Continued from here
Ashan 102, Arc 720
“Tell me a bit about yourself, Ari’sora”, the Mortalborn spoke in a deep and polite tone of voice as they left the courtyard where he had just demonstrated a recent invention of his called fire flowers to a group of students and entered the university building. A little earlier, the young half-blood had voiced an interest in alchemy, and he had offered to tell her more as he quite appreciated someone’s being curious about his craft.
He hadn’t posed that question because he wanted to engage in a bit of small talk while they walked to his office, perhaps, because he couldn’t stand the silence – he rarely engaged in small talk, and he quite enjoyed a bit of silence every now and then. There had been a reason for him asking her to tell him more about herself. Getting to know her better would help him decide how he should organize their little impromptu lesson.
There were some aspects of alchemy that would likely not suit her, after all.
“Here we are”, he told her a few bits later when they finally stopped in front of a heavy oaken door, removed a key from a pocket of his coal black jacket and unlocked it before he opened it. They had passed a few people by on the way there. Doran had greeted some of them or nodded politely at them, but he had not stopped in order to engage in an actual conversation.
It wouldn’t be appropriate if he talked to people while the young woman next to him was waiting for her lesson.
“Please come in, Ari’sora, and take a seat”, he told her as he moved towards the desk that stood on the opposite of the room, in front of the window. The furniture of the office that had been given to him for the duration of his stay in Scalvoris was considerably less luxurious than the one in his office in Viden, but it was in good condition and perfectly serviceable, and in the end, that was what really mattered in his opinion.
“Can I offer you anything to drink before we begin?” he asked and gestured towards a small table where a couple of bottles with various beverages as well as crystal glasses stood. Having said that, he finally sat down himself. He sat with his back straight, folded his hands on the desk in front of him and looked at her with some sort of calm curiosity.
Said desk was of course not empty. Ari’sora could see a number of books and papers – they were filled from top to bottom with the professor’s handwriting, the words were crammed together in places as if he had threatened to run out of space – as well as a few more curious objects, such as vials that were filled with colourful liquids as well as containers with dried herbs.
“I can either begin by telling you a few things about alchemy that I think might interest you – or you can ask me any questions that you may have”, Doran told the young woman, and then he waited for her to speak.
Ashan 102, Arc 720
“Tell me a bit about yourself, Ari’sora”, the Mortalborn spoke in a deep and polite tone of voice as they left the courtyard where he had just demonstrated a recent invention of his called fire flowers to a group of students and entered the university building. A little earlier, the young half-blood had voiced an interest in alchemy, and he had offered to tell her more as he quite appreciated someone’s being curious about his craft.
He hadn’t posed that question because he wanted to engage in a bit of small talk while they walked to his office, perhaps, because he couldn’t stand the silence – he rarely engaged in small talk, and he quite enjoyed a bit of silence every now and then. There had been a reason for him asking her to tell him more about herself. Getting to know her better would help him decide how he should organize their little impromptu lesson.
There were some aspects of alchemy that would likely not suit her, after all.
“Here we are”, he told her a few bits later when they finally stopped in front of a heavy oaken door, removed a key from a pocket of his coal black jacket and unlocked it before he opened it. They had passed a few people by on the way there. Doran had greeted some of them or nodded politely at them, but he had not stopped in order to engage in an actual conversation.
It wouldn’t be appropriate if he talked to people while the young woman next to him was waiting for her lesson.
“Please come in, Ari’sora, and take a seat”, he told her as he moved towards the desk that stood on the opposite of the room, in front of the window. The furniture of the office that had been given to him for the duration of his stay in Scalvoris was considerably less luxurious than the one in his office in Viden, but it was in good condition and perfectly serviceable, and in the end, that was what really mattered in his opinion.
“Can I offer you anything to drink before we begin?” he asked and gestured towards a small table where a couple of bottles with various beverages as well as crystal glasses stood. Having said that, he finally sat down himself. He sat with his back straight, folded his hands on the desk in front of him and looked at her with some sort of calm curiosity.
Said desk was of course not empty. Ari’sora could see a number of books and papers – they were filled from top to bottom with the professor’s handwriting, the words were crammed together in places as if he had threatened to run out of space – as well as a few more curious objects, such as vials that were filled with colourful liquids as well as containers with dried herbs.
“I can either begin by telling you a few things about alchemy that I think might interest you – or you can ask me any questions that you may have”, Doran told the young woman, and then he waited for her to speak.