• Closed • The Mountain King

Balthazar, Yeva, Victor and Woe.

35th of Ashan 720

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720
"Well it didn't exactly give us a chance to talk, did it?" Balthazar shouted back to Yeva from atop the induk.Balthazar noticed almost immediately that the giant spirit did not swing it's mighty hand down at the duo on top of it's head when they landed from the portal. He was expecting that he'd have to make another quick escape and he had been hoping they'd free the condemned before then... but the large hand never came for them. Balthazar held onto the throne the condemned was bound to as it shifted it's head around to look for them. It was wasting precious trills searching for two mages it would never see. Balthazar focused on the chains. Even when Woe gave him the cautionary kill-order, Balthazar worked on the chains. Nobody had to die if they could free the man... but when they did, it made Balthazar feel horrible.

There was an agonizing scream that should have told the spirit where Woe and Balthazar were but once again, nothing came for them. It was then, when Balthazar was trying to think about anything but the agony they were putting the condemned through, that he realized the spirit could not hear them. He wouldn't realize for some time that it couldn't feel them either. He didn't think about rocks feeling anything... but if couldn't hear them then that meant Balthazar could make as many loud portals as he wanted. Balthazar looked at the stone binding the condemned to the throne. It was the last thing holding him there and it was Balthazar's job to remove it.

"If the spirit is overstepping it's control, then I might be able to turn the earth against it... or at least slow it down some. I've got a few tricks left to try before we need to get violent. Woe, get ready to help the condemned get out of here." Balthazar said as the pieces clicked into place in his head. Falsehood said he could not defy the stone that the mountain king used... but her concept was her name, falsehood. Balthazar had know the elements for arcs and forgive him, but that made Balthazar confident he could convince a small portion of stone to crack. He placed a hand over each binding and looked to the condemned. "Keep calm, you're almost free." Should they have even worried about this man's life? Probably not. Balthazar didn't know what you had to do to an Immortal to be condemned by them, but it was probably bad. Still... Yeva wanted him to live and Balthazar wanted Yeva to be happy so he'd put his best effort into it.

Balthazar took a deep breath. If this spirit was stone, then he'd have to convince it that there were more important places to focus it's strength. Focus on your body. Focus on your hands. Focus on anything but this damn chair. The earth is not comfortable in this shape. Let it crumble and try again. Balthazar reached out to the binding with his ether and tried to break the condemned free, despite the spirit's advice.
Skills Used
Defiance (Master): To shatter the stone binding the condemned to the throne.
Acrobatics (Competent): To balance on the moving spirit.
Strength (Competent): To hold onto the chains and keep himself upright.
Meditation (Expert) and Discipline (Expert): To chill out and focus on his magic and friends during the chaos.
word count: 592

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: The Mountain King

Victor stopped thinking about what Balthazar and Woe were doing or about how feking much he hated the Devout who was more or less responsible for their predicament right now. There was not time for such (and he didn’t care about how exactly the other two mages planned on dealing with the condemned anymore, anyway – the only thing that mattered to him was that they dealt with him). He just ran, his hand holding Yeva’s and tried to get as far away from the mountain as possible.

He was confident that he’d be able to keep her safe until Balthazar and Woe returned. There were no spirits coming their way, trying to kill them though (he could probably have handled those relatively easily). There were no mortal foes either. Instead there was …

… he shuddered as the mountain let out a loud screech. His head snapped in its direction for a moment, just long enough to see how the ground began to ripple, how that wave began to move towards them, his eyes wide with increasing panic. He didn’t stop though, not even for a trill. He didn’t dare to. He continued to run, clutching Yeva’s hand even more tightly, so that she wouldn’t fall behind, so that they wouldn’t lose each other, breathing more heavily now, his heart beating faster. There was no outrunning the wave though.

It slammed into the back of their legs, trying to knock them off their feet. While he tried to regain his balance, groaning slightly as he did so, the giant continued to come closer and closer. He glanced at Yeva for a moment before he reacted, without really thinking about it.

(At the moment, he was not capable of thinking particularly clearly, anyway – he was too busy being worried about being stomped on by a gigantic foot made of rocks to do that.)

“Get behind me!” he yelled, abruptly released Yeva's hand and spun around in order to face the mountain. A moment later, he extended his arm. Shimmering, crackling, corrosive ether began to pour forth from his hand. He did not reshape it into an arrow or a javelin like he normally would – there was no time for that. The orb that the ether missile took the form of now would work just as well though. It hovered above his hand for just a trill before he released it and hurled it at one of the mountain’s gigantic feet.

With any luck, the ether missile would start to dissolve the mountain’s rocky foot – and cause enough damage to slow down its advance and keep it from doing that a second time (or stop it entirely and render it unable to walk). He would not linger to watch the result of his casting though, but run again, if he still could, with Yeva hopefully following him once more. No matter what happened, he didn’t want to die. In fact, he didn’t want either of them to die!
Skills Used
Expert Transmutation: Casting an Ether Missile
Competent Discipline: Trying not to panic too much
25 Acrobatics: Trying not to lose/ trying to regain his balance

word count: 534


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Mountain King


"Aye," Woe said by way of agreement to Balthazar. He had to admit, he was surprised at the condemned man's strength in breaking free of as many of the confines that held him in place. And perhaps even impressed by his own ability to stoke the fire under him enough to turn a despairing lost soul to rise up against their Majesty.

Woe approached the Condemned, and furrowed his brow as he leaned in to speak to him. "You will be fine, we only need to break these binds. But if not, you understand we'll need to put you out of your misery. Your curse is damaging the veil between worlds." There was a subtle manipulation to that suggestion, and it wasn't entirely geared toward informing the man, but lighting yet another fire under him. One of defiance. That was what a rebelious soul needed, in order to break away from the tyrannical spirit claiming dominion over him. And perhaps into the bargain, Ashan, the Immortal of Freedom, would be impressed enough by this jail break that he may yet forgive the Condemned.

Or maybe he'd crumble, shrivel and die beneath their knives.

Either way, Woe stood prepared to help the Condemned through whatever portal that Balthazar created. "Balthazar... I hope you know what you're doing with those chains..." Woe was no stranger to the integrity of chains, and they were generally not designed to break, but to hold whatever they were wrapped around.

So the ex-jailer had a thought. He removed his portal boots, and attempted to put them on the condemned. "Put these boots on! They will take you home, whether to my home or.... yours I don't know... But it's a shot?"

Woe's bare feet felt rather vulnerable on the craggy surface of their Majesty's head. Yet he was prepared to make that calculated offer in order to see their task done properly.

If the Condemned took the boots, Woe would call to Balthazar, "Come, Mage, We must away! Back to the others!"
Skills used
Persuasion (Competent), Deception(Competent), Detection(Competent), Seduction (Competent), Psychology(Grandmaster) for his conversation with the condemned.
Running (Untrained), Acrobatics (Untrained), Climbing (Untrained), Strength (Competent), Endurance (Competent). Helping the Condemned to move if Balthazar succeeds.
word count: 382
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720

The ground beneath them was unstable, rising and falling in unnatural waves, unlike anything Yeva had seen. Victor held her hand and she could hear only the rushing of the blood in her ears and the thunderous crack and boom of rock and fury. She could feel it closing in, rushing towards their legs to throw their balance. Yeva gave a yelp of surprise, fingers knocked from Victor's as she went tumbling and the man regained his footing. Keeping balance was much harder when the thing you stood on moved in unpredictable manner. And as the spirit approached, booming, Yeva could think of nothing in her arsenal that could help in the situation.

She only felt fear and the itching need to survive. So when Victor shouted with authority for her to get behind him, she did so. His stance broadened, and with every step of the Mountain King, Yeva felt her panic rise. And then he held up an arm and it crackled with raw energy, magical energy.

Perhaps in different circumstances she would question its safety - was it a good idea to shoot a creature with their companions balanced on their head? Was this something that would harm or bolster the creature? Nevertheless, Yeva was willing to take the risk; hoping that whether it worked or not, the others were more successful in their endeavors of helping the Condemened. That was going to be the true test - and with any luck, the key to their survival.

They just needed to cut off the power from the source; a treatment to this spirit's self-inflicted infection.

A great beam of power surged from Victor, and she braced herself, sprinting away from the chaos, just as he seemed to be doing the same.

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word count: 348
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Re: The Mountain King

The Mountain King
35th Ashan, 720
Scalvoris Mountains
Balthazar dug deep into his soul and called upon the Defiance spark within him, tapping into a tank of ether that was starting to get a little low in order to get it to flare to life. With it he reached out to the stone shackles that bound the condemned's wrists to the throne and tried to crumble them, yet in that moment felt a sense of dread come from his spark. A Defiance spark could speak to the elements, convince them to sway to their will, but a spirit was an element itself, and the stone that Balthazar attempted to break was stone drawn from the mountain. He could not coax the stone away from Their Majesty's will, for the stone was an extension of the Induk just as much as his Balthazar's arms were an extension of him.

Worse still was that at that very moment the giant froze in its pursuit of Victor and Yeva and tilted its head upwards. It may not have had ears or nerves, but the voice of the Defiance spark had called to the stone on a spiritual level, and Their Majesty had heard the voice trying to sway it. The stone beneath Balthazar, Woe and the condemned's feet began to shift, rippling like water, and suddenly seized around their ankles like grasping claws the second before Woe was about to slip his portal boots around the condemned's feet. With the slow but unshakably firm grip of quicksand the earth began to drag them down into into the giant's head, the intense pressure against their ankles betraying Their Majesty's intention to completely bury them alive.

Down on the ground Victor can begun to charge up a missile of corrosive ether, and with the giant now paused in their pursuit of them it was impossible to miss a shot against such a big target. With an audible whoosh of air the missile blasted from between his hands like a rocket, slamming into the giant's kneecap and immediately sizzling through it with the spitting fury of acid. With it's focus now on those on its head the giant did not even feel the impact on its leg at first, and only looked down to take notice when, with the horrible crack of splintering rock, the giant's leg broke off where it'd been hit and caused the giant to topple sideways with a surprised groan. The men attached to its head were thrown about like rag-dolls by the impact, but with their feet firmly trapped did not get flung free.

If the condemned noticed the impact however he showed no sign of it, so lost was he in the furious passion of his newfound zeal for freedom stirred up by Woe's magic and words that it seemed to have numbed him to agony he should have no doubt been feeling. Like a wild beast he thrashed against the bindings coating his wrists and feet, yet all he strength could not overcome the cold, unfeeling durability of stone. Little by little the earth was dragging him back down into its embrace.

General Info

Time for a fight. Please observe the following rules of combat.
  1. There's such a thing as too much. You can make one action to block/evade and a second to counterattack, but please do not do any more that that. Rocky needs a chance to react as well.
  2. If you're attempting something that makes use of one or more of your skill please list them in a note at the end of your post and their current levels. It makes it clear to me that you want to use them.
  3. I promise I'm not actively trying to kill you, but if you decide to stand here and take a punch from an elephant sized rock-fist there has to be consequences. Take the odd hit sure, but be smart about how you fight.

Victor and Woe were the only ones who chose to engage in their optional bonus event. I rolled a d2 in discord to decide how they would end. Woe got heads, and so has received an additional free boon which will be explained in more detail in the rewards at the end of this thread. Victor got tails, and so is going to be stalked by an angry puppet (which will also be explained at the end.)

I would ask you to please respond by the 20th of August, or to PM me if this is not possible.


Other than violence and the odd swear words I would ask that there not be any explicit adult themes.

Mod Style

I am shamelessly copying this style of moderation (and the template structure) from Pegasus, who I gather was taught it by someone called Crimson, because it looks like it works really well and I'd like to give it a try. Imitation is the highest form of flattery after all. My thanks to both of them.

The NPCs do not reflect my own personal thoughts of feeling on any subject. They are just characters.

As I'm only a guest mod I'm not going to kill your character, severely wound them or anything like that, but I would like to give fair rewards/consequences for any actions taken in this thread. If you feel that these are at all unfair please let me know.

Otherwise let's have some fun!


Must Do
  • Fight for your lives.
word count: 931
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720
So Falsehood had told them the truth. There were few things as irritating to a Defier as the elements refusing to obey- especially when you'd become as powerful a Defier as Balthazar had... granted earth was not his kin. For all his discipline, the mage was getting angry atop the mountain king. Angry at the spirit, angry at the stone, and angry at himself. How much ether did he have left? Two portals- two taxing portals and a suggestion to the earth... and some flames earlier to scare Truth. Balthazar didn't have the time he needed to take a full account of his ether-reserves before the mountain induk struck back against them. The ground beneath them grew less solid like it did when Balthazar meant to swim through it and the mage realized the mountain was trying to trap them.

He could escape it, but Woe and the condemned would be stuck. The condemned. He'd been the problem since the start and Balthazar was beginning to think a little murder might really be the best solution. Then he decided for a few trills that it was not. The condemned still had some right to life even if they'd been enough of a bastard for an Immortal to condemn them... and even if keeping them alive meant leaving the spirit's power source plugged in. Balthazar thought to call on the wind to push himself up but decided not to. He'd still have some time until he really needed to worry about the earth swallowing them. For now the condemned still needed to be freed. Balthazar reached inward again and turned to his other spark. If the elements would not bend to him, space would.

But he was interrupted by the success Victor's ether missile's. Balthazar reached out his hand to conjure a portal and instead saw Victor hurl energy- not ether into the giant's leg. Whatever it was, it worked. The giant's leg snapped off and the great beast stumbled, flinging the men about. Balthazar tried to hang onto the throne and endure the whiplash but it only caused him to crash into the hard stone while the giant balanced himself. Balthazar groaned, growing angry and desperate. It had become clear in a moment that Victor's magic would be the solution to the condemned's restraints. Victor could do whatever he'd done to the leg in order to free the condemned... but now Balthazar's legs were trapped.

That was when Balthazar had a troubling realization. Even if they broke the chains, the condemned's feet were being dragged down with Woe and himself. They'd have to find another way to free him and Balthazar didn't have the ether left for many creative decisions. So long as the spirit could draw power from the condemned, they couldn't beat it. How quickly could Victor break it apart with ether missiles? How long before it dragged Balthazar and Woe beneath the stone? Stone that Balthazar could not manipulate to save them. Balthazar couldn't get Victor up to them without risking Yeva by leaving her on her own or bringing her onto the induk's head. I'm sorry, Matchstick. "We're out of time. I can't free us from the stone so long as the spirit can feed." It was time to cut their losses. "I'll make it quick, you keep him calm." Sparks began to dance across Balthazar's hands as he called on wind, fire, and ether to conjure something more powerful than any of the parts- lightning. It was never easy to manipulate but Balthazar wasn't trying to be creative and he didn't have to throw it far.

A blue flame formed in Balthazar's hand, whipping wildly as wind wrapped around it- refining the fire into something better. The dancing flame became a spark and as the spark grew into a bolt, Balthazar unleashed it on the condemned.
Skills Used
Defiance (Master): To create a bolt of lightning to kill the condemned.
Acrobatics (Competent): To try and balance despite the big shake.
Strength (Competent): To hold onto the throne and keep himself upright.
Endurance (Competent) : To cope with pain from hitting the throne.
Meditation (Expert) and Discipline (Expert): To chill out and focus on his magic and friends during the chaos.
word count: 736

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: The Mountain King

The Ether Missile blasted forth from Victor’s hand and slammed into the giant’s kneecap, burning through the rocks that it was made of effortlessly and severing the leg in the process. His eyes widened, and then he smiled slightly. He did not linger in order to savour that moment of success though (the leg falling off was the best possible outcome and the kind of outcome that he had been hoping for). Instead, he spun around and ran again, as fast as he could, urging Yeva to follow him once more. Woe and Balthazar had tasked him with her protection, and he would make sure that both of them made it out alive.

“We need to get a little further away from the mountain and find a place where we can wait for the others!” he yelled to Yeva who was hopefully next to him or at least not too far behind him while he ran. He was definitely not freezing anymore as he had when he had arrived at the mountain – in fact, he was rather warm, which was the only good thing that had come out of the mission so far – not that he appreciated that circumstance particularly right now, or even think about it.

It was only after he had said that that he cast another, brief glance at the mountain. The giant had toppled sideways. He had not thought about Balthazar and Woe a lot when he had cast his Ether Missile – he had mostly been worried about Yeva and him being crushed by a gigantic foot – but he could not help but wonder about them now. They still seemed to be on the mountain’s head from what he could see though, and Balthazar seemed to be about to cast a …

… lightning bolt?

His eyebrows rose in surprise for a moment before he turned to face Yeva again and met her gaze. Balthazar and Woe seemed to have come to a decision in regard to the condemned, and the giant had fallen due to his Ether Missile, so he was not sure if there was anything left for him to do. Besides, he could not leave Yeva alone when she didn’t have any magic and probably possessed hardly any combat experience. So, he decided to put some more distance between the mountain and the two of them instead – and run again.
Skills Used
Novice Running
Competent Endurance
word count: 404


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Mountain King

Well, it couldn't help but be said that Woe was at a loss. His method had completely and entirely failed, and was left with few options but to cling for dear life to the mountain while it sucked him into its head. He tried using the portalboots, but they were no longer on his feet, and he wasn't sure clicking them together on his hands would work. Still... it was worth a shot. He slid them onto his hands, and willed the portal boots to bring him home. Why bother staying, afterall? The mission was a bust, and the Immortal wasn't likely to be very happy with any of them.

Woe had no wish to learn first hand what an angry Immortal looked like, let alone get sucked into the cranial cavity of an upjumped spirit king.

If the portal boots on his hands didn't work, he'd try to push himself out of the mire that he was sinking into. With every ounce of strength he had, he would try. Failing that, what else could he really do here, but scream at the others to do something?

He called out to Victor, and in one last ditch effort to rally the party, called him back from his brave retreat.

"Victor! Shoot it with another one of those bolts, aim for the head this time!"

So saying, he prepared for the worst. It likely wouldn't go well for him if the head exploded, but he wasn't with many options in this scenario.
Skills used
Discipline & Meditation: Expert
Strength & Endurance: Competent
Leadership: Competent
Tactics: Expert
Portal boots: ????
word count: 272
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Tio Silver
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Re: The Mountain King

The Mountain King
35th Ashan, 720
Scalvoris Mountains

A flash of light, a boom of thunder, and for a moment time seemed to stand still.

A thin, wispy plume of smoke rose from Balthazar's outstretched hand. The condemned, who just seconds before had been writhing in blind fury to free himself, was frozen in shock as he stared down at the fist-sized hole in his chest. The bolt of lightning Balthazar had unleashed had torn straight through his chest with almost childish ease, and being stuck at such a close distance had left the condemned without enough time to even consider dodging. For the first time since they'd seen him the condemned looked to Woe with lucidity in his eyes, no longer trapped in the thrall of despair or frantic defiance. An unspoken question hung in his gaze.

And then, like a puppet with its strings cut, the condemned slumped forwards. The light of life left his mortal flesh, and he was no more.

A bellowing roar erupted from Their Majesty's mouth; not of anger for once, but of pain, and like sand washed apart by a wave the body of the stone giant collapsed into a pile of loose, inanimate pebbles. Only the head remained, its mouth agape in an expression of sheer agony, and from its eyes and mouth ghastly green light flashed wildly. Like a deflating balloon the scream became higher pitched and weaker as the seconds ticked by, descending from a roar to a shrill scream, until abruptly the noise came to a stop. The head remained frozen, devoid of intelligence like some kind of gigantic skull, but the shadows within its mouth twitched as something from within crawled out. It was a small creature, no bigger than the size of a tennis ball, and formed into a smooth oval like a pebble plucked from the bottom of a lake. Two thin arms jutted from its sides, both with tiny hands that clawed at the dirt as it dragged itself free. With a voice like two stones being scraped together it mewled pitifully in some unfamiliar language.

A familiar pink-tinged mist faded into existence from all around them, coalescing before the creature into the child-like form of Falsehood. With a sneer she knelt down towards the strange being, grabbing it by the arm and hoisting it into the air despite it's unintelligible cries of protest.

"Well well well, who do we have here? What's the matter Ornthrus? Not so high and mighty without enough ephemera to maintain your Induk form are you?"

Ornthrus squeaked and snivelled, but whatever he was saying did nothing to lessen the expression of malicious cruelty that had spread across Falsehood's face. She raised her other arm into the air, clicking her fingers and sending a ball of bright pink light rocketing into the air like a flare, and then turned back to the four adventurers and gave them a short curtsy.

"I must say I'm impressed. I had my doubts, but you identified Their Majesty's weaknesses and exploited them without mercy. Without the condemned's limitless ephemera the spirits gathered here will snap out of their power craze and disperse back across the island. I dare say you've saved Scalvoris from a terrible disaster. The old ones will remain in their slumber, the Vergence will soon begin to close, and the status quo will endure. You've done everything I needed of you." She waved her free hand over the one grasping Ornthrus, and a birdcage of pink metal formed from mist around the tiny stone spirit. She tilted her head to the side and smirked, as if in on a joke that only she knew, and tucked the caged spirit into the folds of her robe where it disappeared from sight. "I'll be taking care of Ornthrus from here on out. Without the condemned they're not a threat, and I owe them a little payback for what they've put me through. Tio will be on his way here, but if I were you I'd head back down the mountain and go home alone. He isn't going to be happy when he finds out what happened to the condemned, and he's capable of some pretty nasty tricks when he's mad. Give him some time to cool off first and I imagine he'll send you your rewards soon." She raised a hand a blew a kiss towards them, sending another wave of her trademark pink mist crashing over them. When it passed, the four mortals found themselves once again in their spirit disguises. "You can use these to escape. The power to take these forms is all yours now; consider it my gift for a job well done. Now go, quickly, before the spirits outside discover what'd happened here."

And with that she dissipated into mist once again, fading away on the wind and leaving no trace of her presence behind.

General Info

And there we have it folks. With one critical strike the combat is over, and with it the thread is drawing to a close.

If you would like to make one last post please feel free to do so before September the 5th. After then I'm planning to post the review (if guest mods handle the reviews that is. I'll check.) If there are any specific knowledge you would like please PM me to let me know. Also if you have the time please do write to me to let me know how you personally thought the thread went. I feel like it was going pretty well throughout the whole see-your-inner-demons part, but started to drag when it came to the combat.


Other than violence and the odd swear words I would ask that there not be any explicit adult themes.

Mod Style

I am shamelessly copying this style of moderation (and the template structure) from Pegasus, who I gather was taught it by someone called Crimson, because it looks like it works really well and I'd like to give it a try. Imitation is the highest form of flattery after all. My thanks to both of them.

The NPCs do not reflect my own personal thoughts of feeling on any subject. They are just characters.

As I'm only a guest mod I'm not going to kill your character, severely wound them or anything like that, but I would like to give fair rewards/consequences for any actions taken in this thread. If you feel that these are at all unfair please let me know.

Otherwise let's have some fun!


No objectives anymore. Just wrap things up with your final thoughts.
word count: 1134
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 2644
Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:46 am
Race: Mortal Born
Profession: Unemployed
Renown: 1640
Character Sheet
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 8




RP Medals



Re: The Mountain King

Thus, as Balthazar delivered the final blow to the poorly condemned, the mission was accomplished, and the vergeance averted. Woe found himself there, in a ridiculous position, his hands stuck in his boots trying to tap them together in order to effectuate his escape. It was rare enough that he found himself in such a comical and compromising position, but there he was. Breen almost barked a laugh at him as he emerged nearby.

Woe stood, as he was now freed from the sucking stone of the mountain king. He looked to each of them and shrugged. "Well... That was, interesting. Fair work, all?"

Breen trotted between them all, hopped up on the explosion of ephemera, he seemed not himself almost as he whined, rubbing against Balthazar, then Victor and then Yeva, and finally trotting over toward Woe, with whom he shared a soul bond. Woe donned his disguise, as well as his boots. "I, er... don't suppose you all need help sneaking out? In the meantime, I think I'll take my leave now. It was pleasant to meet you all, maybe we'll find each other some other time. Some other place."

Woe scratched the back of his neck, in his wraith-like disguise. He rather enjoyed this new outfit, it suited him. And he was thankful to Falsehood for providing it. "I must go back to Ne'haer though, I have some er... Urgent business at home." Woe straightened himself up, before getting ready to use his portal boots, "Should any of you find yourselves in the Southwestern portions of Idalos, or... er..." Woe wasn't sure just how to say goodbye, this was all a bit much for him to process. "Anyway, I'm sure we'll meet again." He nodded, and with that, he disappeared, and Breen along with him. It was an interesting journey if somewhat revealing to Woe personally.
word count: 317
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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