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Two drinks, a Biqaj and a noble!

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Tristan Venora
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What's better than a drink?

52 Ymiden, Arc 716

The government had enforced a water restriction in all regions outside of Burhan, but fortunately they had not enforced a wine or beer restriction which meant that Tristan could still pursue his favorite activities. It was hot, hot, hot, the sun was burning down on Andaris like crazy, there were no clouds in the sky and no relief, and thus the young noble avoided spending longer amounts of time outside at all costs. These trials he could usually be found in the Blacksmith Arms, a mug of cool beer in his hand and his work in front of him.

His apartment in the city center had very large windows that seemed to attract the heat like a magnet, the tavern on the other hand was located underground which was why the temperature was still comparatively pleasant there. If the old Biqaj that owned the Blacksmith Arms would have allowed him to sleep there as well, he would happily have done so, but unfortunately the man insisted that all patrons had to leave after a certain break. He’d tried to bribe the man with a drawing and a few nels, but to no avail.

Since his backpack that contained all the things he needed for his job as a sculptor and an artist was too heavy and too bulky to put it onto the chair that was next to him, he had placed it on the floor in front of his table. That was not the most ideal place as people could stumble over it, but he didn’t care. All that mattered to him at the moment was that he needed to finish his play, but unfortunately things were not going well. The main character’s love interest was still entirely too cliché and he was still lacking half the necessary actors.

Which was why he ordered another drink. He hoped that it would help his creativity and cool his brain down to a temperature that would allow it to function normally and produce something halfway tolerable once more. He took a large gulp, rolled the sleeves of his shirt (yellow, because that color was currently in fashion) up and started writing again.

Maybe, he thought, he would have the imaginary kingdom his play took place in suffer from a terrible heatwave and a draught that would destroy most of the harvest. His characters would take refuge in an underground cave where they would do whatever it was that young lovers whose love was forbidden usually did while the rest of the population continued to sweat.

OOC: 2 mugs of beer – 6 sn.
word count: 438
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What's better than a drink?


The evening heat radiated in the closed-door tavern that was the Blacksmith's Arms. It was a busy night, and the bar was almost heaving with patronage. The reedy, whistling sonata that echoed throughout the bar, permeating it's every invisible pore, was played by a bard of human descent.

The Biqaj had an ale in his hand, standing alone in the corner of the tavern by himself. Not by choice, there were merely no barstools left to take refuge on, and the other patrons had covered every other available space. How many trials had it been since he'd had a good mug of ale in his hand and a hearty smile upon his face that was induced by his poison of choice? Too many. But, Fethryn needed to circulate, both physically and socially, so ceased his slight recline on the wall of the tavern and made a move towards the other end of the tavern to hear the sound of the bard's songs with more interest.

But the Biqaj had not accounted for one thing as he strolled leisurely to that of the bard's location; that of the placement of one bag belonging to a man sitting in one of the seated alcoves of the bar. As his foot connected with the material of the bag, he tripped, his ale being stripped from his hands and flung onto the floor with a resounding smash, his arms being used by him to absorb the shock of the fall.

The Biqaj winced in pain, looking for the owner of the bag. "Apologies for that." He exclaimed through gritted teeth, the pain throbbing, but slowly receding.
word count: 278
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What's better than a drink?

As the bard began to play his melody, Tristan put his pen down for a moment and raised his head in order to look in his direction. It wasn’t the kind of music he usually listened to – he liked his music loud and accompanied by drums – but there was something about it that he couldn’t ignore, something that touched him deep inside. He started singing softly to the melody, a song that made no sense and was rather off-key and comprised of words that he had just invented and started writing again. The bard had given him an inspiration.

He was so absorbed in his work that he didn’t notice Fethryn’s approach. As the Biqaj’s glass shattered on the floor though, Tristan startled and looked up, nearly dropping his pen as he did so, and his eyes widened. “Did you hurt yourself?” he wanted to know. He was about to apologize – even in his not quite sober state he realized that the man had stumbled and dropped his drink because his backpack had been in the way – when Fethryn did just that.

He stared at him for a moment because his statement had been totally unexpected, and he didn’t quite know how to react. A trill later his face split into a wide smile though. “It’s okay”, he said generously. “None of my things are particularly fragile, unlike your glass, it seems. There are just papers and paints and a head – don’t ask! – in there. What was in it by the way? Your glass, I mean. If you tell me, I’ll ask a waitress to replace it because I have too much money and not enough company this evening.”

He spoke very quickly and barely stopped to take a breath between his sentences, and at the end of his little speech he gestured towards the empty chair next to him. He had just run out of inspiration again – if things continued in this fashion, the world would end before he finished his play – and hoped a little socializing and a drink with a stranger, even a stranger that was prone to stumbling and hurting himself – would help.

“What brings you here by the way?”
he wanted to know. “Are you trying to escape the heat as well? Or are you here …” He lowered his voice and looked at Fethryn conspiratorially before he asked him, in a tone that almost sounded serious. “… because you want to do business with Rufus? Rumor has it that he used to be a smuggler in his youth.”
Last edited by Tristan Venora on Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 432
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What's better than a drink?


"Are you here...because you want to do business with Rufus?" The man had said. Fethryn looked anguished at his injury. He looked at Tristan. Then confusion registered upon his face. "I have not a clue who this 'Rufus' is." Fethryn exclaimed, in hushed tones since the name seemed to carry with it some form of unspoken hex.

"Escaping this heat is something I definitely plan to do. It is days like these that would put an Aukari's eruption to shame." Fethryn exclaimed with a chuckle as he sat down next to Tristan. "I am glad the work I most likely destroyed was not of excessive expense to you." He stated, before ruminating on the ale that he had in fact been drinking prior to his stumble. "It had been a flagon of ale, until it was destroyed, and now lays in a pile of glass and liquid smithereens." Fethryn explained as he gazed at Tristan, and remarked upon him. "What may I call the man who so courteously offers to buy a stranger a drink for his trouble? Something noble? Or are you of an infamous cloth?" Fethryn explained to the man, hoping to ascertain a name in greeting from him.

As they talked, the bard left, but the noise of the Blacksmith Arms still continued, a pack of rowdy Biqaj scrapping with one another one what could be determined to be a monetary dispute. Looking over quickly to it, Fethryn rolled his eyes, before giving his full attention to the charitable man in front of him.
word count: 259
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Tristan Venora
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What's better than a drink?

“Oh, Rufus just owns this place“, Tristan replied. His voice was loud enough that the people at the tables next to his could hear him, and the words were accompanied by a grin that suggested that he might possibly be playing some sort of game with Fethryn. “As for the Aukari, I’ve never been near one when they erupted, so I have no idea whether that was a good comparison or not. Have you ever seen one go up in flames? If you did, I’d very much like to hear about it as it sounds quite exciting.”

He paused for a moment to alert a waitress and order a new flagon of ale before he turned back to Fethryn who talked in a most peculiar manner, as if he were not quite used to socializing with common drunkards in a tavern – or any sort of commoners for that matter.

He frowned a little, narrowed his eyes and leaned closer so that he could see him better, and then he abruptly asked, “Which one are you? Andaris? Burhan? Endor? You can’t be a member of House Venora because I know my family unless my uncle fathered a bastard that I don’t know about which is of course always possible. Your manner of speaking betrays you. You should try to sound a little less stilted if you want to remain incognito.”

“As I said”, he continued and took a gulp. “I belong to House Venora. Tristan Venora, artist, playwright and black sheep, at your service. Forgive me that I don’t bow. It’s hot, and I’m lazy and don’t want to put my drink down.” He glanced at the men who were engaged in some sort of dispute as well and smiled because he found the whole scene quite entertaining. “I wonder which one will win”, he murmured and turned his attention back to Fethryn.

OOC: Flagon of Ale – 6 sn.
word count: 326
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What's better than a drink?


Fethryn nodded as Tristan exclaimed who Rufus was, absorbing the information. "All I've heard about the Aukari is hearsay myself. I would like to meet one, one day. I'd like to explore what our world has to offer. I'd love to see it's many treasures, hidden and plain. Do you have a similar ambition, Tristan?" Fethryn inquired with a smile, mulling over his drink. "To see something? To have an impact on the annals of history?" Fethryn asked, curious of the noble.

On the question of being a noble, Fethryn shook his head. "My mother had many books that had been sold to our ship by other roaming Biqaj. It was one of your Ryn pieces of literature, and one my mother used to teach me the common tongue." Fethryn explained with a smile, reminded of the kindness of his mother in comparison to the sternness of his father. Looking bak over to the dying brawl, he smiled. "I'm sure the bigger fighters will topple quickly. They always do." Fethryn exclaimed with a smile as he realized he had only half his ale left. "So Tristan of art, plays and black sheep. What of your noble trade could you teach a biqaj who is open to learning?"
word count: 212
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What's better than a drink?

"The annals of history seem to favor stuck up politicians that don’t know the meaning of the word ‘fun’, and I don’t have any particular interest in becoming like that", Tristan replied and shuddered, recalling how his teacher at school had talked about this boring king and that boring duke. "But I’d very much like to explore the world and see what it has to offer. Always living in the same place is dreadfully boring. I’d like to see Viden for example or Ne’haer or meet an Immortal. I’d definitely like to make the acquaintance of an Immortal one trial. I wonder if they are like us. What do you think? And what’s your name by the way?"

Having said that, he proceeded to listen to Fethryn’s explanation for why he talked the way he talked. "That’s exactly what a noble that wants to remain incognito would claim. But I’ll play along because I’m a nice person and know exactly what it is like", he remarked, implying that maybe he had not been truthful about his identity either, even though he had actually said his real name. He smiled and raised his half empty beer in a toast. Had he been in Fethryn’s situation, he thought, he would have insisted that he was a random Biqaj as well even though he didn’t have the pointed ears of a Biqaj and did generally not look very much like a Biqaj.

As Fethryn wanted to know what he could teach him he rolled his eyes and looked at him incredulously, and then he remarked, "Maybe you said the truth after all. No noble in his right mind would ask a random drunkard in a tavern to be his teacher. Unless you just said that in order to make me believe there is no way in Idalos you could be of noble birth." He looked at the man to find out whether he could possibly be that clever, but unfortunately there was nothing about him that betrayed his intelligence or the lack thereof. He didn’t mind though as he found the whole situation quite entertaining.

"Anyway", he continued as if he were seriously thinking about teaching him. "Assuming that you are really a Biqaj who is in need of a teacher and I’m a noble who has something worthwhile to teach, what do you want to learn? I can teach you how to speak Common properly which is a skill you might need, no offense. I can also teach you all kinds of social skills and how to stab things with a dagger or a chisel – or make sculptures with a chisel, if that’s what you prefer to do with such a tool."

"What shall it be?"
word count: 470
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Caius Gawyne
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What's better than a drink?

Here's your sarding thread review already.
Tristan Venora


15 | These points cannot be used for magic.

+5 A good drink and a good deed






Skill Knowledge:
Endurance: Enduring the Ymiden heat
Etiquette: If somebody has an accident because of you, you should apologize!
Socializing: Small talk
Writing: Drawing inspiration from real events
Writing: Drawing inspiration from music
Writing: Coming up with ideas can be hard sometimes!

Other Knowledge:
None requested.
Tristan, so young but already jaded with his life as a Rynoble. He's not as cheerful in this thread as usual, at least in my opinion. There's an edge to Tristan underneath the carousing and the flirting, it seems, but given the water situation, I suppose he was a little grumpier than usual for a reason. I liked it.

Note to self: When drinking water is restricted, make sure to hit up all the best vintages of alcohol instead.
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don’t forget go back to your review post here and drop this image in!

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Be not afraid of greatness:
Some are born great, some achieve greatness,
And some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

- Malvolio | Shakespeare's Twelf Night (II, v, 156-159)
word count: 228
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