Tor'ree has been with her family in the city for most of her life. At a young age she yearned and fought for her father and mother's approval. Father's approval was not hard to get as she was his only girl. Mother however had always been much harder to please. Tor'ree never cleaned or cooked right to get her mother's approval. When the woman hit her teenage years she pulled away from everyone even her father. She decided that she was done looking for everyone else to approve of her. When her family was together she was gone into the woods running around getting into all kinds of mischief with several other kids. As she aged Tor'ree pulled away from even them not caring for their actions as they aged. Many elders look and see the woman walking around and find themselves gossiping about her trying to decide what was wrong with the girl.
When Tor'ree hit about seventeen years of age the woman began to have day dreams and dreams at night about a beautiful wolf with sleek black fur and piercing blue eyes. The young woman laid in bed almost every night and dreamed of a lonely black wolf scavenging for food in the forest outside of her home. Walking around within the forest Tor'ree found herself seeing the wolf walking before her still searching. Gasping and blinking rapidly the woman's vision cleared showing that it had only been a hallucination. Panting the short brown haired girl continued her work. Sitting beside the river Tor'ree leaned back and closed her eyes to relax in the sun. More visions appeared behind the young woman's closed eye lids. Looking around she spotted the wolf being run away from the edge of town. The creature appeared to be growing thinner and more desperate each weak. One day she could no longer take it and went to the elders. They listened to the visions that the young woman had seen and spoke of it being her familiar.
Several days later Tor'ree was packed and left out heading to find her familiar. Going out into the world made the young girl nervous on levels she had never experienced before. When in other cities she kept to herself not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to herself. While in between towns the woman would hunt and take the kills into town to sell and trade for money and needed goods. When bad weather was approaching against her better judgment Tor'ree stayed in towns either at an inn or paying a kind family for an open area of their floor. The only time that the woman could find herself at peace was when she slept out in the woods. Finally she found her familiar while hunting. Tor'ree took down a deer and was cooking it when a black wolf walked out and slowly circled her. Looking over at the wolf the brown haired woman smiled and tossed it some meat. It slowly walked forward and sniffed the piece of meat on the ground before quickly retreating. Smiling gently at the wolf Tor'ree cut off yet another piece of food and tossed it to the creature, but made sure that it landed a little closer to her. With each piece she tossed the distance between them closed; before it smelled the meat from her hand gently. Tor'ree noticed that with each step closer the wolf seemed to grow plumper the closer she got. Smiling the woman leaned back against a tree trunk and allowed the wolf to curl up to her. Once it laid with her the girl felt whole as if everything made sense. Happy to have found her familiar Tor'ree returned home with Kae'laen her familiar. Once she awoke the pair began their return home. Tor'ree was happy to see the familiar forest that surrounded the city. Picking up her speed some the woman found herself slowing down before actually entering the town. A certain uneasiness crept up her spine. Kae'laen was nervous about living in town all the time. Tor'ree reassured the wolf and went inside with her.
Tor'ree lives in a 400 sq foot tree house which includes one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a set of six plates (assorted), one lamp with two small Iyo(blue), two fur blankets, and one chest.