• Solo • Blending

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Ashan 33, Arc 720

On the 33rd of Ashan, Devin Thorn, thief, conman extraordinaire and recently initiated Becomer (and self-proclaimed magical mutant because he thought his special abilities came from an accident) stood in front of the floor length mirror in the hallway of the house that he had recently acquired, looking at his reflection from all angles and frowning deeply.

It was just then that the front door was being opened, and Aidan, his roommate, walked in, carrying a bag full of books – because he had just returned from university where he studied linguistics. He greeted the Mortalborn and was about to walk past him when he noticed the expression on his face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his tone of voice laced with concern. “Normally, you quite enjoy looking at yourself”, he remarked, set his bag down on a nearby table and came closer.

Devin frowned at his reflection some more as he really didn’t like what he was seeing before he turned around, looked at the older man and sighed loudly. “I miss my Biqaj ears. I didn’t think I’d like them quite as much! I mean, I really like my normal body – but pointed ears are so much nicer than round ears, don’t you think, Aidan?”

“I think I’ll …”
he began. He didn’t finish that sentence though, but moved past his dumbfounded roommate into the living room, opened the book that was lying on his desk and frantically leafed through it, until he had found the page that he was looking for.

Aidan followed him a little more slowly, a surprised and confused expression on his face. He stepped behind him and looked over his shoulder in order to find out what the book that Devin was reading was about. “I’ve never seen you voluntarily touch a book before”, he remarked. “What kind of book is it, by the way?” he wanted to know and leaned a little closer.

“A book on Becoming”, Devin replied without looking up. “Adeline gave it to me the other trial so that I can learn more about my new magic. It’s fascinating! I didn’t know that reading could be so much fun! I just remembered seeing a chapter about blending totems. That’s what I’m going to do! I’m going to blend my self-totem and my Biqaj totem and give myself pointed ears! It will be totally awesome!”

“Maybe I should also give myself color-changing eyes. Those color-changing Biqaj eyes are quite neat as well”,
he murmured before he shook his head. “I also like my normal eyes though. I think I’ll keep them for the time being. Violet is a beautiful color!” he decided.
Last edited by Devin on Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 461


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Blending

Having said that, Devin grabbed the book abruptly and plopped down on the couch in front of the fireplace in order to read the chapter in question, an expression on deep concentration on his face. Aidan sat down opposite of him and watched him with a mixture of fascination and surprise because he still couldn’t believe that the Mortalborn was voluntarily reading a book!

He had been a little unsure about Devin’s becoming a mage – the thought of the thief wearing a different body made him vaguely uncomfortable – but if magic made him actually study – and work diligently and make a real effort on top of it – it might have been worth it!

He’d been hoping that Devin would change his mind as far as books was concerned for some time!


“I think I know how blending works now”, Devin announced approximately thirty bits later and slammed the book shut before he looked up at Aidan, a wide smile on his face.

“Do you want to watch?” he asked his roommate and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Aidan looked at him in surprise, his eyes wide. When Devin had transformed into his Biqaj totem for the first time, he had locked himself into his room and told everybody to stay away from him.

“I’ll just be changing a small part of my body”, Devin told him curtly, as if that explained everything. He hadn’t allowed Aidan (or Adeline or his other roommate, Talieson) to watch him become a Biqaj because such a huge transformation was gruesome and painful, and he didn’t want anybody to see him or hear him while he was in pain.

He was too proud for that; and he also didn’t want to appear vulnerable, but of course, he’d never admit that!

“So, do you want to watch or not?” he asked again as changing his ears would probably be as good as painless.

“S … sure”, Aidan said and wondered if he’d regret that decision. He normally wasn’t squeamish. This here was quite different though.

He didn’t know what exactly to expect!
word count: 355


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: Blending

While Aidan looked on with a certain amount of unease, Devin produced his two totems, his self-totem that was a pendant and his Biqaj totem that looked like a ring that was decorated with a tooth rather than a gem and closed his fists around them, taking a deep breath as he did so before he abruptly shut his eyes as doing such made it easier for him to concentrate.

There had been a time when he had absolutely hated meditation and considered it to be one of the most boring and pointless activities ever; he’d found that it helped when it came to casting spells though. In fact, in some cases, it actually seemed to be necessary!

For that reason, he took a few bits to focus, to try and block his surroundings out and only think of the items that were in his hands, how they felt and what kind of power was contained within them.

At this point in time, his hold on that meditative state was strenuous; that little exercise did make him a little calmer nevertheless though – although he would never let Aidan nor anybody else know that there were moments when he wasn’t utterly calm and confident though!

He channeled a small amount of ether into both of his totems, slowly and carefully, and tried to get a feeling for each of them. He thought about what they were like, what they were made of, what they had in common, what set them apart and how he planned on combining them. Gradually, the change began to take place. At first, it was so subtle that he hardly noticed anything and actually wondered if he there was something else that he was supposed to do.

There was only a slight itch, a very minor, barely noticeable itch – a very minor, barely noticeable itch that turned into a burning sensation without a warning as the cartilage in his ears changed shape, as his ears elongated slightly, as if someone was repeatedly driving needles through them, with a lot of force. He made a face. A moment later, he gritted his teeth as he didn’t want to let Aidan know that the transformation had turned out to be unpleasant, after all.

“Ha … Immortals …” he made as he couldn’t keep quiet entirely, no matter how hard he tried – before the sensation abruptly stopped again. He blinked a couple of times and just sat there for a moment as he didn’t trust the situation entirely before his hands quickly went to his ears.

There was something that hadn’t been there before!

“Mirror”, he ordered Aidan who quickly retrieved a nice silver mirror from the Mortalborn’s vanity table. Devin took it and proceeded to admire his altered appearance, turning his head left and right, and touched his Biqaj ears again as he found himself unable to keep his fingers off of them for longer than a couple of trills at a time.

“They look really great”, he decided, grinned and proceeded to tuck his hair behind his new ears so that their tips would be more visible. There was no point in giving himself Biqaj ears if they were covered by his dark locks, after all! “Maybe I’ll keep them for good. People already think that I’m part Biqaj because I have violet eyes, anyway. I wonder what Adeline will say when she comes home though”, he mused.

“She will probably be really impressed when she realizes that I successfully managed to use a bit of magic without her guidance and state that I’m ready for the next step”, he decided a moment later and smiled brightly. “I wonder if there’s a way to make those ears a permanent aspect of my self-totem so that I don’t have to expend ether every time I change into it though”, he continued and turned to face Aidan.

The student just looked at him for a moment before he remarked, “Don’t ask me. You are the mage! Your ears do look interesting though”, he added, grinng because they really were quite nice, and Devin beamed at him.

A moment later, the Mortalborn took his book again, reading and occasionally murmuring something as he tried to find out if it said anything about permanently changing a totem.

Aidan on the other hand simply leaned back in his chair and watched the younger man with no small amount of fascination as he still couldn’t believe what was happening. Devin was voluntarily touching a book; and what more, he seemed to be really interested in it.

That made him really happy!
word count: 781


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Yrmellyn Cole
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Re: Blending

Thread Rewards


I like the way you begin the thread by introducing "Devin Thorn, thief, conman and recently initiated becomer", where he is and what he is doing. Devin is priceless in his vanity and I had to laugh when he complained that he missed the biqaj eyes of is totem when he was back to his true self.

This is a totally new way to use of Becoming. It's plastic surgery by magic. The entertainment factor is sky high and I'm beginning to predict a winged elf with a lute ... But, I can't help wondering what Devin will do to himself in the long run. I'm looking forward to reading the sequels!


Rewards and consequences

Points: 10 (These points can be used for magic, Becoming)


Becoming (Blending) x3
Meditation x2
Research x1

Skill Review: Appropriate

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word count: 165
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