[Approved] Arphene

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Name: Arphene Quick Facts: The Arphene has the typical colouring of a wasp, to ward predators away. It also has a poison bite that can cause severe irritation over time if left untreated.
Height: The Arphene is 2-5 inches in height.
Width: The Arphene is 4-6 inches in width.
Length: The Arphene, from wing to wing, is typically 8-12 inches in length.
Weight: The Arphene weighs very little, about 0.1 of an ounce. This gives them additional aerodynamic control when avoiding predators.
Native to: Rhakros
Locations: The Arphene can be seen in Central Idalos, but have been known to have been introduced to Northern Idalos by alchemists who wish to use their wings and poison for medicinal purposes.

Appearance: The Arphene have the typical warning colours of a wasp, being that of yellow and black to ward potential predators away from them. The unique appearance of the Arphene comes together through it's somewhat draconic head, and it's draconic incisors; which are capable of leaving a powerful irritant on it's prey's skin on contact. Their wings feel soft to the touch, almost like feathers, whilst their head and spine feel scaly, much like a reptile.

Habitat: The Arphene have an irritating corrosive in their fangs, a poison which they use to hollow out holes in many of Rhakros' trees to live in, as well as lay their eggs in. This corrosive substance allows the Arphene to create an all-season habitat that keeps them safe against predators and the cold.

Lifespan and Development: Many Arphene larva are birthed during the Cold Cycle of the year, around the weekly period of the 89-93 of Zi'da, their mothers hiding them within the soil as they grow and feed on the worms and nutrients hidden in the soil during the cycle. The larvae themselves becomes chrysalises around the time of the Rebirth cycle, many chrysalises being formed by Arphene larvae around the time of the 79-83rd of Ymiden in the Rebirth Cycle, the larvae themselves hatching into adults during Saun. When mating, the Arphene have an odd courtship ritual. The males will often bring back dead birds and other Arphene they have killed as tributes to their potential mate, and usually, the male with the largest kill pile attracts the most mates, the tribute themselves often the Arphene male's other competitors.

It is theorized that the Arphene were an experimental creation by Lisirra. Deciding later that they were not potent enough, the Immortal went to their nesting trees and eradicated them. But one strain had found it preferable to burrow into the ground to nest. Lisirra failed to notice this development and this one strain survived her malice, and this resulted in the creatures' instinctive compulsion to avoid the presence of their creator from then on.

Diet: The Arphene are omnivorous; they eat many of Rhakros' leaves, berries and pieces of bark, however they have been known to sample that of the flesh of small animals when in swarms such as field mice, or that of other insects when they are on their own.

Temperament: The Arphene are extremely territorial and will swarm on predators who are too close to their habitat, however if you remain a safe distance away, the Arphene are graceful and beautiful creatures, unlikely to harm you.

Abilities: The Arphene have an irritant in their bite that can deter predators, as well as a keen sense of sight or smell. The Arphene are dangerous in swarms for this very reason as the irritant can become necrotic and corrosive if too much of it is applied to the skin of prey. But in controlled doses, it is very effective in decontaminating and sterilizing germs and neutralizing other, more powerful, toxins. The arphene can reach speeds of up to five miles per break, making them especially dangerous when angered or swarming,

Credit: Fethryn
word count: 661
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How Sweet!
Since this was previously approved twice, I've decided to go ahead and add this to the wiki. You can find it under the Central Fauna in Worldly Resources. Thank you for your submission.
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