• Location • The Iron Arms

A smithy located not far from the Hand of Faldrun

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The Iron Arms

The Iron Arms
Violence is generally not a regular occurrence in Sirothelle, given the nature of the aukari. However the military require to be kitted out with the finest swords, thus there is quite the demand for armaments with some degree of dependability. Laws of the city also dictate that any citizen of the city may carry arms, and many individuals from all walks of life use the smithy for their wares. The military forces receive the finest, often discounted due to their affiliation with the military. As a general rule, non-military members do not require the finest weapons, and will settle for cheaper, but no less sturdy, second hand items returned and exchanged by soldiers. Located amongst not far from the barrack buildings of the Hand of Faldrun, the Iron Arms is a relatively large establishment, and one which sees a copious sum of traffic each day.

Upon entering the establishment, one is greeted by a blast of heat and the smell of smoke, coming from the many furnaces which never seem to be inactive. The din of hammers beating away at hot steel perpetually fills the air; at least six metalsmiths are at work at any one time during business hours, creating new weapons, either to order, or as bulk items ready to be sold to a walk-in.

However it is not difficult to attract the attention of one of the smiths, as there are constantly a minimum of two metalsmiths on the main shop floor, waiting with a smile to serve and assist anyone who enters. Their polite smiles and kind attitude will slip if they come to realise that you are just perusing. Lining the walls of the main shop floor are several racks and stands; each filled to the brim with a variety of weapons and armour. On the left side, a customer will find any new items at a more expensive price. To the right, a customer will find all second hand items - they are all still serviceable, as Sirothelle would never allow a citizen to use faulty equipment. Most often they are ex-service weapons, exchanged after only a year’s use. For the most part, customers simply browse the racks and select the item they seek before bringing it to the counter off to the side. There, prices may be haggled; and as a courtesy, all weapons are given a final sharpening and all armor a last polish before being given to the customer. This ensures all items are fully acceptable for use and protection.

However, if a patron is after something original, for example a ceremonial sword, or a high-ranking officer after a truly remarkable weapon or armour, he or she may request a custom item at any time. Provided that they have the coin for their purchase on hand, the metalsmiths will accommodate their customer and provide a top-quality product within half a season of the request being made. At the back of the main shop front, there is a final rack which displays some of these items as examples of what you might request.

In times of conflict, when the armoury is working exclusively for the military, a civilian customer will be turned away, or may be charged an extortionate amount of their services.

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