Keskil Väär

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Keskil Väär
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Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Keskil Väär

Keskil Väär

Age: Twenty-four (24) Arcs
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 27 of Ymiden, 694th
Place of Origin: Scalvoris

Mark(s): n/a
Magic(s): n/a
Renown: 10
Renown Ledger
Starting Renown: 10 (PB)
Occupation: Fortune Teller (Conman)
Current Location: Scalvoris
Language(s): Common (Fluent) / Rakahi (Broken)

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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:01 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 71
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Keskil Väär
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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Appearance & Personality

face claim : tony thornburg

In comparision to most other people roaming the streets of Idalos, Keskil doesn't stand out. The way he sees it, he's just another standard human; a dime a dozen. Most would consider him handsome, but Keskil himself wouldn't
see much stock in maintaining his appearance if not for his work. He's well groomed despite his own disinterest in appearances though he is willing to use his appearance to his advantage. Keskil has a handsome face with strong features framed by long, dark hair that is usually tied up in a bun or half-up bound with thin string and facial hair. He has dark eyes and pale skin.

With his income being rather small, Keskil is quite thin, though not frightfully so. He is toned with lean muscles, mostly from running away from disgruntled customers. Keskil is tall, standing at 6'2", which isn't usually tall, but combined with his thin, long limbs, he appears even taller. He wears mostly whatever he can afford, though he favors darker colors as it makes it easier to slip away. Keskil, again, doesn't care much for what he wears, as long as it's comfortable and functional.


Keskil would like to describe himself as an overall "good person," whether or not it's true is debatable; sure his job is to trick unsuspecting people into false hope. Everyone's got their flaws and it's not as if Keskil enjoys causing harm to people. It's quite to opposite. He may not have much, but if he can, Keskil would rather share the wealth, so to speak, with those less fortunate than himself. His selfless-ness has proven to be an issue as he seems to have no self-preservation, but it doesn't bother him. Keskil enjoys making people happy - not that he would call himself a people pleaser - and if he has the means to, he will. To Keskil, interaction with other people is crucial. He may be a solitary person, but he's also quite happy around others. He may enjoy the presence of other people and to be without tends to damper his mood, Keskil is capable of supporting and living by himself, and while he may enjoy taking care of others, the idea of others taking care of him leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

As much as he likes people, Keskil doesn't trust most as far as he can throw them - which isn't very far. He's a realist and living in poorer areas has left him with a healthy level of suspicion geared towards everyone he meets. Not all people are out to get you, but Keskil would rather not take the chance of letting his guard down around the wrong people. This causes him to come off cold or standoff-ish towards strangers. His living situation often brings out either the best or worst of people. People tend to blame others and while sometimes founded, Keskil hasn't found it within himself to blame others. He's resigned himself and can be considered apathetic towards most situations.

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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:54 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 549
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Keskil Väär
Approved Character
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



the fool reversed

Keskil was born on the 27th of Ymiden in the year 694 near Scalvoris to unknown parents. He was given up when he was a small child - probably around seven or eight arcs old, if his memory serves correctly - and left to fend for himself. Even the thought of his parents caused Keskil distress; he can't remember them well, he doesn't know where they lived or why they left him. They just did one day. For roughly a cycle after they left him, he would sit in the same spot and wait. He had assumed they would return for him; that's what his mother had promised him. This continued each trial until he gave up, leaving his post to continue on his own.

eight of cups

After being abandoned, Keskil stole to survive. He was a charming child, often schmoozing people in wealthier areas. Rub a little dirt on his face, wear some rough clothes, and be as polite as possible. It was usually enough to get enough for the day or distract the person long enough for him to snatch something of theirs. The guilt was the worst part. In nature, Keskil was always gentle and giving; the idea of taking from someone else who had done nothing wrong to him always upset him. For a while, he avoided it, taking to rummaging through discarded items left strewn about or picking up things people had dropped and he hadn't been able to catch up with to return to, but it was sustainable. The constant influx of people coming to Scalvoris for the university and trade kept a steady flow of money ripe for the taking.

In terms of education, Keskil was lucky. He had started with a decent amount of knowledge from previous schooling while he was still with his parents and though he never got past what he had learned then in the traditional sense, he was clever enough to pick up most things on his own. His street smarts had increased rather than book smarts; learned to lie and act in front of different people to receive different things became more important than mathematics. It wasn't as if Keskil didn't have an interest in traditional school; he missed learning new things, but it simply became impractical, at least for a child trying to survive on their own. The ability to talk his way out of a fight was one of the most important things he needed to learn but it was one of the last things he wanted to learn. As he had grown older, he became the subject of more outrage by those who caught him stealing. A child stealing is one thing; it's easier to excuse an assumed 'innocent' child. An adolescent is less forgivable. Suddenly, Keskil needed a new source of income.

the moon

Scalvoris was always home to quite the superstitious types. Keskil capitalized on that. Everyone likes to hear good news, even if it's the most obvious lie. He had been quite the smooth talker and could read people easily, so why not turn it into a way to make money? At first, Keskil started by reading palms in taverns, mostly to drunken idiots barely paying any attention to what was being told to them. In truth, it was hardly mostly just 'say he was going to read their palm' and then rob them blind and make out before he got kicked out of the bar or worse. It was easy enough, mostly just blind robbery than a scam, but it worked. Eventually, Keskil moved onto tarot readings after seeing a woman read another woman's tarot. She charged far more than Keskil had been stealing and the 'customer' seemed much happier in the end. So Keskil spent some money on a tarot deck and set off.

At first, he was horrible at it.

His lies were weak and easy to disprove, making people distrust what he said. Anything he said that was specific was almost always incorrect and on the off chance it was right, it was always followed by a bright, shiny lie that got called out immediately. It cost him more than he had, and still is, willing to admit. It took more careful observation than Keskil had expected. But, as he always had, Keskil learned. Listen in on the same people for an hour, start learning about them from a distance. Start by asking vague questions most people fall into. People basically made the lies for him. Soon, it became easy, like second nature. Observation was the number one tool Keskil used to have with him. That and the faith people placed in a guy and some cards.

the star reversed

In a way, Keskil was envious of the people he tricked. They had faith in something that he didn't. Most believed that his fake ability to read fortunes was a talent gifted to him by gods. It wasn't that Keskil didn't believe in gods, he just didn't believe they had the incentive to involve themselves in the average person's life. Why would they? To Keskil, he didn't quite see the appeal of worshipping when there wasn't any guarantee of results. Gods always seemed like selfish creatures to him.

seven of pentacles

As he grew older, Keskil grew bolder in his choice of clientele. The wealthier, the better. He had grown more confident in his ability to trick others into believing his every word - though it wasn't exactly founded. The rich had the habit of throwing away money at anyone willing to tell them what they wanted to hear, regardless of if it was true or not. At this point, Keskil will take on anyone; pirates are currently his most common victims, though he has had a few close calls where a crew may know of him already and steer clear. Pirates were easy; get them drunk enough to listen to anything but not too drunk that they couldn't pay him. He currently keeps most of his work in Almund, which poses more danger. On more than one occasion Keskil has wondered if he's yet to fool the wrong person.

Starter Quest
A Special Deck:

During his street busking, reading peoples' fortunes, Keskil noticed one of the other buskers has a very valuable deck of cards, brilliantly illuminated. This rival appears to have much better success with his marks, but not because of his talents, which are on par with Keskil. They are often seeming to be distracted by the beauty of the cards.

Perhaps it's time for this deck to change hands? If you choose to go with this starter quest, you might be able to acquire the deck for yourself. (Masterwork Deck of cards may be claimed for loot on your starter quest if Keskil is successful in taking it.)
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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:05 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1176
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Keskil Väär
Approved Character
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Skills & Knowledges

Skills & Skills Ledger
Total Points
Deception (FT)
Starting Package
-11 Deception
-20 Detection
-8 Pick-pocketing
-11 Storytelling
Racial Bonus
-25 Psychology
Storytelling (PB)
Deception (PB)
Detection (PB)
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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:56 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 84
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Keskil Väär
Approved Character
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5





Deception (2)
Deception: The Truth is in the Lie
Deception: Character Creation Award (PB)

Detection (2)
Detection: Seeing the Unseen
Detection: Character Creation Award (PB)


Pick-Pocketing (1)
Pick-pocketing: Nimble Fingers

Psychology (1)
Psychology: Knowing Your Target's Secrets

Storytelling (2)
Storytelling: Try Not to Over Complicate
Storytelling: Character Creation Award (PB)


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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:00 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 79
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Keskil Väär
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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Items & Housing

Armor Weapons
1 set of (Tier 3, Masterwork) Leather Armor 2 (Average, Iron) Daggers
Clothing Household Items (Average)
2 sets of (Average) Indoor Outfits
1 (Average) Hot-Weather Outfit
1 (Average) Cold-Weather Outfit

Keskil lives in an average sized, wooden house in Almund with a small room along with three average sized rooms. His house is clean and doesn't have much in ways of furnishing. There are the basics, of course, but nothing is ornate or even really appears so. He also has a small, overgrown garden space that he has neglected.
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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 118
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Keskil Väär
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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Starting Package (City Dweller)
Tier 5 (66wp)
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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 34
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Keskil Väär
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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:24 am
Race: Human
Profession: Conman
Renown: 10
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Wealth Ledger



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Last edited by Keskil Väär on Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 28
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