About the writer behind Jedith

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About the writer behind Jedith

I was aasked to remove this for various reasons.
Last edited by Jedith on Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 9
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About the writer behind Jedith (Warning, this contains perha

If anyone has any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask, either here, by PM, or in Chat. I do not mind answering most types of questions, and will not become angry.
Last edited by Jedith on Sun Jun 26, 2016 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 32
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About the writer behind Jedith (Warning, this contains perha


I know we've been hanging out on Chat, but I didn't say it there because.. I dunno, I am always concerned that people are fed up of hearing about their disability and how cool it is that they've overcome it, and I do not want to sound.. condescending? but that personal bit aside, the tech is wicked cool! I think it's fantastic that you can take part!

I mean I would be excited about you being here regardless because you seem like a cool dude, but holy shit it is like.. Jetsons future time!

Also tech aside, I like your character idea a lot! Especially if you do wind up being in the Adunih faction! Healers unite! Either way, I love that you're making him very human, and not perfect! Looking forward to seeing what you can do!
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About the writer behind Jedith (Warning, this contains perha

I will completely admit that I am not about to read all that tech.

I would probably not understand a quarter of it.

However it actually works, I think it is beyond cool that you can participate here.

I don't know if you are looking to collaborate with an evil character, but I am here if you are.
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About the writer behind Jedith

Hi Jedith! Welcome to Standing Trials. :D

Thanks for sharing some of your personal history with us. I look forward to seeing your PC fleshed out and reading some of your writing. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions while you're getting settled!

word count: 49

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