Wish I may, Wish I might

15th of Cylus 720

Here is the City in the Trees. Desnind, home of the Immortal Moseke and much more! All IC writings in Desnind go here.
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Wish I may, Wish I might

Wish I may, Wish I might

15th of Cylus, 720
Tor’ree growled when she finally woke up. It was still dark which was typical of Cylus, but that did not make it any more fun to have to get up. Looking over at the glass jar with the cocoon in it for the iyo, her red eyes seemed to shimmer as everything had changed since the woman had meet Audrae. The Immortal had been terrifying and yet comforting at the same time. Standing up the woman walked over to the window and looked out. The city of Desnind was still quiet without the people moving around yet. Sighing, the Sev’ryn was still very nervous about her eyes being red from her adventures in the shadows.

Though the darkness actually helped keep her eyes from hurting all the time. Scratching her head, the woman moved around dressing for the “day” as it were. She gently touched the jar that held the iyo cocoon as she walked out the door. Making sure it was locked, the female walked out of the tree house and climbed down to the ground. Moving quietly, she reached out to see how Kae’leen was feeling. The pair had stayed farther away from the world than before. If that were even possible. Her world had changed so much for her over the last several arcs in her life.

“Today is the day for the wishing sands Kae’leen. I wonder if they will be as colorful as the iyo once were,” Tor’ree stated and smiled feeling the ghostly fur of Kae’leen.

It helped to know that she had not been the only one changed that night. Kae’leen had also changed, her eye color at least. The woman had not really asked about whether or not her vision had been changed as Tor’ree’s had been. The ability to see better in the dark would help if the woman could ever figure out what to do with herself. The lure of hunting was not as loud as it had been once before. Pulling her raven hair into a braid, the woman popped her neck. It would soon be time for the sands to be wished upon.

Looking into the fires, Tor’ree was unsure what she would wish for when it came time. There was only one thing to do look inside herself and make plea that someone may be able to answer. Sitting down, the woman watched as people quickly began to filter into the city floor buzzing with excitement. There were plenty that were new after the flutter bus had arrived.
word count: 441
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Perdita Westcott
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Re: Wish I may, Wish I might

Wish I May....
15th Cylus, 720
here was a festival which Perdita was interested in, and it was the one where people went to the fire pit and made wishes. This seemed like a rather silly thing to do as far as the young human was concerned, but Perdita was going in the pursuit of science. Or so she told herself. She was not a person given over to flights of fancy or concern about such nonsense as wishes and so on - again, so she told herself - but Perdita had heard that the sand, when it was burned, turned the flame into a rainbow of colours.

And that was of interest to her.

So, she made her way to the fire pit. She was not a native of Desnind and that much was obvious, but equally she was respectful of the traditions and people here. The young human had long dark-brown hair and pale hazel eyes, she was well wrapped up against the cold and, as was her way, Perdita was a quiet observer. It happened today because it was the first snow and, as such, Perdita wore her hood up and her scarf wrapped around her face; but she made her way to the Fire Pit and, for a few moments, she simply observed. It was important to her that she did so that she understood what was expected of her and, most importantly, what would be out of bounds. When, however, she was sure, she made her way and chose a handful of bright red sand. Taking it over to the log nearest her, Perdita dropped to her heels and placed the sand in the hollowed out log. As others had done before her, she whispered a wish under her breath - and as she did the inevitable blush tinged her cheeks. It was a giveaway, of course, as to what her wish was for those who might know her; but here and now, no one did.

That done, she looked around and smiled at any who made eye contact with her. What was she supposed to do now, Perdita wondered? It seemed like people were staying here, not moving away so she did the same. Retreating from next to the logs, Perdita took her place around the outskirts of the Fire Pit, burying her hands into her pockets and - as she always did - watching those around her and the goings-on in Desnind. She loved it here, but some of the superstitions seemed very strange to the Rharnian young woman. So, of course, she wanted to learn about them.

And maybe work out something about those Iyo and their colour change to red along the way.
word count: 449
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Re: Wish I may, Wish I might

Tor’ree watched as it soon began the sands were brought out where everyone could get a hand full as the fires were started. It took the hunters some time to get them going in the darkness that was all over the world. Once upon a time that would have bothered the woman, but since her encounter with Audrae that was no longer the case. It was soothing to be in the darkness hidden watching those around her.

The sun light had bothered her since that night making it to where the Sev’ryn could hardly see during the day anymore. She had actually begun to spend most of her time sleeping in the sunlit hours. Though it did not help when the moon was out on a clear night as even that small amount of light would hurt as well.

A hiss left her lips as they curled back exposing her teeth as the fire flared to life. Clearing her throat, the woman quickly got a hold of herself before anyone could notice. Though she could not be completely sure people around her did not see the reaction along with the squint of her eyes. Tor’ree found it rather annoying to be “handicapped” in such a way. It felt like sitting too close to the fire as a child and the smoke getting in a person’s eyes causing them to burn.

Taking a deep breath to get herself under control, she looked around to see who all had come to make their wishes on the sand. Her eyebrows raised seeing a younger woman amongst the crowd that was not readily familiar to her. It was very likely that the woman had been one of the newcomers to Desnind on the Flutterbus. Moving through the edge of the crowd, red eyes stayed trained on her as Tor’ree found herself getting closer.

“Hello Miss. I do not recognize you. My name is Tor’ree. Might I ask who you are?” Tor’ree asked trying to put on a friendly tone instead of the dead one that had become custom for her. The woman gave the younger female time to answer and ask any questions she may have of the older woman, “you are quite beautiful madam. You are new to Desnind? I hope you are finding everything we have to offer good.”

Tor’ree was not the best at small talk, but she could not come right out and ask the girl what she planned to wish for. After all many kept their wishes secret in hopes that would help them come true. It had not been the case in either instance for Tor’ree. But it was one of the few times that the city of Desnind got together as a whole. Surely people would be gossiping the next break about who all had not shown up to wish on the sands.

“If it is not too personal to ask, what brought you all the way to Desnind? Surely you have not come such a long way just to wish upon sand,” Tor’ree inquired glancing at the fires which caused them to dance in her red eyes.
word count: 531
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