Things to do today
Write skirmish up as Shesha for Hud
Reply to Vlu as Nimrah
Grade thread I've tagged
Reply to Fethryn
Tag a new thread to Grade
Grade It
Start another Nivasi plot arc thread
Nivasi Ymiden Timeline stuff
Ymiden 2 - Rumor - Blacksmith Arms - King Cassander looking for a new bride
Ymiden 11 - Fethryn
Ye Olde Inn rumor - Brice lost over three hundred slaves last season due to his ships being intercepted and attacked. Some say they have joined the rebel army under Veljorn's banner.
Ymiden 13 - Fighting Arena
4ish days boat Andaris to Warrick, Kyo river, salmon
Ymiden 19 - Tristan
Bribed Rumor - House Krome is allied with House Burhan over this rebellion going on in the west. Never a good sign when the richest house in the kingdom gets into bed with the most fortified region in Rynmere.
Ymiden 20 - Hunters Grove
Ymiden 21 - Warrick Event
Bribed Rumor - I found this old riddle. Can’t make any sense of it. You take it.
My first's in adventure but isn't in trip,
My second's in river but isn't in ship,
My third is in chalice but isn't in cup,
My fourth's in ascending but isn't in up
My fifth is in error but isn't in flaw,
My last is in talon but isn't in claw,
My whole is a beast who will eat you for dinner,
Unless in this riddle game you are the winner.
4ish days Warrick to Andaris
Ymiden 27 - Rumors of Uprising
Bribed Rumor - I overheard Judge Pavoo Burhan talking about a secret meeting on the evening of Ymiden 40th at The Blacksmith Arms. Why would a bunch of nobles want to meet in a place like that?
39 Ymiden:
The people take a vote for the King to act against or stay his hand regarding the uprising in the west. Some of the nobles are interviewed by the local paper to hear what they have to say.
44 Ymiden:
The body of a woman is found outside the city Library with both of her eyes missing, and hands clutching the book of a children’s story about the tale of the lost Labyrinth of Rynmere.
51 Ymiden:
A water restriction is enforced in all regions outside of Burhan. Farmers are worried about water reserves used to keep their crops alive and believe that if things continue down this path they may have to sacrifice part of their crops to keep livestock fed.
63 Ymiden:
A number of Jacadon young have been going missing and their numbers are noticeably on the decline. The sole survivor of an attack on a caravan that was taking Hunter’s Pass from Warrick to Endor reports the seeing Scorn flying outside of Hunter’s Grove.
76 Ymiden:
A young woman working as an extra is killed during a play at the Theatre in Andaris City. People seated in the front row saw a strange young man, tall, thin, and dark of skin, fleeing the scene with the murder weapon, a dagger, in hand.
81 Ymiden:
A strange sickness has broken out in Lowtown. Children can’t stop coughing and aren’t sleeping well. With three elderly already reported dead, doctors are being told to take extra care and wash their hands between patients.
Rends Lists.
The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.
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- Rend
- Approved Character
- Posts: 77
- Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:58 am
- Race: Tunawa
- Profession: Raider
- Renown: -30
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
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