• Closed • The Mountain King

Balthazar, Yeva, Victor and Woe.

35th of Ashan 720

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Re: The Mountain King

The Mountain King
35th Ashan, 720
Scalvoris Mountains

In reply to Balthazar's question, Falsehood clicked her tongue against her teeth. "If you mean that in the sense of using it as a weapon against us then yes. Their Majesty is this mountain now, not simply trying to persuade it to do his bidding as you are. They could move any part of it as easily as you could move an arm. Attempting to turn the earth against them would surely fail."

At Woe's remark about Sintra Falsehood giggled, though unlike her previous childish sounding laughs this one had a haunting edge to it. "Not all slaves wear collars and chains. Fewer still even know what they are until it's too late. But you will learn this for yourself when the time is right."

As they passed through the spirit party Woe took a tentative sniff of the flowers offered to him, and a pleasantly sweet smell wafted through his nose. It brought with it a pleasant warmth, like a hot drink settling in his stomach on a cold day, and with it a song popped into Woe's head; one that he was sure he'd never heard before, and yet could recall every note and lyric of as if it'd been sung to him all his life. If he tried to hum along to the tune Woe would find that his voice, while still undeniably his, sounded stronger and more musical that it ever had done before in his life: as if he had been training for year. Only when he sung that particular song however, not for anything else.

Victor chose to throw the ball at the target and hit a direct bullseye, causing the puppet spirit to drop down into the dunk tank. A dunk tank filled to the brim with ephemera. All around them the spirits who had seen it cheered and laughed together loudly at the entertainment; one even patting Victor on the shoulder as he passed by, yet for some reason Victor didn't feel like smiling anymore. Something felt wrong. A few seconds later the puppet spirit's hand burst out of the ephemera tank and grasped the edge, using it to pull itself out. Though the other spirits did not spare it a second glance, to Victor's eyes something seemed off about it. The puppet was twitching and shaking wildly, and though its face was eternally fixed into a wide jester's grin the presence about it was not that of a happy being.

The puppet's head turned to look at Victor: watching silently in perfect stillness as the mortal departed higher up into the party. Although it didn't do anything now, somehow Victor got the feeling that he hadn't seen the last of it.

Together the group stepped through the stone gateway. For the first time on this journey the ground before them flattened out, leading them onto a round plateau of solid stone completely encircled by the stone walls. Right in the middle of the plateau was a shallow pool of ephemera, from which eight thin drains stretched out in the cardinal and intercardinal directions to take the emerald liquid through the walls and out into the party below. The source of the chanting noise was immediately obvious, as a congregation of about two dozen spirits knelt in the shallow pool facing a tiny island directly in the centre and chanting words together in an unknown language.

"... -nd Their Majesty declared "We must fight these invaders, these slavers, these parasites of our land! For they bring with them nought but sickness and woe, and shall rot the very foundations of our island so that they alone might rule upon the rubble!" And lo, the anak did weep, for they saw within their royal visage-..." One of the spirits in the middle of the group: a short, bipedal frog-like being dressed in the white robes and long pointy hat of a priest, who had been leading some sort of sermon among the congregation, stopped mid speech as he saw them approach. His lips pulled up into a forced smile and he threw his arms wide open. "Rejoice, for more have come to be baptised and born anew! Welcome frie-..." His smile died an ugly death as the illusionary forms of the party all faded into mist; washing off like water and coming together in front of them to reform Falsehood. With wide eyes the frog priest looked back and forth between Falsehood and the now revealed humans.

"Wha- Falsehood?! Treacherous wretch! How dare you bring mortals before Their Majesty! What are you scheming thi-..."

Falsehood let out a long-suffering sigh and broke back down into her mist form, which swept forward like a wave across the congregation. A second later it faded into the air, completely disappearing along with the rest of the congregation and leaving the plateau empty apart from them and one other thing.

On the tiny island in the middle of the pool stood a tall throne of sheer, jagged stone. Growing upon it in a funny shape, almost like a human sitting on the throne, was a tree. Its trunk split into a mass of roots at the bottom which dug deep down into the ground below, and arm-like branches shot off the side to lay upon the armrests, each fixed down to the throne around the wrists by thick stone shackles. All across it shoots and twigs sprouted forth, growing leaves and flowers that dripped with the liquid ephemera that filled the pool below. None of them had ever seen a tree of this species before, and the reason why became clear as they drew closer and noticed the strangest feature of all. Around the upper part of its face the bark peeled away, revealing a patch of flesh behind it in which two living human eyes stared back at them.

They had found the condemned.

Suddenly the ground beneath them began to quake furiously, trying to shake them off their feet. A voice filled the air: as deep as a ravine, as booming as the thunder, and utterly inhuman; like the sound of rocks scraping together formed into words. If a mountain had a voice then this would undoubtedly be what it sounded like, and not a one of them had any doubts as to who it belonged to. But either the voice wasn't speaking common of its tone was too alien to comprehend, for none of them could understand what it was saying. The island the throne stood upon shifted, rising out of the ephemera pool like a leviathan surging up from the depths of the ocean, and revealed it to be not an island at all but the head of something humongous. It climbed higher into the sky as an entire body of stone pulled itself up from out of the mountain's peak: a titanic humanoid form built of rock and surging with glowing green ephemera for blood.

With a roar like a landslide Their Majesty, the spirit Ornthrus, fixed them with a baleful glare and brought fists the size of small houses down upon them in a hammer blow.

General Info

Time for a fight. Please observe the following rules of combat.
  1. There's such a thing as too much. You can make one action to block/evade and a second to counterattack, but please do not do any more that that. Rocky needs a chance to react as well.
  2. If you're attempting something that makes use of one or more of your skill please list them in a note at the end of your post and their current levels. It makes it clear to me that you want to use them.
  3. I promise I'm not actively trying to kill you, but if you decide to stand here and take a punch from an elephant sized rock-fist there has to be consequences. Take the odd hit sure, but be smart about how you fight.

Victor and Woe were the only ones who chose to engage in their optional bonus event. I rolled a d2 in discord to decide how they would end. Woe got heads, and so has received an additional free boon which will be explained in more detail in the rewards at the end of this thread. Victor got tails, and so is going to be stalked by an angry puppet (which will also be explained at the end.)

I would ask you to please respond by the 11th of July, or to PM me if this is not possible.


Other than violence and the odd swear words I would ask that there not be any explicit adult themes.

Mod Style

I am shamelessly copying this style of moderation (and the template structure) from Pegasus, who I gather was taught it by someone called Crimson, because it looks like it works really well and I'd like to give it a try. Imitation is the highest form of flattery after all. My thanks to both of them.

The NPCs do not reflect my own personal thoughts of feeling on any subject. They are just characters.

As I'm only a guest mod I'm not going to kill your character, severely wound them or anything like that, but I would like to give fair rewards/consequences for any actions taken in this thread. If you feel that these are at all unfair please let me know.

Otherwise let's have some fun!


Must Do
  • Fight for your lives.
word count: 1606
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Balthazar Black
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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720
"I've been able to attune to a few of the spirits so I know that much works." Balthazar assured Woe when the mortalborn suggested their magics might not be nearly enough. He was sure Truth would have burned if Yeva had not gotten in the way so why should this Majesty be any different? Balthazar gave on last glance to Yeva, knowing she didn't want to handle things violently. They wouldn't have much of a choice. Falsehood warned Balthazar against trying to use the earth against the Induk and Balthazar commit that advice to heart. It was still a little strange to be taking advice from a spirit who's concept was falsehood but what other guide did they have? Tio had left them on the mountain.

Balthazar noticed when the ground beneath them began to flatten out but that was the least interesting thing he saw. There was more of the green ooze here but still, as Balthazar cast a quick look around, no bottles. Maybe he could put it in his pocket? Better to try when there aren't a bunch of chanting spirits in the pool probably. The leader of the little church group noticed them and at first seemed pleased. Good. They could use this to get close to the- then Falsehood dropped the illusion. Okay, new plan. Then Falsehood got rid of all the extras and they could really see the star of the green ooze show.

"The condemned, I assume." Balthazar said to Yeva with a gesture towards the overgrown shrub on the stone throne. Ashan certainly didn't seem like a kind Immortal now. Balthazar stepped towards the condemned only for the ground around them to begin shaking and despite his little his acrobatic skill and magical help, he stumbled quite a bit. Balthazar fell forward, catching himself with his hands and then slowly standing upright as the island began to rise from the pond. It was saying something. Balthazar didn't understand it. He didn't put much effort into understanding it once the noise started. "That's not good." Balthazar summarized as the spirit roared. It didn't take a genius to guess what was coming, but damn was it intimidating.

It would be easy for the rupturer to evade the fist but wasn't as sure about how the others would fare if he just left them behind... so Balthazar tried to help everyone. His eyes found a safe spot and his spark, with a little ether, merged the distance. "PORTAL!" Balthazar shouted as he brought his hand around in a wide circle. A deafening searing sound ripped through the air and a flaming blue portal tore into existence beside the mage. Another identical portal burned open a little bit down the plateau, the egriss that would lead any who could move through it before it was smashed to safety. Balthazar stepped through the roughly six foot portal and came out thirty feet away, not exactly behind the spirit but not as directly in front of it. He wanted to attack but didn't risk stretching his ether across two sparks so he waited to hold his portal open as long as he could.
Skills Used
Rupture (Expert): To create a portal for everyone to move through.
Acrobatics (Competent): To balance on shaky ground.
Meditation (Expert) and Discipline (Expert): To chill out and focus on his magic and friends during the chaos.
word count: 578

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Victor Amielle
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Re: The Mountain King

When Victor hit the target, and the puppet spirit subsequently dropped into the tank filled with ephemera, he cheered and laughed together with the spirits around him, enjoying himself and momentarily forgetting the mess that his companions and he had managed to get themselves into … until he didn’t. Laugh anymore, that is. Something felt wrong. Of course, something had felt wrong pretty much since Tio had somehow teleported them onto the cursed mountain, but this time the sense of wrong was … different.

A moment later, the puppet spirit’s hand appeared at the edge of the tank, followed by the rest of its body, and Victor instinctively made a step back, furrowing his brow in irritation and mild annoyance as the thing was twitching and shaking as if it were having some sort of epileptic fit and grinning like a madman. He met its gaze for a moment before he departed.

Compared to a mage prison, experiments, a crazy Devout who had withheld information, treacherous spirits and the ghost of his dead lover, an angry puppet spirit was a minor issue, everything considered, but there were only so many things that Victor could take before he lost his patience.

The area that they entered next distracted him from the frustrating situation though, and he went right back to being fascinated – and wishing that he had brought his notebook so that he would be able write his observations down. This was every scholar’s dream. If he made it off his mountains and shared what he had seen here with the people of Melrath … even the famed Academy of Viden would probably be interested!

This was like a new world, an entirely new culture. There was some sort of congregation kneeling in front of a shallow pool. He wished he could understand their language!

When the frog-like priest approached them, with a smile on his face and his arms wide open, Victor almost made a step towards him because he was so absolutely curious about the things that were happenings. It was just then that illusions that had covered his companions and him so far suddenly disappeared though. A moment later, the congregation vanished, and his gaze fell on the island in the middle of the pool – and the tree with the man trapped inside of it.

For a few trills, he just stared at it.

He was just debating whether he should corrode the chains or quickly rush over to the tree and kill the condemned, when the ground began to shake. He tried to plant his feet firmly on the ground in order to avoid losing his balance, but he struggled, just like Balthazar. He knew a little bit about acrobatics, but he had never dealt with an earthquake before!

“The understatement of the arc”, he muttered as he heard Balthazar’s remark and met the other man’s gaze for a moment before he watched the island rise, with an expression of relative shock on his face. Up until then, he had managed to retain a sliver of hope – he was quite a skilled mage and swordsman – but he doubted that that thing would even feel anything, if he stabbed it and even if he threw all of his magic at it, it would probably just be an annoying itch …

“Fek!” he stated because there was no other word that described the situation better in his opinion. The island was, more or less, the head of the spirit, the condemned was on said head, and he had no way to reach it and wasn’t sure if he wanted either, to be honest.

He had thought that the situation couldn’t get any worse than it already was, when the spirit roared and … he abruptly stopped thinking. When Balthazar shouted “PORTAL!”, he simply followed him and jumped through the portal, as quickly as he could, scared, frustrated and quite angry on top of it. He hadn’t survived Niflheim and done all those things only to end up being squished by a pair of house-sized spirit fists, like some sort of annoying insect!

“What now?” he asked as he appeared on the other side, coughing momentarily. All the plans that he had begun to formulate had turned out to be pointless when the island had risen. He couldn’t fly up there in order to corrode the chains or stab the condemned, he couldn’t climb (climbing a hostile being would be a bad idea, anyway), and he doubted that you could use Shapecraft on a mountain that was really a spirit!
Skills Used
Novice Acrobatics (25 xp) in order to try and not lose his balance when the ground is shaking.
word count: 786


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Mountain King


There wasn't much time for ruminating or second-guessing now, they were in the thick of it. Woe saw the portal open, and not knowing what it was at first. Then Balthazar shouted for all to hear what it was, Woe had little inclination to believe it was a trap, given the mage's forthrightness so far. So he decided to take a leap of faith, even without having gone through a portal before.

Breen, meanwhile, was bounding over toward them, as the fists came piling down. The dog leapt into the air at the last moment, pushing Yeva through the portal, lest she get lost in the panic of the moment.

Woe followed after them, pulling Yeva along if necessary, only to arrive at the other side beside Balthazar, Yeva, and Victor. Breen wasn't far behind as the portal would shut.

"Balthazar! I must get to the Cursed man! If I can hijack his emotional tangle, perhaps we can exert some control over his majesty?"

As he said this, he tried to maintain some focus, and reach out to the Condemned with his attunement magics. He tried to see if the man even had a tangle at this point, or if he was beyond sense. It would be a rough sell to get him to change his course, but Woe felt the Condemned was the key to controlling the beast of an Induk, seeing as the spirit was so drunk on his energies.

The irony of the fact that the Condemned was probably also a slavery once upon a time was not lost on Woe. Perhaps they could reach an accord in this way?

"Breen, make sure you help Victor and Yeva, and stay away from the Condemned!" He didn't want to risk losing his spirit familiar to ephemera addiction.

This said, he waited for Balthazar's next move.
Skills used
Tactics, Discipline, Meditation: Expert (Split second timing and planning and staying calm throughout.)
Persuasion: Competent (For asking Balthazar for a lift to the Condemned.)
Psychology: Grandmaster (For getting a feel for the condemned through attunement.)
Attunement: Competent (getting a bead on the Condemned's mind.)
word count: 360
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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Tio Silver
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Re: The Mountain King

The Mountain King
35th Ashan, 720
Scalvoris Mountains

Balthazar's quick thinking with the portal was well timed. Each member of the group leapt through the ring of blue fire, Breen pushing a slightly stunned looking Yeva through with him, and watched it snap shut behind them moments before the two rock fists crashed into the ground they'd been standing on mere seconds earlier with a thunderous boom. The mountain shook with the impact of the blow, shaking beneath the titanic strength of the giant.

The giant's head turned to locate them, and it was at that point that the more observant amongst them noticed something peculiar. When the head moved the rest of the body did not twist or move with it as one might have expected it to. It just remained still as stone no matter how far around the head twisted in its search for them. Without any cover to duck behind it didn't take long for the giant to notice them, and once it did a thin flash of ephemeral green light pulsed down from the giant's neckline to the rest of the body, following patterns reminiscent of veins. Only then did the body move again: seeming to melt into a wave of individual pebbles for a second as it lurched towards them before reforming into its humanoid form and stomping towards them again. Woe, having having called upon his attunement spark to try and synchronise himself with the condemned's mind, quite by accident brushed his supernatural awareness against the giant as he tried to lock onto his target and overheard something peculiar in its notes. The head had notes he could now recognise as rock, ephemera and spirit. The body however only had two of those notes, and was lacking the note of spirit.

After that brief moment of surprise however he successfully locked onto the Condemned's mind, and was immediately assaulted by a hurricane of notes: panic, fear, resignation, pain, weakness, submission and many, many more. The man was still self-aware and had a human tangle, which at this moment was wrapped in dark threads pulled taunts by stress and fear. It was the same kind of tangle he'd occasionally seen in long-term prisoners in the final days leading up to their execution. The condemned was very much a prisoner, and had no control over himself or Their Majesty.

Another pulse of ephemeral green light ran down the giant's body as it loomed closer to them again, and this time the giant raised one leg up to stomp down on top of them. This close to it they could see that the giant's body was not smooth, but comprised of thousands of large stones bundled together and by some unseen force. It could be possible for one to climb up it, but that might prove difficult if the giant tried to swat them off.

General Info

Time for a fight. Please observe the following rules of combat.
  1. There's such a thing as too much. You can make one action to block/evade and a second to counterattack, but please do not do any more that that. Rocky needs a chance to react as well.
  2. If you're attempting something that makes use of one or more of your skill please list them in a note at the end of your post and their current levels. It makes it clear to me that you want to use them.
  3. I promise I'm not actively trying to kill you, but if you decide to stand here and take a punch from an elephant sized rock-fist there has to be consequences. Take the odd hit sure, but be smart about how you fight.

Victor and Woe were the only ones who chose to engage in their optional bonus event. I rolled a d2 in discord to decide how they would end. Woe got heads, and so has received an additional free boon which will be explained in more detail in the rewards at the end of this thread. Victor got tails, and so is going to be stalked by an angry puppet (which will also be explained at the end.)

I would ask you to please respond by the 22th of July, or to PM me if this is not possible.


Other than violence and the odd swear words I would ask that there not be any explicit adult themes.

Mod Style

I am shamelessly copying this style of moderation (and the template structure) from Pegasus, who I gather was taught it by someone called Crimson, because it looks like it works really well and I'd like to give it a try. Imitation is the highest form of flattery after all. My thanks to both of them.

The NPCs do not reflect my own personal thoughts of feeling on any subject. They are just characters.

As I'm only a guest mod I'm not going to kill your character, severely wound them or anything like that, but I would like to give fair rewards/consequences for any actions taken in this thread. If you feel that these are at all unfair please let me know.

Otherwise let's have some fun!


Must Do
  • Fight for your lives.
word count: 887
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Balthazar Black
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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720
Well that was an interesting development... Balthazar thought as he saw the giant creature's head swivel and the body remain in place. One benefit of being the first one through the portal was having the most time to watch the creature and think of a way to kill it. The spirit moved slowly. It's head could go on command but the body seemed to drag behind it slightly. Hopefully it would be slowly enough for them to get to the condemned without being turned to paste. Balthazar bounced on his feet slightly as a plan to cut the spirit into pieces formed in his head. How many portals could he get the spirit to put a limb through before it realized the danger? Balthazar didn't get to find out because Woe presented a much more viable option.

"Everyone keep moving and stay alive! Woe and I will be right back." Balthazar said without hesitation after Woe told him he needed to get to the condemned. Balthazar's eyes shot up to the crown-like structure atop the spirit's head that was the captured condemned and his spark quickly began bridging the distance. Simple portals were easy to make and Balthazar wasn't wasting his time to make them stable enough to last for full bits. Balthazar waved his hand and another flaming portal screeched into existence beside the two of them. Balthazar grabbed Woe's arm and pulled him through the opening but he left it open in case Victor or Yeva wanted to pass through it as well.

Like last time the portal would get them away from the danger but this time it wouldn't deposit them somewhere objectively safe. The ingress formed beside Balthazar and the egress to the portal formed directly above the spirit's head. When Balthazar and Woe fell through they'd find themselves deposited almost right next to the condemned but given the angle Balthazar had seen, neither of them would be able to land with good footing. Balthazar, for his part, stumbled a little and then grabbed hold of the chair that the condemned was bound to in order to balance himself. He tried to keep his grip on Woe's arm to help the other man balance as well but he couldn't keep his grip for long before having to let go and grab hold of the chair with his other hand to keep from falling.

"It can't crush us without crushing the condemned as well, but be careful." Balthazar cautioned Woe as he grabbed hold of the chains binding the condemned in order to help him keep his balance. "I can cut the chains but I need time. If you're plan doesn't work, I'll get us out of here." Balthazar said as he tried to figure out the best way to get the chains through a portal so he could sever them.
Skills Used
Rupture (Expert): To create a portal up to the condemned
Acrobatics (Competent): To balance on the moving spirit.
Strength (Competent): To hold onto the chains and keep himself upright.
Meditation (Expert) and Discipline (Expert): To chill out and focus on his magic and friends during the chaos.
word count: 543

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Victor Amielle
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Re: The Mountain King

A moment after Breen had pushed Yeva through the portal, it snapped shut, and a thunderous boom could be heard. Victor glanced at his companions who had fortunately all survived for a moment or two before he turned to look at the mountain once more. There was something quite peculiar about it. It did not move exactly as he had expected it to move. Its head twisted and turned, but the rest of its body always seemed to lag a little behind.

That didn’t help him when it came to figuring out what he was supposed to do though, apart from trying to survive a situation that he was rapidly getting fed up with. It seemed as if he pretty much had the choice between getting squished by a pair of house-sized fists, getting stomped on or falling to his death while he tried to climb the mountain.

When Woe told Balthazar that he needed to get to the condemned, his head snapped in the Mortalborn’s direction (he still couldn’t believe that the man was actually Sintra’s son!), and he inclined his head in agreement. Opening another portal, hijacking the condemned’s emotional tangle (What kind of magic was that? Empathy?) probably had a better chance of success than trying to throw an ether missile at the mountain or corroding it.

(A part of him still wanted to drive his sword through the condemned, kill him and be done with it; he’d begun to realize that doing such might not have the desired effect though.)

Since Balthazar and Woe already seemed to have some sort of plan that might even work, and it would be best if it didn’t get too crowded up there, Victor grabbed Yeva’s hand in order to drag her along and screamed, “Run! And try to stay close to me!” A moment later, he already moved away from the mountain (or rather, the mountain’s feet). With any luck, he’d be able to keep her alive until their two companions returned.

The mountain moved comparatively slowly, and it would likely be too busy dealing with the two men on its head that tried to free the condemned to focus much of its attention on them. They might just be able to evade it for a while – and deal with any other dangers that came their way down here, on the ground (his sword and his magic would, hopefully, be halfway useful when it came to other, normal-sized enemies).

Skills Used
Compent Strength: To drag Yeva along
Competent Endurance: For dealing with exhaustion and such
25 Acrobatics: To evade the mountain's feet
word count: 445


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Mountain King

Thankfully, Balthazar was willing to play along with Woe's suggestion, that they portal to the very top of the Mountain's head, where the Condemned was kept. Woe had not too much confidence that he could hijack the mountain in this way, having established his read over the Condemned, he had little control over his Majesty. This was disappointing to realize, and yet Woe still had a purpose up on top of the Mountain. So it was he moved with expert timing through the portal that Balthazar opened, and emerged through the egress that placed them before the Condemned.

Woe approached the man whose flesh was caked over by stony earth, his green eyes visible. They were the green of ephemera, pure and overflowing with power. He was the source of their Majesty's ephemera rush. Giving him motive to act beyond the confined of his spirit's purview. Spirits were not autonomous like mortals were, as far as Woe could tell from knowing Breen. They were not monarchs of their own will, let alone that of others. This Majesty was an affront to all nature. Yet at the same time, Woe couldn't deny some admiration for the way he commanded the loyalty of lesser spirits, through the spread of ephemera. Their Majesty was a river to his 'people', with the Condemned serving as the source.

Woe approached the condemned, and spoke the words that would carry his empathic manipulations. "Balthazar." Woe spat his venom toward the Condemned with that utterance, but spoke to Balthazar, "I felt a few notes, but the body of this mountain are not part of the spirit. It's perhaps overstepping its control over a larger body of rock, and given the way to do so through the power source of the condemned... If what I attempt on the Condemned doesn't work to interfere with their connection to his Majesty, kill him."

Having said this, Woe dove into the tangle of the Condemned. He felt much in the way of panic, resignation, and sorrow of course. Emotions Woe was well familiar with, being adept at dragging them out of people. More so than relieving them of them. But he was a good hand at psychology, and he could try and fix what he'd never attempted before.

"Condemned, this is your one chance to free yourself. You must overcome your self-defeat, your fear and degradation." All the while he said it, he searched for any shred of hope or signal that he might empathize to, to bring it out and strum. If he found the slightest shred of hope in the Condemned, he would strum that thread. If strumming it led to it growing, he would strum the subsequent threads emerging, until he had very nearly a ball of hope. Then Woe unleashed it throughout the rest of the Condemned's mind, in a powerful Nexus. Yet instead of sweeping over the surrounding people, he confined it to the mind of the Condemned, for greater effect over him.

"Now! Free yourself! Cast down this Induk and his false dominion!"
Tactics: Expert (to move with expert timing)
Empathy: Expert (To manipulate the condemned)
Psychology Grandmaster (General enhancement to Empathy)
Meditation and Discipline Expert: General aid to magic and focus and staying calm.
word count: 551
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: The Mountain King

35 Ashan 720

There was a lot going on, so much so that the young woman didn't even know where to begin. Breen took charge, nudging her through the portal with more confidence than she felt and thus thus her panic raged. The portal closing didn't help, as thunderous and as magnificent as it was, Yeva yelped, doing her best to dodge debris and inevitable death.

Victor called out to her, and it took very little convincing from the man to have her come along. In fact, she clung to his hand, racing around in a swash of bobbing red hair, her emerald cloak billowing behind her in quite the dramatic fashion.

'Don't die. Don't die. Don't die!'

"I can't believe you all thought fighting was a good idea!" Bits of rock splintered and rained around the space, the roaring and smashing drowning out her fear filled reprimand. She wasn't sure what the others were doing, too scared to look back and get a good look, but she knew they must have been working on the condemned. Where they going to kill him? Oh, she hoped not! The poor man, cursed by an Immortal and used as a source of power, trapped in a tree. Could she think of a comparable horror?

Yeva stumbled, once but gained her feet quickly, jumping over any obstacle and pressing close to Victor. She hadn't spoken much to him over the course of the mission, but now the thought of separation kept her alert and clinging and skittish.

word count: 262
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Tio Silver
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Re: The Mountain King

The Mountain King
35th Ashan, 720
Scalvoris Mountains

Rupturing was neither a quiet nor subtle magic. The burning portals that Balthazar summoned both beside himself and above the giant's head blazed with firelight and the sound of crackling flames. Seeing Balthazar and Woe disappear through the ingress caused the giant to roar in confused fury and it's body to freeze like a statue as its head rotated a full 360 degrees to search the arena for them, yet strangely it did not react as if it heard the portal above it, nor as if it felt their feet landing upon its head. It seemed that the giant did not possess a sense of hearing or touch.

Unluckily for Victor and Yeva, this meant that when it failed to find the vanished mages it turned back to look at them with renewed fury. The pair had taken advantage of its earlier confusion to run out of range of its stomp, and seeing them escaping the giant let out another gravelly screech and brought its foot down with a might crash; sending the ground beneath its feet rippling out in a wave as if it was made of water. The wave, about half the height of a human, sped forwards to the fleeing pair and slammed into the back of their legs, trying to knock them off their feet and the giant stomped closer.

Meanwhile upon the giant's crowned head Balthazar searched for a way to sever the chains, while Woe spoke to the condemned and attempted to muster whatever rebellious spirit was left within the man's heart. At first it seemed like nothing would rouse him, but just before Woe gave up his empathy spark detected the fainest hint of a long-forgotten thread stirring in the darkness: hope. With his magic Woe strummed it, bolstering it as it rapidly began to grow. With it came more emotions: anger, enthusiasm, defiance, which he also strummed until they flared like a wild fire. A light grew in the eye of the condemned, which before had been almost lifeless and dead, and beneath the layer of bark and wood his body began to writhe and rage against that which bound him. With a muffled scream the condemned struggled forward, straining against his prison, and as the bark splintered bit-by-bit Balthazar and Woe could see small streams of blood seeping out of the wounds. The plant life that bound him to the chair had grown out of his skin, and in forcing himself to struggling against his captivity the condemned was literally ripping the skin of his back off. Yet under the effects of Woe's power he pushed through the pain, snapping vines and roots like tendons until, with an agonising cry, he ripped himself off of the throne and stood on his own legs.

However freedom was not won yet. The shackles binding his wrists to the throne were still in place, and from them the ephemera that leaked from his body was still slurped up by the throne and taken deeper into the giant's head. Balthazar, who examined them in an effort to find a way to break them, would see that they were made entirely of stone, were about as thick as a chair leg, and kept the condemns arms pinned directly against the chair without much leeway to slide anything between them.

General Info

Time for a fight. Please observe the following rules of combat.
  1. There's such a thing as too much. You can make one action to block/evade and a second to counterattack, but please do not do any more that that. Rocky needs a chance to react as well.
  2. If you're attempting something that makes use of one or more of your skill please list them in a note at the end of your post and their current levels. It makes it clear to me that you want to use them.
  3. I promise I'm not actively trying to kill you, but if you decide to stand here and take a punch from an elephant sized rock-fist there has to be consequences. Take the odd hit sure, but be smart about how you fight.

Victor and Woe were the only ones who chose to engage in their optional bonus event. I rolled a d2 in discord to decide how they would end. Woe got heads, and so has received an additional free boon which will be explained in more detail in the rewards at the end of this thread. Victor got tails, and so is going to be stalked by an angry puppet (which will also be explained at the end.)

I would ask you to please respond by the 3rd of August, or to PM me if this is not possible.


Other than violence and the odd swear words I would ask that there not be any explicit adult themes.

Mod Style

I am shamelessly copying this style of moderation (and the template structure) from Pegasus, who I gather was taught it by someone called Crimson, because it looks like it works really well and I'd like to give it a try. Imitation is the highest form of flattery after all. My thanks to both of them.

The NPCs do not reflect my own personal thoughts of feeling on any subject. They are just characters.

As I'm only a guest mod I'm not going to kill your character, severely wound them or anything like that, but I would like to give fair rewards/consequences for any actions taken in this thread. If you feel that these are at all unfair please let me know.

Otherwise let's have some fun!


Must Do
  • Fight for your lives.
word count: 966
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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