• Mature • Meat Grinders

91st of Ashan 720

Almund is a thriving township with a dark side. With houses made from the wooden bodies of decommissioned ships, there are many opportunities here, coupled with many dangers.

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Re: Meat Grinders


Rakvald knew from experience that Balthazar could handle himself. In that distant dream in the past, he'd sussed out his physical prowess pretty early on, and hadn't been disappointed as they laid to waste the Fartlord. Rakvald knew he could count on him. But what of Rakvald's own capabilities? He could throw a haymaker and do a few moves here or there, but most of his strength was wrapped up in his... well... strength! He was certainly strong!

He didn't have long to think before the men came down on them. He dropped his staff, since the man said no lethal force. Rak could easily bust a skull with that piece of wood. So he would resort to his fists and feet. In and out with his breath as he advanced, until three men came at him from the front. Balthazar was lost in the crowd momentarily.

Rakvald grinned at the men and shouted, "Hi! I'm Rakvald!" Then he grabbed the nearest man's face with his meaty hand, and began gripping. "Graah." He glowered at him, The next man grabbed him by the left arm, but Rakvald squirmed out of the hold by slipping out of his sleeve. Once off, his tentacle arm was on full display, blackened claws and suckers and all.

The arm whipped at the man who came from the front, keeping him at a distance from Rakvald with his rubbery appendage. Not spoiling for time, Rakvald threw the man whose face he held in a grip, and tossed him over toward the man who stole his sleeve. Those two tumbled on the floor, end over end until they slid halfway across the room.

By then, the man in front had resolved his wits and began rushing at Rakvald, throwing hook punches from side to side. Rakvald took the first punch in the ribs, and it did crack. He grunted in pain, but was well disciplined enough to force himself forward. the second hook landed to where he barely felt the impact of it.

Rakvald wrapped his arms around this man, and grunted again, giving him the biggest bearhug he could manage. A couple of good squeezes, and he was tossed to the side, breathless and out of the fight.

After the business with those three, a man sneaked up behind Rakvald, taking advantage of his distraction. He walloped him with a large wooden plank on his back. Perhaps he'd been reaching for Rakvald's cranium, but it didn't get so far as his neck. It just impacted off of his hide armor and the thick hide of the mutation that covered his back.

It only served to fill Rakvald with more blood lust. He turned, and spun, whipping the plank-wielder with his tentacle. The curly appendage wrapped around his face, and stifled his breath for a moment. Rakvald focused much of what strength he could muster for that rubbery limb, until the man's eyes began to bulge from the force of the constriction.

His eyes went wild, and he made the next, most logical move. The man bit down on Rakvald's tentacle, drawing blackened blood from the mutation. The Lotharro roared in fury, releasing the man from his tentacle grip, and bringing his good hand forward to straight punch him in the chin.
word count: 558

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: Meat Grinders

91 Ashan 720
This felt good. No jokes, no gimmicks, just combat. Rakvald was lost into the sea of fighters almost immediately and Balthazar didn't make much of an effort to track him. His mind was too occupied sorting through the myriad of information his sparks were feeding him. Two behind him in range, two in front of him in range. A fist coming towards his face. Balthazar bobbed his head back to dodge the fist and one of the men behind him was quick to trap the retreating Balthazar in a full nelson, locking Balthazar's arms in the air.

Balthazar squirmed in the full nelson while fighters moved in. Two blows peppered his stomach before a third came for his head. Balthazar, faster than the man holding him, bobbed his head to the side so that the fist flying at his face would crush the nose of the man holding him in the full nelson. It did, and a trill later Balthazar felt the grip holding his arms up weaken. Balthazar stomped on the foot of the man holding him and then turned and shoved him away. Freed now, another kick struck Balthazar on his side but Balthazar had been warned by his Rupture spark and trapped the leg between his abdomen and his arm. He pulled forward, forcing the man who'd kicked him into an uncomfortable splits before delivering a spinning kick to the man's head.

Unfortunately the spin cost Balthazar his balance and he fell to all fours. There were more men fighting against him than with him and as he began to rise again, Balthazar was hounded with more kicks from both sides. He tried to keep the pain from his mind. He tried to endure... but they were scoring a lot of good hits. Balthazar changed his tactic, dropping onto his back and spinning his legs in the air in a wide starfish kip up. He felt his heels collide with a lot of things but in the spin he had no way of knowing what he'd hit until he was on his feet again.

Evidently he'd hit three men in that one move but it meant little because another one was on Balthazar before he could really enjoy the small victory he had had. Balthazar bobbed out of the way of the incoming punch and countered with his own jab to the man's solar plexus. As the fighter doubled over, gasping for air, Balthazar grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pants and threw him into two more fighters, causing them all to crash to the floor. Adrenaline was numbing the pain in his sides from the kicks but it would only last so long... Balthazar knew that from experience. He just needed it to last him five bits.

Two more unarmed men charged in at Balthazar who took a deep, almost meditative breath in the midst of combat. It felt like Yaralon again. It felt like home. The two men began swinging and Balthazar parried each strike with great skill. A hook caught on a forearm, a jab blocked and directed away, a kick stopped before it could fully form with a knee... and then someone came from behind Balthazar again. Balthazar's spark screamed warning and he dropped into a low spin, tripping the man charging from behind and causing him to crash into the two attacking from the front while Balthazar rose back into a ready position for whoever came next.

It seemed that having such a vast number in such a small space was working against the club members.

word count: 608

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Meat Grinders

The straight punch sent the biter to the ground, revealing behind him a large and angry-looking merman. The mer had tentacles, much like Cirrina had, and he didn't look impressed by Rakvald's mutation. In fact, he looked very much the opposite of amused.

Balthazar was drawing more and more attackers, as they prioritized him as a higher threat target. He for certain had more skill than Rakvald, if not as much strength. Rakvald was only a little worried that he might bust up that pretty mug of his. But then, Balthazar was a tough guy. He'd helped defeat the Fartlord, afterall!

Rakvald squared off against the mer, as much as one could. The mer was wearing his land legs for this occasion of course, but his arms looked the same as Rakvalds. Bluish purple flesh covered him from fin to feet, and a row of sharp teeth lined his maw. Teeth that he intended to use on Rakvald. Rak remembered how fond Cirrina was of teething.

He had a moment to remember sweet Cirrina, before the mer slapped him twice in succession with his tentacle arms.

Rakvald shook his head, clearing his thoughts before rushing headlong into the huge mer, who was almost as tall as Rakvald at seven feet. The creature was fluid in his motions, and seemed more used to this dance than Rakvald himself. He swerved with Rakvald's momentum, allowing him to move past, and then tripping him with his land leg.

Rakvald fell to the floor with a howl. A few other stragglers jumped him then, but Rakvald grabbed them by the scruff as they pummeled him with weak strikes, and with a bit of exertion threw them off. He was too tired to get back to his feet, though, and laid for a second, forgetting the mer had a target painted on him.

Then the mer's tentacles began squirming their way around Rakvald's throat, under and around. WIth a slow tightening of the tentacles, they began squeezing. Well if Rakvald hadn't caught his breath, he wasn't about to now that it was choking him out...

For a moment, he concentrated on the enervations of his body. In the heat of the moment he forgot that magic was forbidden here, he began to enervate the pain away from his body. He needed full concentration, and the pain only distracted.

That done, he lifted his good arm, and thrust it, repeatedly against the mer's face. Once, twice, again, until he began to lighten his grasp of Rakvald's neck. But by then, Rakvald was in full fury, the pain gone and his fear subsiding. He began rising to his feet, energized by the sudden influx of ether to his body's fiber.

The mer stared at him in amazement, then gurgled laughter, as its teeth shone with malice. Then they came to a head, grasping at each other's shoulders. Rakvald pounded his head into the creature's chin, earning a few knicks against his face from the mer's teeth. Yet with th esame move, he also busted a few of the larger chompers out.
word count: 529

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: Meat Grinders

91 Ashan 720
For as bad as it felt to get hit and kicked and shoved, it also felt great. Balthazar never felt more alive than when he was in combat and the combat never stopped here. How long had they been going? One bit? Two bits? It was hard to tell. It didn't matter. This didn't end until they reached five bits or they'd both been knocked unconscious. Balthazar had lost track of Rakvald some time ago as what felt like a sea of fighters consumed him. Yet every fighter in this sea seemed to be affected by the same sickness... "attack-him-one-at-a-time-itis." What was the point of fighting so many men when they only rushed in one at a time? If was lucky he'd get two with a coordinated attack and if he was really luck, three might come for him at once. But more often than not, the majority watched while one of their friends took a stab at the initiate who was always far more prepared than they expected him to be.

A bald man came into the circle forming around Balthazar and the mage was ready for him. An acrobatic little bastard, the bald man began a spinning kick that he'd never land. He was acrobatic. He was good at spinning and seemed pretty quick too... but his form was awful. Balthazar recognized the flaw. It was the same flaw Balthazar had which lead him to adopting a more grounded style. He just couldn't stick the landing. Balthazar ducked under the kick and lashed out with his leg to swipe the bald man's foot from under him just as it reached the floor. The egghead crashed into the ground and another fighter came for Balthazar who dipped backward to avoid a haymaker.

This man was bearded and slower. He advanced with his fists raised and took more swings at Balthazar who ducked, dodged, and then blocked the strikes. He couldn't keep retreating. When the next punch came, Balthazar smacked it aside with his left hand and then socked the man with his right in the same motion. The bearded fighter stumbled back and another warrior with a milky eye entered the fight. Beard and Milky advanced in tandem, striking out with a flurry of blows that Balthazar was doing an incredible job of deflecting. He stayed focused on the movement in front of him, never stopping to think about anything but where his hand needed to be next to deflect the next blow, and so he didn't notice the Lotharro behind him.

A strong boot buckled Balthazar's left knee and Milky's punch caught Balthazar across the jaw sending a jarring pain through his head. The Lotharro grabbed a handful of Balthazar's hair to pull him up and Baldy went for a jab but Balthazar, who'd been lowered to a less classy level, struck Milky and Baldy in a less classy region. A quick jab to Milky's inner left thigh and then one to Baldy's inner right thigh before driving his elbow back into the Lotharro's family gems. The three club members doubled over in pain, the Lotharro's grip on Balthazar's hair slipping, and Balthazar stood up. He kicked Baldy's head into Milky's and then shoved the Lotharro into the crowd before two more men came at him.

The twins (they were both wearing the same outfit) struck high and low. One went for a low spinning kick while the other went for a high spinning kick. Balthazar was caught in the middle. He blocked the high kick with his forearm but the low kick swept him off his feet again. Balthazar hit the ground and began to roll away. Omni-vision warning him of the encroaching twins who were trying to stomp on him. Each roll avoided another stomp until finally Balthazar twisted his torso, spinning his legs above his head to kick the twins. Balthazar hit both twins at about chest level and sent them stumbling backwards, then failed to land the kip up and instead landed on his stomach. He groaned and slowly got back to his feet.

Something hit him in the back, two fists that had been clenched together like a hammer. Balthazar was down again and his back was on fire, literally. A blue flame licked at his shirt and slowly dissipated, the fire had burst forth to protect Balthazar. Fortunately no one was burned but the sudden screen of blue fire had startled the fighters. Balthazar rose, taking deep breaths in the small window he had. "I can't control that, sorry." And he gestured for them to come at him again... and they did.

How many more bits did they have to go?
word count: 810

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Meat Grinders

Rakvald locked arms with the mer for a bit more when the creature hammered him with its own headbutt. Once, twice, and again the mer landed its rubbery flesh against Rakvald. Who could've thought such soft flesh could hit so hard? Yet the first impact was almost enough to concuss him. While Rakvald was trying to stay conscious, in the face of this onslaught, the mer had wound its leg around the back of Rakvald's, using their proximity as an opportunity to grapple. Then, with a strong push, he shoved the Lotharro to the ground.

Rakvald fell hard against the floor, and felt his ribs crack. He pushed himself up on his arms, to try and get some leverage to take a stand, but the mer was on him as quick. His tentacled appendages furiously jabbed and slapped, and gouged. Rakvald and the mer were a mess of limbs, struggling on the ground.

Rakvald's punches went astray more often than not, dazed as he was. He jabbed a few times, as the blood poured down from his forehead and into his eyes. Soon enough, he wasn't able to see, blinded by his own blood.

The mer grinned its ugly grin, and that might've been the last thing that Rakvald saw before he slipped away into unconsciousness. The mer continued using the large Lotharro as a punching bag, while Rakvald clung to wakefulness. His tentacles flying back and forth, and again, slapping, gouging, and punching..

Rakvald's arms swayed around him, he was unable to stop the onslaught. It looked like the rest of the combatants would be Balthazar's to handle!
word count: 276

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: Meat Grinders

91 Ashan 720
By the time Rakvald went down, Balthazar wasn't far behind. He had the skill to block and deflect blows over and over and over again but it was draining. His arms grew sore and his back throbbed. Soreness struck slowly across his body as more and more fighters came for him. It became painfully clear when Rakvald had gone down because now everyone left was focusing on Balthazar. Not that there were many people left. A few Balthazar had hit before had risen again and were readying to attack. Balthazar took a deep breath and cocked his fists.

"Well, come on." They did. Two men ran at the weary Balthazar who narrowly avoided a jab from the first and weakly parried a haymaker from the second. He was retreating again. Balthazar ducked under a swing and countered with an uppercut that knocked the brawler backwards and opened Balthazar's abdomen to the other fighter. A stiff knee struck Balthazar's stomach and he stumbled backward, clutching his abdomen with his left arm. Balthazar blocked the next strike with his right and then tripped over Rakvald's unconscious body. Rakvald wasn't moving so his Rupture spark hadn't warned him and omnivision was so occupied with the fighters before Balthazar that he'd missed Rak on the floor.


A single, solid thought that passed through his mind as he fell backwards through the air. He crashed into the floor and groaned in irritated pain as more fighters descended to kick the triallights out of Balthazar. A kick caught his ribs, then his back, then his leg, then his arms, and then suddenly "Time! Stop!" Durden's voice boomed through the Decked Halls and the crowd of remaining fighters backed away from Balthazar and Rakvald. Balthazar, for his part, got back to his feet very slowly. It hurt to put weight on his left leg and his whole body was sore... but he was standing. Durden clapped and the rest of the fighters followed suit. "Welcome to the club."
word count: 343

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Meat Grinders


Tactics x 4
Strength x 4
Detection x 3
Unarmed Combat (Solum) x 2

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: Lots of bruises and a headache from being punched in the head, Balthazar’s back hurts especially badly
Renown: 10, for an impressive fight
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Unarmed x 6
Endurance x 6

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: Cracked ribs, lots of bruises, a bite wound on his tentacle (I’m not sure how it being a mutation affects its healing though)
Renown:10, for an impressive fight
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15

- - -
Comments: This thread was highly entertaining!

Rakvald stubbing his toe and writhing on the ground like an oversized child was hilarious, and it only got funnier from there. I couldn’t help but laugh when Rakvald claimed that he was too pretty for jail and wouldn’t last the cycle there. He has such a fun personality!

Balthazar seems like a good Element. I’m glad that he didn’t arrest his dream buddy though. I also find it interesting that he doesn’t seem to be too bothered by all those strange events and all those strange dreams that he has. His advice not to pee on people while they sleep is a good one – although I enjoyed the thread where Rakvald did that.

I was rather surprised when Devin suddenly came up. I like it when other people talk about my PCs though!

The fight was great, by the way, and quite exciting!

Enjoy your rewards!

P.S.: Balthazar, I might have added “Acrobatics” to the list of skills used, as some things that your PC did during the fight seemed kind of acrobatic.

P.P.S.: Rakvald, you didn't state which unarmed combat style those knowledges are for. Please let me know sometime.
word count: 309





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