• Closed • The Beauty and the Tree

Dali and Sinna's First meeting

13th of Ymiden 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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The Beauty and the Tree

Just After the 13th Break of the Second Trial of Ymiden, of the 716th Arc
The chatter of the larger beings of this lonely but lively city was deafening as always, Sinnammyn could barely think over all of the words that kept entering her mind. No matter how far away from the crowded places she got, she couldn't seem to escape the loudness. All she wanted was some peace and quiet. She hadn't been able to get any good sleep for the past few nights, and it seemed that the people were more excited for the change of the season than she really thought would be.

Sinna sat in the top of a tree, where she had temporarily stashed her items within an abandoned squirrel nest that was burrowed into the tree. She had Avery tied to one of the branches, but she still had a little freedom to stretch her wings if she needed to.

As a Tunawa, she felt so small in this large and dangerous city, every move she made could mean getting burned or stepped on. She thought about when she was only a seedling. When she was more defiant.. though she defied odds everyday. Living off of wild catches as best as she could. Though she mostly was finding wild berries or grasses to nibble on. She even once found a dandelion leaf to eat. Not the best tasting, not like some of the bugs she's tried but, still better than nothing. She was trying not to use her Nel to buy food at the moment, though there were times that it couldn't be avoided.

Today they had managed, and Avery even got to go hunting for her own food today. She had seemed excited about it. Though Sinna didn't really watch as Avery ate. It kind of made her uncomfortable. She was still trying to learn to stomach it. It was all part of the cycle right?

Looking down at the garden of someone's house. It was one of the richer groups of Giants. She smiled a bit at that thought. She wondered how they would feel if they found her here. Probably would just kick her out like the last group did. She still managed to make off with her Nel, which was the most important thing. Or maybe this group will allow her to pay for a place to stay? She frowned a bit. She wondered why there weren't smaller accommodations for Tunawa in this area. There seemed to be so many. Though she did know that most of the were slaves. If not all of them.

She tried her hardest not to be spotted by them though. She didn't want to get captured again. She liked working for others sure, and she liked feeling like she had a meaning. But... she couldn't forgive her previous owners for just discarding her like they did. She slammed her hand on the branch and Avery squawked at her for it. Sinna sighed and stood up, petting Avery lightly. "Sorry girl... " She whispered. Looking down to the garden's again hoping that no Giant had heard, well that or at least if they heard she hoped that they thought it was normal.
word count: 546
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Daliane Andaris
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The Beauty and the Tree

The boy's head rested against the table as he watched the small squirrel eat the berries and nuts he had one of the servants go and fetch from the kitchen. The small rodent was starting to feel a lot better now, he could tell. When he woke up this morning, he found the little rascal climbing on everything and making a huge mess. All of Daliane's fine sundries were scattered about the floor and so were his clothes. The mixed blooded man found it all to be sort of funny and he took the mess as a good sign. A part of him felt sad though, the squirrel's good health meant he would not be able to keep him anymore and he's gotten a little used to him being around.

After the squirrel finished his nuts and berries, Daliane scooped him up. He was going to take him outside now and return him to the area he was founded in. Daliane did not leave the house alone, the envious pig he called Summer Nights accompanied him and so did one of the house slaves. Summer Nights looked up at the little thing that had taken her position and Daliane swears she was glaring at him. The squirrel was so sickly, Daliane had to devote all of his time to him. This meant that the spoiled pig did not receive any and she hated it. The pig did not understand the circumstances and even if she could, she would act the same way.

"I found him in the garden." Daliane told the servant. "Poor thing was just dying and I couldn't leave him there." He rubbed the squirrel's head and smiled down at it. "Moseke would have my head if I did." He looked back at the servant and expected the slave to stifle a laugh. But she did no such thing. "He's all better now. I'm really sad to see him go."

The dark skinned noble frowned as he approached the garden. Once he reached the garden, he placed the squirrel on the ground and watched as he took short quick glances. The squirrel did not hesitate to run off, heading for a tree Daliane assumed lived in. The squirrel disappeared among the branches and leaves of the tree; meaning Daliane could no longer see him. "Goodbye little one."
word count: 399
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The Beauty and the Tree

Just After the 13th Break of the Second Trial of Ymiden, of the 716th Arc
She held her breath. She was so glad that Avery had just ate though the way the hawk looked at the squirrel she was afraid that it was going to be Avery's next dinner. She sat there so tense that her muscles hurt. The Giant's were too close for comfort. And now there was also this pig. Not good. She wondered if the animal would raise alarm if it noticed her in the tree's, though she kind of matched the tree, being part of a tree herself.

The words that the Giant were saying was kind of weird. What did he know of Mother Moseke? She frowned. Moseke hates death, and saved her children. Now she might be disappointed in someone who didn't respect the cycle of life, but she would never hurt them. She looked at the Giant confused.

Why would a Giant other than the brethern at Desnind care about Moseke anyways? Giant's here in Andaris seemed to not care about life and the cycle anyways. She watched as the squirrel started to chitter it's alarm. She sighed and knew that their cover was blown anyways. She made sure that Avery was tied tightly to the tree and she ran to the end of the branch, which just happened to be just above the strange Giant and just jumped down onto his shoulder.

Her landing might have felt like a pebble or the end of a stick falling on him but the light amount of pressure stayed there as she tried to make sure that she had enough balance. "Well hello there." she spoke in Common, though there seemed to be the faintest of a Xanthean accent to it. "You must be one of the Giant's that owns this garden. I do appologize for my intrusion." she smiled as she looked at him. Watching the other Giant to make sure that it wasn't going to take a wack at her.

She looked at the one that had released the squirrel again. "I'm sorry, where are my manners. I'm Sinnammyn. I hope you don't mind me and my hawk taking residence in your tree's for a time." she tilted her head wondering how the human would respond.
word count: 395
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