused by the fact that he enjoyed the nagging – and that the thought of rot and diseases never seems to be far from his mind.

The mice-licking scene did not disappointed, by the way. I think Zemos might be the only one who finds their taste sweet!

I wonder whose voice he heard at the end of the thread. Was it Lisirra? I have to admit, I’m curious.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 234





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