Preparing For War: Saving the Toys

Mathias and Gennadiya work to repair the armory

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Mathias Blackwood
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Re: Preparing For War: Saving the Toys

6 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Storm's Edge
Mathias didn't look disappointed when Gennadiya told him the Immortals looked like normal people. He seemed almost smug about it for the few trills before Gennadiya mentioned that her sister had been killed in a robbery. Something sank in Mathias but he didn't know what. He just felt... sad. It wasn't his own loss but he felt sad for her... for Gennadiya. He didn't often feel this feeling and so when it struck him it struck him with decent surprise. But then Gennadiya spoke of how she'd almost killed the boy who did it. Mathias understood that, he felt that same passion for revenge, but he didn't understand why she'd shown him mercy even after she explained. A hungry and scared boy could kill a dozen more sisters because he was hungry and scared. It didn't change that he'd chosen murder to get what he wanted... just like Mathias. Yet Mathias did not say these things. He did not reprimand Gennadiya for showing mercy. He did not think she lacked the stomach to kill and he did not think her weak for it... but he didn't understand the mercy all the same.

Yet the gloom that had settled into the conversation seemed to lift suddenly as Gennadiya turned back to Mathias and said she'd be glad to hear any stories about his future encounters with them. He wasn't sure he ever wanted to meet an Immortal. He didn't want them to look into him and see something worth destroying... but he also didn't want them to see nothing worth talking about. There was a perilous line between pride and shame that Mathias didn't want to walk in the presence of an Immortal. Things progressed when Gennadiya clarified her knowledge of Necromancy. Mathias nodded along, relieved she wasn't an expert in one of the magics he found more sinister... and wicked... wicked cool. His eyes widened slightly when she mentioned she had helped battle the Lich Ellasin. Well Gennadiya hadn't exactly said that, she said she helped Faith while Faith and the knights battled, but Mathias was going to believe that Gennadiya had been there swinging a sword against the undead because it was a funny image to juxtapose in his mind with the woman before him now.

"You battled a Lich? And here I was beginning to think you were just a healer." Mathias seemed to catch himself "Not that there is anything wrong with that." He quickly moved on to try and move passed the part where he may have insulted her profession. He went back to what he knew well, his magics. "I'd be glad to show you, whenever we get the time." Mathias said before jumping back to Hone to try and help clarify it. "I'll admit Hone is harder for me to explain because I don't practice it much. I can draw two runes, one which makes things stronger and one which greatly increases your sense of touch. There's more too it but yeah... I'd need more time to show you."

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Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor
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Re: Preparing For War: Saving the Toys

Gennadiya gave him a funny look when he made a comment about her battling a Lich and she briefly reviewed what she had said, as that was certainly not what she had done. Genna found that thought amusing at how impossible that would have been. She had skills and could defend herself against the average street thug but she wasn’t a warrioress and wasn’t equipped to survive that kind of battle. With carefull review she was sure that she hadn’t mentioned actually fighting the necromancer. Genna shook her head in response and spoke. “No I didn’t actually take part in the fighting, not my strength, but I did help where I could for the final confrontation.” Genna looked at him her eyebrow raised. “Faith’s battle with the Lich was only the tip of what happened thought the most obvious.” Genna shrugged at that point figuring he could believe what he liked at this point.

“If it isn’t to much trouble I would like to learn more about them both of them.” It was then that she noticed a green cloak poke her head as if looking for someone, and apparently Genna was that someone. Genna turned back to Matthias. “I see one of my colleges and suspected I am need in the hospital. It has been nice talking with you.” She smiled at him and said. “I do want to learn more about magic later when we have some more time.” Carefully putting away the broom she waved good bye and followed the Green cloak out of the room.
word count: 265
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Points awarded: 15


Transmutation (Bolstering) x 2
Smithing x 2
Engineering x 2
Woodworking x 2
Discipline x 3


Other: +5 renown for doing a good deed; helping out

Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons

Points awarded: 15


Seduction x 2
Hone x 1
Transmutation x 1
Strength x 2
Socialization x 3
Engineering x 2

Magic: No magic exp

Other: +5 renown for doing a good deed; helping out

This was pretty nice really. Far more conversational than I'd expected going in, but nice all the same. While Genna is a bit more open than Mat, both do keep some things to themselves rather than revealing their full life story, which is fun. I wonder how their relationship will develop in the future. They seem to be getting along rather well on a surface level, but what if they get to know one another better? Will some of those unsaid thoughts change their dynamic when the other finds out?

I do like that you opted for shorter posts. Usually, I'm not a fan of those, but for conversation-heavy threads I gladly make exceptions. Dialogue flows so much better, and isn't all over the place with the PCs having multiple conversations at once. It felt coherent and natural, which is something I find very important in these kinds of threads. Good job!

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word count: 320
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