• Solo • The Flight Potion

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Flight Potion

Ashan 1, Arc 720

On the 1st of Ashan, Petyr Lovan, one of the most renowned alchemists in all of Scalvoris, was just standing behind the counter, pouring the contents of two vials into the cauldron that was in front of him when the door was being opened. A moment later, a man that he had hoped he would never have to see again walked in. Petyr’s gaze darkened, and he abruptly dropped the entire vial in his right hand into the cauldron which caused its content to sizzle in a most suspicious manner and sparks to fly everywhere.

he exclaimed and shuddered.

“Yes, me!” Devin replied, smiling brightly, and walked up to the counter with a swagger in his step. This trial, the Mortalborn was dressed in an exceedingly garish outfit of yellow and royal purple – because garish garments were in fashion at the moment. In his left hand was a piece of paper. “I found this leaflet on the ground, quite by chance. You are looking for test subjects for your flight potion?” he asked and raised an eyebrow. “I would like to volunteer. I promise that I’ll behave this time!”

Petyr looked at him as if he didn’t believe a single word of what the Mortalborn said. His first two meetings with the younger man had been a nightmare. Devin had harassed him, he had been rude, he had touched everything in his shop, and he had absolutely refused to follow instructions. He’d rather test his potions on himself than on that man!

“Unless you would like me to tell the authorities that you are a bit lax when it comes to talking to your volunteers about the possible side effects?”
Devin asked in an exaggeratedly sweet tone. “Actually”, he continued. “I’m part of the authorities now. I’m the new academic councilor! I can prove it! So, where do you want me to be?” he asked before he just plopped down on a chair that stood next to the counter.

“Give me your potion!” he demanded. “And tell me, will I grow wings if I drink it?” he asked hopefully. Since he had first met the Avriel Kalortah the cycle before and seen his magnificent wings, he had been obsessed with wings and flying and wanted to get wings of his own.

He’d begun to look for a Becomer who was willing to initiate him – in vain so far. Maybe he didn’t have to look anymore though. Maybe he just needed to drink a potion!
word count: 427


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Flight Potion

“Of course it will”, Petyr assured him.

“So, how did you make this potion anyway?”
the Mortalborn asked as he watched the alchemist walk over to a cupboard and remove a glass vial that was filled with a hot pink liquid from it.

Since he had more or less conned himself into becoming a doctor, he had learned that you should always ask which ingredients a potion or a medicine contained, no matter how eager you were. Drinking an unknown liquid could have rather unpleasant side effects!

“With Blood Magic”, Petyr replied and set the vial down in front of Devin. “I took the blood of a Becomer – a Becomer who is an Avriel on top of it to maximize my chance of success. I purified the blood, mixed it with an alcohol base, added a binder to it so that the various reagents don’t negate each other and a metabolizer to speed up the reaction”, he continued. He sounded incredibly proud of his work.

He sounded as if he expected to be praised for his ingenuity.

Devin just retched a little though. Petyr had put blood into his potion? What kind of shyke was that? Did the alchemist honestly expected him to drink it? He would never drink anything that was made of … actually, he would, because he really wanted to be able to fly!

What if he got sick though?

As if he had just read his mind, Petyr assured Devin, “My potion is perfectly safe for consumption. The Avriel whose blood I used for the potion was examined beforehand and determined to be perfectly healthy; besides, as I told you, I purified the blood and removed any components that could possibly be harmful.”

“So, do you want to test the potion or not?”
he asked the Mortalborn somewhat impatiently.
word count: 303


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Flight Potion

Devin furrowed his brow and made a face as he thought about it and thought about it some more before he abruptly grabbed the vial, uncorked it and downed its contents in one go.

It tasted … well, it didn’t taste like blood or what he thought blood tasted like, at least (since he was of course not a cannibal, he had never drunk blood). Instead, it tasted kind of like vanilla!

He licked his lips because it was really quite delicious, and then he sat there and waited for his wings to grow, half-expecting that he would start to levitate before long as well. He waited and waited, and then he waited some more.

After a while, he noticed a strange sensation in his upper body. Was that a sign of the muscles in his back changing in order to accommodate his new wings? That was probably it, he decided and began to smile all over his face.

A moment later, he started to burp.

And then he burped again and again.

He noticed something in his mouth.

Furrowing his brow, he stuck his fingers into it, removed a small black feather from it and eyed it in confusion.

Had he just burped a feather?!

He narrowed his eyes and turned to Petyr.

“What kind of shit is that?”
he wanted to know and showed the feather to the alchemist, eyes ablaze. “Where are my wings? Why am I not levitating? Why am I not flying? You said that it was a flight potion!” he complained. “I want my wings right now!”
Last edited by Devin on Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 264


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Flight Potion

Petyr mumbled something.

“What did you just say?” Devin asked, still clutching the offensive feather. “I didn’t understand you!”

“This wasn’t supposed to happen”,
the alchemist muttered. “The potion should have given you a pair of magnificent Avriel wings. Apparently, it needs a bit of finetuning. Maybe the blood was too pure”, he mused before he abruptly looked at Devin.

“Maybe the blood needs to be impure”, Petyr decided and furrowed his brow. “Fortunately, I still have some relatively fresh blood in the backroom. Wait a bit, I’ll get it”, he told Devin.

“No”, Devin told him in no uncertain terms and burped again. He felt a little queasy. On the bright side, he didn’t burp any more feathers. “I’m not going to drink fresh, unpurified blood! Even if your volunteer was healthy, I’m not going to drink fresh blood!”

“This was a mistake”,
he muttered. He had already volunteered as a test subject for Petyr once. His so-called hair growth potion had given him an allergic reaction and temporarily turned his hair blue. Due to his desire to get wings, he had been willing to forget what had happened. He had also hoped that Petyr had become a better alchemist since then.

This didn’t seem to be the case though.

He really, really wanted wings, but judging by what had happened so far, he would either get terrible heartburn – or another allergic reaction, complete with an itchy rash!

“What’s that?” he asked, eyeing the vials that Petyr thrust at him with no small amount of suspicion.

“Your payment, for volunteering as a test subject”, the alchemist explained. His voice trembled slightly. Devin had the impression that he was afraid that he might alert the authorities and was more or less trying to bribe him. “These potions make you immune to fire, at least for a break or so!” he told him in order to tempt him.

The Mortalborn looked at the vials, at Petyr and back at the vials and firmly shook his head, pushing Petyr’s hand that held the vials away as he did so. “No, thanks”, he said. If his previous experiences with Petyr’s terrible concoctions were anything to go by, he would probably not become immune to fire, he would spontaneously combust instead!

“There is something that you can give me though”, he slyly told him a moment later. “I want another vial of Perfection in a Bottle – the one that gives me a perfect body”, he clarified. A few seasons earlier, he had already tried that most wonderful potion. It had worked perfectly, perhaps because Petyr didn’t brew it himself, but was only the reseller. For a while after he had drunk it, he had had the most beautiful voice!

“Of … of course”, Petyr stammered and quickly retrieved the potion in question. “One potion that gives the drinker a perfect body for Master Thorn”, he said and handed it to Devin. Devin eyed the potion for a moment before he quickly drank it. A moment later, he could already feel the changes taking place which improved his mood again slightly.

Of course, he already was a very good-looking man, but now he was probably the best-looking man in all of Scalvoris!

And what more, he’d finally stopped burping!

“Maybe I won’t tell the authorities after all”, he decided as he stood. “As long as you keep these potions stocked!” he added before he bade the alchemist who breathed a sigh of relief farewell, left the shop and walked back home with a spring in his step, whistling a merry little tune as he did so. He didn’t have wings, but he had gotten his favourite potion, and he would get wings, sooner or later. There had to be a Becomer somewhere!
This is the odd job "#2 Experimental Test Subject".
word count: 652


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Soren Kvistson
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Re: The Flight Potion


Word Count: 1678
Total Post Count: 4
Word and Post Count for Player 1: 4/ 1678
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=20657&p=144262#p144710

I really enjoy Devin's negotiating style. His outrage was fun, the belching was a nice touch, and I enjoyed the small threats both Petyr and Devin used. Glad to see one of the Councilors is finally using their position for some good. Well done.

Skill Points 10

Renown 5 for flaunting his position as Academic

Skill Knowledges:
Alchemy x4
Intimidation x1
Discipline x1

Non-Skill Knowledges:

Items and Other Rewards:
1 Perfection In A Bottle (Perfect Physical Build)

Code: Select all

word count: 126
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