[Approved by Pig Boy] Lars

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Once per trial, Lars can distort a memory in himself or someone else. This memory can be old or recent, and can range from something as small as a conversation to an entire event, so long as it is on the target's mind when the ability is used. He can only use this ability once per trial, but there is no limit to how many people it can affect at once, so long as they are all in the same location and recalling the same memory.

To distort the memory, Lars has to verbally state the contradiction – for example, if someone remembers seeing Lars in the library, he must state that they did not see him there, and the memory will be changed so that they remember seeing no one there instead. To distort a memory of his own, he must look into a reflective surface and say the contradiction to his own image.

On a target with Detection, Psychology, and Discipline skill levels equal to Lars' Deception skill, the effects of this ability are lessened, and the memory is only distorted enough to create doubt that they are remembering it entirely correctly.

On a target with the same skill levels higher than Lars' Deception skill, the effects of this ability are able to be countered, and the target will merely feel a sense of disorientation when they recall the memory.

If the target is willing, however, they only have to choose to believe what Lars tells them, and the memory will distort itself accordingly. This ability distorts only the memory of an event, and does not in any way change the event itself. Those with Bellinos and/or Gwelliph marks are unaffected.
With any strong display of emotion on Lars' part, such as laughing or crying, he can choose to charm the viewer with intense, addictive feelings of infatuation. These feelings grow in intensity the closer they are to Lars, and instill in them the desire to earn his affections and protect him from harm.

Used on those with a Discipline skill level lower than Lars' Seduction skill, Charm can be used to dominate their perceptions of Lars entirely, causing them to place his approval, affection, and safety above all else. They are susceptible to his influence in this time, when they are in his direct presence, and it lasts for the rest of the season within which they were Charmed. To the Charmed, it simply feels as if they have fallen into a deep, obsessive love, one that gradually begins to fade as the end of the season nears.

For those with a Discipline skill equal to or higher than Lars' Seduction skill, these feelings and impulses are able to be resisted, but will still be felt and increase over time. Unless they are Charmed again, these feelings will pass with the end of the season.
Wicked Influence
Lars is innately drawn to feelings, thoughts, and acts of true depravity. The darker the desires of those in his presence, the more energized and refreshed Lars feels. The closer in proximity these depraved souls are to him, the more they are compelled to act on these desires, and if they follow through, Lars is able to share his increasing mania with that individual through touch.

The shared mania has no impact on skills or abilities and must be desired by the individual in order to affect them. It alters mood/perception and gives those affected a sensation similar to being high on psychedelics and stimulants.

This is a passive aura effect, and though it can be countered with a high enough Discipline skill, it is ever-present around Lars and cannot be completely ignored. The more time is spent with Lars, indulging in whatever dark desires and feeding into these heightened emotions, the harder it is to resist his suggestions to continue on, and the better it feels to indulge.

This applies only to the thoughts, desires, and experiences that the individual has considered before. Those who are truly innocent and devoid of such thoughts are unaffected.
word count: 683
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Thread Adjustment Total / Magic
Graft Initiation +10 10 / Graft

Spark Theme/Persona
The Sacrificer spark seeks to perceive and understand the world (and the living beings within it) as best as it possibly can, and through any means necessary. It is incredibly curious about the physical world and the many ways it can be experienced, constantly testing the limits of the body's senses in an attempt to figure out which might allow it the most understanding: what can be learned from a visual? From a smell? From a sound, or touch, or sensation?

To narrow down its search for the "best" way to experience the world, the Sacrificer deems it necessary to test and remove the things it believes are unneeded or inadequate in the body. To exchange one thing for another, in its desire to create a form better fit to perceive the universe - in the right way.

Or in other words, the Sacrificer has no issue in damaging one part of itself (or more accurately, Lars) in order to improve another.
Competent Awakening I
Brought about by the spark's desire to test the limits of normal vision, this mutation causes extra pupils to grow in the mage's eyes. Each pupil is able to dilate and constrict independently, but the crowding of the iris and excess intake of light has an adverse effect on overall vision, leaving it softly blurred at best, and painful and blinding at worst. The mage might be able to see somewhat normally in a dim room, or in the dark (although it will still be blurred), while he is virtually blinded in direct sunlight and other brighter areas.

Because of this crowding, and the fact that each pupil might be angled towards different sources of light at any given moment, the dilation and constriction sometimes gives the appearance of perpetual eye movement. This is most often seen in dimly-lit environments.

With the body's vision tested and diminished, Lars will be forced to rely more on (and thus, improve) his other senses, and therefore lean into other methods of experiencing the physical world beyond the visual aspects.

(While there are multiple pupils in both eyes, they create a layered, double-vision effect, rather than allowing the mage to focus on multiple things at once. They can dilate and constrict individually, but do not move/look around separately. This mutation is also impossible to hide unless his eyes are kept shut or he wears something to cover his eyes from view.)
word count: 421
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