Alexander Devoux

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Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Alexander Devoux

Alexander Devoux
Name: Alexander Devoux

Race: Human

Date of Birth:

Marks: Kasyni

Languages Spoken:
  • Fluent = Common
  • Broken = Athivelienic


Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Wed May 13, 2020 10:14 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 34
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Wed May 13, 2020 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Mark Story

It was the color of a sunset in late Vhalar. The red-tipped petals faded to yellow. His hand gripped the stem as if a throat and yanked it from the ground. Its root flailing in the gentle Vhalar breeze. No other soil would allow this miracle to live. Alexander carefully place it inside the glass container that he brought. He picked it up and looked at the corpse of the giant beast, along with the corpse of fifty of his men.

“All of this for that?”

The subordinate’s question was met with silence.

The servants ushered the arriving carriage. It was on the late Vhalar evening when Alexander arrived.


The little girl’s eyes didn’t open. They hadn’t for a long, long time. But pale lip still creased into a smile.


She was weak. A sheet of paper with inked on features barely visible. A faded trace drawing of his daughter. Katarina had been given only days left, weeks ago. Now she was well into borrowed time. And nothing was going to change that. Not any medicine or treatment or prayers. Not even the gift that Alexander brought.

Her eyebrows furrowed as the scented air drifted. Impossibly perfumed.

“What….What is it?”

“A gift.”

She’d long been fascinated by the plants in the picture books that Alexander borrowed and showed her, back when her eyes were hazelnut and open. The orange rose, she said, were too pretty to exist. Perhaps that’s why they didn’t exist anymore. The Immortals have been jealous of them.

Alexander promised one day to take her to see real flowers. But it was a promise that he’d broken, one that he could never afford to keep. She would never see this flower either.

“Careful” he said, placing the stem between her fingers. “There are thorns.”

Her mouth widened as she traced her way up it, fingertips probing, purposefully exploring every inch. Her other hand tenderly cradled its roots.

“It’s…… real.” She brought the flower close to her face and sniffed.

“It’s orange,” she thrilled. “Isn’t it?”

“Like sunset.” Alexander replied.

She looked at Alexander and said, almost amused, “Sometimes there’s good in death, daddy. But I think it’s not always easy to find,”

Then she was silent, keeping the flowers by her nose, grinning broadly, as if the smell had returned her sight, as if it had taken her to a field and she was surrounded by a hundred flaming flowers. Finally, her fingers crept back down the flower. She pressed her forefinger against a thorn until it drew a single drop of blood. She didn’t flinch, the pain nothing compared to that of her condition.

Then she said, “Replant it.”

“I brought it for you.”

“And it’s the best gift I could have had. Truly. But please replant it now, back where you found it.”

Alexander paused uncertain,

“It deserves to live, daddy.”

So do you, he wanted to say. Instead he took the plant and carefully placed it back in the glass container.

Alexander closed the door to his daughter’s room. He leaned on the wall beside her door. The glass container cradled tenderly in his hands. He reached for the flask in his pocket. Hoping to drown his sorrow, but there’s not even a drop left in the flask.

“You’ve tried your best.” Mastes said, he was guised in the image of a young man.

Alexander was startled. But when he saw that the young man didn’t pose any threat, he let his guard down. “Have I? And yet it’s not enough. There must be something! There has to be something that I missed!” Alexander shouted. The glass container he was holding cracked, blood flowing from his trembling fisted hand, water filled his eyes. He threw the flask at the wall in front of him.

Droplets of rain began to fall down on Idalos, it turned into a downpour.

Alexander leaned his head back against the wall. The sound of the downpour mixed with the occasional thunders echoed throughout the empty hallway.

“Even the heavens feel your pain.” Mastes said, while picking up the flask.

“Feels my pain huh?” Alexander brought the glass container closer to his chest. Tears streaming down his face. “I’d trade anything just to have one more trial with her or at the very least one last dance with her.”

“Even if it cost you your life?”

“Everything I’ve done is all for her. Nothing could fill that void within me.”

“No, everything that you’ve done is for yourself.”

Alexander’s eyes grew wide. The orange rose fell to the ground along with shards of glasses. Grabbing a larger piece of the shard, he lunges at the young man, stopping several inches from his face. Hands trembling, blood dripping down on the floor.

“Go on, do it. You know it’s true. It’s because of your selfishness that you don’t want to lose her. Have you considered her struggle? She has lost one of the person closest to her at a young age. She lost the other one when that person succumbed to his own greed and selfishness and went on a wild goose chase across Idalos. She has been fighting the disease alone for eight arcs. Enduring it all because you don’t want to let her go. Because you don’t want to experience another loss.”

The shard fell to the ground and breaks into hundreds of smaller pieces.

“But what about us? Do you think about us?”

It startled Alexander, “You! You are that old widow in Ryn! How could you be alive?”

In a blink of an eye the image before him has changed again.

“The farmer from Etzos!”

In a short period of moment Alexander has witnessed the person in front of him changed into every person he crosses path with in the last eight arcs. Not just anyone, but specifically everyone that he had cheated, lied to, took advantage of to achieve his goal.

“Kiddo, what you took from me is far more worthy than my life. All for the location of the flower from that ruthless bastard. She was just fourteen arcs old.”

Alexander recognize that voice, “And I’d do it again!” his voice echoing in the empty hallway.

“It’s always about you.”

Alexander fell to the ground in disbelief. “A… Ann… Anna? I.. I did it for you! I did it for our daughter!”


Alexander couldn’t even lift his face. The young man bend down to hand Alexander his flask. It was no longer empty.

“Wh… Who are you? You’re one of them, aren’t you?”

“One of the many” the young man smiled.

“Then could you…….” Before Alexander could finish his sentence, Mastes shook his head in disagreement.

Mastes handed Alexander the large shard of glass. “I could only grant you one last dance with her, but first you must pledge your allegiance to me.”

Alexander took the shard of glass and plunged it into his upper thigh. He yanked out the blood-covered shard from his thigh. The wound immediately healed, living behind a scar.

“Close your eyes.” Mastes instructed Alexander.

He could hear the familiar melody from the piano. Alexander opened his eyes. He was in the ballroom at his house, but it feels different. All the candles are lighted, the decorations are clean and well maintained. He felt a tugged on the back of his shirt.

“What are you thinking about daddy?”

Alexander turned around. He saw Katarina standing there, with her hazelnut eyes staring curiously at him. “The dance is tomorrow, you promised you will rehearsed with me.”

Alexander dropped to his knees. He hugged Katarina. Tears streaming down his eyes. “Why are you crying daddy?”

“I’m sorry for everything.” Alexander replied. Katarina hugged her father.

The piano begins its ballad. “It’s starting daddy.”

Alexander let go of his hug. He stood back up. He offered Katarina his hand. Katarina took her father’s hand. The pair dance to the ballad. It feels as if time has stopped. He could no longer hear the rain, even the melody of the piano faded into the distance. It was only him and Katarina, and that’s all he could ever ask for. He’d trade anything for this moment. He could no longer hear the melody of the piano.

Katarina smiled, “Thank you daddy.” Alexander opened his eyes. He reaches out to hug her one last time but he could not. Her hands let go of her father’s hand.

“NOOOO! Don’t leave!” Alexander cried out, trying to grasp at the fading image of his daughter.

“I’ll always be here daddy.” Katarina pointed at his upper left chest. The smile that could stop time.

Alexander looked at his trembling hands. He could hear the downpour outside. The room was no longer the same. It has reverted to its present state.

Dark and unattended for.

“Here,” Mastes handed Alexander the glass container. It was in perfect condition. He also handed Alexander a music box.

“She’ll always be with you.”

Alexander opened the music box and that familiar melody filled the empty ballroom. “Thank you” he lifted his head but the young man was nowhere to be seen.

It was in the early morning of Vhalar, five trials later. A single orange rose stood between two mounds of earth.


Post-Mark Story

The gentle morning breeze blew at Alexander’s hair. After everything that he did, it’s not enough. He fell to the ground, tears streaming down his eyes. It’s as if he wished that he’d be with them.

“Vincent just arrived.” The young woman said to Alexander

“Thank you Rachelle,” Alexander replied. He stood up and grab the flask from his pocket.

Vincent came running when he saw Alexander and Rachelle stood there looking at the two mounds of earth, he ran and embraced Alexander.

“I’m sorry brother.” Tears streaming down his face. He looked over at the grave of the two people who he considered his sister and niece.

“We have done everything we could,” Alexander said.

“Well……” Vincent stopped abruptly.

Alexander turned to look at Vincent, “Well? She’s gone, and everything is just worthless at this point!”

“By no means to disrespect Katarina and Anna, but there might be something.”

“She’s six feet under! What else there is to do!” Alexander’s voice boomed across the estate’s grounds.

“There might be a way,” Vincent replied while avoiding direct eye contact with Alexander.

“What did we miss?” Alexander said while taking a sip from the flask that he was holding.

“Do you know of the Ocean’s Dream?” Vincent asked with a serious look on his face

Alexander let out a laughed. “Tell me brother, what shit are you on right now?”

Realizing what Alexander meant, Vincent continued “Not the literal ocean, but the ship. The Ocean’s Dream ship.”

“A ship? No haven’t heard of it. How is it connected?” Alexander asked while taking another sip from the flask.

“Well, the news is that the Ocean’s Dream have been purchasing foods, weapons, armors, supplies, and mercenaries in bulk from every port they stopped by. According to the info, Ne’haer is going to be their last port before they head east. Rumors have it is that they are on an expedition to the far-east, something on ancient cities with ancient artifacts they said.” Vincent paused to catch his breath before continuing. “One of the artifact is said to be able to………..” Recognizing that look in Alexander’s face Vincent decided not to speak any further.


“Bring back the dead?” Alexander said breaking the silence. He took out the music box from his pocket and opened it. That same old familiar melody filled the estate grounds. Before the melody ends, Alexander closed the music box. He kneeled in front of the two mounds of earth.

“Forgive me.”

After a few moments he stood back up, he fished a key out of his pocket and handed it to Rachelle. Then turning to both Rachel and Vincent he continued “On behalf of both Anna and Katarina, thank you for being with us all this time. Though we are not family by blood but we became family. Rachelle and Vincent you are like brother and sister to both me and Anna, also the cool uncle and aunty to Katarina.” The three of them chuckled. Alexander paused for a moment before he continues, “Rachelle, one last thing, get me a seat in the expedition. Do what you have to do. Sell the remaining asset if you have to. But the estate, keep it. You and Vincent, and whatever remaining asset. “

“Make that two seats Rachelle, what kind of brother am I if I let this idiot go on his own?” Vincent said while slightly punching Alexander’s shoulder.

Alexander laughed, “It’s not gonna be easy brother.”

Vincent patted Alexander’s back. “After all that we’ve done? We’re family after all. Even to the depths of the underworld I got your back brother. Rachelle, take care of them yeah?” Vincent said while looking at the two mounds of earth.

Rachelle burst into tears, she hugged both Alexander and Vincent. “Just don’t make me take care of four.”

“Not planning to Rachelle, not planning to,” Alexander replied.

“After all this time and you’re still doubting me? I’ll probably outlive this idiot.” Vincent chimed in.


My name is Alexander Devoux. I was born with a silver spoon, living a carefree childhood. Traveling from one place to another. I guess having wealth has its perks. My parents always told me that the wealth we have is the feedback of the deeds we did. My parents and their friends financed and support various educational factions, scientific and engineering developments, along with various charities for those less fortunate, all for the wellbeing of our fellow Idalosian.

I used to think that having wealth and power is everything. True it could provide the best doctor, the best medicine, you gain access to things not available to the commoner, but what’s the use of all that if they can’t make you better? It was after my wedding day that things took turns for the worse. My parents have been keeping up appearances, trying to stay strong. But deep down I knew on that day that they are at their limit. It’s just a feeling that you couldn’t shrug off. It’s always been there as the small voice in the back of your head. My father used to say that “You are the author of your fate”. “Then why should we help other people? Aren’t they the author of their fate?” A question left unanswered.

Someone told me that it was always the darkest before dawn. Well, it’s darkest after you get punched in the eye. But bless that poor soul, for there’s truth in his word. Katarina, she was like a ray of sunshine piercing through the dark clouds. But alas, the clouds are too thick. Her mother left her when she was just three arcs old. “She went to visit your grandparents,” I said. It is always followed up with the question “When will she be back?”

A simple question isn’t it? But how could you tell that hopeful five-arc-old that mommy will never be coming home? I guess she picked up on it but was too polite or too scared to say anything less her daddy would also go and visit her grandparents.

I had more trust in science then I had on religions and the Immortals. I heard stories of the Immortals and their powers, but I guess what my father told me stuck with me. “Why depend on something you can’t see?” It’s always in the back of my mind. I guess they heard my proclamation and arrogance. Five arcs old is too fast, she still got the whole world to explore, many more foods to taste and beautiful flowers to see. For eight arcs long she battled. I scoured throughout Idalos for a cure, exhausting the family treasury. Prayed to every single Immortals and any beings that would lend their ear. Guess they are just laughing away in their hidden little corner of the universe watching at my arrogance turned desperation, or so I thought. Until I met one of them.

What is man’s most powerful weapon? It’s hope. Even if it’s just the idea and the concept of it. So, begins my journey, hoping to the best.

Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:58 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 2817
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Skills & Knowledges

Skill Total Points Proficiency
Acrobatics (10/250) Novice



  • Acrobatics: Warm up exercises help increase flexibility (SP)


  • (SP) Immortal: Mastes
  • (SP) Location: Rharne
  • (SP) Location: Ne'haer
  • (SP) Location: Etzos
  • (SP) Location: Viden
  • (SP) Location: Scalvoris
  • (SP) Layout: Etzos
  • (SP) Layout: Rharne
  • (SP) Layout: Ne'haer
  • (SP) Layout: Viden

Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Tue May 12, 2020 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 55
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Starter XP +50 50
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Code: Select all

[td] Link thread or Name of Skill [/td]
   [td]  Point Adjustment[/td]
      [td] New Total[/td]
Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Tue May 12, 2020 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 59
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


The Shadow of Vice

Gained upon receiving the mark, the Spirit of Vice is a literal spirit representing the Favored’s own personal vice. Decided upon gaining the mark, this spirit manifest as the Favored’s shadow, and can move and appear separately than the Favored, though it does not have any physical capabilities. This gives the Kasyni basic control over the purview of the chosen vice. Acting more like a Sev'ryn familiar than an actual spirit, the Shadow draws the Kasyni toward his or her particular vice, and is fed on indulgence in that vice. However, once per day, the Favored can merge with the spirit, allowing him moderate control over his vice. For example, a gambler would become better at gambling, an alcoholic may find his drink never-ending for the night… But at the crash from the merging leaves the Kasyni feeling weak and lethargic for a trial, and the Spirit of Vice no better.


The Favored of Kasyni can, with a touch, instill in a target the desire to engage in a vice that the Kasyni has experienced. Each vice may be different, and the Kasyni can tailor the impulse to fit the vice.

Compelling Skills I

The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Chemistry, Discipline, Psychology, Rhetoric, Tactics, Torture. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Tue May 12, 2020 1:31 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 260
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Starting Package: Seafarer's Pack, option 2 (Crewing on an NPC Ship)
  • A Music Box given by Mastes. The music box will add to his constant temptation to fall into vices. The song it plays will haunt his dreams, so to speak.
  • A poor+ quality sword (SP)
  • A set of basic quality Tier 3 armor (SP)
  • A basic quality Tier 3 shield (SP)
  • A locket with a picture of his daughter and wife (Heirloom Item)
  • A basic quality flask (SP)
  • A poor quality map of Scalvoris (SP)
  • 50 poor+ quality medical skill kits (SP)
  • One average quality clothing (SP)

Alexander lives aboard the "Ocean’s Dream" ship.

Ocean's Dream

The Ocean’s Dream is a massive man-o-war ship of the line class vessel outfitted to be durable, able to transport large amounts of cargo, powerful in a fight but given its size, it’s a bit slower than the other vessel at her class and below. She is armed with around 100 cannons on a three-gun decks each side, discouraging would-be attackers who are after her valuable cargo. Boasting a massive crew of around 800 people. With its firepower and durability to outmatch any ships below her class level even going on par with two ships of her class level, though she is mostly used as an expedition ship. With the figurehead of a lion and a black flag with the Rook insignia on the tallest mast of the ship.
Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Wed May 13, 2020 9:52 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 248
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Wealth Ledger

Current Wealth Tier: Tier 2 Wealth skill + Starting Package Seafarer's Option 2
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 2 (6 WP) 6
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Code: Select all

[td] Link to thread / Item [/td]
     [td] Adjustment [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Tue May 12, 2020 5:31 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 65
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Renown Ledger

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown (determined by approving prophet) ...
When you gain more renown, just add the following to the table above, after the last /tr] and before the /table].

Code: Select all

[td]Link to thread where renown is gained [/td]
    [td] Amount Rec'd [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
Last edited by Alexander Devoux on Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:58 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 55
Alexander Devoux
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Race: Human
Renown: 0
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


word count: 2
Locked Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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