• Mature • [Solo] The Swordswoman and the Thief, Part 2

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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[Solo] The Swordswoman and the Thief, Part 2

Part 1

Ashan 28, Arc 720

“Nice“, Adeline remarked as she stepped across the threshold and entered Devin’s house. Her gaze went to the pictures on the walls and his various treasures that he had prominently displayed on a shelf before it finally settled on his roommate and friend with occasional benefits, Aidan that was sitting on a sofa in the living room and reading a book.

Very nice”, the mage and swordswoman who had switched back to her usual form – a blonde, brown-eyed human - decided, and Aidan who was a nice and normal university student who didn’t have any magic or blessings looked up and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“She’s a … friend”, Devin explained. “And he’s … well, he’s mine”, he informed Adeline in no uncertain terms. He wasn’t sure what exactly Aidan was to him, but that should get the point across, shouldn’t it?

“I see”, Adeline remarked and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Aidan blushed.

Devin glowered at Adeline.

“Adeline and I have … business to do”, he told Aidan. “We’ll be upstairs, in in my room.”

Aidan said. “I’ll have to be at university in a bit. There’s a lecture on Rakahi”, he told Devin, sounding absolutely excited.

Devin rolled his eyes.

Aidan could be such a nerd!

For a change, he was glad that he was a nerd though. Things would be easier if his roommates (Talieson, a fellow bard, also lived in the house) weren’t at home – and less embarrassing on top of it.

Adeline had said that the initiation would be unpleasant, and Devin didn’t want anybody to see (or hear!) him when he was in pain because he was a very vain and proud individual.

Besides, he wanted to keep his becoming a Becomer (which sounded kind of weird when you said it that way) from Aidan and Talieson for a while, not because he was worried about their reaction (his roommates were pretty open-minded), but because he wanted to surprise them.

Maybe he’d shapeshift and try to prank them!

That would be fun!
Last edited by Devin on Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:25 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 355


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Solo] The Swordswoman and the Thief, Part 2

“You have …”, Adeline began as she took a look around Devin’s room that was of course the biggest room in the house. It contained a large four-poster bed with an exceedingly gaudy, golden blanket and golden pillows, among other things – and more random stuff.

“… great taste?” Devin finished the sentence for her and grinned at her because he was in such a good mood. He would finally become a mage! He had been waiting for so long!

“Great taste”, Adeline agreed, wrinkling her pretty nose a little, before she plopped down on the bed.

“So, before I’ll initiate you, we’ll create a self-totem together”, she informed Devin in no uncertain terms. “You need that to return to your normal form, as you know, besides, it will give you something to focus on during the initiation. I won’t lose my first initiate”, she informed him in no uncertain terms.

Earlier that trial, she had told Devin that her mentor had had another initiate before her, but the man hadn’t made it.

“So, what would you prefer?” she asked abruptly, grinning most deviously. “A finger or a toe?”

Devin just stared at her in confusion and mild panic for a moment.

He had attended Professor Might Gir’s class on Becoming at the university earlier that cycle, so he was quite familiar with the theory behind that particular magic (which was one of the reasons why Adeline had somewhat reluctantly agreed to give him magic), but unfortunately, he’d been rather distracted when the professor had talked about that.

“For the self-totem”, Adeline clarified rather impatiently. “What shall we cut off? A finger or a toe?”
word count: 282


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Solo] The Swordswoman and the Thief, Part 2

Devin’s heart began to beat incredibly quickly.

For a moment, he felt as if he were going to be sick.

She wanted to cut something off?

What kind of shit was that?!

For a moment, he was tempted to tell her to go fek herself or something equally rude.

But if he told her to leave, he wouldn’t get magic, and if he didn’t get magic, he wouldn’t get wings, like that stupid Avriel Kalortah.

He wanted wings, just like him!

He looked at his fingers that ended in fancy black nails. Rakvald had grafted them from the spines that grew on the dubaebo’s back just the cycle before, when he had visited Desnind.

He liked his new fingers!

He didn’t want to lose a single one of them!

Besides, missing fingers were ugly!

He looked at Adeline again, frowning, and then he abruptly took his shoes off, took his socks off and sat down on a chair, a very luxurious chair made of dark wood with lots of carvings that had belonged to a noble lord before it had ended up in his house somehow.

“A toe, please”, he said and gulped.

Adeline nodded and grinned.

“A good choice”, the Becomer said and came closer.

Devin abruptly raised a hand.

“Wait!” he said and grabbed his black doctor’s case that stood on the table next to the chair.

He produced a bottle of disinfectant, gloves and all kinds of other stuff that one might need for a surgery such as this one, and then he popped a painkiller into his mouth because he doubted that he’d manage without one!

“I’m not going to get an infection!” he informed her in no uncertain terms and told her, “Clean and disinfect your hands, put the gloves on, and then disinfect my foot!”

Once she had done that, he pointed at his pinky toe, feeling mildly weird and nauseous. “Cut right here”, he told her.

A moment later, he started to scream on top of his lungs, in spite of the painkiller he had ingested!
Last edited by Devin on Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:59 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 352


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Solo] The Swordswoman and the Thief, Part 2

Sometime later, Devin sat on his bed. His foot had been bandaged and treated with all kinds of stuff to prevent an infection at his insistence (Adeline had found that weird; her mentor, she had said, hadn’t done any of that when he had cut her toe off), but it was still throbbing.

Adeline put the finishing touches on the totem that looked like a simple pendant and that had been made from his bone, blood and hair and handed it to him.

Devin eyed it warily and with no small amount of disgust before he abruptly closed his fist around it. Once they were done, he would put it somewhere where he wouldn’t have to see it all the time, he decided.

He didn't want to be reminded of his poor toe all the time!

With that thought in mind, he looked at Adeline expectantly and asked, “What now? Can we finally start?”

“As soon as you take your clothes off and lie down on the bed”,
the mage replied before she quickly added, “Keep your underwear on!” Having said that, she approached him and placed her hands on his chest. Her hands were warm, he noticed before his gaze was inadvertently drawn to his skin. As soon as she touched it, it began to move and twist and melt.

He furrowed his brow as he watched the process with a mixture of disgust, fascination and incredible curiosity. It was strangely painless - at least in the beginning. The Mortalborn raised a hand and looked at it for a while – the skin almost seemed to drip from his bones - before he abruptly lowered it again and clutched his totem more tightly.

His heart started to beat faster again.

He’d barely wanted to touch the totem before because it had disgusted him (who in their right mind wanted to wear a necklace with a pendant that had been made out of one of their toes?!), but now it seemed like the only thing that would be able to keep him safe, the only constant in a changing world that was filled with pain.

“Focus on yourself”, he could hear Adeline’s voice, firm and gentle at the same time, guiding him. The blonde mage was greedy and arrogant and spiteful, but she did care about him, and she wanted his initiation to be successful. She could only share her spark with a limited number of people, after all.

“Focus on the totem. You must not lose yourself!” she warned him, and he nodded, or at least tried to nod. He had never felt so strange before, not even when he had had that accident that mutated his eyes or when Rakvald had used his magic on him.

He tried to ignore the unpleasant feeling in the pit of his stomach and conjure an image of himself in front of his inner eye.

He tried to not think about his body twisting and melting and losing shape.

He tried to hold into his sense of self, a self he had barely wanted at times because he wanted to be more.

He was Devin, the thief, the bard, the priest of Delroth who had abilities that no ordinary human was supposed to have.

He was a doctor, a councilor, an adventurer.

He thought of all the things that had made him into the man he was now, from his childhood in the slums of Andaris that he was so ashamed of over Viden to Scalvoris, his new home, clenching his fists as he did so.

Sweat started to bead on his forehead as he fought to remain himself.

He gritted his teeth.

His heart began to beat even faster, as if it wanted to jump out of his chest.

He wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to stand it …

And then it was suddenly, over, without a warning, as quickly as it had begun. For a moment, the Mortalborn only lay there, and then he abruptly sat up in order to check if his body was still whole or if he had turned into some of horrific, half-molten monstrosity.

He felt different, but to his relief he still looked the same – apart from what seemed like tattoos on both sides of his torso.

They looked rather nice though!

Adeline stood next to him. The smile on the blonde woman’s face was more genuine now.

She looked at him, and then she remarked, “Congratulations! You are a mage now, Devin!”

Devin looked at her, momentarily a little unsure, before he began to smile all over his face.

He had made it!
word count: 777


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Soren Kvistson
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Re: [Solo] The Swordswoman and the Thief, Part 2


Word Count: 1798
Total Post Count: 4
Word and Post Count for Player 1: 4 / 1798
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=20657&start=320#p143689

Just to alleviate the concern you had in your review request, you did, in fact, do the initiation correctly. Well done! I do quite enjoy the back and forth with Adeline. I'm super curious about her spark sibling whose initiation failed. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

If you haven't done so already, be sure to apply for your Witchmark in the PSF.

Skill Points - 10 (Can be used for Becoming)

Renown 0

Skill Knowledges:
Becoming: Initiation
Becoming: Creating a self-totem
Becoming x3
Endurance x1

Non-Skill Knowledges:

Items and Other Rewards:
+1 self-totem
-1 left pinky toe

Code: Select all

word count: 150
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