
When two Biqaj meet, interesting results ensue.

11th of Ymiden 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Fethryn's humour was light-hearted, much like himself. Positive, cheery, not dwelling on the darkness of the world. However, his opinion of Nivasi seemed to continue on it's path to seeing her in a positive light as she passed on information about Rynmere to him. "Thank you for reminding me, Nivasi. I must seem like a greenhorn to Andaris, but the days pass so quickly when you live in Andaris, there is always some new development to keep on top of. And my brain isn't at full function after having slept, after all."

As they entered the bar, Fethryn found a table for the two Biqaj to sit down at, and gazed around the tavern as the smell of the kitchens, the smell of freshly cooked food wafted through the odors of the drunk. His eyes gazed at the barmaids making the rounds, and ordered two flagons of ale for Nivasi and himself. Handing the coin to the barmaid as she supplied the frosty beverages, Fethryn took a long sip of his drink, feeling satisfied as Nivasi talked about the options for food.

"Stew sounds nice. Whatever you can afford, Nivasi." Fethryn stated, his smile fading as he took another sip of his ale, a slight hiccup arising from his throat as a result. He enjoyed the company of others, a social creature and not a particularly fickle creature either, making him, at least in his own eyes, a decent companion. "So, Nivasi." He added, inquisitive in his thoughts. "Tell me a little about yourself." Fethryn inquired of the woman. "What interests you?" Fethryn asked, his smile creeping back. "Fishing must be one of your many passions, I assume?"
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Nivasi Zyq'Dariav
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Whatever she could afford paired with the cheapest option prickled Nivasis pride a little bit. Had she not, through the strength of her back, the roughness of her hands and the sweat of her brow, made back the money to pay off her ship loan in a single season? Not that there was any way or reason for him to know that, still. There was a difference between being destitute and being careful with money.

"The roast is nicer. Two please."

She told the server who placed the ale before them, handing over one silver and six copper nels. She blinked when he asked about her. This was fairly basic small talk, and Nivasi was terrible at it. One of the reasons she didn't usually try.

"Ah, yes and no. I enjoy fishing, certainly I am happier making my living that way then I would be on land. It is more about being on the Bravi'os than anything else. I fear your father and I may have that in common."

She offered him a self depreciating smile, and the tiniest hint of the Nivasi that lived below all the distrust and self control peeked through with it.

"Freedom and the sea, those are my passions I suppose. And yourself? The sea is clearly not your biggest passion though you say you will return one day. Curiosity then?"

She did not precisely have hobbies or anything else she did regularly. And she certainly wasn't going to tell him she enjoyed bellowing out sea shanties or telling herself ridiculous, improbable stories. It was undignified. Perhaps she could just get him to talk about himself. Most people quite liked doing that.
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The soft sound of the bard's music echoed through the Inn, as Fethryn engaged in Nivasi's questions. "The sea is still a passion shared by the Biqaj bloodline, so it would be wrong of me to toss it away completely. That is why I make a point to travel to Cyrene regularly. It lets me stay in touch with myself, and let's me ponder on my meaning, and the meanings of my wants and desires in comparison to the endless ocean." Fethryn exclaimed, pondering his father with not his usual look of annoyance, but genuine curiosity. "Freedom is all we should strive for. The freedom to do, to live, and to be. Is that not the Biqaj way?" He asked of her, curious as to her reply.

"What you share with my father does not make you any less of a person to me. He was a man who had his boundaries, and wished to keep his family within them. Only when I left the nest did the crow cry in anguish. I wanted freedom, and encaged in a place of my fathers, with my mother, and his crew, would not be how I see my life being lived. I want to see what this world has to offer with my own eyes. Not the eyes of a passerby whose only choice is to see it by boat." Fethryn exclaimed as the food came, the Biqaj grasped his fork quickly and tucked into the meat of the roast, the food itself paired with freshly grown greens that enhanced the flavour of the meat, giving off hints of pepper and spice that perked up the Biqaj's tastebuds.

"So, Nivasi. I wish to ask you something. Would you be able to teach me the craft of the fisherman? It would let me become closer to the sea than I ever have been, if I have a closer relationship with it's denizens." Fethryn asked, wishing to learn how to fish from Nivasi.
word count: 334
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Nivasi Zyq'Dariav
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"Should be everyone's way, seems we're the only ones who've made it official."

Was her answer with a crooked grin. The willingness of most to simply hand over their personal freedom was astounding. And not even for plenty or safety. For the illusion of safety at best.

Fethryns response to the comment about his father was.. Not unexpected entirely because she did not know him well enough to have expectations yet, but still surprising in some ways. Firstly in how poetic he waxed. The crow cried indeed. This was not bad, but it was different. Nivasi tended to be of few words unless pressed, and unless she was trying to placate someone or get out of something those few tended to be straight to the point. Secondly and more pleasantly, his attitude about his father. She'd originally assumed the two had simply been at odd and there was some terrible feud now going on. Which might still be roughly true, but as much as she would give anything to sail with her parents again, if his father tried too hard to keep him close and safe, not seeing that he was a man grown, she could see why he'd feel the need to leave and experience things on his own terms.

This deeper conversation was thankfully averted by the arrival of the food, which Fethryn tucked into with haste. Nivasi followed suite, though with rather more decorum. The food was good, and though seafood would always be her favorite, a bit of red meat didn't go amiss now and again.

Fethryn continued to be unpredictable with his next question. Teach him to fish? She chewed the food in her mouth slowly as she considered this. She could she supposed. And if he acted up she could always push him off the ship. He was Biqaj, he probably wouldn't drown. It seemed a bit funny to her to ask something like that of someone you'd only just met, but she was willing to allow she was not the most socially forward of people.

"Salmon run is coming up soon. It's river fishing, over near Warrick, but if you'd wanted to come along for that, I'd likely do ocean fishing on the way over. Should be decent pay. There's a tournament coming up in Warrick, so they'll be buying up decent fish at a good price."

She allowed slowly after swallowing.

"Yer a brave one out on t'sea considerin' 'ow rough its gotten!"

A gravely voice piped in from behind her. Muscles tensing and eyes widening slightly at this unexpected intrusion, Nivasi shifted her chair slightly to see who precisely had decided to insert themselves into the conversation.

Middle-aged edging into old, deeply tanned and well muscled. Dock worker likely. They were more often found at the Arms than here, but perhaps he'd wanted a bit of peace, though if that was so it was funny that he intruded on hers.


She queried politely, eyes returning to the cooler shades of blue and purple.

"Yer, jest ask Brice and his lost ships hey? More'n three hundred bodies he lost I heard."

"A tragedy."

That was flat even for Nivasi. Brice dealt in slaves. She could not summon much sympathy for him, even though she knew nautically lost usually meant sunk. Was death much worse than a life of slavery? Besides, as deaths went, drowning was fairly peaceful.
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Fethryn nodded at the mention of salmon, enjoying the idea that he'd be able to catch something and eat it for himself. However, his thoughts were disturbed by the gravelly undertones of an old sailor piping in on Nivasi's plans. ""Yer a brave one out on t'sea considerin' 'ow rough its gotten!" The man stated as Fethryn decided to inquire some information on the event from Nivasi. "What exactly happened, Nivasi?" Fethryn asked, hushed in tone so as not to alert the other patrons of the bar.

His interest was piqued, and he very much wanted to visit the docks on the behest of Nivasi to pursue what the old man had said. "This sounds strange." Fethryn stated to the old man and Nivasi. "I wonder if any guard has investigated the tragedy."He added pointedly, looking at Nivasi as if to say they should investigate.

While he waited for her to answer, he took slow bites out of his food now, after seeing how elegantly Nivasi had conducted herself, drinking slowly from his flagon as he waited on an answer from the Biqaj. "This food is delicious."
word count: 191
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Nivasi Zyq'Dariav
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Nivasi offered Fethryn a one-shouldered shrug.

"Not certain, the weather hasn't been nearly bad enough to sink a ship, not off our coastline anyway, but if they were coming all the way from Athart.."

Which was most likely given the cargo.

"Though.. were they sunk that far from home we'd likely not have sure word of it."

The dock worker drained his drink and rose to leave, adding his final piece.

"Weren't sunk from what I heard. Heard they were took. Brice is steamin' mad from what I heard, worse'n an Aukari in a rain shower. From what I heard he knows who dunnit too, wouldn't want t'be in their shoes! Anyhow, ain't a thing fer two lovebirds t'think about over dinner! 'Ave a good one hey! You give 'er a thrust for me mate!"

With a load guffaw, and a slap to Fethryns back on the way past, the dock worker let himself out.

Nivasi for her part, was sitting about as straight as it was possible to sit without seriously injuring your back, colour in her cheeks visible even through her dark skin, eyes flashing silver. That had not been expected. After a few moments, her mind got itself back on the rails, and addressed Fethryns previous comments.

"Depends which Guard it fell to. If it was Hunter, he'd only look into it if there was profit for him. Tidus would do what he could."

It was fairly clear that Fethryn wanted to run off and look into the matter. The man basically radiated keenness. Nivasi turned the idea over slowly in her head, considering. Brice was a powerful man. And she certainly wanted nothing further to do with Hunter. Plus even if they found out who'd taken the ships and slaves, so what? It was done and dusted and there was nothing to long Biqaj could do about it.

On the other hand, while she was assuming the ships had been targeted either for the slaves or to hurt Brices pockets, as often happened when a person was successful enough, there was a possibility that whoever or whatever it was was in fact a danger to anyone on the sea. She loved the Bravi'os, did she really want to risk losing him because she didn't like talking to people? She turned her options over, working out the risks of all of them. Deciding if she wanted to proceed, how to go about it.

"It is. I do not eat here often, but I have never been disappointed when I do."

She couldn't just go and question Brice. While she'd never heard of him being directly involved in any murders or the like, anyone who dealt in slaves and dominated a place like the Docks could not have done so wholly legally. She would not be in the least surprised to learn that he had some bodies in his employ who were rather lacking in morals and ethics. Besides, he was a big fish and she was small. She had no intention of drawing his attention and being devoured.

"We could look closer I suppose. That.. fellow must have done all his hearing somewhere. If there is a danger to ships I would know of it."
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Fethryn absorbed the information, willing to investigate the culprit of the crime with the help of Nivasi. Listening to the old man speak his mind, Fethryn listened in on the exchange between Nivasi and the man, before the man slapped him with jovial force on the back and left to do elderly shenanigans elsewhere.

"Checking around the docks for information could be a good idea. I'm sure the dock workers will have heard something in regards to rumours and speculation." Fethryn exclaimed, mulling over the information in his head. If they checked with the sailors, they'd at least have some sort of a starting lead as to where the culprits would be, or would have been.

Fethryn had listened to her as she listed off two potential culprits. Listening to their names, Hunter, Tidus, he became intrigued. "What motive would Hunter if it were him sinking those slave ships? Would he be doing it to make himself look like a hero to Cassander and garner himself a promotion?" Fethryn stated, his voice hushed and low. "Who knows, maybe Tidus is the culprit simply because saving lives would make him a samaritan in the lives of the people. Maybe Tidus could have done it to cover up a potential unsavoury act." Fethryn hypothesised to Nivasi, hoping no-one was overhearing his thoughts on the matter.

Cities could often be compared to great beasts, Fethryn thought to himself. With every positive the creature would have, it would have a malignant dark side that brought about a fearsome reputation. As he thought, Fethryn continued to pick at his food, until there were nothing more than scraps left. "That food was delicious. My compliments to the chef." Fethryn exclaimed with a smile, waiting on Nivasi to make the first move out of the tavern and onto a grander adventure.
word count: 307
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Nivasi Zyq'Dariav
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Nivasi didn't see her naming of the guards as pointing out culprits, they were just facts of life on the dock. Death and taxes, Hunter and Tidus. So it surprised her when Fethryn started listing off outlandish motives. She shook her head.

"No, as far as I know Cassander has no problem with slaves, and Brice pays his taxes. He is not a noble, but he has enough nels to be almost on that level. Hitting his business wouldn't win anyone any favour with the King. Besides which, he would not have the resources. You want to sink or capture a ship at sea you need the boat and men to do it. Hunter might have a few unsavouries who owe him, but he is more of a lone operator. Extortion, limited wetwork, that sort of thing."

Hunter was a heel, there was no doubt about that, but she didn't think he was involved this time. As for Tidus..

"And not Tidus. He is legitimately a good man. I suppose he might be anti-slave, I do not think his people practice slavery, but again he would have no way to pull it off. At most if you went full conspiracy he might have passed route and timing information, but I doubt it. He is just not nearly underhanded enough."

And honestly if someone had been selling that sort of information it was more likely to be one of Brices own men. That would be the easiest and simplest explanation.

"Hmm, it would be simple enough to check.. Discreetly ask one of his stevedores.."

She trailed off, eyes distant as she thought about it. Obviously you didn't want to just walk up "Hey I hear someone stole your ships, who dunnit?". You could. People were nosy. Some people likely would. Nivasi did not like to be associated with trouble though. So find out what happened to the ships without directly asking. It was easy enough if distasteful to find a reason to ask. Surely many people had been expecting the... the cargo. As much as she did not want to be known as someone who supported slaving, finding it one of the most distasteful practices in Idalos, that was the path of least resistance.

Finishing her meal, she careful set down the cutlery together on the plate. She took another long slow drink, swirling it about in her mouth for a minute. If she did not go with him,a s well a snot knowing about possible danger, it was possible Fethryn would throw some of his farther fetched theories at the people they were about. In some cases that would not end well. While she still found him hard to keep up with and a bit overwhelming, she didn't want him dead.

"If you are ready then."

She rose, looking to see if he was coming before leaving the building, heading down for the Docks.

"I think the easiest way is to inquire on a slave we were waiting for. I am expanding. I cannot run my business alone. I intend a larger ship and will need crew for it. We'd heard there was a slave with those specific talents, and yet we have been watching the market and seen nothing. Brices offering in general are light. Where are they? This should prompt an explanation of the loss."
word count: 565
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