S & N Consortium (Business)

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Soren Kvistson
Approved Character
Posts: 299
Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:51 pm
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Tavern Owner
Renown: 0
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Wealth Tier: Tier 5



S & N Consortium (Business)

Business Proposal - Upgrade
S&N Consortium

    • Character Name: Soren Kvistson & Navyri Nightngale
    • Current Wealth Tier: 5 & 7
    • Business Management Skill: 150/250 (Expert) & 0/250 (Novice)
    • Profession's Main Skill (your level in it): Negotiation 151/250 (Master) & Deception 75/250 (Competent)
  • ABOUT THE BUSINESS STARTUP Refer to the Business Guide
    What is your target tier? 10
    • Step 1: What is your startup wealth differential? -5
    • Step 2: What is the base cost of set up for your business? 55 WP
    • Step 3: What is the startup cost? (Step 2 - Step 1)? 60 WP
    • Step 4: Is this business a small or large business? If so, please show working out. Large +50% = +30 WP for a total of 90 WP
    • Step 5: Since this is an upgrade of an existing business... 90 WP (Cost of desired upgrade) - 45 WP (Cost of existing business) = 45 WP
    • How will this be funded? Will pay out in WPs (23 from Soren, 22 from Navyri)
    • Business Name: S&N Consortium
    • Business Location: Raelia, Melrath
    • Business Description: Following the purchase, renovation, and opening of Phoenix Hall, Soren and Navyri established a consortium for managing multiple properties they own. They invest their money in purchasing and renovating properties, then opening them as businesses which they are chief managers of. This is an equal 50/50 split between Soren and Navyri.

      Current Properties Owned:
      The Ox's Bellow Tavern
      Phoenix Hall theater
      Vildholm Institute of Alchemy (VIA)
    • Number of Employees:
      The Ox's Bellow Tavern - 18 full time employees
      Phoenix Hall - 8 full time employees, several temp/part time employees as needed
      Vildholm Institute of Alchemy - TBD
    • Which Categories from the Shoppe does your business sell?
      The Ox's Bellow Tavern - Edibles, Drugs and Medicines
      Phoenix Hall - Edibles, Drugs and Medicines
      Vildholm Institute of Alchemy - Every category because Alchemy can be basically anything and everything?
    • Which non-Shoppe items / goods / services do you provide?
      The Ox's Bellow Tavern - Room rental, Games and Gambling
      Phoenix Hall - Theatrical performances, musical performances, private venue rentals
      Vildholm - Not sure, but would need to be determined and negotiated IC.
    • Are there any exceptions (eg: Weapons, but not bows)
      The Ox's Bellow Tavern - Yes. No medicines, drugs, or poisons are sold here.
      Phoenix Hall - Yes. No medicines, drugs, or poisons are sold here. No meals are served here either. Drinks and snacks only.
      Vildholm Institute of Alchemy - Not sure, but would need to be determined and negotiated IC.
    • Which Wealth Tier does your business target at? Tier 10
    • What is your Business Management Skill? 150/250 (Expert)
Goods & Services Available
  1. Since this is a PC run business, you may buy certain items here at a lower cost than the Shoppe.
  2. Only the goods & services identified in this post may be purchased.
  3. This location is open for you to post in: any and all purchases must be posted with time stamps below.
  4. You can make multiple purchases per season, but log only ONE purchase post
  5. If you make a thread out of your transaction, the link should be posted here.


The Ox's Bellow Tavern NPCs: PSF Approval
4 full time bartenders
-Hilda Hightower
-Charlize Clearwater
-Shelly Belly
6 full time barmaids
-Delilah Ferrow
-Harold Grimvault
-Lydia Torven
-Celina Carrock
-Charlie Carrock
-Carolina Carrock
6 full time cooks
-Steward Wellfall
-Baron von Heffin
-Felicity Flowers
-Shaun Bonn
2 full time cleaning staff
-Bobert Farcall

Phoenix Hall NPCs: PSF Approval
-Old Man Arne, Director and Playwright
-Alva, niece and assistant to the Director
-Katya, manager in training/orphan
-Ben, manager in training/orphan
-Longun, set assistant/orphan
-Neffe, set assistant/orphan
-Kova, set assistant/orphan
-Linne, set assistant/orphan

Vildholm Institute of Alchemy NPCs:
Will Apply for Business NPCs for the VIA soon in the PSF.

Goods & Services

Shoppe Items
Certain items from the <link> Shoppe may be purchased here at 1 Wealth Tier lower than usual. (eg: if you are Tier 5, you may purchase items for sale here as though you were Tier 6)

Specifically, the following categories of items may be purchased here:

The Ox's Bellow Tavern - Edibles, Drugs and Medicines
Phoenix Hall - Edibles, Drugs and Medicines
Vildholm Institute of Alchemy - Every category because Alchemy can be basically anything and everything?

Exclusions: If any items from that/ those categories are not included, please state so here.
The Ox's Bellow Tavern - Yes. No medicines, drugs, or poisons are sold here.
Phoenix Hall - Yes. No medicines, drugs, or poisons are sold here. No meals are served here either. Drinks and snacks only.
Vildholm Institute of Alchemy - Not sure, but would need to be determined and negotiated IC.

This business is targeted at clients at Tier 10. This represents the majority of NPCs who shop here. PCs from any Tier may frequent a PC business.

Goods / Services Not Explicitly Listed in the Shoppe The following Goods and Services not listed in the Shoppe are available here.
The Ox's Bellow Tavern - Room rental, Games and Gambling
Phoenix Hall - Theatrical performances, musical performances, private venue rentals
Vildholm - Not sure, but would need to be determined and negotiated IC.

Job information

Jobs are available here. To apply for a job, contact the player.

Player notes

Put notes from the city's mod(s) to the city's players here. Also put a "transaction template" for PCs?

Change log

Record any changes here that have been made to the location.
word count: 905

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