Just before it was time for the service to begin, Labrae entered. It was not some grand entrance, nor an attempt to sneak in unnoticed, she simply entered quietly. She wasn't dressed as she usually was, but in a simple black mourning dress. It did, however, highlight why the baggy overcoat she normally wore looked so oversized on her, as Labrae was, while not dangerously so, remarkably thin and lacked any form of visible muscle mass or body fat. She approached the stage, and set down a keepsake, a small toy that Vri would recognize as having been Kielik's when the Prince of Nightmares was just a boy. "I apologize for my lateness. It took time to find Kielik's things." she said, stepping back from the stage and going towards Kielik's part of the seating.
However, before she got more than a step, Labrae turned back to Vri. "Thank you, for letting me come. He was my friend, though I know you don't like me or my mother. Kielik..." she paused a moment, and looked down, then looked back up at Vri. "I didn't fully understand him, I don't think anyone could. But he loved you and Jesnine both, and his mother as well, though he could not express it in any form or fashion that didn't frighten people." she said, before she turned and went to the seating. There, Labrae sat among a group for Kielik's Nitahi, not in a position of importance or power, but as a friend, helping them to grieve for Kielik. There were less of the Nitahi than there were of the Nyvora, and Labrae was the only Mortalborn or Immortal there, but it was clear, from the way they behaved and their expressions that Kielik had not been unloved, even outside of his family.
However, before she got more than a step, Labrae turned back to Vri. "Thank you, for letting me come. He was my friend, though I know you don't like me or my mother. Kielik..." she paused a moment, and looked down, then looked back up at Vri. "I didn't fully understand him, I don't think anyone could. But he loved you and Jesnine both, and his mother as well, though he could not express it in any form or fashion that didn't frighten people." she said, before she turned and went to the seating. There, Labrae sat among a group for Kielik's Nitahi, not in a position of importance or power, but as a friend, helping them to grieve for Kielik. There were less of the Nitahi than there were of the Nyvora, and Labrae was the only Mortalborn or Immortal there, but it was clear, from the way they behaved and their expressions that Kielik had not been unloved, even outside of his family.