Acrobatics - 5
Acrobatics: Somersault
Acrobatics: Sidestep
Acrobatics: Dodging by leaping back
Acrobatics: Ducking dodge and rebound
Acrobatics: vaulting over an edge
Blades - 15
Blades: Basics of Countering
Blades: Counter attacks (note: earned in a different thread than ^)
Blades: Attacking against a shielded opponent
Blades: Sword: Conserving energy
Blades: Sword: Spin and cut
Blades: Sword: Ending suffering
Blades: Sword: Basic stance
Blades: Sword: Falcon’s defence
Blades: Sword: Proper Fighting Stance.
Blades: Sword: Range and reach are important
Blades: Sword: Can be a real advantage
Blade Combat: Dodge Heavy Attacks To Avoid Being Rattled
Blade Combat: Faster Attacks Are More Likely To Hit Than Powerful Attacks
Blades (Longsword): Catch an attack on the guard and counter
Blades: Stabs and Thrusts
Climbing - 2
Climbing: Finding Purchase in the Rock
Climbing: Harder With Height
Construction - 1
Construction: Population density directly affects infrastructure
Deception - 5
Deception: Pretending not to recognize someone
Deception: Trying to dissuade someone
Deception: Easy Lies are Useful Tools.
Deception: Using a False Name
Deception: Playing the Role
Detection - 9
Detection: Spotting small details in the camp
Detection: The smell of dead corpses
Detection: Noticing signs of looting
Detection: Following someone’s gaze to determine the object of their attention.
Detection: Hearing a whisper, can be very important.
Detection: Identifying when things don’t quite add up.
Detection: Listening to rumours whilst standing still.
Detection: Scrutinizing visitors
Detection: Spotting familiar people in unfamiliar masks
Discipline - 6
Discipline: Pulling a blow when struck from behind
Discipline: Don't fidget.
Discipline: Following orders.
Discipline: Not acting on your urge to kill.
Discipline: Not laughing on duty.
Discipline: Relax, but not too much.
Endurance - 7
Endurance: Sparring is tiring
Endurance: Heat is a real bother when fighting
Endurance: Enduring the cold
Endurance: Many trials of travel is exhausting
Endurance: Fighting through pain
Endurance: Barking Dogs give Good Pursuit.
Endurance: Surviving Multiple Cuts And Bruises
Etiquette - 15
Etiquette: Military Etiquette: Using correct titles
Etiquette: Slaves may not know proper manners
Etiquette: The correct address of Baroness Lazuli
Etiquette: A warning from Uncle Victor
Etiquette: Advisors are seen, but not heard.
Etiquette: Give up your blade as needed.
Etiquette: Praise the place
Etiquette: Bring a gift.
Etiquette: Apologise when appropriate
Etiquette: Conversing with the Empress
Etiquette: How to insist to your superiors
Etiquette: Using Flattery as an Ice-Breaker
Etiquette: It is acceptable to wash before seeing your father
Etiquette: A Noble isn’t Always Treated as one Outside their own Borders.
Etiquette: Knowing how most Nobles Would usually React.
Fieldcraft - 1
Fieldcraft: Fear Keeps You Alive
Fighting - 2
Fighting: Cloaks get in the way
Fighting: Control your features
Intelligence - 1
Intelligence: Determining the motive of a group of people
Interrogation - 2
Interrogation: Fire off multiple questions.
Interrogation: Knives Allow for Violent Interrogation
Intimidation - 5
Intimidation: Using a Weapon
Intimidation: Threats Keep A Target Silent
Intimidation: A Weapon Creates More Fear
Intimidation: Deprive Target of Air to Force Obedience
Intimidation: Threatening A Loved One to Stop Attack
Investigation - 2
Investigation: Putting together small details
Investigation: Spotting trouble makers
Leadership - 6
Leadership: Commanding those of a lower social class
Leadership: Sometimes you have to take risks
Leadership: Knowing what you command, and what you do not
Leadership: Understanding the difference between leading, and leading in name.
Leadership: A forthright approach
Leadership: A leader has to be a servant of the people.
Linguistics - 1
Linguistics: Pronunciation Matters.
Navigation - 1
Navigation: Finding the Right Tavern at Night Takes Time.
Negotiation - 5
Negotiation: Giving people what they want to avoid conflict
Negotiation: The act of reciprocation
Negotiation: Acquiring Resources for Culinary Commission
Negotiation: I'll tell you my secret, if you tell me yours
Negotiation: My Name for your Decorum
Philosophy - 1
Philosophy: The morality of slave ownership
Politics - 12
Politics: Appear to know more than you do.
Politics: Point out weaknesses in your peers knowledge.
Politics: Insightful questions
Politics: The balance of keeping secrets vs protecting your house.
Politics: Always have insurance
Politics: Seeking an Advisor's Counsel
Politics: An Illegitimate King Will Never Allow Peace
Politics: Don't tell people your secrets.
Politics: Consider the consequences of your actions.
Politics: What are the alternatives?
Politics: Making an Enemy of Andaris Will Cause Others to Intervene
Politics: Strengthening a Weak Position
Psychology - 5
Psychology (PTSD): Mist Men Siege of Ne'haer
Psychology (PTSD): Mist Men Slaughtering Citizens of Ne'haer
Psychology: The state of a sulky teen
Psychology: The overwhelming experience of emotional outpourings
Psychology: Judging someone’s Clarity.
Rhetoric - 2
Rhetoric: Thinking on Your Feet for What to Say.
Rhetoric: Spotting When someone is Turning the Conversation.
Running - 1
Running: You can’t Beat me! Not even with Dogs after us.
Shield - 2
Shield: slow you down but increase defence
Shield: Heavy and cumbersome
Socialization - 1
Socialization: Timing an Opportunistic Approach.
Sociology - 1
Sociology: Bar Dancers can sometimes Surprise You.
Stealth - 5
Stealth: A good tip-toe
Stealth: Bells are a Dead Giveaway to Position.
Stealth: Hold your Breath!
Stealth: Covering the Mouth Prevents Screams
Stealth: Hiding in an attic
Storytelling - 1
Storytelling: Well, father, it started like this.
Tactics - 18
Tactics: When it's time to fight, when it's time to retreat
Tactics: Better to avoid conflict with unpredictable results
Tactics: Consider the placement of the sun when fighting outside.
Tactics: Height advantage
Tactics: Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
Tactics: Concealed information can be as deadly as a concealed weapon.
Tactics: Messenger and bodyguard in one
Tactics: Sometimes, work is welcome
Strategy: Observations Come Before Actions
Strategy: Play Brave or Play Safe
Strategy: Submission
Tactics: Setting Free Prisoners of War
Tactics: Utilizing Enmity To Your Advantage
Tactics: Ensuring Loyalty Through Provisions
Tactics: Ensuring Provisions For Animals And Men
Tactics: Keeping Your Blade Within Reach
Tactics: Smashing A Window To Provide An Escape Route
Tactics: It's better to retreat when outnumbered
Unarmed Combat - 2
Unarmed Combat: Throwing a Body to Distract a Foe
Unarmed Combat: Kicking Dirt Into An Enemy’s Eyes
Aeon - 6
Aeon: Disobeyed direct orders. Twice
Aeon: Changed
Aeon: Sweaty
Aeon: A simple name for a simple man
Aeon: A hit! A very palpable hit!
Aeon: Fights like a lion
Alistair Venora - 7
Alistair Venora: A fashionable chap
Alistair Venora: Makes clothes look effortless.
Alistair Venora: Knows your ambition
Alistair Venora: Believes Cassander is power hungry
Alistair Venora: Agrees with your philosophy
Alistair Venora: Offered his lands to the Qe'dreki
Alistair Venora: Wants Warrick and Venora to join together
Cassander - 2
Cassander Rennault: Wants you as a hostage
Cassander & Emerson Sands: To be married
Celeste Andaris - 2
Celeste Andaris: Believes Nobles Are The Same As Everyone Else
Celeste Andaris: You Kidnapped Her and then Stabbed Her
Elyna - 4
Elyna: Soon to be Malcolm's wife
Elyna: Skyrider
Elyna: Not as soft and dreamy eyed as she looks
Elyna: Thinks you should stay in the barracks
Emerson Sands - 4
Emerson Sands: Asked for donations
Emerson Sands: Empress of Rynmere
Emerson Sands: Requires your guard?
Emerson Sands: Wore a simple gown to the ball
Faith - 7
Faith: Slave
Faith: Willful and fearless individual
Faith: Believes slaves are merely objects
Faith: Changed by Freedom
Faith: Closest Thing to a Friend
Faith: Upbringing
Faith: Special Person
Genevive Allanach - 2
Genevive Allanach: Defeated you
Genevive Allanach: Stronger and faster than she looks
Immortals - 11
Immortals: Witness To Their Existence
Immortal: U'frek
Immortal: Xiur
Immortal: Moseke
Immortal: Yvithia
Immortal: Qylios
Immortal: Ilaren
Immortal: Ymiden
Immortal: Ethelynda
Immortal: Jesine
Immortal: Faldrun
Jamal - 2
Jamal: Faith's Master
Jamal: Evidently not pleasant
Kylar - 3
Kylar: Has a Warrick lion called Hunter
Kylar: Lion companion
Kylar: Paranoid and nervous
Labrae - 8
Labrae: Mortalborn
Labrae: Older than Rynmere
Labrae: Not a monster
Labrae: Wise beyond your years
Labrae: Can help with your problems
Labrae: Powerful beyond expectation
Labrae: Able to teleport both herself and others
Labrae: Sintra's Daughter
Lazuli - 4
Lazuli: Betrothed to Veljorn Burhan
Lazuli: Heir to Warrick
Lazuli: Chose armour
Lazuli: A competent archer
Malcolm - 12
Malcolm: Not an optimist when it comes to the weather
Malcolm: A Knight Captain
Malcolm: Not an ostentatious chap
Malcolm: Not overly wordy
Malcolm: Bit of a traditionalist
Malcolm: Leaving for Ne'haer
Malcolm: Doesn't like horses
Malcolm: Warden of the North
Malcolm: Thinks you’re a good man
Malcolm: Also wants to respect the dead
Malcolm: Eventual Mentor (BK)
Malcolm: A better swordsman than you
Nabarra - 1
Nabarra: A follower of Labrae
Niv - 1
Niv: Is an Enthusiastic Squirrel Flyer.
NPC - 5
NPC: Ned Warrick: A stern man
NPC: Ned Warrick: Loves you
NPC: Ned Warrick: Feels like he's failed you
NPC: Ned Warrick: Sent you where he thought you wanted to be
NPC: Kaleni Venora: Your mother
Olyfer - 5
Olyfer: A Retired King's Guard
Olyfer: A hermit from Raven's Holt (BK)
Olyfer: Not impressed with your dealings with Alistair
Olyfer: Believes Alistair will betray you
Olyfer: Assures you your father loves you.
Qe’dreki - 3
Qe'dreki: Allied with Vivian
Qe'dreki: In Search of a Leader
Qe'dreki: Want to Kill Cassander
Ronald - 1
Ronald: Vivian’s uncle’s squire
Symbri - 3
Symbri: Gone Off The Deep End
Symbri: The Value of a Name
Symbri: Considers you a Princeling!
Veljorn - 1
Veljorn: A warrior
Vera - 1
Vera: A follower of Labrae
Vivian - 4
Vivian: A dangerous challenge
Vivian: Sargeant of Skyriders
Vivian: Formidable Ally of Lazuli
Vivian Warrick: Arrest warrant
Xander Krome - 1
Xander: Very Angry With You
Zvezdana Venora - 2
Zvezdana: A striking beauty
Zvezdana Venora: Arrest warrant
Emea: Dream Realm
Rynmere: No longer safe for you
Andaris: City Layout
Ne'haer - 5
Ne'haer: A safe place
Ne'haer: City of Religious Tolerance
Ne'haer: In Ruins Due To Mist Men Attack
Ne'haer: Council of Minäih Judgement Hall
Ne'haer: Destruction of The Judgement Hall
Location: Malcolm & Elyna’s House
Location: Fort Warrick
Location: Malcolm's House
Location: Ne'haer
Location: Rynmere: Warrick
Location: Burning Mountains
Location: Venora
Location: Sabaissant
Location: Sarraski [NH]
Location: Augiery [NH]
Location: Beldistorio [NH]
Sabaissant: Very rich and elegant
Battles are won or lost in your head and heart.
Defeat: Embarrassment
Nobles: Jerks
Portal: To Oscillus
Portal: Lights above it like stars
Qe’dreki: Fled to the Vanwilds and Welles
Ranger: Your horse
Warrick: Only in Name
Webspinners: Service to Immortal Sintra
The sight of two Immortals locked in battle is one not many mortals see
Keeping Secrets From Family (BK)
Nobility: Living Without Servants
NPCs: Balian & Finton (twins) Aria, Quinten, and Helga
The hosts: were the ducal council and the king
Echo Scroll: Rules
The Txerriak: Slave Population of Augiery [NH]
The Txerriak: Black Collars [NH]
Ne'haer: Route to the docks
Mistmen: Appear to be made of fog
Avari: Malcolm's Friend
Godric: Malcolm's Friend[/columns]