• Location • Dae's Pastries

For the rare treat

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Dae's Pastries

Dae's Pastries
In approaching Dae’s Pastries, a potential customer is first overwhelmed by the delectable smell of sweets, cakes and pastries wafting away from the most popular bakery in Sirothelle. Food is not a priority in the city of the aukari - it is considered to be a necessity, rather than something that is to be enjoyed. The aukari do not believe in constant extravagance for the sake of extravagance. However every once in a while, they will venture out to enjoy foodstuffs that are not just bland, to see you through.

The shop front is decadently decorated, appealing to the mostly subdued nature of the aukari. Many shelves are covered with different types of baked goods, ranging from simple loaves of bread, to macaroons fuled with passion fruit cream. There choices are limited, but variety of flavours of different cakes and sweets are on offer, or fillings of breads from chocolate to seeds.

Once a customer has managed to close their mouth and tear their eyes away from the delights on display, he will be greeted by a young woman, who is an expert in all things pastry related. She will offer any assistance a customer so do desires, providing you with advice with regard to the different varieties and flavours on offer. Of course… she will try to sell the most expensive sweets or breads to anyone who enters the bakery, especially if they look remotely wealthy. Varia is not a baker herself, though. She is the daughter of the bakery owner, Gale.

Varia Fela

Date of Birth: 4th Day of Cylus, 698
Skills:Business - Expert
[tabs=40]Mathematics - Competent
Negotiation - Competent

Not only the daughter of Gale, Varia is his right hand woman and partner in his bakery. Though she is not a trained baker, Varia is no novice to the products that her father creates. He is her taste tester, and thus is best placed to sell the products, as he only continues to make the things he knows she has enjoyed. The girl has a flare for business though, and is a strong asset to the bakery.

Gale Fela

Date of Birth: 12th Day of Ashan, 676
Skills:Baking - Expert
Business - Expert
word count: 374

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